Fix toValue in select

This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2023-04-19 16:51:49 +02:00
parent dbba07fafc
commit 2015e4ab6c
127 changed files with 2846 additions and 2193 deletions

View File

@ -46,119 +46,124 @@ mkHighlighterTheme ∷
{ grey ∷ Color
, highlightColour ∷ Color
, textColour ∷ Color
} ->
mkHighlighterTheme theme =
{ hljs:
{ display: "inline"
, overflowX: "auto"
, color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ Color.mix HSL (Color.desaturate 0.5 theme.highlightColour) (Color.desaturate 0.3 theme.textColour) 0.4
{ display: "inline"
, overflowX: "auto"
, color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ Color.mix HSL
(Color.desaturate 0.5 theme.highlightColour)
(Color.desaturate 0.3 theme.textColour)
, "hljs-keyword":
{ color: "var(--highlight)"
, fontWeight: "normal"
{ color: "var(--highlight)"
, fontWeight: "normal"
, "hljs-symbol":
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ theme.highlightColour
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ theme.highlightColour
, "hljs-type":
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA theme.highlightColour
, fontWeight: "normal"
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA theme.highlightColour
, fontWeight: "normal"
, "hljs-string":
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ theme.highlightColour # Color.rotateHue (-15.0)
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ theme.highlightColour # Color.rotateHue
, "hljs-title":
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ theme.highlightColour # Color.rotateHue 15.0
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ theme.highlightColour # Color.rotateHue
, "hljs-comment":
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ theme.grey
{ color: Color.cssStringRGBA $ theme.grey
, "hljs-selector-tag":
{ color: "yellow"
, fontWeight: "bold"
{ color: "yellow"
, fontWeight: "bold"
, "hljs-literal":
{ color: "green"
, fontWeight: "bold"
{ color: "green"
, fontWeight: "bold"
, "hljs-section":
{ color: "darkslateblue"
, fontWeight: "bold"
{ color: "darkslateblue"
, fontWeight: "bold"
, "hljs-link":
{ color: "yellow"
{ color: "yellow"
, "hljs-subst":
{ color: "#ddd"
{ color: "#ddd"
, "hljs-name":
{ color: "#d88"
, fontWeight: "bold"
{ color: "#d88"
, fontWeight: "bold"
, "hljs-attribute":
{ color: "hotpink"
{ color: "hotpink"
, "hljs-bullet":
{ color: "#d88"
{ color: "#d88"
, "hljs-built_in":
{ color: "#d88"
{ color: "#d88"
, "hljs-addition":
{ color: "#d88"
{ color: "#d88"
, "hljs-variable":
{ color: "#d88"
{ color: "#d88"
, "hljs-template-tag":
{ color: "#d88"
{ color: "#d88"
, "hljs-template-variable":
{ color: "#d88"
{ color: "#d88"
, "hljs-quote":
{ color: "#777"
{ color: "#777"
, "hljs-deletion":
{ color: "#777"
{ color: "#777"
, "hljs-meta":
{ color: "#777"
{ color: "#777"
, "hljs-doctag":
{ fontWeight: "bold"
{ fontWeight: "bold"
, "hljs-strong":
{ fontWeight: "bold"
{ fontWeight: "bold"
, "hljs-emphasis":
{ fontStyle: "italic"
{ fontStyle: "italic"

View File

@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ import React.Basic.SyntaxHighlighter.Component as SH
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
default ∷
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "React Syntax Highlighter"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
[ \storyFn →
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
syntaxHighlighter ∷ Effect JSX
@ -33,42 +33,42 @@ syntaxHighlighter = do
, element SH.syntaxHighlighter
{ language: "purescript"
, style:
{ grey: Color.rgb 80 80 80
, highlightColour: Color.rgb 30 220 190
, textColour: Color.rgb 220 220 220
{ grey: Color.rgb 80 80 80
, highlightColour: Color.rgb 30 220 190
, textColour: Color.rgb 220 220 220
, children: exampleCode
, R.h2_ [ R.text "Javascript Example" ]
, element SH.syntaxHighlighter
{ language: "javascript"
, style:
{ grey: Color.rgb 50 50 50
, highlightColour: Color.rgb 230 20 90
, textColour: Color.rgb 250 250 250
{ grey: Color.rgb 50 50 50
, highlightColour: Color.rgb 230 20 90
, textColour: Color.rgb 250 250 250
, children:
"""undefined is not a function"""
"""undefined is not a function"""
, R.h2_ [ R.text "Go Example" ]
, element SH.syntaxHighlighter
{ language: "golang"
, style:
{ grey: Color.rgb 50 50 50
, highlightColour: Color.rgb 200 70 190
, textColour: Color.rgb 250 250 250
{ grey: Color.rgb 50 50 50
, highlightColour: Color.rgb 200 70 190
, textColour: Color.rgb 250 250 250
, children:
"""if err != nil { log.Fatalf("hohoho") }"""
"""if err != nil { log.Fatalf("hohoho") }"""
exampleCode ∷ String
exampleCode =
"""module Main where
exampleCode ∷ String
exampleCode =
"""module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)

View File

@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ foreign import closestCorners ∷ CollisionDetection
foreign import data SensorDescriptor ∷ Type
dndContext ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q DndContextProps => ReactComponent { | p }
dndContext ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q DndContextProps ReactComponent { | p }
dndContext = dndContextImpl
active ∷ EventFn SyntheticEvent (Maybe Draggable)
active = unsafeEventFn \e -> toMaybe (unsafeCoerce e).active
active = unsafeEventFn \e toMaybe (unsafeCoerce e).active
over ∷ EventFn SyntheticEvent (Maybe Draggable)
over = unsafeEventFn \e -> toMaybe (unsafeCoerce e).over
over = unsafeEventFn \e toMaybe (unsafeCoerce e).over
type Draggable =
{ id ∷ String }
@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ type SortableContextProps =
-- | `items` is the sorted array of the unique ids associated to each sortable item
foreign import sortableContextImpl ∷ ∀ props. ReactComponent { | props }
sortableContext ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q SortableContextProps => ReactComponent { | p }
sortableContext ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q SortableContextProps ReactComponent { | p }
sortableContext = sortableContextImpl
useSortable ∷ SortableArgs -> Hook (UseSortable SortableArgs) SortableResult
useSortable ∷ SortableArgs Hook (UseSortable SortableArgs) SortableResult
useSortable args =
map toSortableResult
$ unsafeHook
$ runEffectFn1 useSortableImpl args
foreign import data UseSortable ∷ Type -> Type -> Type
foreign import data UseSortable ∷ Type → Type → Type
foreign import useSortableImpl ∷
@ -83,16 +83,16 @@ type SortableArgs =
type SortableResultImpl =
{ attributes ∷
{ "aria-describedby" ∷ String
, "aria-pressed" ∷ String
, "aria-roledescription" ∷ String
, role ∷ String
, tabIndex ∷ Int
{ "aria-describedby" ∷ String
, "aria-pressed" ∷ String
, "aria-roledescription" ∷ String
, role ∷ String
, tabIndex ∷ Int
, listeners ∷
{ onKeyDown ∷ EventHandler
, onPointerDown ∷ EventHandler
{ onKeyDown ∷ EventHandler
, onPointerDown ∷ EventHandler
, setNodeRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
, transform ∷ Foreign
, transition ∷ Foreign
@ -100,20 +100,20 @@ type SortableResultImpl =
type SortableResult =
{ attributes ∷
{ _aria ∷ Object String
, role ∷ String
, tabIndex ∷ Int
{ _aria ∷ Object String
, role ∷ String
, tabIndex ∷ Int
, listeners ∷
{ onKeyDown ∷ EventHandler
, onPointerDown ∷ EventHandler
{ onKeyDown ∷ EventHandler
, onPointerDown ∷ EventHandler
, setNodeRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
, transform ∷ Foreign
, transition ∷ Foreign
toSortableResult ∷ SortableResultImpl -> SortableResult
toSortableResult ∷ SortableResultImpl SortableResult
toSortableResult sri =
( Builder.modify (Proxy ∷ _ "attributes")
@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ toSortableResult sri =
<<< Builder.delete (Proxy ∷ _ "aria-pressed")
<<< Builder.delete (Proxy ∷ _ "aria-roledescription")
<<< Builder.insert (Proxy ∷ _ "_aria")
( Object.fromHomogeneous
{ describedby: sri.attributes."aria-describedby"
, pressed: sri.attributes."aria-pressed"
, roledescription: sri.attributes."aria-roledescription"
( Object.fromHomogeneous
{ describedby: sri.attributes."aria-describedby"
, pressed: sri.attributes."aria-pressed"
, roledescription: sri.attributes."aria-roledescription"
@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ foreign import restrictToFirstScrollableAncestor ∷ Modifier
foreign import restrictToWindowEdges ∷ Modifier
arrayMove ∷ ∀ a. Int -> Int -> Array a -> Array a
arrayMove ∷ ∀ a. Int → Int → Array a → Array a
arrayMove source target arr = runFn3 arrayMoveImpl arr source target
foreign import arrayMoveImpl ∷ ∀ a. Fn3 (Array a) Int Int (Array a)
foreign import cssToString ∷ Foreign -> String
foreign import cssToString ∷ Foreign String
foreign import data Sensor ∷ Type
@ -161,18 +161,18 @@ foreign import keyboardSensor ∷ Sensor
foreign import pointerSensor ∷ Sensor
foreign import data UseSensor ∷ Type -> Type
foreign import data UseSensor ∷ Type Type
foreign import useSensorImpl ∷ ∀ args. Fn2 Sensor { | args } SensorDescriptor
useSensor ∷ ∀ r. Sensor -> Record r -> SensorDescriptor
useSensor ∷ ∀ r. Sensor → Record r → SensorDescriptor
useSensor sensor args = runFn2 useSensorImpl sensor args
foreign import data UseSensors ∷ Type -> Type
foreign import data UseSensors ∷ Type Type
foreign import useSensorsImpl ∷ EffectFn1 (Array SensorDescriptor) Sensors
useSensors ∷ ∀ hooks. Array SensorDescriptor -> Hook hooks Sensors
useSensors ∷ ∀ hooks. Array SensorDescriptor Hook hooks Sensors
useSensors args =
$ runEffectFn1 useSensorsImpl args

View File

@ -36,32 +36,32 @@ data ResizeObserverBoxOptions
| ContentBox
| DevicePixelContentBox
optionsToFFI ∷ ResizeObserverBoxOptions -> String
optionsToFFI ∷ ResizeObserverBoxOptions String
optionsToFFI BorderBox = "border-box"
optionsToFFI ContentBox = "content-box"
optionsToFFI DevicePixelContentBox = "device-pixel-content-box"
foreign import resizeObserver
( Array ResizeObserverEntry
-> ResizeObserver
-> Effect Unit
-> Effect ResizeObserver
foreign import resizeObserver
( Array ResizeObserverEntry
Effect Unit
Effect ResizeObserver
foreign import _observe ∷ ∀ r. Record r -> ResizeObserver -> Element -> Effect Unit
foreign import _observe ∷ ∀ r. Record r → ResizeObserver → Element → Effect Unit
-> ResizeObserver
-> Element
-> Effect Unit
Effect Unit
observe options = _observe { box: optionsToFFI options }
foreign import unobserve
-> Element
-> Effect Unit
foreign import unobserve
Effect Unit
foreign import disconnect
-> Effect Unit
foreign import disconnect
Effect Unit

View File

@ -11,27 +11,27 @@ import Record as Record
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
∀ attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_div ⇒ ReactComponent (Record attrs)
∀ attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_div ⇒ ReactComponent (Record attrs)
div' = R.div'
∀ attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_span ⇒ ReactComponent (Record attrs)
∀ attrs attrs_. Union attrs attrs_ Props_span ⇒ ReactComponent (Record attrs)
span' = R.span'
∀ attrs attrs_
. Union attrs attrs_ Props_button
ReactComponent (Record attrs)
∀ attrs attrs_.
Union attrs attrs_ Props_button
ReactComponent (Record attrs)
button' = R.button'
∀ props
. Lacks "children" props
ReactComponent { children ∷ Array JSX | props }
Record props
Array JSX
∀ props.
Lacks "children" props
ReactComponent { children ∷ Array JSX | props }
Record props
Array JSX
el x props children =
Hooks.element x (Record.insert (Proxy ∷ Proxy "children") children props)
@ -39,39 +39,39 @@ infixl 5 el as </
infixr 0 DF.apply as />
∀ props
. Lacks "children" props
ReactComponent { | props }
Record props
∀ props.
Lacks "children" props
ReactComponent { | props }
Record props
leaf x props = Hooks.element x props
infixl 5 leaf as </>
∀ props
. Lacks "children" props
ReactComponent { children ∷ Array JSX | props }
{ css ∷ Emotion.Style | props }
Array JSX
∀ props.
Lacks "children" props
ReactComponent { children ∷ Array JSX | props }
{ css ∷ Emotion.Style | props }
Array JSX
styled x props children =
( unsafeCoerce Emotion.element
∀ r. ReactComponent { | r } → { css ∷ Emotion.Style | r } → JSX
( unsafeCoerce Emotion.element
∀ r. ReactComponent { | r } → { css ∷ Emotion.Style | r } → JSX
) x
(Record.insert (Proxy ∷ Proxy "children") children props)
infixl 5 styled as </*
∀ props
. ReactComponent { | props }
{ css ∷ Emotion.Style | props }
∀ props.
ReactComponent { | props }
{ css ∷ Emotion.Style | props }
styledLeaf x =
( unsafeCoerce Emotion.element
∀ r. ReactComponent { | r } → { css ∷ Emotion.Style | r } → JSX
( unsafeCoerce Emotion.element
∀ r. ReactComponent { | r } → { css ∷ Emotion.Style | r } → JSX
) x
infixl 5 styledLeaf as </*>

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ icon' = Icon.component
input' ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Input.Props ⇒ ReactComponent { | p }
input' = Input.component
input ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Input.Props ⇒ { | p } → JSX
input ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Input.Props ⇒ { | p } → JSX
input = React.element input'
image ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Image.Props ⇒ { | p } → JSX

View File

@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ instance BoundedEnum ButtonType where
fromEnum = genericFromEnum
toEnum = genericToEnum
renderButtonType ∷ ButtonType -> String
renderButtonType ∷ ButtonType String
renderButtonType = case _ of
Primary -> "primary"
Generic -> "generic"
Dangerous -> "dangerous"
Primary "primary"
Generic "generic"
Dangerous "dangerous"
data ButtonShape
= Rounded
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ instance BoundedEnum ButtonShape where
fromEnum = genericFromEnum
toEnum = genericToEnum
renderButtonShape ∷ ButtonShape -> String
renderButtonShape ∷ ButtonShape String
renderButtonShape = case _ of
Rounded -> "rounded"
Pill -> "pill"
Flat -> "flat"
Rounded "rounded"
Pill "pill"
Flat "flat"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Yoga.Block.Hook.UseDrip (useDrip)
import Yoga.Block.Internal (ButtonWritablePropsNoChildrenF, objectToStyle, toStyleObject)
import Yoga.Block.Quark.Drip.View as Drip
type PropsF :: forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type PropsF ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type PropsF f r =
( buttonType ∷ f ButtonType
, buttonShape ∷ f ButtonShape
@ -36,30 +36,30 @@ type Props =
type PropsOptional =
PropsF OptionalProp (ButtonReadableProps)
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props => ReactComponent { | p }
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props ReactComponent { | p }
component = rawComponent
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawComponent =
mkForwardRefComponent "Button" do
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) propsRef ->
backupRef <- React.useRef null
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) propsRef
backupRef React.useRef null
let ref = forwardedRefAsMaybe propsRef # fromMaybe backupRef
let buttonType = props.buttonType ?|| Button.Generic
let buttonShape = props.buttonShape ?|| Button.Rounded
rippleʔ = props.ripple # opToMaybe # case buttonShape of
Button.Flat -> case buttonType of
Button.Primary ->
Button.Flat case buttonType of
fromMaybe colour.highlightLighter >>> Just
_ -> fromMaybe colour.highlightAlpha50 >>> Just
_ -> identity
dripValues <- useDrip ref
_ fromMaybe colour.highlightAlpha50 >>> Just
_ identity
dripValues useDrip ref
let propsChildren = unsafeGet "children" props # reactChildrenToArray
children = reactChildrenFromArray case rippleʔ of
Nothing -> propsChildren
Just rippleColour -> do
Nothing propsChildren
Just rippleColour do
( Drip.component
@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ rawComponent =
onClick = case unsafeGet "onClick" props # uorToMaybe of
Just givenHandler -> handler syntheticEvent \e -> do
Just givenHandler → handler syntheticEvent \e → do
void $ runEffectFn1 givenHandler e
void $ runEffectFn1 dripValues.onClick e
Nothing -> dripValues.onClick
Nothing dripValues.onClick
props' = props
# unsafeSet "onClick" onClick

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Atom.Icon.Style where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (colour)
type Props ∷ forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type Props ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type Props f r =
( css ∷ f Style
, colour ∷ f StyleProperty
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type Props f r =
| r
span ∷ ∀ r. { | Props OptionalProp r } -> Style
span ∷ ∀ r. { | Props OptionalProp r } Style
span props =
inlineFlex <>

View File

@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ type PropsF f =
| Style.Props f (MandatoryProps ())
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props => ReactComponent { | MandatoryProps p }
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props ReactComponent { | MandatoryProps p }
component = rawComponent
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawComponent =
mkForwardRefComponent "Yoga Icon" \(props ∷ { | PropsF OptionalProp }) ref ->
$ span'
{ className: "ry-icon" <>? props.className
, css: Style.span props
, ref
/> [ props.icon ]
mkForwardRefComponent "Yoga Icon" \(props ∷ { | PropsF OptionalProp }) ref →
$ span'
{ className: "ry-icon" <>? props.className
, css: Style.span props
, ref
/> [ props.icon ]

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ module Yoga.Block.Atom.Image.Style where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
type Props :: forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type Props ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type Props f r =
( css ∷ f Style
| r
style :: forall r. { | Props OptionalProp r } -> Style
style ∷ ∀ r. { | Props OptionalProp r } → Style
style props = css {} <>? props.css

View File

@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ derive instance Eq CrossOrigin
derive instance Ord CrossOrigin
derive newtype instance Show CrossOrigin
crossOriginAnonymous :: CrossOrigin
crossOriginAnonymous CrossOrigin
crossOriginAnonymous = CrossOrigin "anonymous"
crossOriginUseCredentials :: CrossOrigin
crossOriginUseCredentials CrossOrigin
crossOriginUseCredentials = CrossOrigin "use-credentials"
newtype Decoding = Decoding String
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ derive instance Eq Decoding
derive instance Ord Decoding
derive newtype instance Show Decoding
decodingSync :: Decoding
decodingSync Decoding
decodingSync = Decoding "sync"
decodingAsync :: Decoding
decodingAsync Decoding
decodingAsync = Decoding "async"
newtype Loading = Loading String
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ derive instance Eq Loading
derive instance Ord Loading
derive newtype instance Show Loading
loadingEager :: Loading
loadingEager Loading
loadingEager = Loading "eager"
loadingLazy :: Loading
loadingLazy Loading
loadingLazy = Loading "lazy"
newtype ReferrerPolicy = ReferrerPolicy String
@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ referrerPolicyNoReferrer ∷ ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicyNoReferrer = ReferrerPolicy "no-referrer"
refererPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade ∷ ReferrerPolicy
refererPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade = ReferrerPolicy "no-referrer-when-downgrade"
refererPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade = ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicyOrigin ∷ ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicyOrigin = ReferrerPolicy "origin"
@ -84,13 +85,15 @@ referrerPolicyStrictOrigin ∷ ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicyStrictOrigin = ReferrerPolicy "strict-origin"
referrerPolicyStrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin ∷ ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicyStrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin = ReferrerPolicy "strict-origin-when-cross-origin"
referrerPolicyStrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin = ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicySameOrigin ∷ ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicySameOrigin = ReferrerPolicy "same-origin"
referrerPolicySameOriginWhenCrossOrigin ∷ ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicySameOriginWhenCrossOrigin = ReferrerPolicy "same-origin-when-cross-origin"
referrerPolicySameOriginWhenCrossOrigin = ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicyNever ∷ ReferrerPolicy
referrerPolicyNever = ReferrerPolicy "never"

View File

@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ newtype UseTypingPlaceholders hooks = UseTypingPlaceholders
derive instance Newtype (UseTypingPlaceholders hooks) _
String → Array String → Hook UseTypingPlaceholders NodeRef
String → Array String → Hook UseTypingPlaceholders NodeRef
useTypingPlaceholders defaultPlaceholder otherPlaceholders = coerceHook
let placeholders = NEA.cons' defaultPlaceholder otherPlaceholders
inputRef ← React.useRef Nullable.null

