Add transparent colours

This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2022-07-12 09:33:51 +02:00
parent 9e7a86c2c5
commit 8d6aa2fe4a
4 changed files with 76 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"workbench.colorTheme": "Night Owl Light",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Halcyon",
"search.useGlobalIgnoreFiles": true,
"files.watcherExclude": {
"**/.spago/**": true,

View File

@ -36,15 +36,12 @@ rawComponent =
let disabled = props.disabled ?|| false
fallbackValue /\ setFallbackValue ← useState' v
let value = props.value ?|| fallbackValue
hasFocus /\ setHasFocus ← useState' false
$ div
{ className: "ry-range"
, css: Style.container <> guard disabled Style.inputDisabled <>?
, onFocus: handler_ $ setHasFocus true
, onBlur: handler_ $ setHasFocus false
, style: fold <> css
{ "--val": value - min, "--max": max - min }
, _data: Object.singleton "testid" "range-testid"

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Yoga.Block.Container.Style where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
import Color as Color
import Data.String as String
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, reflectSymbol)
import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn2, runEffectFn2)
import Foreign.Object (Object)
@ -25,10 +26,10 @@ data DarkOrLightMode
derive instance eqDarkOrLightMode ∷ Eq DarkOrLightMode
lightModeStyle ∷ Style
lightModeStyle = unsafeCoerce lightModeVariables
lightModeStyle = unsafeCoerce (lightModeVariables <> lightModeRGBVariables)
darkModeStyle ∷ Style
darkModeStyle = unsafeCoerce darkModeVariables
darkModeStyle = unsafeCoerce (darkModeVariables <> darkModeRGBVariables)
darkMode ∷ Style
darkMode = mkGlobal (Just DarkMode)
@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ defaultColours =
, highlightRotatedBackwards: highlight # rotateHue (-13.0) # darken 0.05
, highlightRotatedForwards: highlight # rotateHue 3.0 # lighten 0.05 # saturate 0.1
, highlightText
, highlightTextOnBackground: highlight # darken 0.1 # saturate 0.1
, highlightTextOnBackground: highlight # rotateHue 3.0 # darken 0.15 # desaturate 0.1
, inputBackground: lightBg
, inputBorder: darken 0.07 >>> desaturate 0.2 $ lightBg
, interfaceBackground
@ -354,62 +355,36 @@ defaultColours =
darkBg = Color.hsl 210.0 0.21 0.02
-- highlightBase = Color.hsla 275.0 0.82 0.4
-- brightPurpleBase = Color.hsla 275.0 0.82 0.4
-- highlightMurmurasBase = Color.hsla 220.0 0.60 0.5
highlightBase = Color.hsla 244.0 0.9 0.62
highlightBase = Color.hsla 252.0 0.9 0.62
highlight = highlightBase 1.0
highlightDarkBase = Color.hsla 240.0 1.00 0.6
highlightDark = Color.hsla 240.0 1.00 0.63 1.0
highlightText = highlight # lighten 0.36 # saturate 0.4
interfaceBackground = lightBg
interfaceBackgroundDangerous = interfaceBackground
interfaceBackgroundDangerousDark = Color.hsl 340.0 0.55 0.30
interfaceBackgroundDark = lighten 0.14 >>> saturate 0.12 $ darkBg
interfaceDangerousText = invalid
interfaceDangerousTextDark = Color.hsl 340.0 1.0 0.90
invalidDark = Color.rgb 230 30 60
invalid = Color.rgb 173 0 69
invalidText = Color.white
invalidTextDark = successText
-- lightBg = Color.hsl 240.0 0.5 0.982
-- lightBg = Color.hsl 230.0 0.5 0.982
lightBg = Color.hsl 205.0 0.13 0.982
link = Color.hsl 320.0 1.0 0.33
linkDark = Color.hsl 265.0 1.0 0.83
required = Color.rgb 200 50 80
success = Color.rgb 10 150 25
successDark = Color.rgb 20 200 60
successText = Color.rgb 250 250 250
text = lightBg # darken 0.8
textDark = Color.rgb 204 212 220
boxShadowLight = Color.rgba 0 0 0 0.2
boxShadowDark = Color.rgba 0 0 0 0.6
type FlatTheme a =
@ -499,6 +474,11 @@ colour =
hmap (\x → "var(" <> x <> ")")
$ makeCSSVarLabels defaultColours.light
colourWithAlpha ∷ FlatTheme (Number -> String)
colourWithAlpha =
hmap (\x → \alpha -> "rgba(var(--rgb-" <> String.drop 2 x <> "), " <> show alpha <> ")")
$ makeCSSVarLabels defaultColours.light
col ∷ FlatTheme StyleProperty
col = colour # mapRecord str
@ -537,6 +517,32 @@ darkModeVariables =
# Object.foldMap \k v →
Object.singleton ("--" <> k) (str (Color.cssStringRGBA v))
lightModeRGBVariables :: Object StyleProperty
lightModeRGBVariables =
Object.fromHomogeneous defaultColours.light
# Object.foldMap \k v →
Object.singleton ("--rgb-" <> k) (str (rgb v))
rgb theCol = red <> ", " <> green <> ", " <> blue
c = toRGBA theCol
red = show c.r
green = show c.g
blue = show c.b
darkModeRGBVariables :: Object StyleProperty
darkModeRGBVariables =
Object.fromHomogeneous defaultColours.dark
# Object.foldMap \k v →
Object.singleton ("--rgb-" <> k) (str (rgb v))
rgb theCol = red <> ", " <> green <> ", " <> blue
c = toRGBA theCol
red = show c.r
green = show c.g
blue = show c.b
variables ∷ Style
variables =

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
module Yoga.Block.Quark.Skeleton.Style where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
import Fahrtwind (transform)
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style (col, colourWithAlpha)
skeletonBox ∷ Style
skeletonBox = css
{ display: inlineBlock
, height: em 1.0
, position: relative
, overflow: hidden
, backgroundColor: str (colourWithAlpha.textPaler4 0.33)
, "&::after": nest
{ position: absolute
, top: int 0
, right: int 0
, bottom: int 0
, left: int 0
, transform: str "translateX(-100%)"
, backgroundImage: str
rgba(250,245,255, 0) 0,
rgba(250,245,255, calc(0.1 * var(--light-mode) + 0.03 * var(--dark-mode))) 20%,
rgba(250,245,255, calc(0.2 * var(--light-mode) + 0.07 * var(--dark-mode))) 60%,
rgba(250,245,255, 0)
, animation: str "shimmer 2s infinite"
, content: str "''"
, animationName:
{ "100%": transform "translateX(100%)"