Add 'showForest' and 'drawForest' functions

This commit is contained in:
Jordan Martinez 2019-04-17 20:21:15 -07:00
parent bce8f4fcc8
commit 4f246a0a66

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@ -19,18 +19,42 @@ mkTree = mkCofree
-- | Draw a 2D `String` representation of a `Tree String`.
drawTree :: Tree String -> String
drawTree t = tailRec go {level: 0, drawn: (head t) <> "\n", current: (tail t)}
drawTree = drawTree' 0
-- | Draw a 2D `String` representation of a `Tree String`,
-- | starting the indent at the given level
drawTree' :: Int -> Tree String -> String
drawTree' level t =
treeRoot = (power " " level) <> "|----> " <> (head t) <> "\n"
treeChildren = drawForest' (level + 1) (tail t)
in treeRoot <> treeChildren
-- | Draw a 2D `String` representation of a `Forest String`,
drawForest :: Forest String -> String
drawForest = drawForest' 0
-- | Draw a 2D `String` representation of a `Forest String`,
-- | starting the indent at the given level
drawForest' :: Int -> Forest String -> String
drawForest' level forest = tailRec goForest { level: level, drawn: "", current: forest }
go :: { current :: Forest String , drawn :: String , level :: Int } -> Step { current :: Forest String , drawn :: String , level :: Int } String
go {level: l, drawn: s, current: Nil} = Done s
go {level: l, drawn: s, current: c:cs } =
let drawn = (power " " l) <> "|----> " <> (head c) <> "\n" in
Loop {level: l, drawn: s <> drawn <> (tailRec go {level: l + 1, drawn: "", current: (tail c)}) , current: cs}
goForest :: { current :: Forest String , drawn :: String , level :: Int }
-> Step { current :: Forest String , drawn :: String , level :: Int } String
goForest {level: l, drawn: s, current: Nil} = Done s
goForest {level: l, drawn: s, current: c:cs } =
let drawnTree = drawTree' l c in
Loop {level: l, drawn: s <> drawnTree, current: cs}
-- | Draw a 2D `String` representation of a `Tree` composed of `Show`able
-- | elements.
showTree :: forall a. Show a => Tree a -> String
showTree = drawTree <<< (map show)
showTree tree = drawTree (show <$> tree)
-- | Draw a 2D `String` representation of a `Forest` composed of `Show`able
-- | elements.
showForest :: forall a. Show a => Forest a -> String
showForest forest = drawForest ((\tree -> show <$> tree) <$> forest)
-- | Scan a `Tree`, accumulating values of `b` there are constant across `Node`s
-- | that have the same parent.