View File

@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ import Yoga.Block.Atom.Input.View (passwordIcon)
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (colour)
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
∷ { decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
, title ∷ String
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX → JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Atom/Input"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ \storyFn
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
@ -47,16 +47,36 @@ input = do
[ R.h1_ [ R.text "Input Examples" ]
, R.h3_ [ R.text "With a label" ]
, Block.cluster {}
[ element Input.component { label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "This has a label"), value: "And text", onChange: handler_ mempty }
, element Input.component { label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "This z` gggj"), value: "", onChange: handler_ mempty }
, element Input.component { label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "This has a label"), placeholder: "A j very g long y placeholder, too..." }
, element Input.component { label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Pig nose"), leading: R.text "🐽🤣" }
, element Input.component { label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Pig nose"), trailing: R.text "🤫" }
, element Input.component { label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Pig nose"), leading: R.text "🌭" }
, element Input.component { sizeVariant: SizeSmall, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Small") }
, element Input.component { sizeVariant: SizeTiny, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Tiny") }
, element Input.component { sizeVariant: SizeSmall, placeholder: "Small without label" }
, element Input.component { sizeVariant: SizeTiny, placeholder: "Tiny without label" }
[ element Input.component
{ label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "This has a label")
, value: "And text"
, onChange: handler_ mempty
, element Input.component
{ label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "This z` gggj")
, value: ""
, onChange: handler_ mempty
, element Input.component
{ label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "This has a label")
, placeholder: "A j very g long y placeholder, too..."
, element Input.component
{ label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Pig nose"), leading: R.text "🐽🤣" }
, element Input.component
{ label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Pig nose"), trailing: R.text "🤫" }
, element Input.component
{ label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Pig nose"), leading: R.text "🌭" }
, element Input.component
{ sizeVariant: SizeSmall, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Small") }
, element Input.component
{ sizeVariant: SizeTiny, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Tiny") }
, element Input.component
{ sizeVariant: SizeSmall
, placeholder: "Small without label"
, element Input.component
{ sizeVariant: SizeTiny, placeholder: "Tiny without label" }
{ background: colour.backgroundLayer3
@ -77,13 +97,30 @@ input = do
, leading: R.text "🌭"
, element Input.component { label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Pig nose"), leading: R.text "⭐", trailing: R.text "🔮" }
, element Input.component
{ label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Pig nose")
, leading: R.text "⭐"
, trailing: R.text "🔮"
, R.h2_ [ R.text "Generic Input" ]
, Input.component </> { value: "A Generic Input", onChange: handler_ mempty }
, Input.component </>
{ value: "A Generic Input", onChange: handler_ mempty }
, R.h2_ [ R.text "Validation on text Input" ]
, element Input.component { type: HTMLInput.Text, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Is undefined a function?"), value: "Yes, why not?", onChange: handler_ mempty, _aria: Object.singleton "invalid" "true" }
, element Input.component { type: HTMLInput.Text, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "What's the type of null?"), value: "object", onChange: handler_ mempty, _aria: Object.singleton "invalid" "false" }
, element Input.component
{ type: HTMLInput.Text
, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Is undefined a function?")
, value: "Yes, why not?"
, onChange: handler_ mempty
, _aria: Object.singleton "invalid" "true"
, element Input.component
{ type: HTMLInput.Text
, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "What's the type of null?")
, value: "object"
, onChange: handler_ mempty
, _aria: Object.singleton "invalid" "false"
, R.h2_ [ R.text "Required fields" ]
, element Input.component
{ type: HTMLInput.Text
@ -95,21 +132,49 @@ input = do
{ type: HTMLInput.Text
, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Is undefined really a function?")
, Input.component </> { type: HTMLInput.Text, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Now this is really just excessively long and you should avoid it.") }
, Input.component </>
{ type: HTMLInput.Text
, label: nes
( Proxy ∷
"Now this is really just excessively long and you should avoid it."
, Input.component
{ css: E.css { width: E.str "500px" }
, type: HTMLInput.Text
, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "You can avoid this problem by setting a custom width")
, label: nes
( Proxy ∷
"You can avoid this problem by setting a custom width"
, R.h2_ [ R.text "Password" ]
, passComponent </> {}
, R.h2_ [ R.text "Text Input" ]
, element Input.component { type: HTMLInput.Text, value: "Some text", onChange: handler_ mempty }
, element Input.component { type: HTMLInput.Text, placeholder: "Placeholder", onChange: handler_ mempty }
, element Input.component { type: HTMLInput.Text, value: "", label: NonEmptyString "Heinzi", onChange: handler_ mempty }
, element Input.component
{ type: HTMLInput.Text
, value: "Some text"
, onChange: handler_ mempty
, element Input.component
{ type: HTMLInput.Text
, placeholder: "Placeholder"
, onChange: handler_ mempty
, element Input.component
{ type: HTMLInput.Text
, value: ""
, label: NonEmptyString "Heinzi"
, onChange: handler_ mempty
, R.h2_ [ R.text "Search Input" ]
, element Input.component { type: HTMLInput.Search, placeholder: "Search...", onChange: handler_ mempty }
, element Input.component
{ type: HTMLInput.Search
, placeholder: "Search..."
, onChange: handler_ mempty
-- , element Input.component { type: "submit" }
-- , R.h2_ [ R.text "Radio" ]
-- , element Input.component { type: "radio" }
@ -127,14 +192,17 @@ input = do
passComponent =
$ reactComponent "Password Example" do
\{} ->
password /\ setPassword <- React.useState' ""
hidePassword /\ modifyHidePassword <- React.useState true
password /\ setPassword React.useState' ""
hidePassword /\ modifyHidePassword React.useState true
$ Input.component
{ type: if hidePassword then HTMLInput.Password else HTMLInput.Text
, trailing: passwordIcon </> { hidePassword, modifyHidePassword }
{ type:
if hidePassword then HTMLInput.Password
else HTMLInput.Text
, trailing: passwordIcon </>
{ hidePassword, modifyHidePassword }
, value: password
, onChange: handler targetValue (traverse_ setPassword)
, label: nes (Proxy ∷ _ "Password")

View File

@ -29,26 +29,26 @@ data HTMLInputType
derive instance eqHTMLInput ∷ Eq HTMLInputType
toString ∷ HTMLInputType -> String
toString ∷ HTMLInputType String
toString = case _ of
Checkbox -> "checkbox"
Color -> "color"
Date -> "date"
DatetimeLocal -> "datetime-local"
Email -> "email"
File -> "file"
Hidden -> "hidden"
Image -> "image"
Month -> "month"
Number -> "number"
Password -> "password"
Radio -> "radio"
Range -> "range"
Reset -> "reset"
Search -> "search"
Submit -> "submit"
Tel -> "tel"
Text -> "text"
Time -> "time"
Url -> "url"
Week -> "week"
Checkbox "checkbox"
Color "color"
Date "date"
DatetimeLocal "datetime-local"
Email "email"
File "file"
Hidden "hidden"
Image "image"
Month "month"
Number "number"
Password "password"
Radio "radio"
Range "range"
Reset "reset"
Search "search"
Submit "submit"
Tel "tel"
Text "text"
Time "time"
Url "url"
Week "week"

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Yoga.Block.Atom.Input.View.Label as Label
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (colour)
import Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG as SVGIcon
type PropsF ∷ ∀ k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type PropsF ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type PropsF f r =
( leading ∷ f JSX
, trailing ∷ f JSX
@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ type Props =
type PropsOptional =
PropsF OptionalProp (InputReadableProps)
component ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Props => ReactComponent { | p }
component ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Props ReactComponent { | p }
component = rawComponent
mkLeftIcon ∷ JSX -> JSX
mkLeftIcon ∷ JSX JSX
mkLeftIcon icon =
@ -56,28 +56,29 @@ mkLeftIcon icon =
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent (Record p)
rawComponent =
mkForwardRefComponent "YogaInput" do
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) propsRef ->
backupId <- useId
hasFocus /\ setHasFocus <- useState' false
inputBackupRef ∷ NodeRef <- useRef null
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) propsRef
backupId useId
hasFocus /\ setHasFocus useState' false
inputBackupRef ∷ NodeRef useRef null
let inputRef = props.inputRef ?|| inputBackupRef
backupRef ∷ NodeRef <- useRef null
backupRef ∷ NodeRef useRef null
let ref = forwardedRefAsMaybe propsRef # fromMaybe backupRef
maybeValue ∷ Maybe String
maybeValue = props.value # opToMaybe
internalValue /\ setValue <- useState' ""
internalValue /\ setValue useState' ""
hasValue = case maybeValue of
Just v -> v /= ""
Nothing -> internalValue /= ""
Just v v /= ""
Nothing internalValue /= ""
aria ∷ Object String
aria = props._aria # opToMaybe # fold
labelId ∷ String
labelId = ?|| backupId # (_ <> "-label")
renderSmallLabel = isTruthy props.forceSmallLabel || hasFocus || hasValue
renderSmallLabel = isTruthy props.forceSmallLabel || hasFocus ||
renderLargeLabel ∷ Boolean
renderLargeLabel = not renderSmallLabel
@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ rawComponent =
maybeLabelText ∷ Maybe NonEmptyString
maybeLabelText = props.label # opToMaybe
mkLabel ∷ NonEmptyString -> JSX
mkLabel ∷ NonEmptyString JSX
mkLabel labelText =
@ -117,15 +118,15 @@ rawComponent =
maybePlaceholder ∷ Maybe String
maybePlaceholder = do
given <- props.placeholder # opToMaybe
given props.placeholder # opToMaybe
if isJust maybeLabelText && hasFocus then Just given else Nothing
onBlur = handler_ do
when hasFocus $ setHasFocus false
el <- getHTMLElementFromRef ref
el getHTMLElementFromRef ref
let inputEl = InputElement.fromHTMLElement =<< el
for_ inputEl \ie -> do
v <- InputElement.value ie
for_ inputEl \ie do
v InputElement.value ie
setValue v
onFocus = handler_ (unless hasFocus $ setHasFocus true)
@ -148,7 +149,12 @@ rawComponent =
theInput =
( ( (cast ∷ _ -> { | HTMLInput.PropsF OptionalProp (InputWritablePropsF OptionalProp ()) })
( ( ( cast ∷
_ →
{ | HTMLInput.PropsF OptionalProp
(InputWritablePropsF OptionalProp ())
( ( inputProps
( RB.delete (Proxy ∷ _ "leading")
@ -166,7 +172,8 @@ rawComponent =
{ hasFocus: hasFocus
, isInvalid: aria # Object.lookup "invalid" <#> (_ == "true") # maybeToOp
, isInvalid: aria # Object.lookup "invalid" <#> (_ == "true") #
, css: props.css
, background: props.background
, borderColour: props.borderColour
@ -176,29 +183,29 @@ rawComponent =
, sizeVariant: props.sizeVariant
[ leading # foldMap \l -> div' </ {} /> [ l ]
[ leading # foldMap \l div' </ {} /> [ l ]
, theInput
, trailing # foldMap \t -> div' </ {} /> [ t ]
, trailing # foldMap \t div' </ {} /> [ t ]
$ case maybeLabelText of
Nothing -> inputContainer
Just labelText ->
Nothing inputContainer
Just labelText
div "ry-label-and-input-wrapper"
(Style.labelAndInputWrapper <>? props.css)
[ inputContainer, mkLabel labelText ]
{ hidePassword ∷ Boolean
, modifyHidePassword ∷ (Boolean -> Boolean) -> Effect Unit
{ hidePassword ∷ Boolean
, modifyHidePassword ∷ (Boolean → Boolean) → Effect Unit
passwordIcon =
$ reactComponent "Password Icon" \props ->
$ reactComponent "Password Icon" \props
pure $ div'
{ onClick: handler preventDefault \_ -> props.modifyHidePassword not
{ onClick: handler preventDefault \_ props.modifyHidePassword not
, className: "ry-input-right-icon-container"
, css: Style.rightIconContainer
@ -215,7 +222,13 @@ passwordIcon =
, initial: M.initial $ css { scaleY: 0.2 }
, animate: M.animate $ css { scaleY: 1.0 }
, exit: M.exit $ css {}
, transition: M.transition { scaleY: { type: "spring", duration: 0.12, bounce: 0.00 } }
, transition: M.transition
{ scaleY:
{ type: "spring"
, duration: 0.12
, bounce: 0.00
[ Icon.component
@ -231,7 +244,13 @@ passwordIcon =
, initial: M.initial $ css { scaleY: 1.0 }
, animate: M.animate $ css { scaleY: 0.4 }
, exit: M.exit $ css { scaleY: 0.2 }
, transition: M.transition { scaleY: { type: "spring", duration: 0.12, bounce: 0.00 } }
, transition: M.transition
{ scaleY:
{ type: "spring"
, duration: 0.12
, bounce: 0.00
[ Icon.component

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Yoga.Block.Atom.Input.Style as Style
import Yoga.Block.Atom.Input.Types (HTMLInputType)
import Yoga.Block.Atom.Input.Types as HTMLInput
type PropsF :: forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type PropsF ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type PropsF f r =
( type ∷ f HTMLInputType
| Style.Props f r
@ -24,18 +24,23 @@ type Props =
type PropsOptional =
PropsF OptionalProp (InputReadableProps)
component ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Props => ReactComponent { | p }
component ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Props ReactComponent { | p }
component = rawComponent
componentOptional ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q (PropsF OptionalProp (InputWritablePropsF OptionalProp ())) => ReactComponent { | p }
componentOptional ∷
∀ p q.
Union p q (PropsF OptionalProp (InputWritablePropsF OptionalProp ())) ⇒
ReactComponent { | p }
componentOptional = rawComponent
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawComponent =
mkForwardRefComponent "Input" do
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref ->
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref
inputWrapper = div' </* { className: "ry-input-wrapper", css: Style.inputWrapper }
input = emotionInput ref inputProps { className: "ry-input", css: Style.input props }
inputWrapper = div' </*
{ className: "ry-input-wrapper", css: Style.inputWrapper }
input = emotionInput ref inputProps
{ className: "ry-input", css: Style.input props }
inputProps = props { type = HTMLInput.toString <$> props.type }
pure do inputWrapper [ input ]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
module Yoga.Block.Atom.PopOver where

View File

@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
default ∷
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Atom/Range"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
[ \storyFn →
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
range ∷ Effect JSX

View File

@ -14,33 +14,33 @@ import Yoga.Block.Atom.Segmented as Segmented
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
default ∷
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Atom/Segmented"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
[ \storyFn →
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
segmented ∷ Effect JSX
segmented = do
demoComponent <- makeDemoComponent
demoComponent makeDemoComponent
pure $ element demoComponent {}
makeDemoComponent =
reactComponent "Segmented Demo" \{} ->
activeIndex /\ setElementIndex <- useState' 2
$ element Segmented.component
{ activeIndex
, updateActiveItem: const setElementIndex
, buttonContents:
makeDemoComponent =
reactComponent "Segmented Demo" \{} →
activeIndex /\ setElementIndex ← useState' 2
$ element Segmented.component
{ activeIndex
, updateActiveItem: const setElementIndex
, buttonContents:
{ id: "gag", value: "2" }
{ id: "nag", value: "1" }
@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ segmented = do
, { id: "four", value: "2" }
, { id: "one", value: "1" }

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Yoga.Prelude.Style
import Data.Interpolate (i)
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (colour)
type Props :: forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type Props ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type Props f r =
( css ∷ f Style
| r
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ activeElement =
, zIndex: str "3"
button ∷ { isFirst ∷ Boolean, isLast ∷ Boolean } -> Style
button ∷ { isFirst ∷ Boolean, isLast ∷ Boolean } Style
button _ =
{ background: color transparent
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ button _ =
, userSelect: none
buttonContent ∷ { isFirst ∷ Boolean, isLast ∷ Boolean } -> Style
buttonContent ∷ { isFirst ∷ Boolean, isLast ∷ Boolean } Style
buttonContent { isFirst, isLast } =
flex <>

View File

@ -29,135 +29,140 @@ import Yoga.Block.Hook.UseWindowResize (useWindowResize)
type Props =
{ buttonContents ∷ TwoOrMore Item
, activeIndex ∷ Int
, updateActiveItem ∷ Item -> Int -> Effect Unit
, updateActiveItem ∷ Item → Int → Effect Unit
component ∷ ReactComponent Props
component =
$ reactComponent "Segmented" \({ buttonContents, activeIndex, updateActiveItem } ∷ Props) ->
-- Store button refs for animation purposes
itemRefs /\ setItemRefs ∷ Maybe (TwoOrMore _) /\ _ <- useState' Nothing
useLayoutEffectOnce do
refs <- traverse (const createRef) buttonContents
setItemRefs (Just refs)
windowSize /\ setWindowSize <- useState' zero
-- Support keyboard input
maxIndex = TwoOrMore.length buttonContents - 1
updateIndex idx = do
newItem = fromMaybe'
(\_ -> TwoOrMore.head buttonContents)
(buttonContents TwoOrMore.!! idx)
updateActiveItem newItem idx
updateTo toIndex = do
for_ itemRefs do blurAtIndex activeIndex
updateIndex toIndex
for_ itemRefs do focusAtIndex toIndex
useKeyDown $ \_ _ -> case _ of
Key.Right ->
when (activeIndex < maxIndex) do
updateTo (activeIndex + 1)
Key.Left ->
when (activeIndex > 0) do
updateTo (activeIndex - 1)
Key.End -> updateTo maxIndex
Key.Home -> updateTo 0
_ -> pure unit
-- Ensure redraw on window resize
newWindowSize <- useWindowResize
useAff newWindowSize do
let δw = abs (newWindowSize.innerWidth - windowSize.innerWidth)
let δh = abs (newWindowSize.innerHeight - windowSize.innerHeight)
if δw < 10.0 || δh < 10.0 then
100.0 # Milliseconds
10.0 # Milliseconds
liftEffect do -- force rerender
refs <- traverse (const createRef) buttonContents
$ reactComponent "Segmented"
\({ buttonContents, activeIndex, updateActiveItem } ∷ Props) →
-- Store button refs for animation purposes
itemRefs /\ setItemRefs ∷ Maybe (TwoOrMore _) /\ _ ← useState' Nothing
useLayoutEffectOnce do
refs ← traverse (const createRef) buttonContents
setItemRefs (Just refs)
setWindowSize windowSize
children ∷ Array JSX
children = refsAndContents <#> mapWithIndex contentToChild # maybe mempty TwoOrMore.toArray
windowSize /\ setWindowSize ← useState' zero
-- Support keyboard input
maxIndex = TwoOrMore.length buttonContents - 1
updateIndex idx = do
newItem = fromMaybe'
(\_ → TwoOrMore.head buttonContents)
(buttonContents TwoOrMore.!! idx)
updateActiveItem newItem idx
refsAndContents ∷ Maybe (TwoOrMore (Item /\ Ref (Nullable Node)))
refsAndContents = buttonContents <$> itemRefs
updateTo toIndex = do
for_ itemRefs do blurAtIndex activeIndex
updateIndex toIndex
for_ itemRefs do focusAtIndex toIndex
useKeyDown $ \_ _ → case _ of
Key.Right →
when (activeIndex < maxIndex) do
updateTo (activeIndex + 1)
Key.Left →
when (activeIndex > 0) do
updateTo (activeIndex - 1)
Key.End → updateTo maxIndex
Key.Home → updateTo 0
_ → pure unit
-- Ensure redraw on window resize
newWindowSize ← useWindowResize
useAff newWindowSize do
let δw = abs (newWindowSize.innerWidth - windowSize.innerWidth)
let δh = abs (newWindowSize.innerHeight - windowSize.innerHeight)
if δw < 10.0 || δh < 10.0 then
100.0 # Milliseconds
10.0 # Milliseconds
liftEffect do -- force rerender
refs ← traverse (const createRef) buttonContents
setItemRefs (Just refs)
setWindowSize windowSize
children ∷ Array JSX
children = refsAndContents <#> mapWithIndex contentToChild # maybe
contentToChild ∷ Int -> (Item /\ Ref (Nullable Node)) -> JSX
contentToChild idx ({ id, value } /\ ref) = do
let isLast = idx + 1 == TwoOrMore.length buttonContents
let isFirst = idx == 0
{ key: show idx
, ref
, css: Style.button { isFirst, isLast }
, className: "ry-segmented-button"
, style: css { pointerEvents: if idx == activeIndex then "none" else "" }
, onClick: handler_ (updateIndex idx)
, role: "tab"
, tabIndex: if idx == activeIndex then 0 else -1
, id
, _aria:
{ selected: show (idx == activeIndex)
refsAndContents ∷ Maybe (TwoOrMore (Item /\ Ref (Nullable Node)))
refsAndContents = buttonContents <$> itemRefs
contentToChild ∷ Int → (Item /\ Ref (Nullable Node)) → JSX
contentToChild idx ({ id, value } /\ ref) = do
let isLast = idx + 1 == TwoOrMore.length buttonContents
let isFirst = idx == 0
{ key: show idx
, ref
, css: Style.button { isFirst, isLast }
, className: "ry-segmented-button"
, style: css
{ pointerEvents: if idx == activeIndex then "none" else ""
[ span'
{ className: "ry-segmented-button__content"
, css: Style.buttonContent { isFirst, isLast }
, tabIndex: if idx == activeIndex then 0 else -1
, onClick: handler_ (updateIndex idx)
, role: "tab"
, tabIndex: if idx == activeIndex then 0 else -1
, id
, _aria:
{ selected: show (idx == activeIndex)
[ span'
{ className: "ry-segmented-button__content"
, css: Style.buttonContent { isFirst, isLast }
, tabIndex: if idx == activeIndex then 0 else -1
[ R.text value
$ E.element R.div'
{ css: Style.cluster
, className: "ry-segmented-container"
, children:
[ E.element R.div'
{ className: "ry-segmented"
, css: Style.segmented
, role: "tablist"
, children:
# foldMap \activeItemRefs →
React.element ActiveIndicator.component
{ activeItemRefs
, activeItemIndex: activeIndex
, buttonContents
, updateActiveItem
, windowSize
A.: children
[ R.text value
$ E.element R.div'
{ css: Style.cluster
, className: "ry-segmented-container"
, children:
[ E.element R.div'
{ className: "ry-segmented"
, css: Style.segmented
, role: "tablist"
, children:
# foldMap \activeItemRefs ->
React.element ActiveIndicator.component
{ activeItemRefs
, activeItemIndex: activeIndex
, buttonContents
, updateActiveItem
, windowSize
A.: children
getHTMLElementAtIndex ∷ Int -> TwoOrMore (NodeRef) -> Effect (Maybe HTMLElement)
getHTMLElementAtIndex ∷ Int → TwoOrMore (NodeRef) → Effect (Maybe HTMLElement)
getHTMLElementAtIndex idx refs =
runMaybeT do
ref <- refs TwoOrMore.!! idx # pure >>> wrap
node <- React.readRefMaybe ref # wrap
ref ← refs TwoOrMore.!! idx # pure >>> wrap
node ← React.readRefMaybe ref # wrap
HTMLElement.fromNode node # pure >>> wrap
blurAtIndex ∷ Int -> TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node)) -> Effect Unit
blurAtIndex ∷ Int → TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node)) → Effect Unit
blurAtIndex idx refs = do
getHTMLElementAtIndex idx refs >>= traverse_ blur
focusAtIndex ∷ Int -> TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node)) -> Effect Unit
focusAtIndex ∷ Int → TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node)) → Effect Unit
focusAtIndex idx refs = do
getHTMLElementAtIndex idx refs >>= traverse_ focus

