Move plumage into this

This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2022-08-31 14:00:15 +02:00
parent 395875edb7
commit 371b0e437f
40 changed files with 3285 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -553,11 +553,9 @@ in upstream
with react-virtuoso =
{ dependencies =
[ "effect", "functions", "prelude", "react-basic", "react-basic-dom" ]
, repo = ""
, version = "ad50a215c024f4ee3393916c8a3307a9a7c9b4a5"
, version = "5be142c5a651509e9e9a68582ed1807c029ba1b5"
with yoga-tree =
{ dependencies =

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ You can edit this file as you like.
, "literals"
, "maybe"
, "newtype"
, "now"
, "nullable"
, "numbers"
, "ordered-collections"
@ -45,8 +46,10 @@ You can edit this file as you like.
, "record"
, "record-extra"
, "refs"
, "remotedata"
, "spec"
, "spec-discovery"
, "st"
, "strings"
, "tailrec"
, "transformers"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
module Plumage.Atom.Button where
import Prelude
import Data.Array (fold)
import Data.Monoid (guard)
import Data.Nullable as Nullable
import Data.Traversable (for_)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Framer.Motion as M
import Fahrtwind.Layer as Layer
import Fahrtwind.Style (background, black, border, borderCol, borderNone, borderSolid, boxSizingBorderBox, cursorPointer, gray, inlineBlock, mXY, opacity, pX, pXY, pY, positionAbsolute, positionRelative, rounded, roundedXl, shadowDefaultCol, shadowSm, textCol, violet, white)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import React.Aria.Button (ButtonPropsImpl, useButton)
import React.Aria.Focus (useFocusRing)
import React.Aria.Utils (mergeProps)
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM (css, unsafeCreateDOMComponent)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion (Style)
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Hooks (Component, component, useEffectAlways)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Yoga.Prelude.View (getBoundingBoxFromRef)
mkButton ∷
∀ attrsIn69 attrsIn_70.
Union attrsIn69 attrsIn_70 ButtonPropsImpl ⇒
{ buttonProps ∷ Record attrsIn69
, children ∷ Array JSX
, containerCss ∷ Style
, css ∷ Style
mkButton = do
rawButton ← unsafeCreateDOMComponent "button"
component "Button" \props →
ref ← React.useRef Nullable.null
containerRef ← React.useRef Nullable.null
boundingBox /\ setBoundingBox ← React.useState' zero
useEffectAlways do
maybeBB ← getBoundingBoxFromRef containerRef
for_ maybeBB \bb →
when (bb /= boundingBox) (setBoundingBox bb)
{ buttonProps } ← useButton props.buttonProps ref
{ isFocused, isFocusVisible, focusProps } ←
useFocusRing { within: false, isTextInput: false, autoFocus: false }
$ E.element R.div'
{ className: "plm-button-container"
, css:
<> inlineBlock
<> pXY 0
<> mXY 0
<> props.containerCss
, ref: containerRef
, children:
[ E.element rawButton
( mergeProps
( mergeProps
{ className: "plm-button"
, css: props.css
, ref
, children: props.children
, guard (isFocused && isFocusVisible)
( E.element M.div
{ className: "focus-outline"
, css: focusStyle
, initial:
$ css
{ width: boundingBox.width
, height: boundingBox.height
, left: 0
, top: 0
, animate:
$ css
{ width: boundingBox.width + 12.0
, height: boundingBox.height + 12.0
, left: -6.0
, top: -6.0
, layout: M.layout true
, layoutId: M.layoutId "focus-indicator"
, _aria: Object.singleton "hidden" "true"
focusStyle ∷ Style
focusStyle =
[ border 4
, borderCol violet._400
, borderSolid
, boxSizingBorderBox
, rounded (E.px 17)
, positionAbsolute
, opacity 80
, Layer.topmost
baseButtonStyle ∷ Style
baseButtonStyle =
[ background white
, textCol black
, roundedXl
, borderSolid
, borderCol gray._300
, border 1
, pY 11
, pX 27
, boxSizingBorderBox
, shadowSm
, cursorPointer
, E.css
{ fontFamily: E.str "InterVariable, sans-serif"
, fontSize: E.str "0.95em"
, fontWeight: E.str "500"
, letterSpacing: E.str "0.025em"
, textAlign: E.str "center"
, outline: E.none
primaryButtonStyle ∷ Style
primaryButtonStyle =
<> fold
[ background violet._600
, textCol white
, borderNone
, pY 12
, pX 28
, shadowDefaultCol violet._600

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
module Plumage.Atom.DatePicker where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Data.Date (Date, Month, Year)
import Effect.Now (nowDate)
import Plumage.Atom.DatePicker.View (mkDatePickerView)
import Plumage.Atom.DatePicker.View as DateView
import React.Basic.Hooks (mkReducer)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
type Props =
{ dateʔ :: Maybe Date
, show :: Boolean
, showingMonthʔ :: Maybe (Month /\ Year)
, onChange :: Maybe Date -> Effect Unit
data Action = DateViewAction DateView.Action
type State =
{ datePickerState ∷ DateView.State
defaultState ∷ State
defaultState = { datePickerState: DateView.defaultState }
reduce ∷ State → Action → State
reduce = case _, _ of
s, DateViewAction a → s { datePickerState = DateView.reduce (s.datePickerState) a }
mkDatePicker ∷ React.Component Props
mkDatePicker = do
dateView <- mkDatePickerView
reducer <- mkReducer reduce
React.component "DatePicker" \(props :: Props) →
state /\ dispatch <- React.useReducer defaultState reducer
useEffect do
if then do
currentDate <- nowDate
dispatch (DateViewAction $ DateView.Open { selectedDateʔ: props.dateʔ, currentDate })
dispatch (DateViewAction DateView.Dismiss)
useEffect props.dateʔ do
case props.dateʔ of
Nothing -> mempty
Just date -> dispatch $ DateViewAction $ DateView.DateSelected date
useEffect (state.datePickerState <#> _.selectedDateʔ) do
case state.datePickerState of
Nothing -> mempty
Just { selectedDateʔ } -> unless (selectedDateʔ == props.dateʔ) do
props.onChange selectedDateʔ
useEffect props.showingMonthʔ do
case props.showingMonthʔ of
Nothing -> mempty
Just monthAndYear -> dispatch $ DateViewAction $ DateView.ShowMonthAndYear monthAndYear
( dateView
{ state: state.datePickerState
, dispatch: dispatch <<< DateViewAction

