Theme switching

This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2021-01-07 21:41:23 +01:00
parent 6eb6f3a7ce
commit 5ca62b4237
4 changed files with 128 additions and 49 deletions

View File

@ -10,33 +10,33 @@ import React.Basic.DOM (CSS, css)
import React.Basic.Emotion (Style)
import Yoga.Block.Atom.Input.Style as Style
type PropsF f
= ( css ∷ f Style
, isInvalid ∷ f Boolean
| Style.Props f (MandatoryProps ())
type PropsF f =
( css ∷ f Style
, isInvalid ∷ f Boolean
| Style.Props f (MandatoryProps ())
type MandatoryProps r
= ( children ∷ Array JSX
, hasFocus ∷ Boolean
| r
type MandatoryProps r =
( children ∷ Array JSX
, hasFocus ∷ Boolean
| r
type Props
= PropsF Id
type Props =
PropsF Id
type PropsOptional
= PropsF OptionalProp
type PropsOptional =
PropsF OptionalProp
component ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Props => ReactComponent { | MandatoryProps p }
component = rawContainer
type Propski
= { css ∷ OptionalProp Style
, hasFocus ∷ Boolean
, isInvalid ∷ OptionalProp Boolean
, children ∷ Array JSX
type Propski =
{ css ∷ OptionalProp Style
, hasFocus ∷ Boolean
, isInvalid ∷ OptionalProp Boolean
, children ∷ Array JSX
rawContainer ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawContainer =
@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ rawContainer =
{ className: "ry-input-container"
, css: Style.inputContainer props
, _data:
# foldMap \isInvalid ->
{ "invalid": show isInvalid
# foldMap \isInvalid ->
{ "invalid": show isInvalid
, ref
/> props.children
@ -66,11 +66,8 @@ drawPathUntil ∷ Int -> Array Point -> String
drawPathUntil idx thePath = do
fn { x, y } = i x "%" " " y "%"
firstFew = Array.take idx thePath
lastFew = Array.drop idx thePath $> (Array.last firstFew # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "ogod")
rendered = intercalate "," $ fn <$> (firstFew <> lastFew)
i "polygon(" rendered ")"
@ -87,7 +84,6 @@ mkPath borderX borderY = do
, {- ⌝ -} p (100 - borderX) borderY
, {- ⌜ -} p borderX borderY
outside =
[ {-⌜ -} p 0 0
, {-⌞ -} p 0 100
@ -118,18 +114,18 @@ containerVariants ∷
containerVariants =
{ focussed:
{ clipPath
, transition: { duration: 0.6 }
{ clipPath
, transition: { duration: 0.6 }
, blurred:
{ clipPath:
drawPathUntil (Array.length path + 1) path
{ clipPath:
drawPathUntil (Array.length path + 1) path
clipPath = 6 Array... (Array.length path) <#> \ln -> drawPathUntil ln path
type Point
= { x ∷ Int, y ∷ Int }
type Point =
{ x ∷ Int, y ∷ Int }

View File

@ -1,2 +1,6 @@
exports.getComputedStyleImpl = (el, window) => window.getComputedStyle(el)
exports.getPropertyValueImpl = (propName, computedStyle) => computedStyle.getPropertyValue(propName)
exports.getPropertyValueImpl = (propName, computedStyle) => computedStyle.getPropertyValue(propName)
exports.getElementStyle = el => () =>
exports.setStyleProperty = prop => value => style => () => style.setProperty(prop, value)
exports.matchMedia = string => window => () => window.matchMedia(string)
exports.matches = matchMedia => () => matchMedia.matches