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ type Props =
{ activeItemRefs ∷ TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node))
, buttonContents ∷ TwoOrMore Item
, activeItemIndex ∷ Int
, updateActiveItem ∷ Item -> Int -> Effect Unit
, updateActiveItem ∷ Item → Int → Effect Unit
, windowSize ∷ UseWindowResize.Sizes
@ -37,29 +37,34 @@ component ∷ ReactComponent Props
component =
$ reactComponent "SegmentedActive" do
\(props ∷ Props) ->
maybeAnimationVariants /\ setVariants <- useState' Nothing
variantIndex /\ modVariantIndex <- useState props.activeItemIndex
maybeDragXRef <- useRef Nothing
{ scrollX, scrollY } <- useScrollPosition
activeLeft <- useMotionValue 0.0
activeWidth <- useMotionValue 0.0
\(props ∷ Props)
maybeAnimationVariants /\ setVariants useState' Nothing
variantIndex /\ modVariantIndex useState props.activeItemIndex
maybeDragXRef useRef Nothing
{ scrollX, scrollY } useScrollPosition
activeLeft useMotionValue 0.0
activeWidth useMotionValue 0.0
useEffectAlways do
_ <- do
styles <- getStyles props.activeItemRefs
_ do
styles getStyles props.activeItemRefs
unless (maybeAnimationVariants == Just styles) do
setVariants (Just styles)
setDragXRef new = do
writeRef maybeDragXRef new
maybeDragX <- readRef maybeDragXRef
maybeDragX readRef maybeDragXRef
case maybeDragX, maybeAnimationVariants of
Just x, Just animationVariants -> do
let { left, width } = handleDrag { activeItemIndex: props.activeItemIndex, animationVariants, x }
Just x, Just animationVariants → do
{ left, width } = handleDrag
{ activeItemIndex: props.activeItemIndex
, animationVariants
, x
activeLeft # MotionValue.set left
activeWidth # MotionValue.set width
_, _ -> mempty
_, _ mempty
useEffect props.activeItemIndex do
modVariantIndex (const props.activeItemIndex)
@ -74,14 +79,14 @@ component =
variants ∷ Motion.Variants
variants = case maybeAnimationVariants of
Just animationVariants ->
Just animationVariants
# foldMapWithIndex
(\i s -> Object.singleton (show i) (css s))
(\i s Object.singleton (show i) (css s))
# Motion.variantsFromObject
Nothing -> cast undefined
Nothing cast undefined
pure $ maybeAnimationVariants
# foldMap \animationVariants ->
# foldMap \animationVariants
Emotion.element R.div'
{ className: "ry-active-segmented-element-wrapper"
, css: Style.activeElementWrapper
@ -89,57 +94,76 @@ component =
[ Emotion.element Motion.div
{ css: Style.activeElement
, layout: Motion.layout true
, custom: Motion.customProp (({ childRefs: props.activeItemRefs, scrollX, scrollY }) ∷ Custom)
, custom: Motion.customProp
( ( { childRefs: props.activeItemRefs
, scrollX
, scrollY
) ∷ Custom
, variants
, className: "ry-active-segmented-element"
, initial: Motion.initial $ indexToVariant props.activeItemIndex
, initial: Motion.initial $ indexToVariant
, drag: Motion.drag "x"
, dragMomentum: Motion.dragMomentum false
, animate: Motion.animate $ indexToVariant variantIndex
, animate: Motion.animate $ indexToVariant
, style:
{ left: activeLeft
, width: activeWidth
, whileTap: Motion.whileTap $ css { scaleY: 0.8, scaleX: 0.95, y: -1.0 }
, whileTap: Motion.whileTap $ css
{ scaleY: 0.8, scaleX: 0.95, y: -1.0 }
, onDragStart:
Motion.onDragStart \_ pi -> do
maybeBbox <- getBoundingBoxFromRef (TwoOrMore.head props.activeItemRefs)
for_ maybeBbox \bbox ->
Motion.onDragStart \_ pi → do
maybeBbox ← getBoundingBoxFromRef
(TwoOrMore.head props.activeItemRefs)
for_ maybeBbox \bbox →
setDragXRef (Just (pi.point.x - bbox.left))
, onDrag:
Motion.onDrag \_ pi -> do
maybeDragX <- readRef maybeDragXRef
Motion.onDrag \_ pi do
maybeDragX readRef maybeDragXRef
when (isJust maybeDragX) do
maybeBbox <- getBoundingBoxFromRef (TwoOrMore.head props.activeItemRefs)
for_ maybeBbox \bbox ->
maybeBbox ← getBoundingBoxFromRef
(TwoOrMore.head props.activeItemRefs)
for_ maybeBbox \bbox →
setDragXRef (Just (pi.point.x - bbox.left))
, onDragEnd:
Motion.onDragEnd \_ _ -> do
maybeDragX <- readRef maybeDragXRef
Motion.onDragEnd \_ _ do
maybeDragX readRef maybeDragXRef
x = maybeDragX # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "no x"
x = maybeDragX # fromMaybe' \_ →
unsafeCrashWith "no x"
newIdx =
newItem = fromMaybe'
(\_ -> TwoOrMore.head props.buttonContents)
(\_ TwoOrMore.head props.buttonContents)
(props.buttonContents TwoOrMore.!! newIdx)
v =
animationVariants TwoOrMore.!! newIdx
# fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "omg"
# fromMaybe' \_ unsafeCrashWith "omg"
activeLeft # MotionValue.set v.left
activeWidth # MotionValue.set v.width
props.updateActiveItem newItem newIdx
writeRef maybeDragXRef Nothing
, dragElastic: Motion.dragElastic false
, dragConstraints: Motion.dragConstraintsBoundingBox { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }
, dragConstraints: Motion.dragConstraintsBoundingBox
{ left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }
, transition:
{ type: "tween"
, duration: if isJust (unsafePerformEffect (readRef maybeDragXRef)) then 0.0 else 0.167
, duration:
( unsafePerformEffect
(readRef maybeDragXRef)
) then 0.0
else 0.167
, ease: "easeOut"
, _aria: Object.fromHomogeneous { hidden: "true" }
@ -147,13 +171,15 @@ component =
getStyles ∷ TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node)) -> Effect (TwoOrMore BBox)
getStyles ∷ TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node)) Effect (TwoOrMore BBox)
getStyles itemRefs = do
maybeBBs ∷ TwoOrMore (Maybe DOMRect) <- traverse getBoundingBoxFromRef itemRefs
let boundingBoxes = maybeBBs <#> (_ # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "something's wrong")
maybeBBs ∷ TwoOrMore (Maybe DOMRect) ← traverse getBoundingBoxFromRef itemRefs
boundingBoxes = maybeBBs <#>
(_ # fromMaybe' \_ → unsafeCrashWith "something's wrong")
pure (boundingBoxes # map (fn boundingBoxes))
fn ∷ TwoOrMore DOMRect -> DOMRect -> BBox
fn ∷ TwoOrMore DOMRect → DOMRect → BBox
fn boundingBoxes bb = do
let first = TwoOrMore.head boundingBoxes
{ width: bb.width
@ -165,34 +191,36 @@ getStyles itemRefs = do
type Custom =
{ childRefs ∷ TwoOrMore NodeRef, scrollX ∷ Number, scrollY ∷ Number }
indexToVariant ∷ Int -> VariantLabel
indexToVariant ∷ Int VariantLabel
indexToVariant = show >>> unsafeCoerce
type BBox =
{ top ∷ Number, left ∷ Number, width ∷ Number, height ∷ Number }
findOverlapping ∷ Int -> TwoOrMore BBox -> Number -> Int
findOverlapping ∷ Int → TwoOrMore BBox → Number → Int
findOverlapping activeIndex styles x =
fromMaybe activeIndex do
let fst = TwoOrMore.head styles
let lst = TwoOrMore.last styles
let inside e = (e.left < x) && (e.left + e.width) >= x
let tooFarLeft = Alternative.guard (x <= fst.left + fst.width) $> 0
let tooFarRight = Alternative.guard (x >= lst.left) $> TwoOrMore.length styles - 1
tooFarRight = Alternative.guard (x >= lst.left) $> TwoOrMore.length styles
- 1
TwoOrMore.findIndex inside styles <|> tooFarLeft <|> tooFarRight
{ activeItemIndex ∷ Int
, animationVariants ∷ TwoOrMore BBox
, x ∷ Number
-> { left ∷ Number, width ∷ Number }
{ activeItemIndex ∷ Int
, animationVariants ∷ TwoOrMore BBox
, x ∷ Number
{ left ∷ Number, width ∷ Number }
handleDrag { x, activeItemIndex, animationVariants } = do
let idx = findOverlapping activeItemIndex animationVariants x
let av = animationVariants
let firstVariant = av # TwoOrMore.head
let lastVariant = av # TwoOrMore.last
let baseVariant = av TwoOrMore.!! idx # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "shit"
let baseVariant = av TwoOrMore.!! idx # fromMaybe' \_ unsafeCrashWith "shit"
closestVariant =
if x >= (baseVariant.left + (baseVariant.width / 2.0)) then
@ -210,17 +238,21 @@ handleDrag { x, activeItemIndex, animationVariants } = do
let rangeEnd = greater.left + greater.width / 2.0
let range = rangeEnd - rangeStart
let ratio = ((x - rangeStart) / range)
let interpolatedWidth = (greater.width * ratio) + smaller.width * (1.0 - ratio)
interpolatedWidth = (greater.width * ratio) + smaller.width * (1.0 - ratio)
-- Right
let rangeStartRight = smaller.left + smaller.width
let rangeEndRight = greater.left + greater.width
let rangeRight = rangeEndRight - rangeStartRight
let ratioRight = ((x + (interpolatedWidth / 2.0) - rangeStartRight) / rangeRight)
ratioRight =
((x + (interpolatedWidth / 2.0) - rangeStartRight) / rangeRight)
-- Left
let rangeStartLeft = smaller.left
let rangeEndLeft = greater.left
let rangeLeft = rangeEndLeft - rangeStartLeft
let ratioLeft = (((x - (interpolatedWidth / 2.0)) - rangeStartLeft) / rangeLeft)
ratioLeft = (((x - (interpolatedWidth / 2.0)) - rangeStartLeft) / rangeLeft)
-- Individual
let left = rangeStartLeft + (ratioLeft * rangeLeft)
let right = rangeStartRight + (ratioRight * rangeRight)

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ component = unsafePerformEffect do
, onChange: handler targetValue
\maybeVal → traverse_ onChange do
val ← maybeVal
choices # Array.find (toString >>> (_ == val))
choices # Array.find (toValue >>> (_ == val))

View File

@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ spec =
, ariaLabel: "Example Toggle"
it "has an aria-label" do
{ findByRole } <-
{ findByRole }
renderComponent Toggle.component
{ value: ToggleIsLeft
, ariaLabel: "Example Toggle"
elem <- findByRole "switch"
elem findByRole "switch"

View File

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ default =
toggle ∷ Effect JSX
toggle = do
example <- mkBasicExample
darkLight <- mkDarkLightToggle
example mkBasicExample
darkLight mkDarkLightToggle
$ fragment
[ R.div_
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ toggle = do
mkBasicExample =
React.reactComponent "Toggle example" \_p ->
togglePosition /\ setTogglePosition <- React.useState' ToggleIsRight
React.reactComponent "Toggle example" \_p
togglePosition /\ setTogglePosition React.useState' ToggleIsRight
$ element Toggle.component
{ value: togglePosition
@ -46,28 +46,28 @@ toggle = do
mkDarkLightToggle =
React.reactComponent "Toggle dark night example" \_p ->
togglePosition /\ setTogglePosition <- React.useState' ToggleIsLeft
theme /\ setTheme <- React.useState' Nothing
React.reactComponent "Toggle dark night example" \_p
togglePosition /\ setTogglePosition React.useState' ToggleIsLeft
theme /\ setTheme React.useState' Nothing
content =
element Toggle.component
{ value: togglePosition
, ariaLabel: "dark-light-toggle"
, onChange:
\newTogglePosition -> do
setTogglePosition newTogglePosition
setTheme case newTogglePosition of
ToggleIsRight -> Just DarkMode
ToggleIsLeft -> Just LightMode
\newTogglePosition → do
setTogglePosition newTogglePosition
setTheme case newTogglePosition of
ToggleIsRight → Just DarkMode
ToggleIsLeft → Just LightMode
, left: R.text "🌒"
, right: R.text "🌞"
, backgroundLeft:
Color.hsl 205.0 1.0 0.83
Color.hsl 205.0 1.0 0.83
, backgroundRight:
Color.hsl 260.0 0.7 0.45
Color.hsl 260.0 0.7 0.45
$ Block.container
</ { themeVariant: theme }
/> [ content ]
</ { themeVariant: theme }
/> [ content ]

View File

@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ derive instance eqTogglePosition ∷ Eq TogglePosition
instance showTogglePosition ∷ Show TogglePosition where
show = case _ of
ToggleIsLeft -> "ToggleIsLeft"
ToggleIsRight -> "ToggleIsRight"
ToggleIsLeft "ToggleIsLeft"
ToggleIsRight "ToggleIsRight"
flipToggle ∷ TogglePosition -> TogglePosition
flipToggle ∷ TogglePosition TogglePosition
flipToggle = case _ of
ToggleIsLeft -> ToggleIsRight
ToggleIsRight -> ToggleIsLeft
ToggleIsLeft ToggleIsRight
ToggleIsRight ToggleIsLeft

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ spec =
void $ renderComponent Container.component {}
it "displays its children" do
let content = R.text "Test Text"
{ findByText } <- renderComponent Container.component { children: [ content ] }
elem <- findByText "Test Text"
{ findByText } ← renderComponent Container.component
{ children: [ content ] }
elem ← findByText "Test Text"
elem `textContentShouldEqual` "Test Text"

View File

@ -23,16 +23,39 @@ container =
( element Container.component
{ children:
[ el Box.component { style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer1 } }
[ el Box.component { style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer2 } }
[ el Box.component { style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer3 } }
[ el Box.component { style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer4 } }
[ el Box.component { style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer5 } }
[ R.div { style: css { color: colour.text }, children: [ R.text "Text" ] }
, R.div { style: css { color: colour.textPaler1 }, children: [ R.text "Text Paler 1" ] }
, R.div { style: css { color: colour.textPaler2 }, children: [ R.text "Text Paler 2" ] }
, R.div { style: css { color: colour.textPaler3 }, children: [ R.text "Text Paler 3" ] }
, R.div { style: css { color: colour.textPaler4 }, children: [ R.text "Text Paler 4" ] }
[ el Box.component
{ style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer1 } }
[ el Box.component
{ style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer2 } }
[ el Box.component
{ style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer3 } }
[ el Box.component
{ style: css { background: colour.backgroundLayer4 }
[ el Box.component
{ style: css
{ background: colour.backgroundLayer5 }
[ R.div
{ style: css { color: colour.text }
, children: [ R.text "Text" ]
, R.div
{ style: css { color: colour.textPaler1 }
, children: [ R.text "Text Paler 1" ]
, R.div
{ style: css { color: colour.textPaler2 }
, children: [ R.text "Text Paler 2" ]
, R.div
{ style: css { color: colour.textPaler3 }
, children: [ R.text "Text Paler 3" ]
, R.div
{ style: css { color: colour.textPaler4 }
, children: [ R.text "Text Paler 4" ]
@ -63,7 +86,11 @@ container =
{ style:
{ background:
"linear-gradient(90deg," <> colour.highlightRotatedForwards <> "," <> colour.highlightRotatedBackwards <> ")"
<> colour.highlightRotatedForwards
<> ","
<> colour.highlightRotatedBackwards
<> ")"
, color: colour.highlightText
@ -73,34 +100,42 @@ container =
, padding: E.px 1
, css:
{ background: E.str "linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(32, 37, 63) 0%, rgb(118, 74, 151) 15%, rgb(71, 107, 169) 20%, rgb(85, 167, 177) 29%, rgb(85, 167, 177) 32%, rgb(32, 37, 63) 40%, rgb(32, 37, 63) 50%, rgb(118, 74, 151) 60%, rgb(71, 107, 169) 70%, rgb(85, 167, 177) 80%, rgb(32, 37, 63) 100%)"
{ background: E.str
"linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(32, 37, 63) 0%, rgb(118, 74, 151) 15%, rgb(71, 107, 169) 20%, rgb(85, 167, 177) 29%, rgb(85, 167, 177) 32%, rgb(32, 37, 63) 40%, rgb(32, 37, 63) 50%, rgb(118, 74, 151) 60%, rgb(71, 107, 169) 70%, rgb(85, 167, 177) 80%, rgb(32, 37, 63) 100%)"
, backgroundSize: E.percent 500.0
, animation: E.str "15s linear 0s infinite normal none running"
, animation: E.str
"15s linear 0s infinite normal none running"
, animationName:
{ "0%": E.css { backgroundPosition: E.str "0% center" }
, "100%": E.css { backgroundPosition: E.str "500% center" }
{ "0%": E.css
{ backgroundPosition: E.str "0% center" }
, "100%": E.css
{ backgroundPosition: E.str "500% center" }
, color: E.str colour.highlightText
, overflow: E.hidden
, "&::before":
$ E.css
{ content: E.str $ "'" <> (power "Shiny boy " 50 <> "'")
{ content: E.str $ "'" <>
(power "Shiny boy " 50 <> "'")
, letterSpacing: E.str "4px"
, backgroundRepeat: E.str "repeat-x"
, whiteSpace: E.nowrap
, fontSize: E.str "12px"
, overflow: E.hidden
, animation: E.str "5s linear 0s infinite normal none running"
, animation: E.str
"5s linear 0s infinite normal none running"
, left: E.px 0
, fontWeight: E.str "800"
, position: E.relative
, height: E.px 20
, animationName:
{ "100%": E.css { left: E.str "calc(-100%)" }
, "0%": E.css { left: E.str "calc(0%)" }
{ "100%": E.css
{ left: E.str "calc(-100%)" }
, "0%": E.css
{ left: E.str "calc(0%)" }
@ -137,12 +172,17 @@ container =
, psParagraph
, R.h3_ [ R.text "Third largest heading (h3)" ]
, psParagraph
, R.p_ [ R.text "Make sure to have the following meta tag in your head" ]
, R.p_
[ R.text "Make sure to have the following meta tag in your head"
, R.code_
[ R.text
"""<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">"""
, R.h1_ [ R.text "Very long largest heading that can result in multiple lines" ]
, R.h1_
[ R.text
"Very long largest heading that can result in multiple lines"

View File

@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Web.UIEvent.KeyboardEvent (KeyboardEvent)
import Web.UIEvent.KeyboardEvent as KeyboardEvent
foreign import getKeyImpl ∷ ∀ a. (a -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a -> KeyboardEvent -> Maybe Int
foreign import getKeyImpl ∷
∀ a. (a → Maybe a) → Maybe a → KeyboardEvent → Maybe Int
getKeyCode ∷ KeyboardEvent -> Maybe Int
getKeyCode ∷ KeyboardEvent Maybe Int
getKeyCode = getKeyImpl Just Nothing
getModifiers :: KeyboardEvent -> Set Modifier
getModifiers ∷ KeyboardEvent → Set Modifier
getModifiers event =
foldl fn Set.empty
[ KeyboardEvent.metaKey /\ Command
@ -54,31 +55,31 @@ data KeyCode
derive instance Eq KeyCode
derive instance Ord KeyCode
keyCodeToInt ∷ KeyCode -> Int
keyCodeToInt ∷ KeyCode Int
keyCodeToInt = case _ of
Backspace -> 8
Tab -> 9
Return -> 13
Escape -> 27
End -> 35
Home -> 36
Left -> 37
Up -> 38
Right -> 39
Down -> 40
Delete -> 46
Backspace 8
Tab 9
Return 13
Escape 27
End 35
Home 36
Left 37
Up 38
Right 39
Down 40
Delete 46
intToKeyCode ∷ Int -> Maybe KeyCode
intToKeyCode ∷ Int Maybe KeyCode
intToKeyCode = case _ of
8 -> Just Backspace
9 -> Just Tab
13 -> Just Return
27 -> Just Escape
35 -> Just End
36 -> Just Home
37 -> Just Left
38 -> Just Up
39 -> Just Right
40 -> Just Down
46 -> Just Delete
_ -> Nothing
8 Just Backspace
9 Just Tab
13 Just Return
27 Just Escape
35 Just End
36 Just Home
37 Just Left
38 Just Up
39 Just Right
40 Just Down
46 Just Delete
_ Nothing

View File

@ -14,25 +14,26 @@ import Web.HTML.Window (toEventTarget)
eventType ∷ EventType
eventType = EventType "scroll"
registerListener ∷ EventListener -> Effect (Effect Unit)
registerListener ∷ EventListener Effect (Effect Unit)
registerListener listener = do
target <- window <#> toEventTarget
target window <#> toEventTarget
addEventListener eventType listener false target
pure $ removeEventListener eventType listener false target
newtype UseScrollPosition hooks
= UseScrollPosition (UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState ScrollPosition hooks))
newtype UseScrollPosition hooks = UseScrollPosition
(UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState ScrollPosition hooks))
derive instance ntUseScrollPosition ∷ Newtype (UseScrollPosition hooks) _
type ScrollPosition
= { scrollX ∷ Number, scrollY ∷ Number }
type ScrollPosition = { scrollX ∷ Number, scrollY ∷ Number }
useScrollPosition ∷ Hook UseScrollPosition ScrollPosition
useScrollPosition =
scroll /\ setScroll <- useState' zero
scroll /\ setScroll useState' zero
useLayoutEffectAlways $ makeListener setScroll >>= registerListener
pure scroll
makeListener ∷ (ScrollPosition -> Effect Unit) -> Effect EventListener
makeListener setScroll = eventListener (const (window <#> unsafeCoerce >>= setScroll))
makeListener ∷ (ScrollPosition → Effect Unit) → Effect EventListener
makeListener setScroll = eventListener
(const (window <#> unsafeCoerce >>= setScroll))

View File

@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ derive instance newtypeUseDocumentSize ∷ Newtype (UseDocumentSize hooks) _
useDocumentSize ∷ Hook UseDocumentSize DocumentSize
useDocumentSize =
scrollDimensions /\ setScrollDimensions <- React.useState' one
scrollDimensions /\ setScrollDimensions React.useState' one
React.useLayoutEffectAlways do
window <- HTML.window
htmlDocument <- Window.document window
window HTML.window
htmlDocument Window.document window
let document = HTMLDocument.toDocument htmlDocument
scrollDimensions' <- do
maybeDocumentElement <- Document.documentElement document
scrollDimensions' do
maybeDocumentElement Document.documentElement document
# maybe (pure zero) \documentElement -> do
scrollWidth <- Element.scrollWidth documentElement
scrollHeight <- Element.scrollHeight documentElement
# maybe (pure zero) \documentElement do
scrollWidth Element.scrollWidth documentElement
scrollHeight Element.scrollHeight documentElement
pure { scrollWidth, scrollHeight }
unless (scrollDimensions' == scrollDimensions) do
setScrollDimensions scrollDimensions'