View File

@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
module Plumage.Atom.DatePicker.View where
import Plumage.Prelude.Style
import Data.Date (Date, Day, Month(..), Weekday(..), Year)
import Data.Date as Date
import Data.Enum (enumFromTo, fromEnum)
import Data.Enum as Enum
import Data.String as String
import Data.Time.Duration (Days(..), negateDuration)
import Data.Tuple.Nested (type (/\), (/\))
import Framer.Motion as M
import Literals.Undefined (undefined)
import Fahrtwind.Icon.Heroicons as Heroicons
import Plumage.Util.HTML as H
import Prelude as Bounded
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion (Style)
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Events (handler_)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Record (disjointUnion)
type Props = { state ∷ State, dispatch ∷ Action → Effect Unit }
data Action
= DateSelected Date
| ShowPreviousMonth
| ShowNextMonth
| ShowMonthAndYear (Month /\ Year)
| Open { currentDate ∷ Date, selectedDateʔ ∷ Maybe Date }
| StartTransition TransitionDirection
| Dismiss
data TransitionDirection = Opening | ToNextMonth | ToPreviousMonth | Closing
derive instance Eq TransitionDirection
type State = Maybe
{ selectedDateʔ ∷ Maybe Date
, currentDate ∷ Date
, showingMonth ∷ (Month /\ Year)
, transitioningʔ ∷ Maybe TransitionDirection
defaultState ∷ State
defaultState = Nothing
reduce ∷ State → Action → State
reduce = case _, _ of
Just s, DateSelected d → Just (s { selectedDateʔ = Just d })
Just s, ShowMonthAndYear my → Just
(s { showingMonth = my, transitioningʔ = Nothing })
Just s, ShowNextMonth → Just
(s { showingMonth = nextMonth s.showingMonth, transitioningʔ = Nothing })
Just s, ShowPreviousMonth → Just
( s
{ showingMonth = previousMonth s.showingMonth
, transitioningʔ = Nothing
-- User clicking very fast. Without this they have to wait for the transition
-- to finish on every click
Just s@{ transitioningʔ: Just running }, StartTransition transition
| running == transition → case running of
ToNextMonth → Just s { showingMonth = nextMonth s.showingMonth }
ToPreviousMonth → Just s { showingMonth = previousMonth s.showingMonth }
_ → Just s
Just s, StartTransition transition → Just
(s { transitioningʔ = Just transition })
Just _, Dismiss → Nothing
Nothing, Open { currentDate, selectedDateʔ } → do
let date = fromMaybe currentDate selectedDateʔ
{ selectedDateʔ
, currentDate
, showingMonth: (Date.month date /\ Date.year date)
, transitioningʔ: Nothing
s, _ → s
mkDatePickerView ∷ React.Component Props
mkDatePickerView = do
React.component "DatePickerView" \props →
let { state, dispatch } = props
pure case state of
Just s → renderDate ({ dispatch } `disjointUnion` s)
Nothing → mempty
renderDate ∷
{ dispatch ∷ Action → Effect Unit
, currentDate ∷ Date
, selectedDateʔ ∷ Maybe Date
, showingMonth ∷ Month /\ Year
, transitioningʔ ∷ Maybe TransitionDirection
} →
{ dispatch
, currentDate
, selectedDateʔ
, transitioningʔ
, showingMonth: showingMonth /\ showingYear
} = do
let date = Date.canonicalDate showingYear showingMonth Bounded.bottom
let nextMonth /\ nextYear = nextMonth (showingMonth /\ showingYear)
let nextDate = Date.canonicalDate nextYear nextMonth Bounded.bottom
previousMonth /\ previousYear = previousMonth (showingMonth /\ showingYear)
previousDate = Date.canonicalDate previousYear previousMonth Bounded.bottom
H.div_ dateContainerStyle
[ H.div_ titleAndControlsStyle
[ E.element R.button'
{ className: "plm-cal-btn"
, css: monthChangeButtonStyle
, onClick: handler_ (dispatch (StartTransition ToPreviousMonth))
, children: [ Heroicons.chevronLeft ]
-- , E.element R.button'
-- { className: "monthAndYear"
-- , css: monthAndYearStyle
-- , children:
-- [ R.div_
-- [ R.text $ monthName showingMonth <>
-- if showingYear == Date.year currentDate then ""
-- else " " <> yearString showingYear
-- ]
-- , H.div_
-- ( width 20
-- <> height' (E.str "calc(100% - 6px)")
-- <> flexRow
-- <> itemsCenter
-- <> justifyEnd
-- <> border 0
-- <> borderLeft 1
-- <> borderSolid
-- <> borderCol gray._200
-- )
-- [ H.div_ (widthAndHeight 16)
-- [ Heroicons.chevronDown ]
-- ]
-- ]
-- }
, R.text $ monthName showingMonth <>
if showingYear == Date.year currentDate then ""
else " " <> yearString showingYear
, E.element R.button'
{ className: "plm-cal-btn"
, css: monthChangeButtonStyle
, onClick: handler_ (dispatch (StartTransition ToNextMonth))
, children: [ Heroicons.chevronRight ]
, E.element R.div'
{ className: "days-container"
, css: daysContainerStyle
, children:
[ H.div_ daysHeadingsStyle
( enumFromTo Monday Sunday <#>
(weekdayName >>> String.take 3 >>> \n → R.div_ [ R.text n ])
, E.element M.div
{ className: "the-days"
, key: monthName showingMonth
, css: flexRow <> width (7 * size) <> height 260
, initial: M.initial $ R.css { x: "-100%" }
, animate: M.animate case transitioningʔ of
Just ToNextMonth → R.css
{ x: "-200%", transition: { duration: 0.2 } }
Just ToPreviousMonth → R.css
{ x: "0%", transition: { duration: 0.2 } }
_ → R.css { x: "-100%" }
, onAnimationComplete: M.onAnimationComplete
case transitioningʔ of
Just ToNextMonth → const $ dispatch ShowNextMonth
Just ToPreviousMonth → const $ dispatch ShowPreviousMonth
_ → mempty
, children:
[ H.div "days" daysStyle
$ renderMonthNumbers
{ date: previousDate
, selectedDateʔ: Nothing
, currentDateʔ: Nothing
, showingMonth: previousMonth
, dispatch: mempty
, H.div "days" daysStyle
$ renderMonthNumbers
{ date
, selectedDateʔ
, currentDateʔ: Just currentDate
, showingMonth
, dispatch
, H.div "days" daysStyle
$ renderMonthNumbers
{ date: nextDate
, selectedDateʔ: Nothing
, currentDateʔ: Nothing
, showingMonth: nextMonth
, dispatch: mempty
renderMonthNumbers ∷
{ currentDateʔ ∷ Maybe Date
, date ∷ Date
, dispatch ∷ Action → Effect Unit
, selectedDateʔ ∷ Maybe Date
, showingMonth ∷ Month
} →
Array JSX
renderMonthNumbers { date, selectedDateʔ, currentDateʔ, showingMonth, dispatch } =
let firstDay = firstMondayBefore $ setDay Bounded.bottom date
let lastDay = Date.adjust (41.0 # Days) firstDay # fromMaybe
( ( enumFromTo firstDay lastDay
-- ( firstSundayAfter
-- $ setDay (lastDayOfMonth (Date.year date) (Date.month date)) date
-- )
<#> \(d ∷ Date) →
E.element R.button'
{ className: "day"
, css: dayStyle <>
if Date.month d /= showingMonth then
else mempty
, children:
[ E.element M.div
{ css:
( if selectedDateʔ == Just d then
else mempty
( if Just d == currentDateʔ then currentDayStyle
else mempty
if (fromEnum $ d) == 1 then oneDayStyle
else mempty
, initial:
if selectedDateʔ == Just d then
M.initial $ R.css { scale: 1.2 }
else M.initial $ undefined
, animate:
M.animate $ R.css
{ scale: 1
, transition:
{ type: "spring"
, delay: 0.1
, stiffness: 100
, mass: 0.5
, damping: 5
, className: "cn"
, children: [ R.text $ show $ fromEnum $ d ]
, onClick: handler_
if Date.month d < showingMonth then do
dispatch (StartTransition ToPreviousMonth)
dispatch (DateSelected d)
else if Date.month d > showingMonth then do
dispatch (StartTransition ToNextMonth)
dispatch (DateSelected d)
else do
dispatch $ DateSelected d
nextMonth ∷ Month /\ Year → Month /\ Year
nextMonth (currentMonth /\ currentYear) = do
let monthSuccʔ = Enum.succ currentMonth
case monthSuccʔ of
Nothing → Bounded.bottom /\ (Enum.succ currentYear # fromMaybe
Just monthSucc → monthSucc /\ currentYear
previousMonth ∷ Month /\ Year → Month /\ Year
previousMonth (currentMonth /\ currentYear) = do
let monthPredʔ = Enum.pred currentMonth
case monthPredʔ of
Nothing → /\ (Enum.pred currentYear # fromMaybe Bounded.bottom)
Just monthPred → monthPred /\ currentYear
setDay ∷ Day → Date → Date
setDay day date = Date.canonicalDate (Date.year date) (Date.month date) day
firstMondayBefore ∷ Date → Date
firstMondayBefore date = go date
go d =
if Date.weekday d == Monday then d
else do
Date.adjust (negateDuration (Days 1.0)) d # maybe d go
firstSundayAfter ∷ Date → Date
firstSundayAfter date = go date
go d =
if Date.weekday d == Sunday then d
else Date.adjust (Days 1.0) d # maybe d go
commonDaysStyle ∷ Style
commonDaysStyle = displayGrid <> templateCols "repeat(7, 1fr)" <> textCenter
daysHeadingsStyle ∷ Style
daysHeadingsStyle = commonDaysStyle
<> textCol gray._500
<> fontMedium
<> textXs
<> pT 10
<> pB 8
daysStyle ∷ Style
daysStyle = commonDaysStyle <> templateRows ("repeat(7," <> show size <> "px)")
size ∷ Int
size = 42
padding ∷ Int
padding = 2
dayStyle ∷ Style
dayStyle = width size <> height size <> borderNone
<> E.css { background: E.none }
<> mXY 0
<> pXY padding
<> textCol (gray._500 # darken 0.07)
<> fontMedium
<> textSm
dayRoundStyle ∷ Style
dayRoundStyle = roundedXl <> widthFull <> heightFull <> boxSizingBorderBox
<> pT 6
<> transition "all 160ms ease-out"
<> hover
( background coolGray._100
<> borderCol coolGray._100
<> cursorPointer
<> textCol black
<> border 3
<> borderCol white
<> borderSolid
selectedDayStyle ∷ Style
selectedDayStyle = s <> hover s
s = background violet._100
<> borderCol violet._500
<> textCol violet._800
oneDayStyle ∷ Style
oneDayStyle = pR' (E.str "1px")
currentDayStyle ∷ Style
currentDayStyle = positionRelative
<> E.css { fontVariantNumeric: E.str "tabular-nums" }
<> afterElement
( positionAbsolute <> bottom' (6 # E.px) <> right' (50.0 # E.percent)
<> width 18
<> height 3
<> background (gray._500 # withAlpha 0.5)
<> translate "50%" "50%"
<> roundedFull
otherMonthDayStyle ∷ Style
otherMonthDayStyle = textCol gray._400
dateContainerStyle ∷ Style
dateContainerStyle = roundedLg <> shadowMd <> flexCol <> justifyCenter
<> itemsCenter
<> pX 12
<> pT 16
<> pB 12
<> background (white)
<> textSm
<> overflowXHidden
<> border 1
<> borderSolid
<> borderCol gray._200
<> E.css { width: E.str "fit-content" }
titleAndControlsStyle ∷ Style
titleAndControlsStyle = flexRow
<> justifyBetween
<> itemsCenter
<> widthFull
monthChangeButtonStyle ∷ Style
monthChangeButtonStyle =
border 1
<> roundedMd
<> borderSolid
<> textCol gray._600
<> background white
<> borderCol gray._200
<> widthAndHeight 30
<> shadowSm
<> pXY 6
<> boxSizingBorderBox
<> mXY 0
<> hover (background gray._100)
monthAndYearStyle ∷ Style
monthAndYearStyle =
textDefault <> fontMedium <> textCol gray._600
<> background white
<> border 1
<> borderSolid
<> roundedMd
<> borderCol gray._200
<> pXY 0
<> width 180
<> height 30
<> itemsCenter
<> mXY 0
<> pX 5
<> flexRow
<> textSm
<> justifyBetween
<> shadowSm
daysContainerStyle ∷ Style
daysContainerStyle = pT 8
yearString ∷ Year → String
yearString = fromEnum >>> show
monthName ∷ Month → String
monthName = case _ of
January → "January"
February → "February"
March → "March"
April → "April"
May → "May"
June → "June"
July → "July"
August → "August"
September → "September"
October → "October"
November → "November"
December → "December"
weekdayName ∷ Weekday → String
weekdayName = case _ of
Monday → "Monday"
Tuesday → "Tuesday"
Wednesday → "Wednesday"
Thursday → "Thursday"
Friday → "Friday"
Saturday → "Saturday"
Sunday → "Sunday"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
module Plumage.Atom.InfiniteLoadingBar where
import Plumage.Prelude.Style
import Data.Array ((..))
import Network.RemoteData (RemoteData)
import Network.RemoteData as RemoteData
import Fahrtwind.Style as TW
import Plumage.Util.HTML as H
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Yoga ((/>), (</*))
mkKittLoadingBar ∷
∀ e a. React.Component { numberOfLights ∷ Int, remoteData ∷ RemoteData e a }
mkKittLoadingBar =
React.component "KittLoadingBar" \props →
let { numberOfLights: number, remoteData: rd } = props
pure $
( flexRow
<> gap 4
<> E.css { alignSelf: }
<> boxSizingContentBox
( (1 .. number)
<#> \i →
{ key: show i
, style: R.css
{ animationDelay: show (number * (-50) + i * 50) <>
, css: baseStyle number <> dynamicStyle number rd i
/> []
dynamicStyle number rd i = case rd of
RemoteData.NotAsked → notAskedStyle
RemoteData.Loading → loadingStyle case i of
x | x < (number - 3) → TW.violet
_ → TW.violet
RemoteData.Failure _ → errorStyle
RemoteData.Success _ → successStyle
loadingStyle col = E.css { animationName: glowAnimation col }
baseStyle number =
( width 12
<> height 4
<> boxSizingContentBox
<> background (violet._400 # desaturate 0.8)
<> E.css
{ borderRadius: E.str "14%"
, animation: E.str "x 1s infinite ease-in-out"
, animationFillMode: E.str "alternate"
, animationDuration: E.str $ show (number * 50 * 2) <> "ms"
notAskedStyle = background TW.warmGray._300
errorStyle = background
successStyle =
{ boxShadow:
("0 0 2px " <> cssStringRGBA (TW.gray._300 # withAlpha 0.6))
glowAnimation col =
{ from:
background (col._400 # desaturate 0.8)
<> E.css
{ boxShadow:
( "0 0 1px " <> cssStringRGBA
(col._200 # withAlpha 0.0)
, to:
background col._500
<> E.css
{ boxShadow:
( "0 0 5px " <> cssStringRGBA
(col._400 # withAlpha 0.33)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
module Plumage.Atom.Input.Input.Style where
import Plumage.Prelude.Style
import React.Basic.Emotion (auto, px)
import Yoga.Block.Internal.CSS (transparent)
blockContainerStyle ∷ Style
blockContainerStyle =
<> textCol gray._700
<> focusWithin blockContainerFocusWithinStyle
blockContainerFocusWithinStyle ∷ Style
blockContainerFocusWithinStyle = css
{ "&>label": nested
$ translate "0px" "4px"
<> textCol violet._50
<> background violet._500
defaultLabelStyle ∷ Style
defaultLabelStyle =
(textSized 0.8 1.2)
<> trackingTight
<> textTransformUppercase
<> css { borderRadius: str "4px 4px 0 0" }
<> pL 6
<> pY 3
<> transition "all 0.2s ease-in-out"
<> fontMedium
smallLabelStyle ∷ Style
smallLabelStyle = defaultLabelStyle <> textSized 0.67 0.7
inputBackground ∷ Color
inputBackground = (coolGray._700 # rotateHue 30.0 # desaturate 0.1)
defaultInputStyle ∷ Style
defaultInputStyle =
border 3
<> textCol gray._800
<> borderCol (gray._300 # withAlpha 0.5)
<> transition "all 0.2s ease-in-out"
<> roundedDefault
<> textLg
<> pY 6
<> pX 8
<> hover
( borderCol (gray._500 # withAlpha 0.5)
<> shadow "inset 0 1px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)"
<> focus
<> outlineNone
<> placeholder (textCol (gray._500))
defaultInputFocusStyle ∷ Style
defaultInputFocusStyle =
borderCol violet._500
-- <> E.css { backgroundImage: E.none }
-- <> background (violet._900 # darken 0.1)
<> textCol violet._100
<> placeholder (textCol violet._400)
type InputProps =
{ id ∷ String
, value ∷ String
, setValue ∷ String → Effect Unit
, placeholder ∷ String
, placeholders ∷ Array String
plumageInputContainerStyle ∷ Style
plumageInputContainerStyle =
width' auto
<> flexRow
<> itemsCenter
<> positionRelative
<> borderSolid
<> roundedMd
<> textSm
<> border 2
<> borderCol' (var "--plm-inputBorder-colour")
<> background' (var "--plm-inputBackground-colour")
<> textCol' (var "--plm-inputIcon--colour")
<> focusWithin plumageInputContainerFocusWithinStyle
( attributeValueStyle "data-input-size" "small"
( rounded (5 # px)
<> border 1
<> fontSize 12
plumageInputContainerFocusWithinStyle ∷ Style
plumageInputContainerFocusWithinStyle = borderCol'
(var "--plm-inputBorderActive-colour")
plumageInputStyle ∷ Style
plumageInputStyle =
<> height 32
<> background transparent
<> border 0
<> mXY 0
<> width 1
<> flexGrow 1
<> outlineNone
<> textCol' (var "--plm-inputText-colour")
<> pB 1
<> pL 8
<> css
{ autocomplete: str "off"
, autocorrect: str "off"
, spellcheck: str "false"
<> css
{ "&[data-input-size='small']": nested
$ pT 0
<> pB 1
<> pL 8
<> height 26