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Heterogeneous.Mapping (class HMapWithIndex, class MappingWithIndex, hmap,
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Web.DOM (Element)
import Web.DOM.Document (documentElement)
import Web.Event.Internal.Types (EventTarget)
import Web.HTML (Window, window)
import Web.HTML.HTMLDocument as HTMLDocument
import Web.HTML.Window (document)
@ -47,13 +48,33 @@ foreign import getPropertyValueImpl ∷ EffectFn2 String ComputedStyle String --
getPropertyValue ∷ String -> ComputedStyle -> Effect String
getPropertyValue = runEffectFn2 getPropertyValueImpl
foreign import data ElementStyle ∷ Type
foreign import getElementStyle ∷ Element -> Effect ElementStyle
foreign import setStyleProperty ∷ String -> String -> ElementStyle -> Effect Unit
foreign import data MediaQueryList ∷ Type
foreign import matchMedia ∷ String -> Window -> Effect MediaQueryList
foreign import matches ∷ MediaQueryList -> Effect Boolean
toEventTarget ∷ MediaQueryList -> EventTarget
toEventTarget = unsafeCoerce
getDocumentElement ∷ MaybeT Effect Element
getDocumentElement = do
win <- window # lift
htmlDoc <- document win # lift
let doc = HTMLDocument.toDocument htmlDoc
documentElement doc # MaybeT
getDarkOrLightMode ∷ Effect (Maybe DarkOrLightMode)
getDarkOrLightMode =
runMaybeT do
win <- window # lift
htmlDoc <- document win # lift
let doc = HTMLDocument.toDocument htmlDoc
docElem ∷ Element <- documentElement doc # MaybeT
docElem ∷ Element <- getDocumentElement
computedStyle <- getComputedStyle docElem win # lift
pv <- getPropertyValue "--theme-variant" computedStyle # lift
if pv == "dark" then
@ -64,6 +85,17 @@ getDarkOrLightMode =
Nothing # pure # MaybeT
setDarkOrLightMode ∷ DarkOrLightMode -> Effect Unit
setDarkOrLightMode desiredMode =
runMaybeT_ do
docElem <- getDocumentElement
style <- getElementStyle docElem # lift
# setStyleProperty "--theme-variant" case desiredMode of
LightMode -> "light"
DarkMode -> "dark"
# lift
mkGlobal ∷ Maybe DarkOrLightMode -> Style
mkGlobal maybeMode =

View File

@ -8,13 +8,18 @@ import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Hooks (reactComponent)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (DarkOrLightMode)
import Web.Event.EventTarget (addEventListener, eventListener, removeEventListener)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.Event.EventTypes as Event
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (DarkOrLightMode(..), matchMedia, matches, setDarkOrLightMode)
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
type PropsF f =
( content ∷ JSX
, themeVariant ∷ f (Maybe DarkOrLightMode)
, onPreferredSystemThemeChange ∷ f (DarkOrLightMode -> Effect Unit)
type Props =
@ -23,20 +28,62 @@ type Props =
component ∷ ∀ p q. Union p q Props => ReactComponent { | p }
component = rawComponent
mkPrefersDark ∷ Effect Styles.MediaQueryList
mkPrefersDark = matchMedia "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" =<< window
mkPrefersLight ∷ Effect Styles.MediaQueryList
mkPrefersLight = matchMedia "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" =<< window
rawComponent ∷ ∀ p. ReactComponent { | p }
rawComponent =
$ unsafePerformEffect
$ reactComponent "Container" \({ content, themeVariant } ∷ { | PropsF OptionalProp }) ->
$ reactComponent "Container" \(props@{ content } ∷ { | PropsF OptionalProp }) ->
let propsThemeVariant = props.themeVariant # opToMaybe # join
let notifySystemThemeChanged = props.onPreferredSystemThemeChange ?|| mempty
systemThemeVariant /\ setSystemThemeVariant <- React.useState' Nothing
useEffect propsThemeVariant do
for_ propsThemeVariant setDarkOrLightMode
useEffectOnce do
prefersDarkMediaQuery <- mkPrefersDark
prefersLightMediaQuery <- mkPrefersLight
-- Init system preference
whenM (matches prefersDarkMediaQuery) do
setSystemThemeVariant (Just DarkMode)
notifySystemThemeChanged DarkMode
whenM (matches prefersLightMediaQuery) do
setSystemThemeVariant (Just LightMode)
notifySystemThemeChanged LightMode
-- Dark Mode listener
darkModeListener <-
eventListener \_ -> do
whenM (matches prefersDarkMediaQuery) do
setSystemThemeVariant (Just DarkMode)
notifySystemThemeChanged DarkMode
addEventListener Event.change darkModeListener true (Styles.toEventTarget prefersDarkMediaQuery)
-- Light Mode listener
lightModeListener <-
eventListener \_ -> do
whenM (matches prefersLightMediaQuery) do
setSystemThemeVariant (Just LightMode)
notifySystemThemeChanged LightMode
addEventListener Event.change darkModeListener true (Styles.toEventTarget prefersDarkMediaQuery)
addEventListener Event.change lightModeListener true (Styles.toEventTarget prefersLightMediaQuery)
pure do
removeEventListener Event.change darkModeListener true (Styles.toEventTarget prefersDarkMediaQuery)
removeEventListener Event.change lightModeListener true (Styles.toEventTarget prefersLightMediaQuery)
$ R.div_
$ Array.cons
( element
{ styles:
case opToMaybe themeVariant # join of
Nothing ->
Just Styles.DarkMode -> Styles.darkMode
Just Styles.LightMode -> Styles.lightMode
case propsThemeVariant, systemThemeVariant of
Nothing, Nothing ->
Just Styles.DarkMode, _ -> Styles.darkMode
Just Styles.LightMode, _ -> Styles.lightMode
Nothing, Just DarkMode -> Styles.darkMode
Nothing, Just LightMode -> Styles.lightMode
[ content