View File

@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import React.Basic.DOM.Events (clientX, clientY)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
type DripReturn =
{ visible :: Boolean
, x :: Number
, y :: Number
, onClick :: EventHandler
, onComplete :: Effect Unit
{ visible Boolean
, x Number
, y Number
, onClick EventHandler
, onComplete Effect Unit
newtype UseDrip hooks = UseDrip
@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ newtype UseDrip hooks = UseDrip
derive instance Newtype (UseDrip hooks) _
useDrip :: NodeRef -> Hook UseDrip DripReturn
useDrip ∷ NodeRef → Hook UseDrip DripReturn
useDrip ref = coerceHook
visible /\ setVisible <- React.useState' false
x /\ setX <- React.useState' zero
y /\ setY <- React.useState' zero
visible /\ setVisible React.useState' false
x /\ setX React.useState' zero
y /\ setY React.useState' zero
dripCompletedHandle = do
@ -32,18 +32,19 @@ useDrip ref = coerceHook
setY zero
clickHandler = handler (merge { clientX, clientY }) \{ clientX, clientY } -> do
bbʔ <- getBoundingBoxFromRef ref
valuesʔ = ado
{ left, top } <- bbʔ
cx <- clientX
cy <- clientY
in { left, top, cx, cy }
for_ valuesʔ \{ cx, cy, left, top } -> do
setVisible true
setX (cx - left)
setY (cy - top)
clickHandler = handler (merge { clientX, clientY }) \{ clientX, clientY } →
bbʔ ← getBoundingBoxFromRef ref
valuesʔ = ado
{ left, top } ← bbʔ
cx ← clientX
cy ← clientY
in { left, top, cx, cy }
for_ valuesʔ \{ cx, cy, left, top } → do
setVisible true
setX (cx - left)
setY (cy - top)
{ visible: visible

View File

@ -15,18 +15,19 @@ newtype UseOnElementResizeWithRef hooks = UseOnElementResizeWithRef
derive instance Newtype (UseOnElementResizeWithRef hooks) _
type OnResize = { old :: DOMRect, new :: DOMRect } -> Effect Unit
type OnResize = { old ∷ DOMRect, new ∷ DOMRect } → Effect Unit
useOnElementResizeWithRef ∷ NodeRef -> OnResize -> Hook UseOnElementResizeWithRef Unit
useOnElementResizeWithRef ∷
NodeRef → OnResize → Hook UseOnElementResizeWithRef Unit
useOnElementResizeWithRef ref onResize = coerceHook
useLayoutEffectOnce do
elʔ <- getElementFromRef ref
elʔ getElementFromRef ref
case elʔ of
Nothing -> mempty
Just elem -> do
observer <- resizeObserver \entries _ -> do
Array.head entries # traverse_ \{ contentRect: new } -> do
getBoundingClientRect elem >>= \old ->
Nothing mempty
Just elem do
observer ← resizeObserver \entries _ → do
Array.head entries # traverse_ \{ contentRect: new } do
getBoundingClientRect elem >>= \old
onResize { old, new }
observe ContentBox observer elem
pure (unobserve observer elem)
@ -36,8 +37,8 @@ newtype UseOnElementResize hooks = UseOnElementResize
derive instance Newtype (UseOnElementResize hooks) _
useOnElementResize ∷ OnResize -> Hook UseOnElementResize NodeRef
useOnElementResize ∷ OnResize Hook UseOnElementResize NodeRef
useOnElementResize onResize = coerceHook
ref <- React.useRef null
ref React.useRef null
useOnElementResizeWithRef ref onResize
pure ref

View File

@ -16,36 +16,37 @@ foreign import data IntersectionObserverEntry ∷ Type
foreign import data UseInView ∷ Type → Type
type IntersectionOptions
= ( root :: Element
, rootMargin :: String
, threshold :: Number
, triggerOnce :: Boolean
, skip :: Boolean
, initialInView :: Boolean
, trackVisibility :: Boolean
, delay :: Milliseconds
type IntersectionOptions =
( root ∷ Element
, rootMargin ∷ String
, threshold ∷ Number
, triggerOnce ∷ Boolean
, skip ∷ Boolean
, initialInView ∷ Boolean
, trackVisibility ∷ Boolean
, delay ∷ Milliseconds
type InViewResultImpl
= { inView :: Boolean
, ref :: NodeRef -- not true
, entry :: UndefinedOr (Nullable IntersectionObserverEntry)
type InViewResultImpl =
{ inView ∷ Boolean
, ref ∷ NodeRef -- not true
, entry ∷ UndefinedOr (Nullable IntersectionObserverEntry)
type InViewResult
= { inView :: Boolean
, ref :: NodeRef -- not true
, entry :: Maybe IntersectionObserverEntry
type InViewResult =
{ inView ∷ Boolean
, ref ∷ NodeRef -- not true
, entry ∷ Maybe IntersectionObserverEntry
foreign import useInViewImpl :: forall r. EffectFn1 { | r } InViewResultImpl
foreign import useInViewImpl ∷ ∀ r. EffectFn1 { | r } InViewResultImpl
useInView ::
∀ p p_.
Union p p_ IntersectionOptions ⇒
{ | p } -> Hook UseInView InViewResult
{ | p } →
Hook UseInView InViewResult
useInView props =
$ runEffectFn1 useInViewImpl props
<#> \x -> x { entry = uorToMaybe x.entry >>= Nullable.toMaybe }
<#> \x → x { entry = uorToMaybe x.entry >>= Nullable.toMaybe }

View File

@ -21,19 +21,21 @@ newtype UseKeyDown hooks = UseKeyDown
derive instance Newtype (UseKeyDown hooks) _
useKeyDown ∷ (KeyboardEvent -> Set Modifier -> KeyCode -> Effect Unit) -> Hook UseKeyDown Unit
useKeyDown ∷
(KeyboardEvent → Set Modifier → KeyCode → Effect Unit) → Hook UseKeyDown Unit
useKeyDown doWhat = do
useEffectAlways do
listener <-
eventListener $ KeyboardEvent.fromEvent >>> traverse_ \event -> do
eventListener $ KeyboardEvent.fromEvent >>> traverse_ \event do
let modifiers = getModifiers event
case getKeyCode event >>= intToKeyCode of
Just keyCode -> doWhat event modifiers keyCode
Nothing -> pure unit
win <- window
Just keyCode doWhat event modifiers keyCode
Nothing pure unit
win window
addEventListener eventTypeKeyDown listener false (Win.toEventTarget win)
pure $ removeEventListener eventTypeKeyDown listener false (Win.toEventTarget win)
pure $ removeEventListener eventTypeKeyDown listener false
(Win.toEventTarget win)
eventTypeKeyDown ∷ EventType
eventTypeKeyDown = EventType "keydown"

View File

@ -21,19 +21,23 @@ newtype UseKeyUp hooks = UseKeyUp
derive instance Newtype (UseKeyUp hooks) _
useKeyUp ∷ (KeyboardEvent -> Set Modifier -> KeyCode -> Effect Unit) -> Hook UseKeyUp Unit
useKeyUp ∷
(KeyboardEvent → Set Modifier → KeyCode → Effect Unit) → Hook UseKeyUp Unit
useKeyUp doWhat = do
useEffectOnce do
listener <-
eventListener $ KeyboardEvent.fromEvent >>> traverse_ \event -> do
eventListener $ KeyboardEvent.fromEvent >>> traverse_ \event do
let modifiers = getModifiers event
case getKeyCode event >>= intToKeyCode of
Just keyCode -> doWhat event modifiers keyCode
Nothing -> pure unit
win <- window
Just keyCode doWhat event modifiers keyCode
Nothing pure unit
win window
addEventListener eventTypeKeyUp listener false (Win.toEventTarget win)
pure (removeEventListener eventTypeKeyUp listener false (Win.toEventTarget win))
( removeEventListener eventTypeKeyUp listener false
(Win.toEventTarget win)
eventTypeKeyUp ∷ EventType
eventTypeKeyUp = EventType "keyup"

View File

@ -18,17 +18,17 @@ newtype UseMediaQuery hooks = UseMediaQuery
derive instance Newtype (UseMediaQuery hooks) _
useMediaQuery :: String -> Hook UseMediaQuery Boolean
useMediaQuery ∷ String → Hook UseMediaQuery Boolean
useMediaQuery query = coerceHook
let check = window >>= matchMedia query >>= matches
queryMatches /\ setMatches <-
queryMatches /\ setMatches
React.useState' (unsafePerformEffect check)
React.useEffect query do
queryList <- window >>= matchMedia query
queryList window >>= matchMedia query
let target = MQL.toEventTarget queryList
listener <- eventListener (const (check >>= setMatches))
listener eventListener (const (check >>= setMatches))
addEventListener Event.change listener true target
pure do
removeEventListener Event.change listener true target

View File

@ -67,18 +67,18 @@ newtype UseOnResize hooks = UseOnResize
derive instance ntUseOnResize ∷ Newtype (UseOnResize hooks) _
∀ d
. Duration d
( { innerWidth ∷ Number
, innerHeight ∷ Number
, deltaWidth ∷ Number
, deltaHeight ∷ Number
Effect Unit
Hook UseOnResize Unit
∀ d.
Duration d
( { innerWidth ∷ Number
, innerHeight ∷ Number
, deltaWidth ∷ Number
, deltaHeight ∷ Number
Effect Unit
Hook UseOnResize Unit
useOnResize debounceBy callback =
fiberRef ← React.useRef Nothing

View File

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import React.Basic.Hooks (UseState, Hook, coerceHook)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
-- Thanks to
useStateEq :: forall a. Eq a => a -> Hook (UseStateEq a) (a /\ ((a -> a) -> Effect Unit))
useStateEq ∷ ∀ a. Eq a ⇒ a → Hook (UseStateEq a) (a /\ ((a → a) → Effect Unit))
useStateEq initialValue = coerceHook
value /\ setValue <- React.useState initialValue
value /\ setValue React.useState initialValue
updateEq f = setValue \value' -> do
updateEq f = setValue \value' do
let newValue = f value'
if newValue /= value' then newValue else value'
pure (value /\ updateEq)
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ newtype UseStateEq a hooks = UseStateEq (UseState a hooks)
derive instance Newtype (UseStateEq a hooks) _
useStateEq' :: forall a. Eq a => a -> Hook (UseStateEq a) (a /\ (a -> Effect Unit))
useStateEq' ∷ ∀ a. Eq a ⇒ a → Hook (UseStateEq a) (a /\ (a → Effect Unit))
useStateEq' initialValue = coerceHook
value /\ setValue <- React.useState' initialValue
value /\ setValue React.useState' initialValue
let updateEq newValue = when (newValue /= value) (setValue newValue)
pure (value /\ updateEq)

View File

@ -22,37 +22,38 @@ import Web.HTML.Window as Window
eventType ∷ EventType
eventType = EventType "resize"
registerListener ∷ EventListener -> Effect (Effect Unit)
registerListener ∷ EventListener Effect (Effect Unit)
registerListener listener = do
target <- HTML.window <#> Window.toEventTarget
target HTML.window <#> Window.toEventTarget
addEventListener eventType listener false target
pure $ removeEventListener eventType listener false target
type Sizes =
{ innerWidth ∷ Number, innerHeight ∷ Number }
newtype UseWindowResize hooks = UseWindowResize (UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState Sizes hooks))
newtype UseWindowResize hooks = UseWindowResize
(UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState Sizes hooks))
derive instance Newtype (UseWindowResize hooks) _
useWindowResize ∷ Hook UseWindowResize Sizes
useWindowResize =
size /\ setSize <- React.useState' zero
size /\ setSize React.useState' zero
useLayoutEffect unit do
setSizeFromWindow setSize
listener <- makeListener setSize
listener makeListener setSize
registerListener listener
pure size
setSizeFromWindow ∷ (Sizes -> Effect Unit) -> Effect Unit
setSizeFromWindow ∷ (Sizes → Effect Unit) → Effect Unit
setSizeFromWindow setSize = do
window <- HTML.window
innerWidth <- Window.innerWidth window <#> toNumber
innerHeight <- Window.innerHeight window <#> toNumber
window HTML.window
innerWidth Window.innerWidth window <#> toNumber
innerHeight Window.innerHeight window <#> toNumber
setSize { innerWidth, innerHeight }
makeListener ∷ (Sizes -> Effect Unit) -> Effect EventListener
makeListener ∷ (Sizes → Effect Unit) → Effect EventListener
makeListener setSize = do
$ const (setSizeFromWindow setSize)
@ -66,22 +67,28 @@ newtype UseOnResize hooks = UseOnResize
derive instance ntUseOnResize ∷ Newtype (UseOnResize hooks) _
∷ ∀ d
. Duration d
=> d
-> ({ innerWidth ∷ Number, innerHeight ∷ Number, deltaWidth ∷ Number, deltaHeight ∷ Number } -> Effect Unit)
-> Hook UseOnResize Unit
useOnResize ∷
∀ d.
Duration d ⇒
d →
( { innerWidth ∷ Number
, innerHeight ∷ Number
, deltaWidth ∷ Number
, deltaHeight ∷ Number
} →
Effect Unit
) →
Hook UseOnResize Unit
useOnResize debounceBy callback =
mbFiber /\ setFiber <- React.useState' Nothing
size /\ setSize <- React.useState' (zero ∷ Sizes)
mbFiber /\ setFiber React.useState' Nothing
size /\ setSize React.useState' (zero ∷ Sizes)
layoutEffect ∷ Effect (Effect Unit)
layoutEffect = do
setSizeFromWindow (setSize ∷ Sizes -> Effect Unit)
listener ∷ EventListener <-
makeListener \(dimensions ∷ Sizes) -> do
setSizeFromWindow (setSize ∷ Sizes Effect Unit)
listener ∷ EventListener
makeListener \(dimensions ∷ Sizes) do
aff ∷ Aff Unit
aff = do
@ -91,10 +98,11 @@ useOnResize debounceBy callback =
let deltaWidth = abs (size.innerWidth - innerWidth)
let deltaHeight = abs (size.innerHeight - innerWidth)
setSize dimensions # liftEffect
callback { innerWidth, innerHeight, deltaWidth, deltaHeight } # liftEffect
fiber ∷ Fiber _ <- launchAff aff
callback { innerWidth, innerHeight, deltaWidth, deltaHeight } #
fiber ∷ Fiber _ ← launchAff aff
setFiber (Just fiber)
target ∷ EventTarget <- HTML.window <#> Window.toEventTarget
target ∷ EventTarget HTML.window <#> Window.toEventTarget
addEventListener eventType listener false target
$ launchAff_

View File

@ -4,15 +4,21 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
after :: JSX
after JSX
after = SVG.svg
{ viewBox: "0 0 64 44"
, xmlns: ""
, xmlSpace: "preserve"
, style: R.css { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", strokeLinejoin: "round", strokeMiterlimit: "2" }
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M22.2 30.776h19.6v4.17H22.2zM22.2 19.904h19.6v4.17H22.2zM22.2 9.031h19.6v4.172H22.2zM18.2 9.203 6.943 20.46A2.155 2.155 0 0 0 6.308 22c-.001.576.228 1.13.635 1.539L18.2 34.797v-6.162l-6.638-6.644 6.638-6.632V9.203zM45.8 9.203 57.058 20.46c.409.408.639.962.635 1.54a2.178 2.178 0 0 1-.636 1.539L45.8 34.797v-6.162l6.639-6.644-6.639-6.632V9.203z"
{ viewBox: "0 0 64 44"
, xmlns: ""
, xmlSpace: "preserve"
, style: R.css
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M22.2 30.776h19.6v4.17H22.2zM22.2 19.904h19.6v4.17H22.2zM22.2 9.031h19.6v4.172H22.2zM18.2 9.203 6.943 20.46A2.155 2.155 0 0 0 6.308 22c-.001.576.228 1.13.635 1.539L18.2 34.797v-6.162l-6.638-6.644 6.638-6.632V9.203zM45.8 9.203 57.058 20.46c.409.408.639.962.635 1.54a2.178 2.178 0 0 1-.636 1.539L45.8 34.797v-6.162l6.639-6.644-6.639-6.632V9.203z"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.Background where
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
background :: JSX
background JSX
background = SVG.svg
{ width: "1200"
, height: "2011"
@ -13,67 +13,78 @@ background = SVG.svg
[ SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 0 18 4.628c18 4.628 55 13.884 91 18.512s73 4.628 109 6.171c37 1.543 73 4.628 109 7.714 37 3.085 73 6.17 109 10.798 37 4.628 73 10.8 109 9.256 37-1.542 73-10.798 110-18.512 36-7.713 72-13.884 109-12.341 36 1.542 72 10.799 109 12.341 36 1.543 72-4.628 109-10.799 36-6.17 73-12.341 109-9.256 36 3.086 73 15.427 91 21.598l18 6.17V336H0V0z"
, d:
"m0 0 18 4.628c18 4.628 55 13.884 91 18.512s73 4.628 109 6.171c37 1.543 73 4.628 109 7.714 37 3.085 73 6.17 109 10.798 37 4.628 73 10.8 109 9.256 37-1.542 73-10.798 110-18.512 36-7.713 72-13.884 109-12.341 36 1.542 72 10.799 109 12.341 36 1.543 72-4.628 109-10.799 36-6.17 73-12.341 109-9.256 36 3.086 73 15.427 91 21.598l18 6.17V336H0V0z"
, fill: "url(#a)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m1200 236.211-50-4.654c-50-4.655-150-13.965-250-41.895-100-27.929-200-74.478-300-83.788-100-9.31-200 18.619-300 27.929-100 9.31-200 0-250-4.655l-50-4.655V455h1200V236.211z"
, d:
"m1200 236.211-50-4.654c-50-4.655-150-13.965-250-41.895-100-27.929-200-74.478-300-83.788-100-9.31-200 18.619-300 27.929-100 9.31-200 0-250-4.655l-50-4.655V455h1200V236.211z"
, fill: "url(#b)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 144 50 32.386c50 32.385 150 97.156 250 106.409s200-37.012 300-41.638c100-4.627 200 32.385 300 50.891s200 18.506 250 18.506h50V528H0V144z"
, d:
"m0 144 50 32.386c50 32.385 150 97.156 250 106.409s200-37.012 300-41.638c100-4.627 200 32.385 300 50.891s200 18.506 250 18.506h50V528H0V144z"
, fill: "url(#c)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 266 33 28.488c34 28.487 100 85.462 167 85.462s133-56.975 200-47.479c67 9.496 133 85.463 200 104.455 67 18.991 133-18.992 200-18.992s133 37.983 200 56.975c67 18.992 133 18.992 167 18.992h33V649H0V266z"
, d:
"m0 266 33 28.488c34 28.487 100 85.462 167 85.462s133-56.975 200-47.479c67 9.496 133 85.463 200 104.455 67 18.991 133-18.992 200-18.992s133 37.983 200 56.975c67 18.992 133 18.992 167 18.992h33V649H0V266z"
, fill: "url(#d)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 503.083 22-3.409c22-3.409 67-10.227 111-13.635 45-3.409 89-3.409 134 6.817 44 10.227 89 30.679 133 34.088 44 3.409 89-10.226 133-13.635 45-3.409 89 3.409 134 27.27 44 23.862 89 64.767 133 68.176 44 3.409 89-30.679 133-44.314 45-13.635 89-6.818 134 6.817 44 13.635 89 34.088 111 44.314l22 10.227V911H0V503.083z"
, d:
"m0 503.083 22-3.409c22-3.409 67-10.227 111-13.635 45-3.409 89-3.409 134 6.817 44 10.227 89 30.679 133 34.088 44 3.409 89-10.226 133-13.635 45-3.409 89 3.409 134 27.27 44 23.862 89 64.767 133 68.176 44 3.409 89-30.679 133-44.314 45-13.635 89-6.818 134 6.817 44 13.635 89 34.088 111 44.314l22 10.227V911H0V503.083z"
, fill: "url(#e)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 655.221 22-1.901c22-1.901 67-5.703 111-3.802 45 1.901 89 9.505 134 20.911 44 11.405 89 26.613 133 26.613s89-15.208 133-15.208c45 0 89 15.208 134 22.812 44 7.603 89 7.603 133-5.703 44-13.307 89-39.92 133-41.821 45-1.901 89 20.91 134 34.217 44 13.307 89 17.109 111 19.01l22 1.9V968H0V655.221z"
, d:
"m0 655.221 22-1.901c22-1.901 67-5.703 111-3.802 45 1.901 89 9.505 134 20.911 44 11.405 89 26.613 133 26.613s89-15.208 133-15.208c45 0 89 15.208 134 22.812 44 7.603 89 7.603 133-5.703 44-13.307 89-39.92 133-41.821 45-1.901 89 20.91 134 34.217 44 13.307 89 17.109 111 19.01l22 1.9V968H0V655.221z"
, fill: "url(#f)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 848.096 33 8.219c34 8.219 100 24.658 167 20.548 67-4.11 133-28.767 200-45.205C467 815.219 533 807 600 807s133 8.219 200 20.548c67 12.329 133 28.767 200 28.767s133-16.438 167-24.657l33-8.22V1107H0V848.096z"
, d:
"m0 848.096 33 8.219c34 8.219 100 24.658 167 20.548 67-4.11 133-28.767 200-45.205C467 815.219 533 807 600 807s133 8.219 200 20.548c67 12.329 133 28.767 200 28.767s133-16.438 167-24.657l33-8.22V1107H0V848.096z"
, fill: "url(#g)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 925.667 50 18c50 18 150 54 250 54s200-36 300-60 200-36 300-18 200 66 250 90.003l50 24V1363H0V925.667z"
, d:
"m0 925.667 50 18c50 18 150 54 250 54s200-36 300-60 200-36 300-18 200 66 250 90.003l50 24V1363H0V925.667z"
, fill: "url(#h)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 1056.25 25-2.42c25-2.42 75-7.26 125 0s100 26.62 150 38.72c50 12.1 100 16.94 150 14.52 50-2.42 100-12.1 150-16.94 50-4.84 100-4.84 150 2.42s100 21.77 150 36.29 100 29.04 150 26.62c50-2.42 100-21.78 125-31.46l25-9.68V1409H0v-352.75z"
, d:
"m0 1056.25 25-2.42c25-2.42 75-7.26 125 0s100 26.62 150 38.72c50 12.1 100 16.94 150 14.52 50-2.42 100-12.1 150-16.94 50-4.84 100-4.84 150 2.42s100 21.77 150 36.29 100 29.04 150 26.62c50-2.42 100-21.78 125-31.46l25-9.68V1409H0v-352.75z"
, fill: "url(#i)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "M0 1216.77v-8.62c28.5-.02 100 12.03 150 0s100-18.9 150-10.31c50 8.59 100 32.66 150 32.66s100-24.07 150-25.79c50-1.71 100 18.91 150 32.66 50 13.75 100 20.63 150 15.47 50-5.16 100-22.34 150-24.06 50-1.72 100 12.03 125 18.9l25 6.88V1457H0v-240.23z"
, d:
"M0 1216.77v-8.62c28.5-.02 100 12.03 150 0s100-18.9 150-10.31c50 8.59 100 32.66 150 32.66s100-24.07 150-25.79c50-1.71 100 18.91 150 32.66 50 13.75 100 20.63 150 15.47 50-5.16 100-22.34 150-24.06 50-1.72 100 12.03 125 18.9l25 6.88V1457H0v-240.23z"
, fill: "url(#j)"
, SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "m0 1315 40 13.4c40 13.41 120 40.21 200 58.08 80 17.87 160 26.81 240 13.41 80-13.41 160-49.15 240-35.75 80 13.41 160 75.96 240 89.36 80 13.4 160-22.34 200-40.21l40-17.87V2011H0v-696z"
, d:
"m0 1315 40 13.4c40 13.41 120 40.21 200 58.08 80 17.87 160 26.81 240 13.41 80-13.41 160-49.15 240-35.75 80 13.41 160 75.96 240 89.36 80 13.4 160-22.34 200-40.21l40-17.87V2011H0v-696z"
, fill: "#5C0BC2"
, SVG.defs