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
module Plumage.Atom.Input.Select where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Plumage.Atom.Input.Input.Style (plumageInputContainerStyle)
import Plumage.Atom.Input.Select.Style (plumageSelectStyle)
import Plumage.Util.HTML as Styled
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Yoga ((/>), (</), (</*))
mkSelect ∷
∀ a.
( { choice ∷ a
, choices ∷ Array a
, onChange ∷ Array a → Effect Unit
, toString ∷ a → String
, toValue ∷ a → String
mkSelect = do
React.component "Select" \{ toString, toValue, choices } →
pure $
Styled.div "input-container" plumageInputContainerStyle
{ className: "select"
, role: "listbox"
, css: plumageSelectStyle
( choices <#> \c → R.option' </ { value: toValue c } />
[ R.text $ toString c ]
-- [ R.div_ [ R.text (toString choice) ]
-- , H.div_ (widthAndHeight 16)
-- [ Heroicons.chevronDown ]
-- ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module Plumage.Atom.Input.Select.Style where
import Plumage.Prelude.Style
import Plumage.Atom.Input.Input.Style (plumageInputStyle)
import React.Basic.DOM.SVG as SVG
plumageSelectStyle ∷ Style
plumageSelectStyle =
<> css { appearance: none }
<> pR 8
<> svgBackgroundImage
( SVG.svg
{ viewBox: "0 0 24 24"
, xmlns: ""
, stroke: cssStringRGBA gray._400
, fill: "none"
, children:
[ SVG.path
{ strokeLinecap: "round"
, strokeLinejoin: "round"
, strokeWidth: "4"
, d: "M19 9l-7 7-7-7"
<> backgroundPosition "right 4px center"
<> backgroundNoRepeat
<> backgroundSize "10px"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Plumage.Atom.Input.View where
import Plumage.Prelude.Style
import Plumage.Atom.Input.Input.Style (plumageInputContainerStyle, plumageInputStyle)
import Plumage.Util.HTML as Styled
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Hooks (Component)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Yoga ((</*>))
import Yoga.Block.Atom.Input.Hook.UseTypingPlaceholders (useTypingPlaceholders)
import Yoga.Prelude.View (handler, targetValue)
type InputProps =
{ id ∷ String
, value ∷ String
, setValue ∷ String → Effect Unit
, placeholder ∷ String
, placeholders ∷ Array String
mkInput ∷ Component InputProps
mkInput = React.component "Input" render
render ∷ InputProps → _
render (props@{ id, value, setValue } ∷ InputProps) =
inputRef ← useTypingPlaceholders props.placeholder props.placeholders
pure $
Styled.div "input-container" plumageInputContainerStyle
[ R.input'
{ id
, className: "plm-input"
, css: plumageInputStyle
, value
, onChange: handler targetValue (traverse_ setValue)
, ref: inputRef

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
module Plumage.Atom.Modal.View where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Fahrtwind (acceptClicks)
import Fahrtwind.Style.Color.Background (background)
import Fahrtwind.Style.Color.Tailwind as TW
import Fahrtwind.Style.Color.Util (withAlpha)
import Fahrtwind.Style.Inset (left, left', top) as P
import Fahrtwind.Style.Position (positionFixed)
import Fahrtwind.Style.Size (heightScreen, widthScreen) as P
import Fahrtwind.Style.Transform (translate)
import Plumage.Hooks.UseRenderInPortal (useRenderInPortal)
import Plumage.Util.HTML as H
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion (Style)
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
clickAwayStyle ∷ Style
clickAwayStyle =
<> P.heightScreen
<> positionFixed
<> P.left 0
<> 0
<> acceptClicks
-- [TODO] Move out
mkClickAway ∷
{ css ∷ Style
, hide ∷ Effect Unit
, isVisible ∷ Boolean
, clickAwayId ∷ String
mkClickAway = do
React.component "Clickaway"
\{ css, isVisible, hide, clickAwayId } →
renderInPortal ← useRenderInPortal clickAwayId
$ guard isVisible
$ renderInPortal
$ R.div'
{ className: "click-away"
, css: clickAwayStyle <> css
, onMouseUp: handler_ hide
, onTouchEnd: handler_ hide
modalStyle ∷ Style
modalStyle = positionFixed <> P.left' (50.0 # E.percent)
<> 0
<> translate "-50%" "0"
<> acceptClicks
type ModalIds = { clickAwayId ∷ String, modalContainerId ∷ String }
type Props =
{ hide ∷ Effect Unit
, isVisible ∷ Boolean
, content ∷ JSX
, allowClickAway ∷ Boolean
, clickAwayId ∷ String
, modalContainerId ∷ String
mkModal ∷ React.Component Props
mkModal = do
clickAway ← mkClickAway
React.component "Modal" \props →
{ hide
, isVisible
, content
, allowClickAway
, clickAwayId
, modalContainerId
} = props
renderInPortal ← useRenderInPortal modalContainerId
pure $ fragment
[ clickAway
{ css: background (TW.gray._900 # withAlpha 0.5)
, hide: if allowClickAway then hide else mempty
, isVisible
, clickAwayId
, renderInPortal (H.div "modal" modalStyle [ content ])

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module Plumage.Atom.PopOver.Types where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Data.Array.NonEmpty (NonEmptyArray)
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NEA
import Plumage.Prelude.Style (Style)
data HookDismissBehaviour
= DismissPopOverOnClickAway { id ∷ String, css ∷ Style }
| DismissPopOverOnClickOutsideTargetAnd (Array NodeRef)
| DismissPopOverOnClickOutsideElements NodeRef (Array NodeRef)
toDismissBehaviour ∷ NodeRef → HookDismissBehaviour → DismissBehaviour
toDismissBehaviour targetRef = case _ of
DismissPopOverOnClickAway x → DismissOnClickAway x
DismissPopOverOnClickOutsideTargetAnd refs →
DismissOnClickOutsideElements (NEA.cons' targetRef refs)
DismissPopOverOnClickOutsideElements ref refs →
DismissOnClickOutsideElements (NEA.cons' ref refs)
data DismissBehaviour
= DismissOnClickAway { id ∷ String, css ∷ Style }
| DismissOnClickOutsideElements (NonEmptyArray NodeRef)
data Placement = Placement PrimaryPlacement SecondaryPlacement
data PrimaryPlacement = Above | LeftOf | RightOf | Below
data SecondaryPlacement = Centre | Start | End
derive instance Eq PrimaryPlacement
derive instance Ord PrimaryPlacement
derive instance Eq SecondaryPlacement
derive instance Ord SecondaryPlacement
derive instance Eq Placement
derive instance Ord Placement
cyclePlacement ∷ Placement → Placement
cyclePlacement = case _ of
Placement Above Start → Placement Above Centre
Placement Above Centre → Placement Above End
Placement Above End → Placement RightOf Start
Placement RightOf Start → Placement RightOf Centre
Placement RightOf Centre → Placement RightOf End
Placement RightOf End → Placement Below End
Placement Below End → Placement Below Centre
Placement Below Centre → Placement Below Start
Placement Below Start → Placement LeftOf End
Placement LeftOf End → Placement LeftOf Centre
Placement LeftOf Centre → Placement LeftOf Start
Placement LeftOf Start → Placement Above Start
printPlacement ∷ Placement → String
printPlacement (Placement primary secondary) = p <> " " <> s
p = case primary of
Above → "above"
LeftOf → "left of"
RightOf → "right of"
Below → "below"
s = case secondary of
Centre → "centre"
Start → "start"
End → "end"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
module Plumage.Atom.PopOver.View where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Control.Monad.ST.Internal as ST
import Data.Array.NonEmpty as NEA
import Data.Int as Int
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Time.Duration (Milliseconds(..))
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Fahrtwind (acceptClicks, positionAbsolute)
import Fahrtwind.Style.BoxShadow (shadow)
import Framer.Motion as M
import Plumage.Atom.Modal.View (mkClickAway)
import Plumage.Atom.PopOver.Types (DismissBehaviour(..), Placement(..), PrimaryPlacement(..), SecondaryPlacement(..))
import Plumage.Hooks.UseRenderInPortal (useRenderInPortal)
import Plumage.Hooks.UseResize2 (useOnResize)
import Plumage.Prelude.Style (Style)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Unsafe.Reference (reallyUnsafeRefEq)
import Web.Event.Event (EventType(..))
import Web.Event.EventTarget (addEventListener, eventListener, removeEventListener)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.HTMLDocument as HTMLDocument
import Web.HTML.Window (document, innerHeight, innerWidth, requestAnimationFrame, scrollX, scrollY)
import Web.UIEvent.MouseEvent as MouseEvent
popOverShadow ∷ Style
popOverShadow =
"0 30px 12px 2px rgba(50,57,70,0.2), 0 24px 48px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.4)"
type PopOverViewProps =
{ dismissBehaviourʔ ∷ Maybe DismissBehaviour
, containerId ∷ String
, placement ∷ Placement
, placementRef ∷ NodeRef
, childʔ ∷ Maybe JSX
, hide ∷ Effect Unit
, onAnimationStateChange ∷ Boolean → Effect Unit
mkPopOverView ∷ React.Component PopOverViewProps
mkPopOverView = do
popOver ← mkPopOver
React.component "PopOverView" \props →
visiblePlacementʔ /\ setVisiblePlacement ← React.useState' Nothing
-- Triggers a recomputation of the bounding box for more correct
-- click outside handling
_ /\ setAnimationDone ← React.useState' false
visibleChildʔ /\ setVisibleChild ← React.useState' Nothing
contentRef ← React.useRef null
motionRef ← React.useRef null
useEffectAlways do
when (props.childʔ # isNothing) do
setVisibleChild Nothing
useEffectAlways do
case props.dismissBehaviourʔ of
Nothing → mempty
Just (DismissOnClickAway _) → mempty
Just (DismissOnClickOutsideElements elements) → do
-- No need to register and deregister an event listener if
-- there are no bounding boxes to measure
maybeBbsʔ ← for elements getBoundingBoxFromRef
let bbsʔ = maybeBbsʔ # NEA.catMaybes # NEA.fromArray
case bbsʔ of
Nothing → mempty
Just bbs → do
let eventType = EventType "mousedown"
eventTarget ← window >>= document <#> HTMLDocument.toEventTarget
listener ← eventListener \e → do
for_ (MouseEvent.fromEvent e) \mouseEvent → do
let x = MouseEvent.clientX mouseEvent # Int.toNumber
let y = MouseEvent.clientY mouseEvent # Int.toNumber
clickedOutside = bbs # NEA.all
\{ left, right, bottom, top } →
x < left || x > right || y < top || y > bottom
props.hide # when clickedOutside
addEventListener eventType listener true eventTarget
pure $ removeEventListener eventType listener true
-- measureStyle = R.css { visibility: "hidden" }
measureStyle = R.css
{ visibility: "hidden"
, outline: "pink"
, border: "solid 10px red"
style = visiblePlacementʔ # foldMap \placement → R.css
{ transformOrigin: toTransformOrigin placement
initial = M.initial $ R.css
{ scale: 0.7
, opacity: 0
animate = M.animate $ R.css
{ scale: 1
, opacity: 1
, y: 0
, transition: { type: "spring", bounce: 0.3, duration: 0.3 }
exit =
M.exit $ R.css
{ scale: 0.8
, opacity: 0.0
, transition:
{ type: "spring", bounce: 0.2, duration: 0.2 }
onAnimationComplete = M.onAnimationComplete \fgn → do
props.onAnimationStateChange false
if (reallyUnsafeRefEq fgn exit) then
setVisiblePlacement Nothing
else if (reallyUnsafeRefEq fgn animate) then do
setAnimationDone true
else mempty
onAnimationStart = M.onAnimationStart do
props.onAnimationStateChange true
setAnimationDone false
getBBWidthAndHeight = ado
bbʔ ← getBoundingBoxFromRef contentRef
w ← window >>= innerWidth <#> Int.toNumber
h ← window >>= innerHeight <#> Int.toNumber
in { bbʔ, w, h }
calculatePlacement { bbʔ, w, h } oldPlacement = do
-- [FIXME] I need to take the placement ref into account, it'll be the
-- longest if else in the world
let (Placement _ secondary) = oldPlacement
bbʔ <#> \bb → do
if (bb.height > h) || (bb.width > w) then
else if bb.right > w then
(Placement LeftOf secondary)
else if bb.left < zero then
(Placement RightOf secondary)
else if < zero then
(Placement Below secondary)
else if bb.bottom > h then
(Placement Above secondary)
else do
getBestPlacement ∷
{ bbʔ ∷ Maybe DOMRect, w ∷ Number, h ∷ Number } → Placement → Placement
getBestPlacement bbWidthAndHeight oldPlacement = do
pRef ← oldPlacement
getNewPlacement = do
currentPlacement ← pRef
newPlacement = calculatePlacement bbWidthAndHeight
for_ newPlacement (_ `ST.write` pRef)
placementBefore ← pRef
ST.while ( pRef <#> (_ /= placementBefore)) do
result ← pRef
pure result
recalculatePlacement =
case props.childʔ of
Just child →
-- I don't know why we need three frames, sorry
void $ window >>= requestAnimationFrame do
void $ window >>= requestAnimationFrame do
void $ window >>= requestAnimationFrame do
bbWidthAndHeight ← getBBWidthAndHeight
for_ bbWidthAndHeight.bbʔ $ \_ → do
newPlacement = getBestPlacement bbWidthAndHeight
setVisiblePlacement (Just newPlacement)
-- Do this always
setVisibleChild (Just child)
Nothing →
setVisibleChild Nothing
useLayoutEffectAlways do
useOnResize (200.0 # Milliseconds) \_ → do
setVisibleChild Nothing
pure $ popOver
{ isVisible: props.childʔ # isJust
, dismissBehaviourʔ: props.dismissBehaviourʔ
, containerId: props.containerId
, hide: props.hide
, placement: visiblePlacementʔ # fromMaybe props.placement
, placementRef: props.placementRef
, content:
[ guard (visibleChildʔ # isNothing) $ props.childʔ # foldMap
\child → R.div'
{ ref: contentRef
, style: measureStyle
/> [ child ]
, M.animatePresence </ {} />
[ visibleChildʔ # foldMap \child →
{ key: "popOver"
, style
, initial
, animate
, exit
, onAnimationComplete
, onAnimationStart
, ref: motionRef
[ child ]
popOverStyle ∷ Style
popOverStyle = positionAbsolute <> acceptClicks
type Props =
{ hide ∷ Effect Unit
, isVisible ∷ Boolean
, content ∷ JSX
, placement ∷ Placement
, placementRef ∷ NodeRef
, dismissBehaviourʔ ∷ Maybe DismissBehaviour
, containerId ∷ String
toTransformOrigin ∷ Placement → String
toTransformOrigin (Placement primary secondary) = primaryOrigin <> " " <>
primaryOrigin = case primary of
Above → "bottom"
LeftOf → "right"
RightOf → "left"
Below → "top"
secondaryOrigin = case secondary of
Centre → "center"
Start | primary == Above || primary == Below → "left"
Start → "top"
End | primary == Above || primary == Below → "right"
End → "bottom"
mkPopOver ∷ React.Component Props
mkPopOver = do
clickAway ← mkClickAway
React.component "popOver" \props →
let { hide, isVisible, content, dismissBehaviourʔ, containerId } = props
refBB /\ setRefBB ← React.useState' (zero ∷ DOMRect)
recalc = when isVisible do
bbʔ ← getBoundingBoxFromRef props.placementRef
fromTop ← window >>= scrollY
fromLeft ← window >>= scrollX
adjustedBbʔ = bbʔ <#> \bb → bb
{ top = + fromTop
, left = bb.left + fromLeft
, right = bb.right + fromLeft
, bottom = bb.bottom + fromTop
for_ adjustedBbʔ \newBb →
unless (refBB == newBb) do
setRefBB newBb
useEffectAlways do
renderInPortal ← useRenderInPortal containerId
pure $ fragment
[ case dismissBehaviourʔ of
Just (DismissOnClickAway { id, css }) →
clickAway { css, hide, isVisible, clickAwayId: id }
_ → mempty
, renderInPortal
( R.div'
{ className: "popOver"
, css: popOverStyle
, style: toAbsoluteCSS refBB props.placement
[ content ]
toAbsoluteCSS ∷ DOMRect → Placement → R.CSS
toAbsoluteCSS bb (Placement primary secondary) =
case primary, secondary of
Above, Centre → R.css
{ top:
, left: bb.left + bb.width / 2.0
, transform: "translate(-50%, -100%)"
Above, Start → R.css
{ top:
, left: bb.left
, transform: "translate(0, -100%)"
Above, End → R.css
{ top:
, left: bb.right
, transform: "translate(-100%, -100%)"
RightOf, Centre → R.css
{ top: + bb.height / 2.0
, left: bb.right
, transform: "translate(0, -50%)"
RightOf, Start → R.css
{ top:
, left: bb.right
RightOf, End → R.css
{ top: bb.bottom
, left: bb.right
, transform: "translate(0, -100%)"
LeftOf, Centre → R.css
{ top: + bb.height / 2.0
, left: bb.left
, transform: "translate(-100%, -50%)"
LeftOf, Start → R.css
{ top:
, left: bb.left
, transform: "translate(-100%, 0)"
LeftOf, End → R.css
{ top: bb.bottom
, left: bb.left
, transform: "translate(-100%, -100%)"
Below, Centre → R.css
{ top: bb.bottom
, left: bb.left + bb.width / 2.0
, transform: "translate(-50%, 0)"
Below, Start → R.css
{ top: bb.bottom
, left: bb.left
Below, End → R.css
{ top: bb.bottom
, left: bb.right
, transform: "translate(-100%, 0)"

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@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module Plumage.Atom.Tooltip.View where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Plumage.Atom.PopOver.Types (Placement)
import Plumage.Hooks.UsePopOver (usePopOver)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
tooltip ∷
{ containerId ∷ String, placement ∷ Placement, tooltip ∷ JSX } → JSX → JSX
tooltip props@{ containerId, placement } child = rawComponent
{ placement
, containerId
, child
, tooltipContent: props.tooltip
type Props =
{ placement ∷ Placement
, containerId ∷ String
, child ∷ JSX
, tooltipContent ∷ JSX
rawComponent ∷ ReactComponent Props
rawComponent = unsafePerformEffect $ React.reactComponent "Tooltip" $
\({ placement, containerId, child, tooltipContent } ∷ Props) →
{ hidePopOver
, renderInPopOver
, targetRef
, showPopOver
, isVisible
} ← usePopOver
{ dismissBehaviourʔ: Nothing
, containerId
, placement
pure $ fragment
[ R.div
{ children: [ child ]
, ref: targetRef
, onMouseLeave: handler_ $ guard isVisible hidePopOver
, onMouseEnter: handler_ $ guard (not isVisible) showPopOver
, renderInPopOver tooltipContent

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
module Plumage.Hooks.UsePopOver where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Plumage.Atom.PopOver.Types (HookDismissBehaviour, Placement, toDismissBehaviour)
import Plumage.Atom.PopOver.View (mkPopOverView)
import Plumage.Atom.PopOver.View as PopOver
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
type Options =
{ dismissBehaviourʔ ∷ Maybe HookDismissBehaviour
, containerId ∷ String
, placement ∷ Placement
type Result =
{ hidePopOver ∷ Effect Unit
, renderInPopOver ∷ JSX → JSX
, targetRef ∷ NodeRef
, showPopOver ∷ Effect Unit
, isVisible ∷ Boolean
newtype UsePopOver hooks = UsePopOver
(UseRef (Nullable Node) (UseState Boolean hooks))
derive instance Newtype (UsePopOver hooks) _
usePopOver ∷ Options → Hook UsePopOver Result
usePopOver options = coerceHook
isVisible /\ setIsVisible ← React.useState' false
targetRef ← React.useRef null
renderInPopOver content = popOverComponent
{ hide: when isVisible $ setIsVisible false
, childʔ: if isVisible then Just content else Nothing
, placementRef: targetRef
, placement: options.placement
, dismissBehaviourʔ: options.dismissBehaviourʔ <#> toDismissBehaviour
, containerId: options.containerId
, onAnimationStateChange: mempty
{ targetRef
, renderInPopOver
, hidePopOver: when isVisible $ setIsVisible false
, showPopOver: unless isVisible $ setIsVisible true
, isVisible
popOverComponent ∷ PopOver.PopOverViewProps → JSX
popOverComponent = unsafePerformEffect mkPopOverView

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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
module Plumage.Hooks.UseRenderInPortal
( UseRenderInPortal(..)
, useRenderInPortal
) where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import React.Basic.DOM (createPortal)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Web.DOM (Element)
import Yoga.Block.Internal (findElementByIdInDocument)
newtype UseRenderInPortal hooks = UseRenderInPortal
(UseEffect Unit (UseState (Maybe Element) hooks))
derive instance Newtype (UseRenderInPortal hooks) _
useRenderInPortal ∷ String → Hook UseRenderInPortal (JSX → JSX)
useRenderInPortal portalId = coerceHook
portalʔ /\ setPortal ← React.useState' Nothing
let renderInPortal jsx = portalʔ # foldMap (createPortal jsx)
useEffectOnce do
when (portalʔ # isNothing) do
findElementByIdInDocument portalId >>= setPortal
pure renderInPortal

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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
module Plumage.Hooks.UseResize2 where
import Prelude
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Int (toNumber)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Data.Ord (abs)
import Data.Time.Duration (class Duration)
import Data.Time.Duration as Milliseconds
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff (Aff, Fiber, delay, error, killFiber, launchAff, launchAff_)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, UseEffect, UseLayoutEffect, UseRef, UseState, coerceHook, useEffectOnce, useLayoutEffect, (/\))
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Web.Event.Event (EventType(..))
import Web.Event.EventTarget (EventListener, EventTarget, addEventListener, eventListener, removeEventListener)
import Web.HTML as HTML
import Web.HTML.Window as Window
eventType ∷ EventType
eventType = EventType "resize"
registerListener ∷ EventListener → Effect (Effect Unit)
registerListener listener = do
target ← HTML.window <#> Window.toEventTarget
addEventListener eventType listener false target
pure $ removeEventListener eventType listener false target
type Sizes =
{ innerWidth ∷ Number, innerHeight ∷ Number }
newtype UseResize hooks = UseResize
(UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState Sizes hooks))
derive instance ntUseResize ∷ Newtype (UseResize hooks) _
useResize ∷ Hook UseResize Sizes
useResize =
size /\ setSize ← React.useState' zero
useLayoutEffect unit do
setSizeFromWindow setSize
listener ← makeListener setSize
registerListener listener
pure size
setSizeFromWindow ∷ (Sizes → Effect Unit) → Effect Unit
setSizeFromWindow setSize = do
window ← HTML.window
innerWidth ← Window.innerWidth window <#> toNumber
innerHeight ← Window.innerHeight window <#> toNumber
setSize { innerWidth, innerHeight }
makeListener ∷ (Sizes → Effect Unit) → Effect EventListener
makeListener setSize = do
$ const (setSizeFromWindow setSize)
newtype UseOnResize hooks = UseOnResize
( UseEffect Unit
( UseRef Sizes
(UseRef (Maybe (Fiber Unit)) hooks)
derive instance ntUseOnResize ∷ Newtype (UseOnResize hooks) _
useOnResize ∷
∀ d.
Duration d ⇒
d →
( { innerWidth ∷ Number
, innerHeight ∷ Number
, deltaWidth ∷ Number
, deltaHeight ∷ Number
} →
Effect Unit
) →
Hook UseOnResize Unit
useOnResize debounceBy callback =
fiberRef ← React.useRef Nothing
sizeRef ← React.useRef (zero ∷ Sizes)
layoutEffect ∷ Effect (Effect Unit)
layoutEffect = do
setSizeFromWindow (React.writeRef sizeRef ∷ Sizes → Effect Unit)
listener ∷ EventListener ←
makeListener \(dimensions ∷ Sizes) → do
aff ∷ Aff Unit
aff = do
fiberʔ ← React.readRef fiberRef # liftEffect
for_ fiberʔ (killFiber (error "Fiber cancelled"))
delay (Milliseconds.fromDuration debounceBy)
let { innerWidth, innerHeight } = dimensions
size ← React.readRef sizeRef # liftEffect
let deltaWidth = abs (size.innerWidth - innerWidth)
let deltaHeight = abs (size.innerHeight - innerWidth)
React.writeRef sizeRef dimensions # liftEffect
callback { innerWidth, innerHeight, deltaWidth, deltaHeight } #
pure unit
fiber ∷ Fiber _ ← launchAff aff
React.writeRef fiberRef (Just fiber)
target ∷ EventTarget ← HTML.window <#> Window.toEventTarget
addEventListener eventType listener false target
pure $ launchAff_ do
fiberʔ ← React.readRef fiberRef # liftEffect
for_ fiberʔ (killFiber (error "Fiber cancelled"))
useEffectOnce layoutEffect