View File

@ -4,20 +4,26 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
before :: JSX
before JSX
before = SVG.svg
{ viewBox: "0 0 64 44"
, xmlns: ""
, xmlSpace: "preserve"
, style: R.css { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", strokeLinejoin: "round", strokeMiterlimit: "2" }
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ style: R.css { fill: "none" }
, d: "M0 0h64v64H0z"
, transform: "scale(1 .67406)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m17.894 17.332-2.95-2.952L4.003 25.32c-.392.391-.612.922-.608 1.476-.001.552.218 1.083.608 1.475l10.941 10.941 2.95-2.95-9.465-9.475 9.465-9.455zM39.571 29.936H19.96l4.467 4.171H44.04l-4.47-4.17zM59.994 14.87 49.058 3.927l-2.95 2.95 9.46 9.475-9.46 9.465 2.95 2.95L59.994 17.83c.394-.394.615-.93.611-1.488a2.076 2.076 0 0 0-.611-1.473zM19.959 23.655h19.612l4.467-4.17H24.424l-4.465 4.17zM39.571 9.031H19.96l4.465 4.172h19.612l-4.465-4.172z"
{ viewBox: "0 0 64 44"
, xmlns: ""
, xmlSpace: "preserve"
, style: R.css
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ style: R.css { fill: "none" }
, d: "M0 0h64v64H0z"
, transform: "scale(1 .67406)"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"m17.894 17.332-2.95-2.952L4.003 25.32c-.392.391-.612.922-.608 1.476-.001.552.218 1.083.608 1.475l10.941 10.941 2.95-2.95-9.465-9.475 9.465-9.455zM39.571 29.936H19.96l4.467 4.171H44.04l-4.47-4.17zM59.994 14.87 49.058 3.927l-2.95 2.95 9.46 9.475-9.46 9.465 2.95 2.95L59.994 17.83c.394-.394.615-.93.611-1.488a2.076 2.076 0 0 0-.611-1.473zM19.959 23.655h19.612l4.467-4.17H24.424l-4.465 4.17zM39.571 9.031H19.96l4.465 4.172h19.612l-4.465-4.172z"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.Bg where
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
bg :: JSX
bg JSX
bg = SVG.svg
{ xmlns: ""
, width: "200"
@ -20,19 +20,24 @@ bg = SVG.svg
, strokeWidth: "4.1"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "m769 229 268 31.9M927 880 731 737l-211-77-211-122-269 61 255 165-168.5 115.5L40 599l-237-106 299-111-133-153L126.5 79.5-69-63"
{ d:
"m769 229 268 31.9M927 880 731 737l-211-77-211-122-269 61 255 165-168.5 115.5L40 599l-237-106 299-111-133-153L126.5 79.5-69-63"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m-31 229 268 32 153 121 213 111-294.5 44.5-207-156M370 905l-75-141"
{ d:
"m-31 229 268 32 153 121 213 111-294.5 44.5-207-156M370 905l-75-141"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m520 660 58 182 153-105 109-138-237-106-83 167-225 104 14-226 81-156 149-113 230-40L577.5 41.5 370 105 295-36 126.5 79.5 237 261 102 382 40 599-69 737l196 143"
{ d:
"m520 660 58 182 153-105 109-138-237-106-83 167-225 104 14-226 81-156 149-113 230-40L577.5 41.5 370 105 295-36 126.5 79.5 237 261 102 382 40 599-69 737l196 143"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m520-140 58.5 182.5L731-63M603 493l-64-224-302-8 133-156m532 277L539 269M390 382H102"
{ d:
"m520-140 58.5 182.5L731-63M603 493l-64-224-302-8 133-156m532 277L539 269M390 382H102"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m-222 42 348.5 37.5L370 105l169 164 38.5-227.5L927 80 769 229l133 153-299 111 128 244M295-36l282.5 77.5M578 842l-283-78M40-201l87 281m-25 302-363-113"
{ d:
"m-222 42 348.5 37.5L370 105l169 164 38.5-227.5L927 80 769 229l133 153-299 111 128 244M295-36l282.5 77.5M578 842l-283-78M40-201l87 281m-25 302-363-113"

View File

@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ bin =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.g
{ fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M38.488 9.364C40.623 5.175 44.979 2.303 50 2.303c5.021 0 9.377 2.872 11.512 7.061 11.679 1.276 19.955 4.435 19.955 8.127l1.258 4.867c.204.392.31.793.31 1.2 0 4.819-14.803 8.731-33.035 8.731-18.232 0-33.035-3.912-33.035-8.731 0-.407.106-.808.31-1.2l1.258-4.867c0-3.692 8.276-6.851 19.955-8.127zm18.743-.372A111.616 111.616 0 0050 8.76c-2.489 0-4.91.081-7.231.232A9.523 9.523 0 0150 5.674a9.523 9.523 0 017.231 3.318z"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M80.438 30.325l-7.057 58.81c0 4.725-10.477 8.562-23.381 8.562s-23.381-3.837-23.381-8.562l-7.057-58.81C24.581 33.459 36.326 35.66 50 35.66s25.419-2.201 30.438-5.335z"
[ SVG.g
{ fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M38.488 9.364C40.623 5.175 44.979 2.303 50 2.303c5.021 0 9.377 2.872 11.512 7.061 11.679 1.276 19.955 4.435 19.955 8.127l1.258 4.867c.204.392.31.793.31 1.2 0 4.819-14.803 8.731-33.035 8.731-18.232 0-33.035-3.912-33.035-8.731 0-.407.106-.808.31-1.2l1.258-4.867c0-3.692 8.276-6.851 19.955-8.127zm18.743-.372A111.616 111.616 0 0050 8.76c-2.489 0-4.91.081-7.231.232A9.523 9.523 0 0150 5.674a9.523 9.523 0 017.231 3.318z"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M80.438 30.325l-7.057 58.81c0 4.725-10.477 8.562-23.381 8.562s-23.381-3.837-23.381-8.562l-7.057-58.81C24.581 33.459 36.326 35.66 50 35.66s25.419-2.201 30.438-5.335z"

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ checkmark =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "1.5"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M16.073 57.774l21.285 21.868 52.637-52.637"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "13"
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M16.073 57.774l21.285 21.868 52.637-52.637"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "13"

View File

@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ cross =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M50 2.339c26.305 0 47.661 21.356 47.661 47.661S76.305 97.661 50 97.661 2.339 76.305 2.339 50 23.695 2.339 50 2.339zm0 38.773L31.838 22.949l-8.889 8.889L41.112 50 22.949 68.162l8.889 8.889L50 58.888l18.162 18.163 8.889-8.889L58.888 50l18.163-18.162-8.889-8.889L50 41.112z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M50 2.339c26.305 0 47.661 21.356 47.661 47.661S76.305 97.661 50 97.661 2.339 76.305 2.339 50 23.695 2.339 50 2.339zm0 38.773L31.838 22.949l-8.889 8.889L41.112 50 22.949 68.162l8.889 8.889L50 58.888l18.162 18.163 8.889-8.889L58.888 50l18.163-18.162-8.889-8.889L50 41.112z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

View File

@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ draggableIndicator =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M12.582 55h74.836c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5H12.582c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5zM12.582 38.019h74.836c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5H12.582c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5zM12.582 71.981h74.836c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5H12.582c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M12.582 55h74.836c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5H12.582c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5zM12.582 38.019h74.836c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5H12.582c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5zM12.582 71.981h74.836c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5s-2.24-5-5-5H12.582c-2.76 0-5 2.24-5 5s2.24 5 5 5z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

View File

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ ellipsis =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.g
{ fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, children:
[ { cx: "50", cy: "50", r: "10" }
, { cx: "80", cy: "50", r: "10" }
, { cx: "20", cy: "50", r: "10" }
[ SVG.g
{ fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, children:
[ { cx: "50", cy: "50", r: "10" }
, { cx: "80", cy: "50", r: "10" }
, { cx: "20", cy: "50", r: "10" }

View File

@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ eyeClosed =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "1.5"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M50.173 21.996c23.346 0 42.3 27.978 42.3 27.978s-18.954 27.979-42.3 27.979c-23.346 0-42.301-27.979-42.301-27.979s18.955-27.978 42.301-27.978z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "8"
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M50.173 21.996c23.346 0 42.3 27.978 42.3 27.978s-18.954 27.979-42.3 27.979c-23.346 0-42.301-27.979-42.301-27.979s18.955-27.978 42.301-27.978z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "8"

View File

@ -13,27 +13,29 @@ eyeOpen =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "1.5"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ fill: "none"
, d: "M0 0h100v100H0z"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M50.173 21.996c23.346 0 42.3 27.978 42.3 27.978s-18.954 27.979-42.3 27.979c-23.346 0-42.301-27.979-42.301-27.979s18.955-27.978 42.301-27.978z"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "8"
{ cx: "49.963"
, cy: "50.087"
, r: "19.869"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "6"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M49.963 40.748c5.155 0 9.339 4.184 9.339 9.339 0 5.154-4.184 9.339-9.339 9.339-5.154 0-9.339-4.185-9.339-9.339 0-5.155 4.185-9.339 9.339-9.339zm2.405 2.279a3.517 3.517 0 013.516 3.515 3.517 3.517 0 01-3.516 3.516 3.517 3.517 0 010-7.031z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
[ SVG.path
{ fill: "none"
, d: "M0 0h100v100H0z"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M50.173 21.996c23.346 0 42.3 27.978 42.3 27.978s-18.954 27.979-42.3 27.979c-23.346 0-42.301-27.979-42.301-27.979s18.955-27.978 42.301-27.978z"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "8"
{ cx: "49.963"
, cy: "50.087"
, r: "19.869"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "6"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M49.963 40.748c5.155 0 9.339 4.184 9.339 9.339 0 5.154-4.184 9.339-9.339 9.339-5.154 0-9.339-4.185-9.339-9.339 0-5.155 4.185-9.339 9.339-9.339zm2.405 2.279a3.517 3.517 0 013.516 3.515 3.517 3.517 0 01-3.516 3.516 3.517 3.517 0 010-7.031z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

View File

@ -4,37 +4,37 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
filter :: JSX
filter JSX
filter = SVG.filter
{ id: "a"
, height: "130%"
, children:
[ SVG.feGaussianBlur
{ in: "SourceAlpha"
, stdDeviation: "3"
, SVG.feOffset
{ dx: "2"
, dy: "2"
, result: "offsetblur"
, SVG.feComponentTransfer
{ children:
[ SVG.feFuncA
{ type: "linear"
, slope: ".5"
, SVG.feMerge
{ children:
[ SVG.feMergeNode
, SVG.feMergeNode
{ in: "SourceGraphic"
{ id: "a"
, height: "130%"
, children:
[ SVG.feGaussianBlur
{ in: "SourceAlpha"
, stdDeviation: "3"
, SVG.feOffset
{ dx: "2"
, dy: "2"
, result: "offsetblur"
, SVG.feComponentTransfer
{ children:
[ SVG.feFuncA
{ type: "linear"
, slope: ".5"
, SVG.feMerge
{ children:
[ SVG.feMergeNode
, SVG.feMergeNode
{ in: "SourceGraphic"

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ folder =
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M56.073 25.246c-6.361 0-7.669-12.345-14.898-12.345L26.127 12.9c-13.082 0-23.703 10.62-23.703 23.702v37.405c0 13.082 10.621 23.702 23.703 23.702h47.404c13.082 0 23.703-10.62 23.703-23.702 0 0-.003-28.648-.01-41.806a6.727 6.727 0 00-6.635-6.565c-9.924-.142-28.155-.39-34.516-.39zm34.277 9.768H9.304v34.062c0 12.92 6.079 21.409 17.262 21.409h46.526c11.183 0 17.262-8.489 17.262-21.409 0 0-.001-20.917-.004-34.062z"
{ d:
"M56.073 25.246c-6.361 0-7.669-12.345-14.898-12.345L26.127 12.9c-13.082 0-23.703 10.62-23.703 23.702v37.405c0 13.082 10.621 23.702 23.703 23.702h47.404c13.082 0 23.703-10.62 23.703-23.702 0 0-.003-28.648-.01-41.806a6.727 6.727 0 00-6.635-6.565c-9.924-.142-28.155-.39-34.516-.39zm34.277 9.768H9.304v34.062c0 12.92 6.079 21.409 17.262 21.409h46.526c11.183 0 17.262-8.489 17.262-21.409 0 0-.001-20.917-.004-34.062z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

View File

@ -4,18 +4,19 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
githubLogo :: JSX
githubLogo JSX
githubLogo = SVG.svg
{ width: "1024"
, height: "1024"
, fill: "none"
, xmlns: ""
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d: "M512 0C229.12 0 0 229.12 0 512c0 226.56 146.56 417.92 350.08 485.76 25.6 4.48 35.2-10.88 35.2-24.32 0-12.16-.64-52.48-.64-95.36-128.64 23.68-161.92-31.36-172.16-60.16-5.76-14.72-30.72-60.16-52.48-72.32-17.92-9.6-43.52-33.28-.64-33.92 40.32-.64 69.12 37.12 78.72 52.48 46.08 77.44 119.68 55.68 149.12 42.24 4.48-33.28 17.92-55.68 32.64-68.48-113.92-12.8-232.96-56.96-232.96-252.8 0-55.68 19.84-101.76 52.48-137.6-5.12-12.8-23.04-65.28 5.12-135.68 0 0 42.88-13.44 140.8 52.48 40.96-11.52 84.48-17.28 128-17.28 43.52 0 87.04 5.76 128 17.28 97.92-66.56 140.8-52.48 140.8-52.48 28.16 70.4 10.24 122.88 5.12 135.68 32.64 35.84 52.48 81.28 52.48 137.6 0 196.48-119.68 240-233.6 252.8 18.56 16 34.56 46.72 34.56 94.72 0 68.48-.64 123.52-.64 140.8 0 13.44 9.6 29.44 35.2 24.32C877.44 929.92 1024 737.92 1024 512 1024 229.12 794.88 0 512 0z"
, fill: "#1B1F23"
{ width: "1024"
, height: "1024"
, fill: "none"
, xmlns: ""
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, d:
"M512 0C229.12 0 0 229.12 0 512c0 226.56 146.56 417.92 350.08 485.76 25.6 4.48 35.2-10.88 35.2-24.32 0-12.16-.64-52.48-.64-95.36-128.64 23.68-161.92-31.36-172.16-60.16-5.76-14.72-30.72-60.16-52.48-72.32-17.92-9.6-43.52-33.28-.64-33.92 40.32-.64 69.12 37.12 78.72 52.48 46.08 77.44 119.68 55.68 149.12 42.24 4.48-33.28 17.92-55.68 32.64-68.48-113.92-12.8-232.96-56.96-232.96-252.8 0-55.68 19.84-101.76 52.48-137.6-5.12-12.8-23.04-65.28 5.12-135.68 0 0 42.88-13.44 140.8 52.48 40.96-11.52 84.48-17.28 128-17.28 43.52 0 87.04 5.76 128 17.28 97.92-66.56 140.8-52.48 140.8-52.48 28.16 70.4 10.24 122.88 5.12 135.68 32.64 35.84 52.48 81.28 52.48 137.6 0 196.48-119.68 240-233.6 252.8 18.56 16 34.56 46.72 34.56 94.72 0 68.48-.64 123.52-.64 140.8 0 13.44 9.6 29.44 35.2 24.32C877.44 929.92 1024 737.92 1024 512 1024 229.12 794.88 0 512 0z"
, fill: "#1B1F23"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.HeroiconCalendar where
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
heroiconCalendar :: JSX
heroiconCalendar JSX
heroiconCalendar = SVG.svg
{ xmlns: ""
, className: "h-6 w-6"
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ heroiconCalendar = SVG.svg
{ strokeLinecap: "round"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeWidth: "2"
, d: "M8 7V3m8 4V3m-9 8h10M5 21h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2z"
, d:
"M8 7V3m8 4V3m-9 8h10M5 21h14a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H5a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v12a2 2 0 0 0 2 2z"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.HeroiconClock where
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
heroiconClock :: JSX
heroiconClock JSX
heroiconClock = SVG.svg
{ xmlns: ""
, className: "h-6 w-6"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.HeroiconGroup where
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
heroiconGroup :: JSX
heroiconGroup JSX
heroiconGroup = SVG.svg
{ xmlns: ""
, className: "h-6 w-6"
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ heroiconGroup = SVG.svg
{ strokeLinecap: "round"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeWidth: "2"
, d: "M17 20h5v-2a3 3 0 0 0-5.356-1.857M17 20H7m10 0v-2c0-.656-.126-1.283-.356-1.857M7 20H2v-2a3 3 0 0 1 5.356-1.857M7 20v-2c0-.656.126-1.283.356-1.857m0 0a5.002 5.002 0 0 1 9.288 0M15 7a3 3 0 1 1-6 0 3 3 0 0 1 6 0zm6 3a2 2 0 1 1-4 0 2 2 0 0 1 4 0zM7 10a2 2 0 1 1-4 0 2 2 0 0 1 4 0z"
, d:
"M17 20h5v-2a3 3 0 0 0-5.356-1.857M17 20H7m10 0v-2c0-.656-.126-1.283-.356-1.857M7 20H2v-2a3 3 0 0 1 5.356-1.857M7 20v-2c0-.656.126-1.283.356-1.857m0 0a5.002 5.002 0 0 1 9.288 0M15 7a3 3 0 1 1-6 0 3 3 0 0 1 6 0zm6 3a2 2 0 1 1-4 0 2 2 0 0 1 4 0zM7 10a2 2 0 1 1-4 0 2 2 0 0 1 4 0z"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.HeroiconMoon where
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
heroiconMoon :: JSX
heroiconMoon JSX
heroiconMoon = SVG.svg
{ xmlns: ""
, className: "h-6 w-6"
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ heroiconMoon = SVG.svg
{ strokeLinecap: "round"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeWidth: "2"
, d: "M20.354 15.354A9 9 0 0 1 8.646 3.646 9.003 9.003 0 0 0 12 21a9.003 9.003 0 0 0 8.354-5.646z"
, d:
"M20.354 15.354A9 9 0 0 1 8.646 3.646 9.003 9.003 0 0 0 12 21a9.003 9.003 0 0 0 8.354-5.646z"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.HeroiconSun where
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
heroiconSun :: JSX
heroiconSun JSX
heroiconSun = SVG.svg
{ xmlns: ""
, className: "h-6 w-6"
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ heroiconSun = SVG.svg
{ strokeLinecap: "round"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeWidth: "2"
, d: "M12 3v1m0 16v1m9-9h-1M4 12H3m15.364 6.364-.707-.707M6.343 6.343l-.707-.707m12.728 0-.707.707M6.343 17.657l-.707.707M16 12a4 4 0 1 1-8 0 4 4 0 0 1 8 0z"
, d:
"M12 3v1m0 16v1m9-9h-1M4 12H3m15.364 6.364-.707-.707M6.343 6.343l-.707-.707m12.728 0-.707.707M6.343 17.657l-.707.707M16 12a4 4 0 1 1-8 0 4 4 0 0 1 8 0z"

View File

@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ key =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.g
{ fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M30.65 43.906c14.689 0 26.614 11.937 26.614 26.64 0 14.702-11.925 26.639-26.614 26.639-14.688 0-26.614-11.937-26.614-26.639 0-14.703 11.926-26.64 26.614-26.64zm-9.215 28.741a6.454 6.454 0 010 12.907 6.454 6.454 0 010-12.907z"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M79.123 7.855h10.701l.833.776-47.719 44.401 2.491 2.286 45.494-43.326v12.21l-8.681 3.927-2.311 10.777-12.195 6.78-6.678 14.839-17.216 8.651-20.256-9.646L79.123 7.855z"
[ SVG.g
{ fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M30.65 43.906c14.689 0 26.614 11.937 26.614 26.64 0 14.702-11.925 26.639-26.614 26.639-14.688 0-26.614-11.937-26.614-26.639 0-14.703 11.926-26.64 26.614-26.64zm-9.215 28.741a6.454 6.454 0 010 12.907 6.454 6.454 0 010-12.907z"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M79.123 7.855h10.701l.833.776-47.719 44.401 2.491 2.286 45.494-43.326v12.21l-8.681 3.927-2.311 10.777-12.195 6.78-6.678 14.839-17.216 8.651-20.256-9.646L79.123 7.855z"

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.LogoNew where
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
logoNew :: JSX
logoNew JSX
logoNew = SVG.svg
{ viewBox: "0 0 101 100"
, xmlns: ""
@ -27,16 +27,19 @@ logoNew = SVG.svg
, d: "M6.055 10.556h9.702V89.88H6.055z"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M15.601 10.556l3.221 10.638c-.093 19.349-.065 38.698 0 58.047l-3.221 10.638V10.556z"
{ d:
"M15.601 10.556l3.221 10.638c-.093 19.349-.065 38.698 0 58.047l-3.221 10.638V10.556z"
, fill: "#f477b9"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M61.746 48.656l5.82 11.896v14.712l3.115 5.908h8.96l-3.115-20.62 19.4-39.812-6.624-1.897-3.115 1.897-14.18 28.671-14.18-28.671h-9.738l.007.016a44.369 44.369 0 00-4.52-.212l-16.051-1.897-3.115 5.249v52.992l3.115 4.284h8.96l-3.39-24.528 2.511-2.614 17.391 24.733 6.004 2.213h10.362L45.915 54.647c7.178-.707 14.007-.214 15.831-5.991zm-18.17-19.854c8.259 0 10.362 2.26 10.362 10.44 0 9.194-2.103 10.44-10.362 10.44H33.37v-20.88h10.206z"
{ d:
"M61.746 48.656l5.82 11.896v14.712l3.115 5.908h8.96l-3.115-20.62 19.4-39.812-6.624-1.897-3.115 1.897-14.18 28.671-14.18-28.671h-9.738l.007.016a44.369 44.369 0 00-4.52-.212l-16.051-1.897-3.115 5.249v52.992l3.115 4.284h8.96l-3.39-24.528 2.511-2.614 17.391 24.733 6.004 2.213h10.362L45.915 54.647c7.178-.707 14.007-.214 15.831-5.991zm-18.17-19.854c8.259 0 10.362 2.26 10.362 10.44 0 9.194-2.103 10.44-10.362 10.44H33.37v-20.88h10.206z"
, fill: "#f477b9"
, fillRule: "nonzero"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M64.861 46.759l5.82 11.897v22.516h8.96V58.656L99.04 18.843h-9.738l-14.18 28.672-14.18-28.672s-12.628-.196-14.251-.196H27.525v62.329h8.96V56.044h4.986l17.53 24.932h10.362L51.755 55.81c7.178-.706 11.282-3.273 13.106-9.051zm-18.17-19.853c8.258 0 10.362 2.259 10.362 10.44 0 9.193-2.104 10.44-10.362 10.44H36.485v-20.88h10.206z"
{ d:
"M64.861 46.759l5.82 11.897v22.516h8.96V58.656L99.04 18.843h-9.738l-14.18 28.672-14.18-28.672s-12.628-.196-14.251-.196H27.525v62.329h8.96V56.044h4.986l17.53 24.932h10.362L51.755 55.81c7.178-.706 11.282-3.273 13.106-9.051zm-18.17-19.853c8.258 0 10.362 2.259 10.362 10.44 0 9.193-2.104 10.44-10.362 10.44H36.485v-20.88h10.206z"
, fill: "#aaffef"
, fillRule: "nonzero"

View File

@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ moon =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "1.5"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M53.984 14.646c1.707.195 3.42.519 5.128.977 18.733 5.019 29.867 24.303 24.847 43.036-5.019 18.732-24.303 29.866-43.036 24.846-13.577-3.638-23.163-14.769-25.499-27.753a28.518 28.518 0 008.408 3.788c15.237 4.082 30.921-4.973 35.004-20.21 2.376-8.867.302-17.887-4.852-24.684z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M53.984 14.646c1.707.195 3.42.519 5.128.977 18.733 5.019 29.867 24.303 24.847 43.036-5.019 18.732-24.303 29.866-43.036 24.846-13.577-3.638-23.163-14.769-25.499-27.753a28.518 28.518 0 008.408 3.788c15.237 4.082 30.921-4.973 35.004-20.21 2.376-8.867.302-17.887-4.852-24.684z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -4,30 +4,37 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
murmurasLogos :: JSX
murmurasLogos JSX
murmurasLogos = SVG.svg
{ viewBox: "0 0 400 400"
, xmlns: ""
, xmlSpace: "preserve"
, style: R.css { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", strokeLinejoin: "round", strokeMiterlimit: "2" }
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ style: R.css { fill: "none" }
, d: "M0 0h400v400H0z"
, SVG.path
{ style: R.css { fill: "#f7f7f7" }
, d: "M0 0h400v400H0z"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M681.275 65.243a3.897 3.897 0 0 1-2.823-1.219l-3.015-3.199a1.42 1.42 0 0 1-.337-1.362 1.42 1.42 0 0 1 .992-.994l35.69-10.01a.18.18 0 0 0 .067-.307 15.207 15.207 0 0 0-9.76-3.565c-1.368 0-2.732.186-4.057.553a4.045 4.045 0 0 1-4.012-1.12l-17.703-18.796a.165.165 0 0 0-.07-.046l-18.234-6.13a.175.175 0 0 0-.19.275l17.9 22.232a4.03 4.03 0 0 1-.133 5.214l-4.493 5.039c-.673.755-1.57 1.322-2.575 1.442a3.884 3.884 0 0 1-1.867-.232l-3.614-1.393a1.43 1.43 0 0 1-.552-2.284l4.705-5.28a.173.173 0 0 0 .006-.225l-24.694-30.671a4.066 4.066 0 0 1-.165-4.839 4.048 4.048 0 0 1 4.596-1.515l32.881 11.055c.627.21 1.2.575 1.653 1.06l16.797 17.83c. 23.236 0 0 1 22.933 9.964l1.063 1.58a4.042 4.042 0 0 1 .443 3.643 4.05 4.05 0 0 1-2.7 2.494l-37.834 10.61a3.87 3.87 0 0 1-1.048.145M660.78 76.944a3.617 3.617 0 0 1-.12 4.676l-11.514 12.92c-. 13.046 0 0 0-8.159-2.88c-1.172 0-2.343.16-3.479.474a3.623 3.623 0 0 1-3.598-1.006l-15.311-16.254a.163.163 0 0 0-.07-.045l-15.29-5.14c-.164-.056-.3.138-.191.273l15.194 18.872h.001zm-22.957 28.48a3.603 3.603 0 0 1-3.07-1.701 3.648 3.648 0 0 1 .37-4.324l17.998-20.195a.174.174 0 0 0 .006-.225l-21.315-26.475a3.646 3.646 0 0 1-.15-4.338 3.63 3.63 0 0 1 4.12-1.36l28.489 9.577a3.62 3.62 0 0 1 1.48.948l14.502 15.395c. 20.25 0 0 1 19.913 8.697l.857 1.27c.282.416.513.873.609 1.365.39 2-.836 3.75-2.569 4.236L638.8 105.29a3.626 3.626 0 0 1-.977.134"
, style: R.css { fill: "#002340", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, transform: "scale(2.22036) rotate(-12.17 512.83 2982.762)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M740.866 49.008a4.33 4.33 0 0 1-.14 5.596l-15.206 17.06c-. 0 0 0 .069-.306 16.737 16.737 0 0 0-10.891-4.05c-1.508 0-3.009.205-4.462.608a4.35 4.35 0 0 1-4.306-1.204l-19.398-20.592a.163.163 0 0 0-.07-.045l-20.32-6.832c-.165-.055-.3.138-.191.273l19.816 24.614zm-28.819 35.596a4.31 4.31 0 0 1-3.674-2.037 4.362 4.362 0 0 1 .44-5.175l22.908-25.701a.175.175 0 0 0 .005-.225L704.638 17.82a4.365 4.365 0 0 1-.178-5.191A4.343 4.343 0 0 1 709.39 11l35.999 12.102a4.344 4.344 0 0 1 1.77 1.136L765.59 43.8c. 25.347 0 0 1 25.072 10.863l1.092 1.619c.333.494.607 1.037.722 1.62.47 2.393-.992 4.493-3.072 5.076l-76.34 21.412c-.38.108-.773.162-1.168.162"
, style: R.css { fill: "#002340", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, transform: "scale(2.22036) rotate(-12.17 512.83 2982.762)"
{ viewBox: "0 0 400 400"
, xmlns: ""
, xmlSpace: "preserve"
, style: R.css
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ style: R.css { fill: "none" }
, d: "M0 0h400v400H0z"
, SVG.path
{ style: R.css { fill: "#f7f7f7" }
, d: "M0 0h400v400H0z"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M681.275 65.243a3.897 3.897 0 0 1-2.823-1.219l-3.015-3.199a1.42 1.42 0 0 1-.337-1.362 1.42 1.42 0 0 1 .992-.994l35.69-10.01a.18.18 0 0 0 .067-.307 15.207 15.207 0 0 0-9.76-3.565c-1.368 0-2.732.186-4.057.553a4.045 4.045 0 0 1-4.012-1.12l-17.703-18.796a.165.165 0 0 0-.07-.046l-18.234-6.13a.175.175 0 0 0-.19.275l17.9 22.232a4.03 4.03 0 0 1-.133 5.214l-4.493 5.039c-.673.755-1.57 1.322-2.575 1.442a3.884 3.884 0 0 1-1.867-.232l-3.614-1.393a1.43 1.43 0 0 1-.552-2.284l4.705-5.28a.173.173 0 0 0 .006-.225l-24.694-30.671a4.066 4.066 0 0 1-.165-4.839 4.048 4.048 0 0 1 4.596-1.515l32.881 11.055c.627.21 1.2.575 1.653 1.06l16.797 17.83c. 23.236 0 0 1 22.933 9.964l1.063 1.58a4.042 4.042 0 0 1 .443 3.643 4.05 4.05 0 0 1-2.7 2.494l-37.834 10.61a3.87 3.87 0 0 1-1.048.145M660.78 76.944a3.617 3.617 0 0 1-.12 4.676l-11.514 12.92c-. 13.046 0 0 0-8.159-2.88c-1.172 0-2.343.16-3.479.474a3.623 3.623 0 0 1-3.598-1.006l-15.311-16.254a.163.163 0 0 0-.07-.045l-15.29-5.14c-.164-.056-.3.138-.191.273l15.194 18.872h.001zm-22.957 28.48a3.603 3.603 0 0 1-3.07-1.701 3.648 3.648 0 0 1 .37-4.324l17.998-20.195a.174.174 0 0 0 .006-.225l-21.315-26.475a3.646 3.646 0 0 1-.15-4.338 3.63 3.63 0 0 1 4.12-1.36l28.489 9.577a3.62 3.62 0 0 1 1.48.948l14.502 15.395c. 20.25 0 0 1 19.913 8.697l.857 1.27c.282.416.513.873.609 1.365.39 2-.836 3.75-2.569 4.236L638.8 105.29a3.626 3.626 0 0 1-.977.134"
, style: R.css { fill: "#002340", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, transform: "scale(2.22036) rotate(-12.17 512.83 2982.762)"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M740.866 49.008a4.33 4.33 0 0 1-.14 5.596l-15.206 17.06c-. 0 0 0 .069-.306 16.737 16.737 0 0 0-10.891-4.05c-1.508 0-3.009.205-4.462.608a4.35 4.35 0 0 1-4.306-1.204l-19.398-20.592a.163.163 0 0 0-.07-.045l-20.32-6.832c-.165-.055-.3.138-.191.273l19.816 24.614zm-28.819 35.596a4.31 4.31 0 0 1-3.674-2.037 4.362 4.362 0 0 1 .44-5.175l22.908-25.701a.175.175 0 0 0 .005-.225L704.638 17.82a4.365 4.365 0 0 1-.178-5.191A4.343 4.343 0 0 1 709.39 11l35.999 12.102a4.344 4.344 0 0 1 1.77 1.136L765.59 43.8c. 25.347 0 0 1 25.072 10.863l1.092 1.619c.333.494.607 1.037.722 1.62.47 2.393-.992 4.493-3.072 5.076l-76.34 21.412c-.38.108-.773.162-1.168.162"
, style: R.css { fill: "#002340", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, transform: "scale(2.22036) rotate(-12.17 512.83 2982.762)"

View File

@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ off =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "1.5"
, children:
{ cx: "50"
, cy: "50"
, r: "32"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "17"
{ cx: "50"
, cy: "50"
, r: "32"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "17"

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ on =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "1.5"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M50 10v80"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "17"
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M50 10v80"
, fill: "none"
, stroke: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, strokeWidth: "17"

View File

@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
pixel4 :: JSX
pixel4 JSX
pixel4 = SVG.svg
{ xmlns: ""
, height: "1475"
, width: "690"
, children:
[ SVG.rect
{ strokeLinejoin: "round"
, fillRule: "evenodd"
, rx: "100"
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, height: "1467"
, width: "684"
, stroke: "#ddd"
, strokeLinecap: "round"
, y: "4"
, x: "4"
, strokeWidth: "4"
, SVG.rect
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, rx: "55"
, ry: "55"
, height: "1310"
, width: "630"
, y: "105"
, x: "29"
, fill: "#ddd"
{ strokeLinejoin: "round"
, cx: "190.56"
, strokeLinecap: "round"
, stroke: "#444"
, cy: "68.889"
, r: "10"
, strokeWidth: "3"
, fill: "none"
, SVG.rect
{ strokeLinejoin: "round"
, rx: "5"
, ry: "5"
, height: "12.5"
, width: "80"
, stroke: "#444"
, strokeLinecap: "round"
, y: "61.5"
, x: "309"
, strokeWidth: "3"
, fill: "none"
{ xmlns: ""
, height: "1475"
, width: "690"
, children:
[ SVG.rect
{ strokeLinejoin: "round"
, fillRule: "evenodd"
, rx: "100"
, ry: "100"
, height: "1467"
, width: "684"
, stroke: "#ddd"
, strokeLinecap: "round"
, y: "4"
, x: "4"
, strokeWidth: "4"
, SVG.rect
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, rx: "55"
, ry: "55"
, height: "1310"
, width: "630"
, y: "105"
, x: "29"
, fill: "#ddd"
{ strokeLinejoin: "round"
, cx: "190.56"
, strokeLinecap: "round"
, stroke: "#444"
, cy: "68.889"
, r: "10"
, strokeWidth: "3"
, fill: "none"
, SVG.rect
{ strokeLinejoin: "round"
, rx: "5"
, ry: "5"
, height: "12.5"
, width: "80"
, stroke: "#444"
, strokeLinecap: "round"
, y: "61.5"
, x: "309"
, strokeWidth: "3"
, fill: "none"

View File

@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ plus =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M50.302 2.596c26.33 0 47.707 21.376 47.707 47.706 0 26.33-21.377 47.707-47.707 47.707-26.33 0-47.706-21.377-47.706-47.707 0-26.33 21.376-47.706 47.706-47.706zm8.466 38.248V17.378H40.456v23.466H16.99v18.312h23.466v23.466h18.312V59.156h23.466V40.844H58.768z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M50.302 2.596c26.33 0 47.707 21.376 47.707 47.706 0 26.33-21.377 47.707-47.707 47.707-26.33 0-47.706-21.377-47.706-47.707 0-26.33 21.376-47.706 47.706-47.706zm8.466 38.248V17.378H40.456v23.466H16.99v18.312h23.466v23.466h18.312V59.156h23.466V40.844H58.768z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

View File

@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ questionMark =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M50 10.037c22.056 0 39.963 17.907 39.963 39.963S72.056 89.963 50 89.963 10.037 72.056 10.037 50 27.944 10.037 50 10.037zM48.871 77.03c2.87 0 5.326-2.384 5.351-5.351-.025-2.918-2.481-5.301-5.351-5.301-2.967 0-5.374 2.383-5.35 5.301-.024 2.967 2.383 5.351 5.35 5.351zm-4.255-15.176h8.098v-.632c.049-5.156 1.727-7.515 5.691-9.947 4.474-2.675 7.271-6.323 7.271-11.892 0-8.22-6.396-13.375-15.686-13.375-8.512 0-15.418 4.718-15.661 13.959h8.657c.219-4.572 3.526-6.761 6.955-6.761 3.721 0 6.713 2.481 6.713 6.299 0 3.405-2.262 5.739-5.205 7.587-4.304 2.676-6.785 5.375-6.833 14.13v.632z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
[ SVG.path
{ d:
"M50 10.037c22.056 0 39.963 17.907 39.963 39.963S72.056 89.963 50 89.963 10.037 72.056 10.037 50 27.944 10.037 50 10.037zM48.871 77.03c2.87 0 5.326-2.384 5.351-5.351-.025-2.918-2.481-5.301-5.351-5.301-2.967 0-5.374 2.383-5.35 5.301-.024 2.967 2.383 5.351 5.35 5.351zm-4.255-15.176h8.098v-.632c.049-5.156 1.727-7.515 5.691-9.947 4.474-2.675 7.271-6.323 7.271-11.892 0-8.22-6.396-13.375-15.686-13.375-8.512 0-15.418 4.718-15.661 13.959h8.657c.219-4.572 3.526-6.761 6.955-6.761 3.721 0 6.713 2.481 6.713 6.299 0 3.405-2.262 5.739-5.205 7.587-4.304 2.676-6.785 5.375-6.833 14.13v.632z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

View File

@ -13,19 +13,20 @@ simpleKey =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.g
{ fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, children:
[ SVG.ellipse
{ cx: "30.65"
, cy: "70.546"
, rx: "26.614"
, ry: "26.639"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M79.123 7.855h10.701l.833.776.266 3.361v12.21l-8.681 3.927-2.311 10.777-12.195 6.78-6.678 14.839-17.216 8.651-20.256-9.646L79.123 7.855z"
[ SVG.g
{ fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, children:
[ SVG.ellipse
{ cx: "30.65"
, cy: "70.546"
, rx: "26.614"
, ry: "26.639"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M79.123 7.855h10.701l.833.776.266 3.361v12.21l-8.681 3.927-2.311 10.777-12.195 6.78-6.678 14.839-17.216 8.651-20.256-9.646L79.123 7.855z"

View File

@ -4,22 +4,28 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
spd :: JSX
spd JSX
spd = SVG.svg
{ viewBox: "0 0 1184 1184"
, xmlns: ""
, xmlSpace: "preserve"
, style: R.css { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", strokeLinejoin: "round", strokeMiterlimit: "2" }
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ style: R.css { fill: "#ed1c24", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, d: "M.346.347H283.81V283.81H.346z"
, transform: "scale(4.16667)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M92.653 175.291h38.716c22.255 0 28.062 16.116 28.062 28.852 0 17.125-7.125 29.783-29.155 29.783h-12.692v28.865H92.653v-87.5zm24.71 39.777h1.931c8.261 0 16.404.477 16.404-10.227 0-10.209-7.562-10.215-16.404-10.215h-1.931v20.442zM164.923 175.291h36.95c24.309 0 39.089 19.1 39.089 43.64 0 24.541-14.896 43.86-39.089 43.86h-36.95v-87.5zm25.073 67.497h2.709c13.544 0 23.689-7.974 23.689-23.857 0-13.346-8.872-22.876-23.458-22.876h-2.94v46.733zM72.959 199.508c-4.767-3.084-12.477-4.907-16.122-4.907-4.463 0-10.181 1.251-10.181 6.113 0 5.093 5.65 6.062 10.786 7.435 0 0 6.304 1.377 8.995 2.26C78.039 214.214 86.7 218.3 86.7 233.732c0 8.681-2.231 17.117-9.67 23.021-7.314 5.788-17.109 8.696-26.531 8.696-11.777 0-23.466-2.855-33.33-10.909l10.891-18.29c6.075 4.978 13.265 9.506 21.572 9.506 5.702 0 11.3-1.708 11.3-7.844 0-6.366-9.054-6.712-14.276-8.047-11.268-2.879-25.291-6.664-25.291-27.04 0-17.711 13.513-29.287 32.234-29.287 9.422 0 21.427 4.328 29.734 8.727l-10.374 17.243z"
, style: R.css { fill: "#fff", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, transform: "scale(4.16667)"
{ viewBox: "0 0 1184 1184"
, xmlns: ""
, xmlSpace: "preserve"
, style: R.css
{ fillRule: "evenodd"
, clipRule: "evenodd"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ style: R.css { fill: "#ed1c24", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, d: "M.346.347H283.81V283.81H.346z"
, transform: "scale(4.16667)"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M92.653 175.291h38.716c22.255 0 28.062 16.116 28.062 28.852 0 17.125-7.125 29.783-29.155 29.783h-12.692v28.865H92.653v-87.5zm24.71 39.777h1.931c8.261 0 16.404.477 16.404-10.227 0-10.209-7.562-10.215-16.404-10.215h-1.931v20.442zM164.923 175.291h36.95c24.309 0 39.089 19.1 39.089 43.64 0 24.541-14.896 43.86-39.089 43.86h-36.95v-87.5zm25.073 67.497h2.709c13.544 0 23.689-7.974 23.689-23.857 0-13.346-8.872-22.876-23.458-22.876h-2.94v46.733zM72.959 199.508c-4.767-3.084-12.477-4.907-16.122-4.907-4.463 0-10.181 1.251-10.181 6.113 0 5.093 5.65 6.062 10.786 7.435 0 0 6.304 1.377 8.995 2.26C78.039 214.214 86.7 218.3 86.7 233.732c0 8.681-2.231 17.117-9.67 23.021-7.314 5.788-17.109 8.696-26.531 8.696-11.777 0-23.466-2.855-33.33-10.909l10.891-18.29c6.075 4.978 13.265 9.506 21.572 9.506 5.702 0 11.3-1.708 11.3-7.844 0-6.366-9.054-6.712-14.276-8.047-11.268-2.879-25.291-6.664-25.291-27.04 0-17.711 13.513-29.287 32.234-29.287 9.422 0 21.427 4.328 29.734 8.727l-10.374 17.243z"
, style: R.css { fill: "#fff", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, transform: "scale(4.16667)"

View File

@ -4,43 +4,44 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
spinner2 :: JSX
spinner2 JSX
spinner2 = SVG.svg
{ width: "24"
, height: "24"
, xmlns: ""
, children:
{ children:
[ R.text "@keyframes spinner_qtyZ{0%{r:0}25%{r:3px;cx:4px}50%{r:3px;cx:12px}75%{r:3px;cx:20px}to{r:0;cx:20px}}.spinner_nOfF{animation:spinner_qtyZ 2s cubic-bezier(.36,.6,.31,1) infinite}"
{ className:"spinner_nOfF"
, cx: "4"
, cy: "12"
, r: "3"
{ className:"spinner_nOfF"
, cx: "4"
, cy: "12"
, r: "3"
, style: R.css { animationDelay: "-.5s" }
{ className:"spinner_nOfF"
, cx: "4"
, cy: "12"
, r: "3"
, style: R.css { animationDelay: "-1s" }
{ className:"spinner_nOfF"
, cx: "4"
, cy: "12"
, r: "3"
, style: R.css { animationDelay: "-1.5s" }
{ width: "24"
, height: "24"
, xmlns: ""
, children:
{ children:
[ R.text
"@keyframes spinner_qtyZ{0%{r:0}25%{r:3px;cx:4px}50%{r:3px;cx:12px}75%{r:3px;cx:20px}to{r:0;cx:20px}}.spinner_nOfF{animation:spinner_qtyZ 2s cubic-bezier(.36,.6,.31,1) infinite}"
{ className: "spinner_nOfF"
, cx: "4"
, cy: "12"
, r: "3"
{ className: "spinner_nOfF"
, cx: "4"
, cy: "12"
, r: "3"
, style: R.css { animationDelay: "-.5s" }
{ className: "spinner_nOfF"
, cx: "4"
, cy: "12"
, r: "3"
, style: R.css { animationDelay: "-1s" }
{ className: "spinner_nOfF"
, cx: "4"
, cy: "12"
, r: "3"
, style: R.css { animationDelay: "-1.5s" }