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
module Plumage.Hooks.UseTypeAhead where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Effect.Aff (attempt, delay)
import Network.RemoteData as RemoteData
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import React.Basic.Hooks.Aff (useAff)
useTypeahead args =
input /\ setInput ← React.useState' ""
suggestions /\ setSuggestions ← React.useState' RemoteData.NotAsked
{ activeIndex, updatedByKeyboard } /\ updateActiveIndex ← React.useState
{ activeIndex: Nothing, updatedByKeyboard: false }
useAff input do
setSuggestions RemoteData.Loading # liftEffect
delay args.debounce
result ← attempt (args.loadSuggestions input)
let rd = RemoteData.fromEither (join result)
setSuggestions rd # liftEffect

View File

@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
module Plumage.Molecule.Typeahead where
import Yoga.Prelude.View
import Data.Array ((!!))
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.Function.Uncurried (mkFn3)
import Data.Time.Duration (Milliseconds(..))
import Effect.Aff (Aff, attempt, delay)
import Effect.Exception (Error)
import Effect.Uncurried (mkEffectFn1, runEffectFn1)
import Fahrtwind (mX, minWidth, overflowHidden, textCol', widthAndHeight)
import Fahrtwind.Style.ScrollBar (scrollBar')
import Framer.Motion as M
import Network.RemoteData (RemoteData)
import Network.RemoteData as RemoteData
import Plumage.Atom.PopOver.Types (Placement(..), PrimaryPlacement(..), SecondaryPlacement(..))
import Plumage.Atom.PopOver.View (mkPopOverView)
import Plumage.Molecule.Typeahead.Style as Style
import Plumage.Util.HTML as H
import Prim.Row (class Lacks, class Nub)
import React.Aria.Interactions2 (useFocus, useFocusWithin)
import React.Aria.Utils (mergeProps)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.DOM.Events (capture_)
import React.Basic.DOM.Events as SE
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import React.Basic.Hooks.Aff (useAff)
import React.Virtuoso (virtuosoImpl)
import Record as Record
import Type.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Untagged.Union (maybeToUor, uorToMaybe)
import Web.DOM.Document (toNonElementParentNode)
import Web.DOM.NonElementParentNode (getElementById)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.HTMLDocument (activeElement)
import Web.HTML.HTMLDocument as HTMLDocument
import Web.HTML.HTMLElement as HTMLElement
import Web.HTML.Window (document)
import Yoga.Block.Atom.Input as Input
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (col)
import Yoga.Block.Hook.Key (KeyCode)
import Yoga.Block.Hook.Key as Key
import Yoga.Block.Icon.SVG.Spinner (spinner)
type Overscan = { main ∷ Int, reverse ∷ Int }
type ScrollSeekPlaceholder = ReactComponent { height ∷ Number, index ∷ Int }
type ScrollSeekConfiguration =
{ enter ∷ Number → Boolean, exit ∷ Number → Boolean }
type Args a =
{ debounce ∷ Milliseconds
, suggestionToText ∷ a → String
, contextMenuLayerId ∷ String
, scrollSeekPlaceholderʔ ∷ Maybe ScrollSeekPlaceholder
, scrollSeekConfigurationʔ ∷ Maybe ScrollSeekConfiguration
, overscan ∷ Overscan
, containerStyle ∷ E.Style
, itemStyle ∷ E.Style
newtype InputProps = InputProps (∀ x. { | x })
inputProps ∷ ∀ p p_. Union p p_ Input.Props ⇒ { | p } → InputProps
inputProps = unsafeCoerce
type Props a =
{ onSelected ∷
a → Effect { overrideInputValue ∷ Maybe String, dismiss ∷ Boolean }
, onRemoved ∷ a → Effect Unit
, renderSuggestion ∷ a → JSX
, loadSuggestions ∷ String → Aff (Either Error (Array a))
, onDismiss ∷ Effect Unit
, placeholder ∷ String
, inputProps ∷ InputProps
mkDefaultArgs ∷
∀ a.
{ suggestionToText ∷ a → String
, contextMenuLayerId ∷ String
} →
Args a
{ suggestionToText
, contextMenuLayerId
} =
{ debounce: Milliseconds 200.0
, suggestionToText
, contextMenuLayerId
, scrollSeekPlaceholderʔ: Nothing
, scrollSeekConfigurationʔ: Nothing
, overscan: { main: 100, reverse: 100 }
, containerStyle: Style.resultsContainer
, itemStyle: Style.item
mkTypeahead ∷ ∀ a. Eq a ⇒ Args a → Effect (ReactComponent (Props a))
mkTypeahead args = do
typeaheadView ← mkTypeaheadView
{ contextMenuLayerId: args.contextMenuLayerId
, overscan: args.overscan
, scrollSeekPlaceholderʔ: args.scrollSeekPlaceholderʔ
, scrollSeekConfigurationʔ: args.scrollSeekConfigurationʔ
, containerStyle: args.containerStyle
, itemStyle: args.itemStyle
React.reactComponent "Typeahead" \(props ∷ Props a) →
input /\ setInput ← React.useState' ""
suggestions /\ setSuggestions ← React.useState' RemoteData.NotAsked
{ activeIndex, updatedByKeyboard } /\ updateActiveIndex ← React.useState
{ activeIndex: Nothing, updatedByKeyboard: false }
useAff input do
setSuggestions RemoteData.Loading # liftEffect
delay args.debounce
result ← attempt (props.loadSuggestions input)
let rd = RemoteData.fromEither (join result)
setSuggestions rd # liftEffect
$ typeaheadView
{ input
, setInput
, suggestions
, activeIndex
, updatedByKeyboard
, updateActiveIndex
, onSelected: props.onSelected
, onRemoved: props.onRemoved
, onDismiss: setSuggestions RemoteData.NotAsked *> props.onDismiss
, placeholder: props.placeholder
, renderSuggestion: props.renderSuggestion
, inputProps: props.inputProps
, isLoading: suggestions # RemoteData.isLoading
type ViewProps a =
{ activeIndex ∷ Maybe Int
, updatedByKeyboard ∷ Boolean
, input ∷ String
, isLoading ∷ Boolean
, setInput ∷ String → Effect Unit
, suggestions ∷ RemoteData Error (Array a)
, renderSuggestion ∷ a → JSX
, updateActiveIndex ∷
( { activeIndex ∷ Maybe Int
, updatedByKeyboard ∷ Boolean
} →
{ activeIndex ∷ Maybe Int
, updatedByKeyboard ∷ Boolean
) →
Effect Unit
, onSelected ∷
a → Effect { overrideInputValue ∷ Maybe String, dismiss ∷ Boolean }
, onRemoved ∷ a → Effect Unit
, onDismiss ∷ Effect Unit
, placeholder ∷ String
, inputProps ∷ InputProps
mkTypeaheadView ∷
∀ a.
Eq a ⇒
{ contextMenuLayerId ∷ String
, scrollSeekPlaceholderʔ ∷ Maybe ScrollSeekPlaceholder
, scrollSeekConfigurationʔ ∷ Maybe ScrollSeekConfiguration
, overscan ∷ Overscan
, containerStyle ∷ E.Style
, itemStyle ∷ E.Style
} →
Effect (ReactComponent (ViewProps a))
args@{ contextMenuLayerId } = do
-- loader ← mkLoader
popOver ← mkPopOverView
itemCompo ∷ ReactComponent {} ← mkForwardRefComponentWithStyle "TypeaheadItem"
listCompo ∷ ReactComponent {} ← mkForwardRefComponentWithStyle "TypeaheadList"
React.reactComponent "TypeaheadView" \(props ∷ ViewProps a) →
{ renderSuggestion
, input
, setInput
, suggestions
, onDismiss
, activeIndex
, updatedByKeyboard
, updateActiveIndex
, placeholder
, isLoading
} = props
let (InputProps inputProps) = props.inputProps
id ← React.useId
-- The previous suggestions so we have something to display while loading
prevSuggs /\ setPrevSuggs ← React.useState' []
inputHasFocus /\ setInputHasFocus ← React.useState' false
popupHasFocus /\ setPopupHasFocus ← React.useState' false
isScrolling /\ setIsScrolling ← React.useState' false
isAnimating /\ setIsAnimating ← React.useState' false
inputContainerRef ← React.useRef null
inputRef ← React.useRef null
virtuosoRef ← React.useRef null
let focusIsWithin = inputHasFocus || popupHasFocus
{ focusWithinProps } ←
{ onFocusWithin: handler_ (setPopupHasFocus true)
, onBlurWithin: handler_ (setPopupHasFocus false)
{ focusProps } ←
{ onFocus: handler_ (setInputHasFocus true)
, onBlur: handler_ (setInputHasFocus false)
-- We store the result whenever we have successful suggestions
React.useEffect (RemoteData.isSuccess suggestions) do
case suggestions of
RemoteData.Success suggs | suggs /= prevSuggs → setPrevSuggs suggs
_ → mempty
visibleData = case suggestions of
RemoteData.NotAsked → prevSuggs
RemoteData.Loading → prevSuggs
RemoteData.Failure _ → prevSuggs
RemoteData.Success suggs → suggs
focusInput ∷ Effect Unit
focusInput = do
maybeElem ← React.readRefMaybe inputRef
for_ (maybeElem >>= HTMLElement.fromNode) focus
blurCurrentItem ∷ Effect Unit
blurCurrentItem = do
maybeActive ← window >>= document >>= activeElement
for_ maybeActive \active → blur active
focusActiveElement id { isAnimating, isScrolling, updatedByKeyboard }
onSelected i = do
{ overrideInputValue, dismiss } ← props.onSelected i
when (Just props.input /= overrideInputValue) do
for_ overrideInputValue props.setInput
when dismiss do
updateActiveIndex $ const
{ activeIndex: Nothing
, updatedByKeyboard: false
-- Keyboard events
handleKeyUp =
{ activeIndex
, updateActiveIndex: \update → updateActiveIndex \old →
{ activeIndex: update old.activeIndex, updatedByKeyboard: true }
, focusInput
, suggestions: suggestions # RemoteData.toMaybe # fromMaybe
, onSelected
, onDismiss
inputBox = fragment
[ inputElement
, popOver
{ hide: blurCurrentItem
, placement: Placement Below Start
, placementRef: inputContainerRef
, dismissBehaviourʔ: Nothing
, onAnimationStateChange: setIsAnimating
, containerId: contextMenuLayerId
, childʔ:
if focusIsWithin then Just $ R.div'
{ onFocus: focusWithinProps.onFocus
, onBlur: focusWithinProps.onBlur
/> [ resultsContainer ]
else Nothing
inputElement = React.element Input.component
( ( inputProps `mergeProps`
{ id
, ref: inputContainerRef
, inputRef: inputRef
, spellCheck: false
, autoComplete: "off"
, placeholder
, value: input
, onChange: handler targetValue (traverse_ setInput)
, onMouseEnter: handler_
(when focusIsWithin focusInput)
, onKeyUp:
\e → e >>= parseKey # traverse_ handleKeyUp
, onFocus: focusProps.onFocus
, onBlur: focusProps.onBlur
, trailing:
if isLoading then H.div_
(widthAndHeight 18 <> textCol' col.textPaler2)
[ spinner ]
else (unsafeCoerce inputProps.trailing)
) ∷ { | Input.Props }
wrapSuggestion i suggestion _ =
{ tabIndex: -1
, id: id <> "-suggestion-" <> show i
, css: args.itemStyle
, onMouseMove:
handler syntheticEvent \det → unless (activeIndex == Just i)
movementX = (unsafeCoerce det).movementX # uorToMaybe #
fromMaybe 0.0
movementY = (unsafeCoerce det).movementY # uorToMaybe #
fromMaybe 0.0
unless ((movementX == zero && movementY == zero)) do
( const
{ activeIndex: Just i
, updatedByKeyboard: false
, onKeyDown: handler preventDefault mempty
-- ^ disables scrolling with arrow keys
, onKeyUp:
handler SE.key
(traverse_ handleKeyUp <<< (parseKey =<< _))
, onClick: capture_ do
onSelected suggestion
/> [ renderSuggestion suggestion ]
resultsContainer =
{ css: minWidth 210 <> mX 0 <> args.containerStyle
, initial: M.initial $ false
, animate: M.animate $ R.css
{ height:
if Array.length visibleData > 5 then 230
else 120
[ suggestionElements
suggestionElements = virtuosoImpl </*>
( { overscan: args.overscan
, ref: virtuosoRef
, className: "virtuoso"
, css:
{ background: col.inputBackground
, col: col.textPaler2
, width: E.var "--s0"
, borderRadius: E.px 8
, borderWidth: E.px 4
, scrollSeekConfiguration: args.scrollSeekConfigurationʔ #
, components: case args.scrollSeekPlaceholderʔ of
Nothing → { "Item": itemCompo, "List": listCompo }
Just scrollSeekPlaceholder → unsafeCoerce
{ "Item": itemCompo
, "List": listCompo
, "ScrollSeekPlaceholder": scrollSeekPlaceholder
, isScrolling: mkEffectFn1 setIsScrolling
, style: R.css
{ height: "100%", width: "100%" }
, data: visibleData
, itemContent: mkFn3 wrapSuggestion
useEffect focusIsWithin do
unless focusIsWithin do
(const { activeIndex: Nothing, updatedByKeyboard: false })
pure inputBox
{ isAnimating, isScrolling, updatedByKeyboard }
activeIndex =
useEffect activeIndex do
unless (isAnimating || isScrolling) do
case activeIndex of
Nothing → blurCurrentItem
Just i → do
suggʔ ← window >>= document >>=
( HTMLDocument.toDocument >>> toNonElementParentNode >>>
getElementById (id <> "-suggestion-" <> show i)
for_ (suggʔ >>= HTMLElement.fromElement)
(if updatedByKeyboard then focus else focusPreventScroll)
focusPreventScroll ∷ HTMLElement → Effect Unit
focusPreventScroll (htmlElement ∷ HTMLElement) = do
runEffectFn1 (unsafeCoerce htmlElement).focus { preventScroll: true }
parseKey ∷ String → Maybe KeyCode
parseKey = case _ of
"ArrowUp" → Just Key.Up
"ArrowDown" → Just Key.Down
"Backspace" → Just Key.Backspace
"Enter" → Just Key.Return
_ → Nothing
mkHandleKeyUp ∷
∀ a.
{ activeIndex ∷ Maybe Int
, focusInput ∷ Effect Unit
, suggestions ∷ (Array a)
, updateActiveIndex ∷
(Maybe Int → Maybe Int) →
Effect Unit
, onSelected ∷ a → Effect Unit
, onDismiss ∷ Effect Unit
} →
KeyCode →
Effect Unit
{ activeIndex
, suggestions
, updateActiveIndex
, focusInput
, onSelected
, onDismiss
key = do
let maxIndex = Array.length suggestions - 1
case key of
Key.Up → do
when (activeIndex == Just 0) focusInput
updateActiveIndex case _ of
Just 0 → Nothing
Nothing → Just maxIndex
Just i → Just (i - 1)
Key.Down → do
when (activeIndex == Just maxIndex) focusInput
updateActiveIndex case _ of
Just i | i == maxIndex → Nothing
Nothing → Just 0
Just i → Just (i + 1)
-- [TODO] End and Home keys
Key.Return → do
for_ activeIndex \i → do
for_ (suggestions !! i) onSelected
Key.Backspace → do
Key.Escape → do
_ → mempty
mkForwardRefComponent ∷
∀ ref props.
Lacks "ref" props ⇒
String →
ReactComponent { ref ∷ React.Ref ref | props } →
Effect (ReactComponent { | props })
mkForwardRefComponent name component = mkForwardRefComponentEffect name
\(props ∷ { | props }) ref →
pure $ React.element component (Record.insert (Proxy ∷ _ "ref") ref props)
mkForwardRefEmotionComponent ∷
∀ ref props.
Lacks "ref" props ⇒
String →
ReactComponent { className ∷ String, ref ∷ React.Ref ref | props } →
Effect (ReactComponent { className ∷ String, css ∷ E.Style | props })
mkForwardRefEmotionComponent name component =
mkForwardRefComponentEffect name
\(props ∷ { className ∷ String, css ∷ E.Style | props }) ref →
pure $ E.element component
( Record.insert (Proxy ∷ _ "ref") ref props
mkForwardRefComponentWithStyle ∷
∀ ref props.
Lacks "ref" props ⇒
Lacks "className" props ⇒
Union props
(className ∷ String, css ∷ E.Style)
(className ∷ String, css ∷ E.Style | props) ⇒
Nub (className ∷ String, css ∷ E.Style | props)
(className ∷ String, css ∷ E.Style | props) ⇒
String →
E.Style →
ReactComponent { className ∷ String, ref ∷ React.Ref ref | props } →
Effect (ReactComponent { | props })
mkForwardRefComponentWithStyle name css component = mkForwardRefComponentEffect
\(props ∷ { | props }) ref →
pure $ E.element component
( Record.insert (Proxy ∷ _ "ref") ref
( (props `Record.disjointUnion` { className: name, css }) ∷
{ className ∷ String, css ∷ E.Style | props }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module Plumage.Molecule.Typeahead.Style where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (col)
resultsContainer ∷ Style
resultsContainer =
background' col.inputBackground
<> pT 0
<> pX 0
<> flexCol
<> justifyEnd
<> itemsStart
<> gap 3
<> roundedLg
<> textXs
<> shadowLg
<> borderCol gray._200
<> overflowHidden
resultContainer ∷ Style
resultContainer = pY 2 <> cursorPointer <> overflowHidden
item ∷ Style
item =
( background' col.highlight
<> textCol' col.highlightText
<> outlineNone