View File

@ -13,15 +13,16 @@ sun =
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
{ cx: "50"
, cy: "49.997"
, r: "24.82"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M2.239 51.966c0 1.64 1.33 2.971 2.971 2.971h13.417a2.971 2.971 0 002.971-2.971v-3.823a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971-2.971H5.21a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971 2.971v3.823zM78.415 51.966a2.972 2.972 0 002.971 2.971h13.418a2.971 2.971 0 002.971-2.971v-3.823a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971-2.971H81.386a2.971 2.971 0 00-2.971 2.971v3.823zM17.581 85.183a2.972 2.972 0 004.202 0l9.487-9.488a2.97 2.97 0 000-4.201l-2.703-2.703a2.97 2.97 0 00-4.202 0l-9.487 9.487a2.972 2.972 0 000 4.202l2.703 2.703zM71.446 31.318a2.972 2.972 0 004.202 0l9.487-9.488a2.969 2.969 0 000-4.201l-2.703-2.704a2.97 2.97 0 00-4.201 0l-9.488 9.488a2.972 2.972 0 000 4.202l2.703 2.703zM14.878 17.629a2.97 2.97 0 000 4.201l9.487 9.488a2.972 2.972 0 004.202 0l2.703-2.703a2.972 2.972 0 000-4.202l-9.487-9.488a2.972 2.972 0 00-4.202 0l-2.703 2.704zM68.743 71.494a2.97 2.97 0 000 4.201l9.488 9.488a2.97 2.97 0 004.201 0l2.703-2.703a2.97 2.97 0 000-4.202l-9.487-9.487a2.97 2.97 0 00-4.202 0l-2.703 2.703zM48.095 2.286a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971 2.971v13.417a2.97 2.97 0 002.971 2.971h3.823a2.97 2.97 0 002.971-2.971V5.257a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971-2.971h-3.823zM48.095 78.463a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971 2.971v13.417a2.97 2.97 0 002.971 2.971h3.823a2.97 2.97 0 002.971-2.971V81.434a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971-2.971h-3.823z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
{ cx: "50"
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, r: "24.82"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"M2.239 51.966c0 1.64 1.33 2.971 2.971 2.971h13.417a2.971 2.971 0 002.971-2.971v-3.823a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971-2.971H5.21a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971 2.971v3.823zM78.415 51.966a2.972 2.972 0 002.971 2.971h13.418a2.971 2.971 0 002.971-2.971v-3.823a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971-2.971H81.386a2.971 2.971 0 00-2.971 2.971v3.823zM17.581 85.183a2.972 2.972 0 004.202 0l9.487-9.488a2.97 2.97 0 000-4.201l-2.703-2.703a2.97 2.97 0 00-4.202 0l-9.487 9.487a2.972 2.972 0 000 4.202l2.703 2.703zM71.446 31.318a2.972 2.972 0 004.202 0l9.487-9.488a2.969 2.969 0 000-4.201l-2.703-2.704a2.97 2.97 0 00-4.201 0l-9.488 9.488a2.972 2.972 0 000 4.202l2.703 2.703zM14.878 17.629a2.97 2.97 0 000 4.201l9.487 9.488a2.972 2.972 0 004.202 0l2.703-2.703a2.972 2.972 0 000-4.202l-9.487-9.488a2.972 2.972 0 00-4.202 0l-2.703 2.704zM68.743 71.494a2.97 2.97 0 000 4.201l9.488 9.488a2.97 2.97 0 004.201 0l2.703-2.703a2.97 2.97 0 000-4.202l-9.487-9.487a2.97 2.97 0 00-4.202 0l-2.703 2.703zM48.095 2.286a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971 2.971v13.417a2.97 2.97 0 002.971 2.971h3.823a2.97 2.97 0 002.971-2.971V5.257a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971-2.971h-3.823zM48.095 78.463a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971 2.971v13.417a2.97 2.97 0 002.971 2.971h3.823a2.97 2.97 0 002.971-2.971V81.434a2.97 2.97 0 00-2.971-2.971h-3.823z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

View File

@ -4,169 +4,195 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
tmp :: JSX
tmp JSX
tmp = SVG.svg
{ viewBox: "0 0 1200 1527"
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[ SVG.path
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, style: R.css { fill: "url(#a)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
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, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m0 848.096 33 8.219c34 8.219 100 24.658 167 20.548 67-4.11 133-28.767 200-45.205C467 815.219 533 807 600 807s133 8.219 200 20.548c67 12.329 133 28.767 200 28.767s133-16.438 167-24.657l33-8.22V1377H0V848.096z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#c)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m0 925.667 50 18c50 18 150 54 250 54s200-36 300-60 200-36 300-18 200 66 250 90.003l50 24V1683H0V925.667z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#d)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m0 1056.25 25-2.42c25-2.42 75-7.26 125 0s100 26.62 150 38.72c50 12.1 100 16.94 150 14.52 50-2.42 100-12.1 150-16.94 50-4.84 100-4.84 150 2.42s100 21.77 150 36.29 100 29.04 150 26.62c50-2.42 100-21.78 125-31.46l25-9.68V1669H0v-612.75z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#e)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M0 1737v-528.85c28.5-.02 100 12.03 150 0s100-18.9 150-10.31c50 8.59 100 32.66 150 32.66s100-24.07 150-25.79c50-1.71 100 18.91 150 32.66 50 13.75 100 20.63 150 15.47 50-5.16 100-22.34 150-24.06 50-1.72 100 12.03 125 18.9l25 6.88V1737H0z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#f)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "m0 1315 40 13.4c40 13.41 120 40.21 200 58.08 80 17.87 160 26.81 240 13.41 80-13.41 160-49.15 240-35.75 80 13.41 160 75.96 240 89.36 80 13.4 160-22.34 200-40.21l40-17.87V2011H0v-696z"
, style: R.css { fill: "#5c0bc2" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.defs
{ children:
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, style: R.css { fill: "url(#a)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
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"m0 655.221 22-1.901c22-1.901 67-5.703 111-3.802 45 1.901 89 9.505 134 20.911 44 11.405 89 26.613 133 26.613s89-15.208 133-15.208c45 0 89 15.208 134 22.812 44 7.603 89 7.603 133-5.703 44-13.307 89-39.92 133-41.821 45-1.901 89 20.91 134 34.217 44 13.307 89 17.109 111 19.01l22 1.9V1318H0V655.221z"
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, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
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"m0 848.096 33 8.219c34 8.219 100 24.658 167 20.548 67-4.11 133-28.767 200-45.205C467 815.219 533 807 600 807s133 8.219 200 20.548c67 12.329 133 28.767 200 28.767s133-16.438 167-24.657l33-8.22V1377H0V848.096z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#c)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
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"m0 925.667 50 18c50 18 150 54 250 54s200-36 300-60 200-36 300-18 200 66 250 90.003l50 24V1683H0V925.667z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#d)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
{ d:
"m0 1056.25 25-2.42c25-2.42 75-7.26 125 0s100 26.62 150 38.72c50 12.1 100 16.94 150 14.52 50-2.42 100-12.1 150-16.94 50-4.84 100-4.84 150 2.42s100 21.77 150 36.29 100 29.04 150 26.62c50-2.42 100-21.78 125-31.46l25-9.68V1669H0v-612.75z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#e)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
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"M0 1737v-528.85c28.5-.02 100 12.03 150 0s100-18.9 150-10.31c50 8.59 100 32.66 150 32.66s100-24.07 150-25.79c50-1.71 100 18.91 150 32.66 50 13.75 100 20.63 150 15.47 50-5.16 100-22.34 150-24.06 50-1.72 100 12.03 125 18.9l25 6.88V1737H0z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#f)" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.path
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"m0 1315 40 13.4c40 13.41 120 40.21 200 58.08 80 17.87 160 26.81 240 13.41 80-13.41 160-49.15 240-35.75 80 13.41 160 75.96 240 89.36 80 13.4 160-22.34 200-40.21l40-17.87V2011H0v-696z"
, style: R.css { fill: "#5c0bc2" }
, transform: "translate(0 -484)"
, SVG.defs
{ children:
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[ SVG.stop
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, SVG.stop
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, children:
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"matrix(0 238.356 -238.356 0 600 731.658)"
, children:
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, children:
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, children:
[ SVG.stop
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, children:
[ SVG.stop
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, SVG.stop
{ offset: "1"
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{ stopColor: "#682de7", stopOpacity: "1" }

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ warn =
, strokeMiterlimit: "2"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ d: "M41.478 15.313a9.704 9.704 0 0117.044 0L91.27 75.397a9.706 9.706 0 01-8.522 14.351H17.252A9.705 9.705 0 018.73 75.397l32.748-60.084zM50 77.357c2.909 0 5.432-2.432 5.455-5.455-.023-2.977-2.546-5.409-5.455-5.409-3 0-5.477 2.432-5.454 5.409C44.523 74.925 47 77.357 50 77.357zm5.046-44.137H44.932l.909 29.591h8.318l.887-29.591z"
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"M41.478 15.313a9.704 9.704 0 0117.044 0L91.27 75.397a9.706 9.706 0 01-8.522 14.351H17.252A9.705 9.705 0 018.73 75.397l32.748-60.084zM50 77.357c2.909 0 5.432-2.432 5.455-5.455-.023-2.977-2.546-5.409-5.455-5.409-3 0-5.477 2.432-5.454 5.409C44.523 74.925 47 77.357 50 77.357zm5.046-44.137H44.932l.909 29.591h8.318l.887-29.591z"
, fill: "var(--stroke-colour)"

View File

@ -4,74 +4,87 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
whatsAppLogo :: JSX
whatsAppLogo JSX
whatsAppLogo = SVG.svg
{ viewBox: "0 0 1281 1067"
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[ SVG.path
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, transform: "matrix(0 -406.194 -406.194 0 640.266 738.97)"
, SVG.path
{ d: "M.505.494A.488.488 0 0 1 .257.427L0 .498.069.235a.496.496 0 1 1 .436.259zM.27.337l.015.01a.412.412 0 1 0-.193-.349c0 . 0z"
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{ d: "M0-181.636c-3.904-8.678-8.013-8.852-11.727-9.004-3.037-.13-6.515-.122-9.987-.122-3.474 0-9.121 1.305-13.895 6.52-4.778 5.215-18.242 17.821-18.242 43.46 0 25.642 18.676 50.417 21.279 53.897 2.606 3.475 36.052 57.771 89.021 78.66 44.022 17.359 52.98 13.906 62.535 13.038 9.555-.869 30.832-12.604 35.175-24.773 4.343-12.167 4.343-22.596 3.04-24.776-1.303-2.172-4.777-3.475-9.989-6.081-5.212-2.606-30.832-15.215-35.61-16.952-4.777-1.737-8.252-2.606-11.726 2.611-3.475 5.212-13.456 16.947-16.497 20.422-3.04 3.483-6.08 3.917-11.292 1.311-5.212-2.614-21.996-8.111-41.907-25.864-15.492-13.812-25.951-30.87-28.992-36.087-3.04-5.212-.325-8.035 2.289-10.633 2.34-2.335 5.212-6.083 7.818-9.126 2.6-3.043 3.469-5.215 5.206-8.69 1.737-3.48.869-6.523-.434-9.129S4.634-171.332 0-181.636"
, style: R.css { fill: "#fff" }
, transform: "translate(588.995 628.453)"
, SVG.defs
{ children:
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"m0 287.286 6.333 3.754c26.611 15.791 57.12 24.143 88.231 24.16h.068c95.544 0 173.307-77.745 173.348-173.297.014-46.307-17.997-89.849-50.727-122.603-32.732-32.753-76.251-50.802-122.556-50.821-95.62 0-173.381 77.734-173.419 173.283-.013 32.743 9.148 64.631 26.502 92.224l4.126 6.555-17.517 63.947L0 287.286zm-115.686 66.737 29.589-108.039c-18.25-31.619-27.852-67.489-27.838-104.236.046-114.958 93.603-208.485 208.567-208.485 55.789.024 108.153 21.738 147.533 61.145 39.374 39.41 61.05 91.795 61.031 147.509-.049 114.952-93.619 208.496-208.564 208.496-.008 0 .005 0 0 0h-.09c-34.903-.014-69.202-8.768-99.664-25.381l-110.564 28.991z"
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"M.505.494A.488.488 0 0 1 .257.427L0 .498.069.235a.496.496 0 1 1 .436.259zM.009-.002zm0 0z"
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, SVG.path
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"M0-181.636c-3.904-8.678-8.013-8.852-11.727-9.004-3.037-.13-6.515-.122-9.987-.122-3.474 0-9.121 1.305-13.895 6.52-4.778 5.215-18.242 17.821-18.242 43.46 0 25.642 18.676 50.417 21.279 53.897 2.606 3.475 36.052 57.771 89.021 78.66 44.022 17.359 52.98 13.906 62.535 13.038 9.555-.869 30.832-12.604 35.175-24.773 4.343-12.167 4.343-22.596 3.04-24.776-1.303-2.172-4.777-3.475-9.989-6.081-5.212-2.606-30.832-15.215-35.61-16.952-4.777-1.737-8.252-2.606-11.726 2.611-3.475 5.212-13.456 16.947-16.497 20.422-3.04 3.483-6.08 3.917-11.292 1.311-5.212-2.614-21.996-8.111-41.907-25.864-15.492-13.812-25.951-30.87-28.992-36.087-3.04-5.212-.325-8.035 2.289-10.633 2.34-2.335 5.212-6.083 7.818-9.126 2.6-3.043 3.469-5.215 5.206-8.69 1.737-3.48.869-6.523-.434-9.129S4.634-171.332 0-181.636"
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View File

@ -4,220 +4,258 @@ import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
yoga1 :: JSX
yoga1 JSX
yoga1 = SVG.svg
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, SVG.path
{ d: "M1308 1318.9c-.6-2.5-1.2-5.1-1.8-7.6l-42-.1c14.9 62.4 31.8 124.4 50.7 185.9.4 1.4.9 2.9 1.3 4.3h42.7c-18.9-60.3-35.9-121.1-50.9-182.5zM1143.7 1328l.3-17-40.9-.1c-1.1 60-.2 120.1 2.7 180.1.2 3.5.4 7 .5 10.5h41c-3.1-57.8-4.3-115.6-3.6-173.5zM1509.3 1447.7c-31.1-41.1-61-83.1-89.7-125.7-2.3-3.4-4.6-6.9-6.9-10.3l-48.4-.1c42.6 65.1 87.9 128.5 135.9 190h50.8c-14.1-17.9-28.1-35.8-41.7-53.9zM958.8 1310.9c-4.5 59-8.9 117.9-13.4 176.9-.3 4.6-.7 9.1-1 13.7h40.9c4.3-56.8 8.6-113.7 12.9-170.5.5-6.7 1-13.4 1.5-20.2l-40.9.1zM652.1 1371.6c17.6-19.6 34.5-39.7 51-60.1l-51.7.1c-.6.8-1.3 1.5-1.9 2.3-7.4 8.8-15 17.5-22.6 26.1-14.9 16.8-30.3 33.2-46 49.2-32.2 32.7-66 64-101.5 93.5-7.6 6.4-15.4 12.6-23.1 18.8h62.4c47.3-40.4 92-83.8 133.4-129.9zM884.7 1354.4c8.5-14.5 16.9-28.9 25.4-43.4l-46.9.1c-33.1 56.6-66.2 113.2-99.3 169.7-4 6.9-8 13.8-12.1 20.6h46.9c28.7-48.9 57.3-98 86-147z"
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, SVG.g
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[ SVG.path
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, style: R.css { fill: "#151b35", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, SVG.path
{ d: "M799.8 1183.9c2.9-1.9 215.9-207.9 243-212.1 41.8-6.5 430.3 21 430.3 21l-270.7 56.3-165.9 27.5-159.1 200.5-77.6-93.2z"
, style: R.css { fill: "#5b94cb", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, SVG.path
{ d: "M578.5 801.6s-10.2 63.8 10.2 78.5c20.3 14.7 116.9 49.2 124.6 85.4 7.6 36.2-3.8 70.7 5.1 94 8.9 23.3 95.8 142.1 122.4 133.7 26.7-8.4 190.7-212.2 225.6-211.5 35 .6 252.1 3.9 329.6-3.9 77.5-7.8 139.6-30.2 191.7-37.3 52.1-7.1 79.9-5.8 81.8 7.8 1.9 13.6 2.8 22.6-37.8 34.9-40.7 12.3-83.5 17.4-88 38.8-4.4 21.3-25 59.7-57.4 35.1s-29-35.7-49.4-28.5c-20.3 7.1-201.7 78.9-253.2 76-49.4-2.8-76.7-18.6-84.9-9.5-8.2 9.1-89.6 136.5-107.4 172.1-17.8 35.6-66.8 133.6-135.4 136.8-68.6 3.2-106.8 8.4-136-33-29.2-41.4-45.8-127.4-83.3-168.2-37.5-40.7-115-138.4-132.8-177.9-17.8-39.5-24-87.5-17-117.3 7-29.8 26.5-76.7 28.4-150.5l63.2 44.5z"
, style: R.css { fill: "url(#b)", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, SVG.path
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, SVG.path
{ d: "M718.3 1059.5c-8.9-23.3 2.5-57.8-5.1-94-3-14.5-20.3-28.6-41.2-41.4-28.7 13-47.9-13.9-104.2-31.4-3.7-1.1-7.2-2-10.6-2.7-25.4-5.2-51.6 6.2-64.3 28.8-5.4 9.7-8.8 22.1-7.4 37.8.1 1.5.2 2.9.2 4.1 2.8 21.3 8.9 43.9 18.1 64.3 17.8 39.5 95.3 137.1 132.8 177.9 3.2 3.5 6.2 7.2 9.1 11.3 88.8-20.6 126.8-76.2 126.8-76.2-26-31.6-49.8-66.9-54.2-78.5zm-185.9-39.8c-47.1-58.3-12.6-97-12.6-97l135.9 110.5s-76 44.9-123.3-13.5z"
, style: R.css { fill: "#fffdfd", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, SVG.path
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, SVG.path
{ d: "M526.2 1021.3c2.2 0 4.3-.7 6-1.9-4.8-5.9-8.7-11.6-11.9-17.1-2.7 1.9-4.5 5-4.5 8.6 0 5.7 4.6 10.4 10.4 10.4zM618.5 1170.2c-3 0-5.6 1.2-7.5 3.2 4.7 5.6 9.2 10.9 13.5 15.8 2.7-1.9 4.5-5 4.5-8.5 0-5.9-4.7-10.5-10.5-10.5z"
, style: R.css { fill: "#f6b734", fillRule: "nonzero" }
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, SVG.path
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, SVG.g
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, SVG.path
{ d: "M1066.4 981.6c-35-.6-198.9 203.1-225.6 211.5-8.3 2.6-22.2-7-37.9-22.1-10.3 21.4-44.7 76.2-130.8 92.5 16.5 38.7 29.7 81.7 47.9 107.5 29.2 41.4 67.4 36.2 136 33 68.6-3.2 117.6-101.5 135.4-137.1 17.8-35.6 99.1-163 107.4-172.1 8.3-9.1 35.5 6.8 84.9 9.5 45 2.5 189.4-52 238.5-70.5 1.5-15.9-.1-36.1-10.4-57.9-5.2.7-10.5 1.3-15.9 1.8-77.5 7.8-294.6 4.6-329.5 3.9z"
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, SVG.path
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, style: R.css { fill: "#fffdfd", fillRule: "nonzero" }
, SVG.path
{ d: "M772.6 1213.6c15.4 33.9 20.7 71.5 13.9 108.1-.8 4.1 5.5 5.8 6.2 1.7 7.2-38.5 1.6-77.5-14.5-113.1-1.8-3.7-7.3-.4-5.6 3.3z"
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, SVG.path
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, SVG.path
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, x2: "1"
, y2: "0"
, gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
, gradientTransform:
"rotate(-135.047 935.926 373.35) scale(962.362)"
, children:
[ SVG.stop
{ offset: "0"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#ff956e", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.stop
{ offset: "1"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#e87054", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.linearGradient
{ id: "c"
, x1: "0"
, y1: "0"
, x2: "1"
, y2: "0"
, gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
, gradientTransform:
"rotate(-135.047 483.856 263.204) scale(185.823)"
, children:
[ SVG.stop
{ offset: "0"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#ff956e", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.stop
{ offset: "1"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#e87054", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.linearGradient
{ id: "d"
, x1: "0"
, y1: "0"
, x2: "1"
, y2: "0"
, gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
, gradientTransform: "scale(178.61) rotate(86.92 -.587 6.444)"
, children:
[ SVG.stop
{ offset: "0"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#8aadd7", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.stop
{ offset: "1"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#5b94cb", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.linearGradient
{ id: "e"
, x1: "0"
, y1: "0"
, x2: "1"
, y2: "0"
, gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
, gradientTransform:
"scale(-608.847) rotate(44.953 1.68 -3.09)"
, children:
[ SVG.stop
{ offset: "0"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#ff956e", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.stop
{ offset: "1"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#e87054", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.radialGradient
{ id: "a"
, cx: "0"
, cy: "0"
, r: "1"
, gradientUnits: "userSpaceOnUse"
, gradientTransform:
"matrix(678.54 0 0 569.293 786.739 1406.13)"
, children:
[ SVG.stop
{ offset: "0"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#944e9b", stopOpacity: "1" }
, SVG.stop
{ offset: "1"
, style: R.css
{ stopColor: "#a36da7", stopOpacity: "1" }

View File

@ -20,13 +20,20 @@ left = str "left"
_100percent ∷ StyleProperty
_100percent = percent 100.0
nest ∷ ∀ r rl. RowToList r rl => HomogeneousRowList rl StyleProperty => Record r -> StyleProperty
nest ∷
∀ r rl.
RowToList r rl ⇒
HomogeneousRowList rl StyleProperty ⇒
Record r →
nest = nested <<< css
nestDynamic ∷
∀ r.
Homogeneous r StyleProperty =>
String -> { | r } -> Style
Homogeneous r StyleProperty ⇒
String →
{ | r } →
nestDynamic key sp =
$ Object.singleton key (css sp)

View File

@ -17,55 +17,55 @@ import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Untagged.Castable (class Castable, cast)
import Untagged.Union (UndefinedOr, defined, fromUndefinedOr, maybeToUor, uorToMaybe)
type Id :: forall k. k -> k
type Id ∷ ∀ k. k → k
type Id a = a
newtype OptionalProp a = OptionalProp (UndefinedOr a)
∀ r a rNoA key
. IsSymbol key
=> Cons key a rNoA r
=> Proxy key
-> OptionalProp a
-> { | r }
-> { | r }
∀ r a rNoA key.
IsSymbol key
Cons key a rNoA r
Proxy key
OptionalProp a
{ | r }
{ | r }
setOrDelete key v = case opToMaybe v of
Nothing -> unsafeDelete (reflectSymbol key)
Just v' -> set key v'
Nothing unsafeDelete (reflectSymbol key)
Just v' set key v'
asOptional ∷ ∀ a. a -> OptionalProp a
asOptional ∷ ∀ a. a OptionalProp a
asOptional = cast
asMaybe ∷ ∀ a. a -> Maybe a
asMaybe ∷ ∀ a. a Maybe a
asMaybe = asOptional >>> opToMaybe
composeHandler ∷ EventHandler -> OptionalProp EventHandler -> EventHandler
composeHandler ∷ EventHandler → OptionalProp EventHandler → EventHandler
composeHandler handler propsHandler =
mkEffectFn1 \a -> do
mkEffectFn1 \a do
for_ (handler # asMaybe) $ flip runEffectFn1 a
for_ (propsHandler # opToMaybe) $ flip runEffectFn1 a
unsafeUnOptional ∷ ∀ a. OptionalProp a -> a
unsafeUnOptional ∷ ∀ a. OptionalProp a a
unsafeUnOptional = unsafeCoerce
unsafeUnMaybe ∷ ∀ a. Maybe a -> a
unsafeUnMaybe ∷ ∀ a. Maybe a a
unsafeUnMaybe = maybeToOp >>> unsafeUnOptional
opToMaybe ∷ ∀ a. OptionalProp a -> Maybe a
opToMaybe ∷ ∀ a. OptionalProp a Maybe a
opToMaybe (OptionalProp x) = uorToMaybe x
maybeToOp ∷ ∀ a. Maybe a -> OptionalProp a
maybeToOp ∷ ∀ a. Maybe a OptionalProp a
maybeToOp mb = OptionalProp (maybeToUor mb)
derive instance ntOptionalProp ∷ Newtype (OptionalProp a) _
instance semigroupOptionalProp ∷ Semigroup a => Semigroup (OptionalProp a) where
instance semigroupOptionalProp ∷ Semigroup a Semigroup (OptionalProp a) where
append (OptionalProp a) (OptionalProp b) =
(maybeToUor (uorToMaybe a <> uorToMaybe b))
instance monoidOptionalProp ∷ Monoid a => Monoid (OptionalProp a) where
instance monoidOptionalProp ∷ Monoid a Monoid (OptionalProp a) where
mempty = OptionalProp (defined mempty)
instance foldableOptionalProp ∷ Foldable OptionalProp where
@ -81,21 +81,21 @@ instance altOptionalProp ∷ Alt OptionalProp where
instance castableOptionalProp ∷ Castable a (OptionalProp a)
getOr ∷ ∀ a. a -> OptionalProp a -> a
getOr ∷ ∀ a. a → OptionalProp a → a
getOr default (OptionalProp o) = fromUndefinedOr default o
getOrFlipped ∷ ∀ a. OptionalProp a -> a -> a
getOrFlipped ∷ ∀ a. OptionalProp a → a → a
getOrFlipped = flip getOr
ifTrue ∷ ∀ a. a -> a -> OptionalProp Boolean -> a
ifTrue ∷ ∀ a. a → a → OptionalProp Boolean → a
ifTrue v alt x = if (x ?|| false) then v else alt
isTruthy ∷ OptionalProp Boolean -> Boolean
isTruthy ∷ OptionalProp Boolean Boolean
isTruthy = getOr false
infixr 5 getOrFlipped as ?||
appendIfDefined ∷ ∀ a. (Semigroup a) => a -> OptionalProp a -> a
appendIfDefined ∷ ∀ a. (Semigroup a) ⇒ a → OptionalProp a → a
appendIfDefined a undefOrA = maybe a (a <> _) (opToMaybe undefOrA)
infixr 7 appendIfDefined as <>?

View File

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ spec =
$ renderComponent Box.component {}
it "accepts div props" do
{ findByText } <-
{ findByText }
renderComponent Box.component
{ role: "Heinz"
, children: [ R.text "Find me!" ]
elem <- findByText "Find me!"
elem findByText "Find me!"
elem `shouldHaveAttribute` "role"

View File

@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (colour)
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
import Yoga.Block.Layout.Box as Box
∷ { decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
, title ∷ String
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX → JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Layout/Box"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ \storyFn
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
@ -39,59 +39,92 @@ box =
, Block.stack {}
[ Box.component </ myBox "var(--s1)" /> [ R.text "Shadow" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.purple._300 "var(--s-1)" /> [ colText1 F.purple._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.purple._500 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.purple._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.purple._700 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.purple._700 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.purple._300 "var(--s-1)" />
[ colText1 F.purple._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.purple._500 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.purple._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.purple._700 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.purple._700 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.violet._300 "var(--s-1)" /> [ colText1 F.violet._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.violet._500 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.violet._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.violet._700 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.violet._700 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.violet._300 "var(--s-1)" />
[ colText1 F.violet._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.violet._500 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.violet._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.violet._700 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.violet._700 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.lightBlue._300 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.lightBlue._700 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.lightBlue._500 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.lightBlue._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.lightBlue._700 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.lightBlue._700 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.lightBlue._300 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.lightBlue._700 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.lightBlue._500 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.lightBlue._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.lightBlue._700 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.lightBlue._700 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.teal._300 "var(--s-1)" /> [ colText1 F.teal._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.teal._500 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.teal._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.teal._700 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.teal._700 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.teal._300 "var(--s-1)" />
[ colText1 F.teal._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.teal._500 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.teal._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.teal._700 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.teal._700 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.emerald._300 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.emerald._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.emerald._500 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.emerald._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.emerald._700 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.emerald._700 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.emerald._300 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.emerald._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.emerald._500 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.emerald._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.emerald._700 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.emerald._700 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.lime._300 "var(--s-1)" /> [ colText1 F.lime._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.lime._500 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.lime._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.lime._700 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.lime._700 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.lime._300 "var(--s-1)" />
[ colText1 F.lime._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.lime._500 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.lime._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.lime._700 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.lime._700 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.yellow._300 "var(--s-1)" /> [ colText1 F.yellow._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.yellow._500 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.yellow._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.yellow._700 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.yellow._700 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.yellow._300 "var(--s-1)" />
[ colText1 F.yellow._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.yellow._500 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.yellow._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.yellow._700 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.yellow._700 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s-1)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s-1)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 "text" ]
, cluster
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.rose._300 "var(--s-1)" /> [ colText1 F.rose._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.rose._500 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.rose._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.rose._700 "var(--s0)" /> [ colText1 F.rose._700 "text" ]
[ Box.component </ colBox1 F.rose._300 "var(--s-1)" />
[ colText1 F.rose._300 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.rose._500 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.rose._500 "text" ]
, Box.component </ colBox1 F.rose._700 "var(--s0)" />
[ colText1 F.rose._700 "text" ]
@ -123,5 +156,10 @@ box =
(myBox depth)
{ background = cssStringRGBA col1
, borderRadius = E.str "var(--s1)"
, style = R.css { width: "33%", padding: "20px", textAlign: "center", fontWeight: 500 }
, style = R.css
{ width: "33%"
, padding: "20px"
, textAlign: "center"
, fontWeight: 500

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Layout.Box.Style where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
type Props ∷ forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type Props ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type Props f r =
( css ∷ f Style
, padding ∷ f StyleProperty
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type Props f r =
| r
box ∷ ∀ p. { | Props OptionalProp p } -> Style
box ∷ ∀ p. { | Props OptionalProp p } Style
box props = styles <>? props.css
styles =

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
module Yoga.Block.Layout.Box.View (component, Props, PropsNoChildren, PropsNoChildrenF, PropsF) where
module Yoga.Block.Layout.Box.View
( component
, Props
, PropsNoChildren
, PropsNoChildrenF
, PropsF
) where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Yoga.Block.Internal (DivPropsNoChildren)
@ -23,13 +29,13 @@ type PropsNoChildren =
type PropsOptional =
PropsF OptionalProp
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props => ReactComponent { | p }
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props ReactComponent { | p }
component = rawComponent
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawComponent =
mkForwardRefComponent "Box" do
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref ->
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref
$ emotionDiv

View File

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ spec =
$ renderComponent Centre.component {}
it "accepts div props" do
{ findByText } <-
{ findByText }
renderComponent Centre.component
{ role: "Heinz"
, children: [ R.text "Find me!" ]
elem <- findByText "Find me!"
elem findByText "Find me!"
elem `shouldHaveAttribute` "role"

View File

@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
import Yoga.Block.Layout.Centre as Centre
∷ { decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
, title ∷ String
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX → JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Layout/Centre"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ \storyFn
{ children:
[ element { styles: }
@ -42,17 +42,24 @@ centre =
, element Centre.component
{ children: [ R.text "Default" ]
, style:
css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA, color: "black" }
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA
, color: "black"
, element Centre.component
{ children: [ R.text "Text Centred" ]
, style:
css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.violet._500, color: "white" }
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.violet._500
, color: "white"
, andText: true
, element Centre.component
{ children: [ R.text "With gutters" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA, color: "white" }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA, color: "white" }
, gutters: 3.0 # E.em
, E.element Centre.component

View File

@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ spec =
$ renderComponent Cluster.component {}
it "accepts div props" do
{ findByTestId } <-
{ findByTestId }
renderComponent Cluster.component
{ role: "Heinz"
, _data: Object.fromHomogeneous { testid: "cluster" }
, children: [ R.text "Find me!" ]
elem <- findByTestId "cluster"
elem findByTestId "cluster"
shouldHaveAttributeWithValue elem "role" "Heinz"

View File

@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (colour)
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
import Yoga.Block.Layout.Cluster as Cluster
∷ { decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
, title ∷ String
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX → JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Layout/Cluster"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ \storyFn
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ cluster =
, children:
[ R.h2_ [ R.text "No Options" ]
, el Cluster.component
{ style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA } }
{ style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA }
[ power
( R.div
{ children: [ R.text "Content" ]
@ -63,11 +64,13 @@ cluster =
[ R.div
{ children: [ R.text "Child 1" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA }
, R.div
{ children: [ R.text "Child 2" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.emerald._700 }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.emerald._700 }

View File

@ -4,29 +4,33 @@ import Yoga.Prelude.Style
import Yoga.Block.Layout.Types (AlignItems, JustifyContent, alignToString, justifyToString)
type Props :: forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type Props ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type Props f r =
( css ∷ f Style
, space ∷ f String
, rowSpace :: f String
, justifyContent :: f JustifyContent
, alignItems :: f AlignItems
, rowSpace f String
, justifyContent f JustifyContent
, alignItems f AlignItems
, justify ∷ f String
, align ∷ f String
| r
cluster ∷ ∀ p. { | Props OptionalProp p } -> Style
cluster ∷ ∀ p. { | Props OptionalProp p } Style
cluster props = styles <>? props.css
space = ( <#> \x -> if x == "0" then "0px" else x) ?|| "var(--s1)"
space = ( <#> \x if x == "0" then "0px" else x) ?|| "var(--s1)"
styles =
{ display: str "flex"
, flexWrap: wrap
, alignItems: ((str <<< alignToString) <$> props.alignItems) ?|| (str <$> props.align) ?|| center
, justifyContent: ((str <<< justifyToString) <$> props.justifyContent) ?|| (str <$> props.justify) ?|| flexStart
, alignItems: ((str <<< alignToString) <$> props.alignItems)
?|| (str <$> props.align)
?|| center
, justifyContent: ((str <<< justifyToString) <$> props.justifyContent)
?|| (str <$> props.justify)
?|| flexStart
, gap: str space
, rowGap: (str <$> props.rowSpace) ?|| str space

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
module Yoga.Block.Layout.Cluster.View (component, Props, PropsF, PropsNoChildren, PropsNoChildrenF) where
module Yoga.Block.Layout.Cluster.View
( component
, Props
, PropsF
, PropsNoChildren
, PropsNoChildrenF
) where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
@ -9,8 +15,8 @@ import Yoga.Block.Layout.Cluster.Style as Style
type PropsNoChildrenF f =
( className ∷ f String
, wrapper ∷ f (Array JSX -> JSX)
, childWrapper ∷ f (Array JSX -> JSX)
, wrapper ∷ f (Array JSX JSX)
, childWrapper ∷ f (Array JSX JSX)
| Style.Props f + DivPropsNoChildren
@ -28,13 +34,13 @@ type PropsNoChildren =
type PropsOptional =
PropsF OptionalProp
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props => ReactComponent { | p }
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props ReactComponent { | p }
component = rawComponent
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawComponent =
mkForwardRefComponent "Cluster" do
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref ->
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref
-- Must be careful here because React fiddles with children
let safeChildren = reactChildrenToArray (unsafeCoerce props.children)
let wrappedChildren = safeChildren

View File

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ spec =
$ renderComponent Cover.component {}
it "accepts div props" do
{ findByText } <-
{ findByText }
renderComponent Cover.component
{ role: "Heinz"
, children: [ R.text "Find me!" ]
elem <- findByText "Find me!"
elem findByText "Find me!"
elem `shouldHaveAttribute` "role"

View File

@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ import Yoga.Block as Block
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
import Yoga.Block.Layout.Cover as Cover
∷ { decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
, title ∷ String
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX → JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Layout/Cover"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ \storyFn
{ children:
[ element { styles: }
@ -42,12 +42,14 @@ cover =
[ R.h2_ [ R.text "The Cover" ]
, element Cover.component
{ children: [ R.text "Default" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA, color: "black" }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA, color: "black" }
, minHeight: E.px 300
, element Cover.component
{ children: [ R.text "With Header and Footer" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.violet._500, color: "white" }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.violet._500, color: "white" }
, header: R.text "Header"
, footer: R.text "Footer"
, minHeight: E.px 300
@ -55,13 +57,19 @@ cover =
, Block.cluster_
[ element Cover.component
{ children: [ R.text "With Header only" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.violet._600, color: "white" }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.violet._600
, color: "white"
, header: R.text "Header"
, minHeight: E.px 300
, element Cover.component
{ children: [ R.text "With Header only centre in remaining" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.violet._600, color: "white" }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.violet._600
, color: "white"
, header: R.text "Header"
, minHeight: E.px 300
, centreInRemaining: true
@ -70,13 +78,19 @@ cover =
, Block.cluster_
[ element Cover.component
{ children: [ R.text "With Footer only" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.emerald._700, color: "white" }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.emerald._700
, color: "white"
, footer: R.text "Footer"
, minHeight: E.px 300
, element Cover.component
{ children: [ R.text "With Footer only centre in remaining" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.teal._600, color: "white" }
, style: css
{ backgroundColor: cssStringRGBA F.teal._600
, color: "white"
, footer: R.text "Footer"
, minHeight: E.px 300
, centreInRemaining: true

View File

@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
module Yoga.Block.Layout.Cover.View (component, Props, PropsF, PropsNoChildrenF, PropsNoChildren) where
module Yoga.Block.Layout.Cover.View
( component
, Props
, PropsF
, PropsNoChildrenF
, PropsNoChildren
) where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
@ -28,36 +34,59 @@ type Props =
type PropsOptional =
PropsF OptionalProp
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props => ReactComponent { | p }
component ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Props ReactComponent { | p }
component = rawComponent
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawComponent =
mkForwardRefComponent "Cover" do
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref ->
{ header, footer } = if props.centreInRemaining # isTruthy then
{ header: props.header # foldMap \jsx -> R.div' </* { className: "header", css: Style.header props } /> [ jsx ]
, footer: props.footer # foldMap \jsx -> R.div' </* { className: "footer", css: Style.footer props } /> [ jsx ]
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref →
{ header, footer } =
if props.centreInRemaining # isTruthy then
{ header: props.header # foldMap \jsx → R.div'
</* { className: "header", css: Style.header props }
/> [ jsx ]
, footer: props.footer # foldMap \jsx → R.div'
</* { className: "footer", css: Style.footer props }
/> [ jsx ]
case opToMaybe props.header, opToMaybe props.footer of
Just headerJSX, Just footerJSX ->
{ header: R.div' </* { className: "header", css: Style.header props } /> [ headerJSX ]
, footer: R.div' </* { className: "footer", css: Style.footer props } /> [ footerJSX ]
Just headerJSX, Nothing ->
{ header: R.div' </* { className: "header", css: Style.header props } /> [ headerJSX ]
, footer: R.div' </* { className: "footer", css: Style.footer props <> Style.invisible } /> [ headerJSX ]
Nothing, Just footerJSX ->
{ header: R.div' </* { className: "header", css: Style.header props <> Style.invisible } /> [ footerJSX ]
, footer: R.div' </* { className: "footer", css: Style.footer props } /> [ footerJSX ]
Nothing, Nothing -> mempty
main =
R.div' </* { className: "main", css: Style.main } /> props.children
Just headerJSX, Just footerJSX →
{ header: R.div'
</* { className: "header", css: Style.header props }
/> [ headerJSX ]
, footer: R.div'
</* { className: "footer", css: Style.footer props }
/> [ footerJSX ]
Just headerJSX, Nothing →
{ header: R.div'
</* { className: "header", css: Style.header props }
/> [ headerJSX ]
, footer: R.div'
{ className: "footer"
, css: Style.footer props <> Style.invisible
/> [ headerJSX ]
Nothing, Just footerJSX →
{ header: R.div'
{ className: "header"
, css: Style.header props <> Style.invisible
/> [ footerJSX ]
, footer: R.div'
</* { className: "footer", css: Style.footer props }
/> [ footerJSX ]
Nothing, Nothing → mempty
main =
R.div' </* { className: "main", css: Style.main } /> props.children
$ emotionDiv

View File

@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ spec =
$ renderComponent Grid.component { children: [] }
it "accepts div props" do
{ findByText } <-
{ findByText }
renderComponent Grid.component
{ role: "Heinz"
, children: [ R.text "Find me!" ]
elem <- findByText "Find me!"
parent <- elem # getParentOrFailWith "Grid has no parent"
elem findByText "Find me!"
parent elem # getParentOrFailWith "Grid has no parent"
parent `shouldHaveAttribute` "role"

View File

@ -12,18 +12,18 @@ import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
default ∷
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Layout/Grid"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
[ \storyFn →
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
grid ∷ Effect JSX
@ -34,10 +34,19 @@ grid =
[ R.h2_ [ R.text "No Options" ]
, element Grid.component
{ children:
[ R.div { children: [ R.text "Grid" ], style: css { backgroundColor: "teal" } }
, R.div { children: [ R.text $ power "Content " 10 ], style: css { backgroundColor: "darkslateblue" } }
, R.div { children: [ R.text $ power "Content " 10 ], style: css { backgroundColor: "darkslateblue" } }
[ R.div
{ children: [ R.text "Grid" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: "teal" }
, R.div
{ children: [ R.text $ power "Content " 10 ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: "darkslateblue" }
, R.div
{ children: [ R.text $ power "Content " 10 ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: "darkslateblue" }
, style: css { backgroundColor: "oldlace" }

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Layout.Grid.Style where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
type Props :: forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type Props ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type Props f r =
( css ∷ f Style
, min ∷ f String
@ -10,12 +10,14 @@ type Props f r =
| r
grid ∷ ∀ p. { | Props OptionalProp p } -> Style
grid ∷ ∀ p. { | Props OptionalProp p } Style
grid props = styles <>? props.css
styles =
{ display: str "grid"
, gridGap: props.gridGap ?|| var "--s1"
, gridTemplateColumns: str $ "repeat(auto-fit, minmax(min(" <> (props.min ?|| "20rem") <> ", 100%), 1fr))"
, gridTemplateColumns: str $ "repeat(auto-fit, minmax(min("
<> (props.min ?|| "20rem")
<> ", 100%), 1fr))"

View File

@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import Yoga (el)
default ∷
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX -> JSX)
{ decorators ∷ Array (Effect JSX JSX)
, title ∷ String
default =
{ title: "Layout/Imposter"
, decorators:
[ \storyFn ->
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
[ \storyFn →
[ element { styles: }
, unsafePerformEffect storyFn
imposter ∷ Effect JSX
@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ imposter =
{ style: css { backgroundColor: "hotpink" }
[ R.div_
$ [ power
[ power
( R.div
{ children: [ R.text "Content" ]
, style: css { backgroundColor: "teal" }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Layout.Imposter.Style where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
import Data.Interpolate (i)
type Props :: forall k. (Type -> k) -> Row k -> Row k
type Props ∷ ∀ k. (Type → k) → Row k → Row k
type Props f r =
( css ∷ f Style
, margin ∷ f String
@ -12,20 +12,22 @@ type Props f r =
| r
imposter ∷ ∀ p. { | Props OptionalProp p } -> Style
imposter ∷ ∀ p. { | Props OptionalProp p } Style
imposter props = styles <>? props.css
styles =
{ position: (props.fixed <#> if _ then fixed else absolute) ?|| absolute
, top: 50.0 # percent
, left: 50.0 # percent
, transform: str "translate(-50%,-50%)"
, zIndex: str "5"
, "&:.contain":
styles =
{ position: (props.fixed <#> if _ then fixed else absolute) ?|| absolute
, top: 50.0 # percent
, left: 50.0 # percent
, transform: str "translate(-50%,-50%)"
, zIndex: str "5"
, "&:.contain":
{ overflow: auto
, maxWidth: str $ i "calc(100% - (" (getOr "0px" props.margin) " * 2))"
, maxHeight: str $ i "calc(100% - (" (getOr "0px" props.margin) " * 2))"
, maxWidth: str $ i "calc(100% - (" (getOr "0px" props.margin)
" * 2))"
, maxHeight: str $ i "calc(100% - (" (getOr "0px" props.margin)
" * 2))"

View File

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ type Props =
type PropsOptional =
PropsF OptionalProp
component ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Props => ReactComponent { | p }
component ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Props ReactComponent { | p }
component = rawComponent
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawComponent =
mkForwardRefComponent "Imposter" do
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref ->
\(props ∷ { | PropsOptional }) ref
$ emotionDiv ref props
{ className: "ry-imposter " <>? props.className

View File

@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ spec =
$ renderComponent Sidebar.component { sidebar: mempty, children: [] }
it "accepts div props" do
{ findByText } <-
{ findByText }
renderComponent Sidebar.component
{ role: "Heinz"
, children: [ R.text "Find me!" ]
, sidebar: mempty
elem <- findByText "Find me!"
parent <- elem # getParentOrFailWith "Sidebar has no parent"
elem findByText "Find me!"
parent elem # getParentOrFailWith "Sidebar has no parent"
parent `shouldHaveAttribute` "role"

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