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Plumage.Prelude.Style
( module Yoga.Prelude.Default
, module Fahrtwind.Style
, module Color
, module React.Basic.Emotion
) where
import Color (Color, ColorSpace(..), Interpolator, brightness, complementary, contrast, cssStringHSLA, cssStringRGBA, darken, desaturate, distance, fromHexString, fromInt, graytone, hsl, hsla, hsv, hsva, isLight, isReadable, lab, lch, lighten, luminance, mix, mixCubehelix, rgb, rgb', rgba, rgba', rotateHue, saturate, textColor, toGray, toHSLA, toHSVA, toHexString, toLCh, toLab, toRGBA, toRGBA', toXYZ, xyz)
import Yoga.Prelude.Default (class Applicative, class Apply, class Bind, class BooleanAlgebra, class Bounded, class Category, class CommutativeRing, class Discard, class DivisionRing, class Eq, class EuclideanRing, class Field, class Functor, class HeytingAlgebra, class Monad, class Monoid, class Ord, class Ring, class Semigroup, class Semigroupoid, class Semiring, class Show, type (~>), Effect, Either(..), Maybe(..), MaybeT(..), Ordering(..), Unit, Void, absurd, add, ap, append, apply, between, bind, clamp, compare, comparing, compose, conj, const, degree, discard, disj, div, eq, flap, flip, fold, foldMap, foldMapWithIndex, for_, fromMaybe, fromMaybe', gcd, guard, hush, identity, ifM, intercalate, isJust, join, lcm, lift, liftA1, liftEffect, liftM1, map, mapWithIndex, max, maybe, mempty, min, mod, mul, negate, not, notEq, note, one, otherwise, pure, recip, runMaybeT, runMaybeT_, show, sub, traverse_, unit, unless, unlessM, void, when, whenM, zero, (#), ($), ($>), (&&), (*), (*>), (+), (-), (/), (/=), (<), (<#>), (<$), (<$>), (<*), (<*>), (<<<), (<=), (<=<), (<>), (<@>), (<|>), (=<<), (==), (>), (>=), (>=>), (>>=), (>>>), (||))
import React.Basic.Emotion (StyleProperty, Style, nested, css, str, var, none)
import Fahrtwind.Style

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
module Plumage.Util.HTML where
import React.Basic (JSX, ReactComponent)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion (Style)
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
jsx ∷
{ children ∷ Array JSX
, className ∷ String
} →
String →
Style →
Array JSX →
jsx component className css children = E.element component
{ className, css, children }
jsx_ ∷
{ children ∷ Array JSX
, className ∷ String
} →
Style →
Array JSX →
jsx_ component = jsx component ""
div ∷ String → Style → Array JSX → JSX
div = jsx R.div'
div_ ∷ Style → Array JSX → JSX
div_ = jsx_ R.div'
span ∷ String → Style → Array JSX → JSX
span = jsx R.span'
span_ ∷ Style → Array JSX → JSX
span_ = jsx_ R.span'
li ∷ String → Style → Array JSX → JSX
li = jsx'
li_ ∷ Style → Array JSX → JSX
li_ = jsx_'
ul ∷ String → Style → Array JSX → JSX
ul = jsx R.ul'
ul_ ∷ Style → Array JSX → JSX
ul_ = jsx_ R.ul'
nav ∷ String → Style → Array JSX → JSX
nav = jsx R.nav'
nav_ ∷ Style → Array JSX → JSX
nav_ = jsx_ R.nav'
p ∷ String → Style → Array JSX → JSX
p = jsx R.p'
p_ ∷ Style → Array JSX → JSX
p_ = jsx_ R.p'
section ∷ String → Style → Array JSX → JSX
section = jsx R.section'
section_ ∷ Style → Array JSX → JSX
section_ = jsx_ R.section'
h1_ ∷ Style → String → JSX
h1_ style txt = jsx_ R.h1' style [ R.text txt ]
h2_ ∷ Style → String → JSX
h2_ style txt = jsx_ R.h2' style [ R.text txt ]
h3_ ∷ Style → String → JSX
h3_ style txt = jsx_ R.h3' style [ R.text txt ]
h4_ ∷ Style → String → JSX
h4_ style txt = jsx_ R.h4' style [ R.text txt ]
h5_ ∷ Style → String → JSX
h5_ style txt = jsx_ R.h5' style [ R.text txt ]
h6_ ∷ Style → String → JSX
h6_ style txt = jsx_ R.h6' style [ R.text txt ]

src/React/Aria/Button.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
import { useButton } from "@react-aria/button"
export const useButtonImpl = useButton
export function toDashedProps(psProps) {
const arias = psProps.hasOwnProperty("_aria")
? Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(psProps._aria).map(([key, value]) => [
"aria-" + key,
: {}
const datas = psProps.hasOwnProperty("_data")
? Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(psProps._data).map(([key, value]) => [
"data-" + key,
: {}
const reactProps = Object.assign({}, psProps, arias, datas)
delete reactProps._aria
delete reactProps._data
return reactProps
export function fromDashedProps(reactProps) {
const psProps = {}
let _aria = {}
let _data = {}
Object.entries(reactProps.buttonProps).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (key.startsWith("aria-")) {
_aria[key.slice(5)] = value
} else if (key.startsWith("data-")) {
_data[key.slice(5)] = value
} else {
psProps[key] = value
// console.log(psProps)
if (Object.keys(_aria).length !== 0) {
psProps._aria = _aria
if (Object.keys(_data).length !== 0) {
psProps._data = _data
reactProps.buttonProps = psProps
return reactProps

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
module React.Aria.Button
( useButton
, UseButton
, ButtonPropsImpl
, pressEvent
, PressEventImpl
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, EffectFn2, runEffectFn2)
import Foreign (Foreign, unsafeFromForeign, unsafeToForeign)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import React.Basic.Events (EventFn, SyntheticEvent, EventHandler, unsafeEventFn)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, Ref, unsafeHook)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Untagged.Union (OneOf)
import Web.DOM (Node)
import Web.HTML (HTMLElement)
foreign import data UseButton ∷ Type → Type
type PressEventImpl =
{ type ∷ String
, pointerType ∷ String
, target ∷ HTMLElement
, shiftKey ∷ Boolean
, ctrlKey ∷ Boolean
, metaKey ∷ Boolean
pressEvent ∷ EventFn SyntheticEvent PressEventImpl
pressEvent = unsafeEventFn unsafeCoerce
type ButtonPropsImpl =
( elementType ∷ String -- button/a/div...
, isDisabled ∷ Boolean
, onPress ∷ EventHandler
, onPressStart ∷ EventHandler
, onPressEnd ∷ EventHandler
, onPressUp ∷ EventHandler
, onPressChange ∷ EffectFn1 Boolean Unit
, preventFocusOnPress ∷ Boolean
, href ∷ String -- for `a`
, target ∷ String -- for `a`
, rel ∷ String -- for `a`
, "aria-expanded" ∷ Boolean
, "aria-haspopup" ∷ OneOf Boolean String
, "aria-controls" ∷ String
, "aria-pressed" ∷ Boolean
, type ∷ String -- button/submit/reset
, excludeFromTabOrder ∷ Boolean
, "aria-label" ∷ String
, "aria-labelledby" ∷ String
, "aria-describedby" ∷ String
, "aria-details" ∷ String
type ButtonPropsResult =
{ _aria ∷ Object String
, disabled ∷ Boolean
, onBlur ∷ EventHandler
, onClick ∷ EventHandler
, onDragStart ∷ EventHandler
, onFocus ∷ EventHandler
, onKeyDown ∷ EventHandler
, onKeyUp ∷ EventHandler
, onMouseDown ∷ EventHandler
, onPointerDown ∷ EventHandler
, onPointerUp ∷ EventHandler
, tabIndex ∷ Int
, type ∷ String
useButton ∷
∀ attrsIn attrsIn_.
Union attrsIn attrsIn_ ButtonPropsImpl ⇒
{ | attrsIn } →
Ref (Nullable Node) →
Hook UseButton { isPressed ∷ Boolean, buttonProps ∷ ButtonPropsResult }
useButton props ref =
runEffectFn2 useButtonImpl
(unsafeToForeign $ props)
<#> (fromDashedProps >>> unsafeFromForeign)
foreign import useButtonImpl ∷
(Ref (Nullable Node))
foreign import toDashedProps ∷ Foreign → Foreign
foreign import fromDashedProps ∷ Foreign → Foreign

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
import { useComboBox } from "@react-aria/combobox"
export const useComboBoxImpl = useComboBox

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
module React.Aria.Combobox where
import Prelude
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, EffectFn2, runEffectFn2)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import React.Aria.JSSet (JSSet)
import React.Aria.Types (FocusStrategy, MenuTriggerAction, Selection, SelectionBehaviour, SelectionMode, ValidationState)
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.Events (EventHandler, SyntheticEvent)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, Ref, unsafeHook)
import Web.DOM (Node)
-- UseComboBox
newtype UseComboBox hooks = UseComboBox hooks
type AriaComboBoxPropsRequired a r =
( inputRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
, popoverRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
, listBoxRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
, children ∷ a → JSX -- Must map to either an item or a section
| r
type AriaComboBoxPropsOptional a =
( buttonRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
, defaultItems ∷ Array a
, items ∷ Array a
-- , keyboardDelegate :: KeyboardDelegate
, onOpenChange ∷
EffectFn2 Boolean {- isOpen -}
String {- menuTriggerAction: 'focus' | 'input' | 'manual' -}
, inputValue ∷ String
, defaultInputValue ∷ String
, onInputChange ∷ EffectFn1 String Unit
, allowsCustomValue ∷ Boolean
, menuTrigger ∷ MenuTriggerAction
, shouldFocusWrap ∷ Boolean -- | Whether keyboard navigation is circular.
, disabledKeys ∷
Array String -- | The item keys that are disabled. These items cannot be selected, focused, or otherwise interacted with.
, disallowEmptySelection ∷ Boolean -- | Whether the collection allows empty selection.
, selectedKey ∷ String -- | The currently selected key in the collection (controlled).
, defaultSelectedKey ∷ String -- | The initial selected key in the collection (uncontrolled).
, onSelectionChange ∷ EffectFn1 String Unit
, isDisabled ∷ Boolean
, isReadOnly ∷ Boolean
, placeholder ∷ String
, id ∷ String
, validationState ∷ ValidationState
, isRequired ∷ Boolean
, autoFocus ∷ Boolean
, onFocus ∷ EventHandler
, onBlur ∷ EventHandler
, onFocusChange ∷ EffectFn1 Boolean Unit
, onKeyDown ∷ EventHandler
, onKeyUp ∷ EventHandler
, label ∷ JSX
, description ∷ JSX
, errorMessage ∷ JSX
type UseComboBoxState =
{ inputValue ∷ String
, isFocused ∷ Boolean
, selectedKey ∷ String
, selectedItem ∷ Node
, collection ∷ Array Node
, disabledKeys :: JSSet String
, selectionManager :: SelectionManager
, focusStrategy ∷ FocusStrategy
, isOpen ∷ Boolean
, setInputValue ∷ EffectFn1 String Unit
, commit ∷ Effect Unit
, open ∷ EffectFn2 (Nullable FocusStrategy) MenuTriggerAction Unit
, toggle ∷ EffectFn2 (Nullable FocusStrategy) MenuTriggerAction Unit
, revert ∷ Effect Unit
, setFocused ∷ EffectFn1 Boolean Unit
, setSelectedKey ∷ EffectFn1 String Unit
, close ∷ Effect Unit
type SelectionManager =
{ selectionMode ∷ SelectionMode
, disallowEmptySelection ∷ Boolean
, selectionBehavior ∷ SelectionBehaviour
, isFocused ∷ Boolean
, focusedKey ∷ String
, childFocusStrategy ∷ FocusStrategy
, selectedKeys :: JSSet String
, rawSelection :: Selection
, isEmpty ∷ Boolean
, isSelectAll ∷ Boolean
, firstSelectedKey ∷ Nullable String
, lastSelectedKey ∷ Nullable String
, setSelectionBehavior ∷ EffectFn1 SelectionBehaviour Unit
, setFocused ∷ EffectFn1 Boolean Unit
, setFocusedKey ∷ EffectFn2 String FocusStrategy Unit
, isSelected ∷ EffectFn1 String Boolean
, extendSelection ∷ EffectFn1 String Unit
, toggleSelection ∷ EffectFn1 String Unit
, replaceSelection ∷ EffectFn1 String Unit
, setSelectedKeys ∷ EffectFn1 (Array String) Unit
, selectAll ∷ Effect Unit
, clearSelection ∷ Effect Unit
, toggleSelectAll ∷ Effect Unit
, select ∷ EffectFn2 String SyntheticEvent Unit
, isSelectionEqual :: EffectFn1 (JSSet String) Unit
, canSelectItem ∷ EffectFn1 String Unit
type ComboBoxAria = { comboBoxProps ∷ { "data-isComboBox" ∷ Boolean } }
foreign import useComboBoxImpl
∷ ∀ props state
. EffectFn2 props state ComboBoxAria
∷ ∀ a props props_
. Union props props_ (AriaComboBoxPropsOptional a)
⇒ { | AriaComboBoxPropsRequired a props }
→ UseComboBoxState
→ Hook UseComboBox ComboBoxAria
useComboBox p s = unsafeHook do
runEffectFn2 useComboBoxImpl p s

src/React/Aria/Focus.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import { FocusRing, FocusScope, useFocusRing } from "@react-aria/focus"
export const focusRingImpl = FocusRing
export const focusScopeImpl = FocusScope
export const useFocusRingImpl = useFocusRing

src/React/Aria/Focus.purs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
module React.Aria.Focus where
import Prelude
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, runEffectFn1)
import React.Basic (ReactComponent)
import React.Basic.Events (EventHandler)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, unsafeHook)
foreign import focusRingImpl ∷ ∀ props. ReactComponent { | props }
foreign import focusScopeImpl ∷ ∀ props. ReactComponent { | props }
foreign import useFocusRingImpl ∷ EffectFn1 UseFocusRingInput UseFocusRingResult
foreign import data UseFocusRing ∷ Type -> Type
type UseFocusRingResult =
{ isFocused ∷ Boolean
, isFocusVisible ∷ Boolean
, focusProps ∷ { onBlur ∷ EventHandler, onFocus ∷ EventHandler }
type UseFocusRingInput =
{ within ∷ Boolean, isTextInput ∷ Boolean, autoFocus ∷ Boolean }
useFocusRing ∷ UseFocusRingInput -> Hook UseFocusRing UseFocusRingResult
useFocusRing = unsafeHook <<< runEffectFn1 useFocusRingImpl

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import { useFocusWithin, useFocus } from "@react-aria/interactions"
export const useFocusWithinImpl = useFocusWithin
export const useFocusImpl = useFocus

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
module React.Aria.Interactions2 where
import Prelude
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, runEffectFn1)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import React.Basic.Events (EventHandler)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, unsafeHook)
-- UseFocusWithin
type FocusWithinProps =
( isDisabled ∷ Boolean
, onFocusWithin ∷ EventHandler
, onBlurWithin ∷ EventHandler
, onFocusWithinChange ∷ EffectFn1 Boolean Unit
type FocusWithinResult =
{ focusWithinProps ∷
{ onBlur ∷ EventHandler, onFocus ∷ EventHandler }
foreign import useFocusWithinImpl ∷ ∀ props. EffectFn1 props FocusWithinResult
newtype UseFocusWithin a = UseFocusWithin a
useFocusWithin ∷
∀ props props_.
Union props props_ FocusWithinProps ⇒
{ | props } →
Hook UseFocusWithin FocusWithinResult
useFocusWithin = unsafeHook <<< runEffectFn1 useFocusWithinImpl
-- UseFocus
type FocusProps =
( isDisabled ∷ Boolean
, onFocus ∷ EventHandler
, onBlur ∷ EventHandler
, onFocusChange ∷ EffectFn1 Boolean Unit
type FocusResult =
{ focusProps ∷ { onBlur ∷ EventHandler, onFocus ∷ EventHandler } }
foreign import useFocusImpl ∷ ∀ props. EffectFn1 props FocusResult
newtype UseFocus a = UseFocus a
useFocus ∷
∀ props props_.
Union props props_ FocusProps ⇒
{ | props } →
Hook UseFocus FocusResult
useFocus = unsafeHook <<< runEffectFn1 useFocusImpl

src/React/Aria/JSSet.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
export const toArray = Array.from
export function fromArray(arr) {
return new Set(arr)

src/React/Aria/JSSet.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
module React.Aria.JSSet where
import Prelude
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
foreign import data JSSet ∷ Type → Type
foreign import toArray ∷ JSSet ~> Array
foreign import fromArray ∷ Array ~> JSSet
fromJSSet ∷ ∀ a. Ord a ⇒ JSSet a → Set a
fromJSSet = toArray >>> Set.fromFoldable
toJSSet ∷ Set ~> JSSet
toJSSet = Set.toUnfoldable >>> fromArray

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
import { useListBox, useListBoxSection, useOption } from "@react-aria/listbox"
export const useListBoxImpl = useListBox
export const useListBoxSectionImpl = useListBoxSection
export const useOptionImpl = useOption
// exports.getItemIdImpl = listbox.getItemId;

src/React/Aria/Listbox.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
module React.Aria.Listbox where
import Prelude
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, EffectFn3, runEffectFn3)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import React.Aria.Combobox (SelectionManager)
import React.Aria.JSSet (JSSet)
import React.Aria.Types (FocusStrategy, Selection, SelectionMode)
import React.Basic (JSX, Ref)
import React.Basic.Events (EventHandler)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, unsafeHook)
import Web.DOM (Node)
type ListState =
{ collection ∷ Array Node
, disabledKeys ∷ JSSet String
, selectionManager ∷ SelectionManager
type AriaListBoxOptions a =
( isVirtualized ∷ Boolean
-- , keyboardDelegate :: KeyboardDelegate
, shouldUseVirtualFocus ∷ Boolean
, shouldSelectOnPressUp ∷ Boolean
, shouldFocusOnHover ∷ Boolean
, label ∷ JSX
, autoFocus ∷ FocusStrategy
, shouldFocusWrap ∷ Boolean
, items ∷ Array a
, disabledKeys ∷ Array String
, selectionMode ∷ SelectionMode
, disallowEmptySelection ∷ Boolean
, selectedKeys ∷ Array String
, defaultSelectedKeys ∷ Array String
, onSelectionChange ∷ EffectFn1 Selection Unit
, onFocus ∷ EventHandler
, onBlur ∷ EventHandler
, onFocusChange ∷ EffectFn1 Boolean Unit
, id ∷ String
, "aria-label" ∷ String
, "aria-labelledby" ∷ String
, "aria-describedby" ∷ String
, "aria-details" ∷ String
type ListBoxAria =
{ listBoxProps ∷ {}
, labelProps ∷ {}
foreign import useListBoxImpl
∷ ∀ props. EffectFn3 props ListState (Ref (Nullable Node)) ListBoxAria
newtype UseListBox hooks = UseListBox hooks
∷ ∀ a props props_
. Union props props_ (AriaListBoxOptions a)
⇒ { | props }
→ ListState
→ Ref (Nullable Node)
→ Hook UseListBox ListBoxAria
useListBox p s r = unsafeHook do
runEffectFn3 useListBoxImpl p s r
type AriaOptionPropsOptional = ("aria-label" ∷ String)
type AriaOptionPropsRequired r = (key ∷ String | r)
type OptionAria =
{ optionProps ∷ {}
, labelProps ∷ {}
, descriptionProps ∷ {}
, isFocused ∷ Boolean
, isSelected ∷ Boolean
, isPressed ∷ Boolean
, isDisabled ∷ Boolean
foreign import useOptionImpl
∷ ∀ props. EffectFn3 props ListState (Ref (Nullable Node)) OptionAria
newtype UseOption hooks = UseOption hooks
∷ ∀ props props_
. Union props props_ AriaOptionPropsOptional
⇒ { | AriaOptionPropsRequired props }
→ ListState
→ (Ref (Nullable Node))
→ Hook UseOption OptionAria
useOption p s r = unsafeHook do
runEffectFn3 useOptionImpl p s r
type AriaListBoxSectionProps = (heading :: JSX, "aria-label" :: String)
type ListBoxSectionAria =
{ itemProps ∷ {} -- [FIXME]
, headingProps ∷ {} -- [FIXME]
, groupProps ∷ {} -- [FIXME]
foreign import useListBoxSectionImpl
∷ forall props
. EffectFn1 props ListBoxSectionAria
newtype UseListBoxSection hooks = UseListBoxSection hooks

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import {
} from "@react-aria/overlays"
export const useModalImpl = useModal
export const useOverlayImpl = useOverlay
export const useOverlayPositionImpl = useOverlayPosition
export const useOverlayTriggerImpl = useOverlayTrigger
export const usePreventScrollImpl = usePreventScroll
export const overlayProvider = OverlayProvider
export const overlayContainer = OverlayContainer
export const dismissButton = DismissButton
export const modalProvider = ModalProvider
export function toPSAria(obj) {
let result = {}
Object.keys(obj).forEach((k) => {
if (k.startsWith("aria-")) {
const v = obj[k]
if (v !== undefined && v !== null) {
const newKey = k.substring(5)
result[newKey] = v
} else {
console.error(`${k} is not an aria attribute`)
return result

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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
module React.Aria.Overlays where
import Prelude
import Data.Nullable (Nullable)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Aff.Compat (runEffectFn1)
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, EffectFn2, EffectFn3, runEffectFn2, runEffectFn3)
import Foreign (Foreign)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import React.Basic (JSX)
import React.Basic.DOM (CSS)
import React.Basic.Events (EventHandler)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, ReactComponent, Ref, unsafeHook)
import Web.DOM (Node)
import Web.HTML (HTMLElement)
-- UseModal
newtype UseModal hooks = UseModal hooks
type UseModalOptions = { isDisabled :: Boolean }
type ModalAria = { modalProps :: { "data-ismodal" :: Boolean } }
foreign import useModalImpl ∷ EffectFn1 UseModalOptions ModalAria
useModal :: UseModalOptions -> Hook UseModal ModalAria
useModal = unsafeHook <<< runEffectFn1 useModalImpl
-- UseOverlay
newtype UseOverlay hooks = UseOverlay hooks
type UseOverlayProps =
( isOpen ∷ Boolean
, onClose ∷ Effect Unit
, isDismissable ∷ Boolean
, shouldCloseOnBlur ∷ Boolean
, isKeyboardDismissaDisabled ∷ Boolean
, shouldCloseOnInteractOutside ∷ HTMLElement → Boolean
type OverlayAria =
{ overlayProps ∷ { onKeyDown ∷ EventHandler }
, underlayProps ∷ { onPointerDown ∷ EventHandler }
foreign import useOverlayImpl
∷ ∀ useOverlayProps. EffectFn2 useOverlayProps (Ref (Nullable Node)) OverlayAria
∷ ∀ props props_
. Union props props_ UseOverlayProps
⇒ Record props
→ Ref (Nullable Node)
→ Hook UseOverlay OverlayAria
useOverlay x y = unsafeHook $ runEffectFn2 useOverlayImpl x y
-- UseOverlayPosition
newtype UseOverlayPosition hooks = UseOverlayPosition hooks
type UseAriaPositionPropsRequired r =
( targetRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
, overlayRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
| r
type UseAriaPositionPropsOptional =
( boundaryElement ∷ HTMLElement
, scrollRef ∷ Ref (Nullable Node)
, shouldUpdatePosition ∷ Boolean
, onClose ∷ Effect Unit
, placement ∷ String
, containerPadding ∷ Number
, offset ∷ Number
, crossOffset ∷ Number
, shouldFlip ∷ Boolean
, isOpen ∷ Boolean
type PositionAria =
{ overlayProps :: { style :: CSS }
, arrowProps :: { style :: CSS }
, placement :: String
, updatePosition :: Effect Unit
foreign import useOverlayPositionImpl
∷ ∀ props
. EffectFn1 props PositionAria
∷ ∀ props props_
. Union props props_ UseAriaPositionPropsOptional
⇒ Record (UseAriaPositionPropsRequired props)
→ Hook UseOverlayPosition PositionAria
usePosition = unsafeHook <<< runEffectFn1 useOverlayPositionImpl
-- UseOverlayTrigger
newtype UseOverlayTrigger hooks = UseOverlayTrigger hooks
-- | Type must be one of the following
-- | 'dialog'
-- | 'menu'
-- | 'listbox'
-- | 'tree'
-- | 'grid'
type UseOverlayTriggerProps = { type ∷ String }
type UseOverlayTriggerState =
{ isOpen ∷ Boolean
, open ∷ Effect Unit
, close ∷ Effect Unit
, toggle ∷ Effect Unit
type OverlayTriggerAriaImpl =
{ triggerProps ∷ Object Foreign
, overlayProps ∷ { id ∷ String }
type OverlayTriggerAria =
{ triggerProps ∷ { _aria ∷ Object String }
, overlayProps ∷ { id ∷ String }
foreign import useOverlayTriggerImpl ∷
(Ref (Nullable Node))
∷ UseOverlayTriggerProps
→ UseOverlayTriggerState
→ Ref (Nullable Node)
→ Hook UseOverlayTrigger OverlayTriggerAria
useOverlayTrigger x y z = unsafeHook do
implProps ← runEffectFn3 useOverlayTriggerImpl x y z
pure (implProps { triggerProps = { _aria: toPSAria implProps.triggerProps } })
-- Prevent Scroll
newtype UsePreventScroll hooks = UsePreventScroll hooks
type UsePreventScrollOptions = { isDisabled :: Boolean }
foreign import usePreventScrollImpl ∷ EffectFn1 UsePreventScrollOptions Unit
usePreventScroll :: UsePreventScrollOptions -> Hook UsePreventScroll Unit
usePreventScroll = unsafeHook <<< runEffectFn1 usePreventScrollImpl
-- foreign import ariaHideOutsideImpl ∷ Fn2 Foreign Foreign (Effect Unit)
foreign import overlayProvider :: ReactComponent { children :: Array JSX }
foreign import overlayContainer :: ReactComponent { children :: Array JSX }
foreign import dismissButton :: ReactComponent { onDismiss :: Effect Unit }
foreign import modalProvider :: ReactComponent { children :: Array JSX }
foreign import toPSAria ∷ Object Foreign → Object String

src/React/Aria/Types.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
module React.Aria.Types where
import Prelude
import React.Aria.JSSet (JSSet)
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
-- MenuTriggerAction
foreign import data MenuTriggerAction ∷ Type
menuTriggerActionFocus ∷ MenuTriggerAction
menuTriggerActionFocus = unsafeCoerce "focus"
menuTriggerActionInput ∷ MenuTriggerAction
menuTriggerActionInput = unsafeCoerce "input"
menuTriggerActionManual ∷ MenuTriggerAction
menuTriggerActionManual = unsafeCoerce "manual"
instance Eq MenuTriggerAction where
eq a b = ((unsafeCoerce a) ∷ String) == unsafeCoerce b
-- ValidationState
foreign import data ValidationState ∷ Type
validationStateValid ∷ ValidationState
validationStateValid = unsafeCoerce "valid"
validationStateInvalid ∷ ValidationState
validationStateInvalid = unsafeCoerce "invalid"
instance Eq ValidationState where
eq a b = ((unsafeCoerce a) ∷ String) == unsafeCoerce b
-- FocusStrategy
foreign import data FocusStrategy ∷ Type
focusStrategyFirst ∷ FocusStrategy
focusStrategyFirst = unsafeCoerce "first"
focusStrategyLast ∷ FocusStrategy
focusStrategyLast = unsafeCoerce "last"
instance Eq FocusStrategy where
eq a b = ((unsafeCoerce a) ∷ String) == unsafeCoerce b
-- SelectionMode
foreign import data SelectionMode ∷ Type
selectionModeNone ∷ SelectionMode
selectionModeNone = unsafeCoerce "none"
selectionModeSingle ∷ SelectionMode
selectionModeSingle = unsafeCoerce "single"
selectionModeMultiple ∷ SelectionMode
selectionModeMultiple = unsafeCoerce "multiple"
instance Eq SelectionMode where
eq a b = ((unsafeCoerce a) ∷ String) == unsafeCoerce b
-- SelectionBehaviour
foreign import data SelectionBehaviour ∷ Type
selectionBehaviourToggle ∷ SelectionBehaviour
selectionBehaviourToggle = unsafeCoerce "toggle"
selectionBehaviourReplace ∷ SelectionBehaviour
selectionBehaviourReplace = unsafeCoerce "replace"
instance Eq SelectionBehaviour where
eq a b = ((unsafeCoerce a) ∷ String) == unsafeCoerce b
-- Selection
foreign import data Selection ∷ Type
selectionAll ∷ Selection
selectionAll = unsafeCoerce "all"
selectionFromSet ∷ JSSet String -> SelectionBehaviour
selectionFromSet = unsafeCoerce

src/React/Aria/Utils.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import { mergeProps, useId } from "@react-aria/utils"
export function mergePropsImpl(args) {
return mergeProps(...args)
export const useIdImpl = useId

src/React/Aria/Utils.purs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module React.Aria.Utils where
import Foreign (Foreign, unsafeFromForeign, unsafeToForeign)
import Prim.Row (class Union)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, unsafeHook)
import Effect (Effect)
foreign import useIdImpl ∷ Effect String
newtype UseId a = UseId a
useId ∷ Hook UseId String
useId = unsafeHook useIdImpl
foreign import mergePropsImpl ∷ Array Foreign → Foreign
mergeProps ∷ ∀ r1 r2 r3. Union r1 r2 r3 ⇒ { | r1 } → { | r2 } → { | r3 }
mergeProps r1 r2 = unsafeFromForeign
(mergePropsImpl [ unsafeToForeign r1, unsafeToForeign r2 ])

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@ -38,13 +38,11 @@ useOverflows = coerceHook
Array.head entries # traverse_ \{ target } -> do
-- get old style
styleʔ <- elʔ # traverse getElementStyle
let _ = spy "setting style visible" styleʔ
oldOverflowʔ <- styleʔ # traverse (getStyleProperty "overflow")
for_ styleʔ \style -> do
setStyleProperty "overflow" "scroll" style
-- force reflow:
-- (elʔ >>= HTMLElement.fromElement) # traverse_ (offsetTop)
let _ = spy "setting style visible" style
pure unit
-- get sizes
sw <- scrollWidth target