Refactor Hooks

This commit is contained in:
Mark Eibes 2020-12-25 15:54:45 +01:00
parent 55a6f6fc66
commit a0f3e37442
9 changed files with 96 additions and 62 deletions

View File

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ popover = do
, stiffness: 200.0
, damping: 20.0
, mass: 0.7
, delay: 0.3
{ placement: Placement Placement.Bottom (Just Placement.Start)

View File

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ import Data.TwoOrMore as TwoOrMore
import Effect.Aff (delay)
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Hooks.Key as Key
import Hooks.UseResize (useResize)
import Yoga.Block.Hook.Key as Key
import Yoga.Block.Hook.UseResize (useResize)
import Yoga.Block.Hook.UseKeyDown (useKeyDown)
import Math as Math
import React.Basic.DOM (css)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Extra.Hooks.UseKeyDown (useKeyDown)
import React.Basic.Hooks (reactComponent)
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import React.Basic.Hooks.Aff (useAff)

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Foreign.Object as Object
import Framer.Motion (VariantLabel)
import Framer.Motion as Motion
import Hooks.Scroll (useScrollPosition)
import Yoga.Block.Hook.Scroll (useScrollPosition)
import Literals.Undefined (undefined)
import MotionValue (useMotionValue)
import MotionValue as MotionValue
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Yoga.Block.Atom.Segmented.Style as Style
type Props =
{ activeItemRefs ∷ TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node))
, activeItemIndex ∷ Int
, updateActiveIndex ∷ Int -> Effect Unit
, windowWidth ∷ Number
type Props
= { activeItemRefs ∷ TwoOrMore (Ref (Nullable Node))
, activeItemIndex ∷ Int
, updateActiveIndex ∷ Int -> Effect Unit
, windowWidth ∷ Number
component ∷ ReactComponent Props
component =
@ -42,14 +42,16 @@ component =
_ <-
runMaybeT do
rawStyles <- traverse getStyle props.activeItemRefs
let styles = rawStyles <#> \s -> s { left = s.left + scrollX }
styles = rawStyles <#> \s -> s { left = s.left + scrollX }
unless (maybeAnimationVariants == Just styles) do
setVariants (Just styles) # lift
useLayoutEffect maybeDragX do
case maybeDragX, maybeAnimationVariants of
Just x, Just animationVariants -> do
let { left, width } = handleDrag { activeItemIndex: props.activeItemIndex, animationVariants, x }
{ left, width } = handleDrag { activeItemIndex: props.activeItemIndex, animationVariants, x }
activeLeft # MotionValue.set left
activeWidth # MotionValue.set width
_, _ -> mempty
@ -88,9 +90,12 @@ component =
when (isJust maybeDragX) $ setDragX (Just pi.point.x)
, onDragEnd:
Motion.onDragEnd \_ pi -> do
let x = maybeDragX # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "no x should not happen"
let newIdx = findOverlapping props.activeItemIndex animationVariants x
let v = animationVariants TwoOrMore.!! newIdx # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "omg"
x = maybeDragX # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "no x should not happen"
newIdx = findOverlapping props.activeItemIndex animationVariants x
v = animationVariants TwoOrMore.!! newIdx # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "omg"
setDragX Nothing
activeLeft # MotionValue.set v.left
activeWidth # MotionValue.set v.width
@ -118,18 +123,23 @@ getStyle itemRef = do
indexToVariant ∷ Int -> VariantLabel
indexToVariant = show >>> unsafeCoerce
type BBox =
{ top ∷ Number, left ∷ Number, width ∷ Number, height ∷ Number }
type BBox
= { top ∷ Number, left ∷ Number, width ∷ Number, height ∷ Number }
findOverlapping ∷ Int -> TwoOrMore BBox -> Number -> Int
findOverlapping activeIndex styles x =
fromMaybe activeIndex do
curr <- styles TwoOrMore.!! activeIndex
let fst = TwoOrMore.head styles
let lst = TwoOrMore.last styles
let inside e = (e.left < x) && (e.left + e.width) >= x
let tooFarLeft = MZ.guard (x <= fst.left + fst.width) $> 0
let tooFarRight = MZ.guard (x >= lst.left) $> TwoOrMore.length styles - 1
fst = TwoOrMore.head styles
lst = TwoOrMore.last styles
inside e = (e.left < x) && (e.left + e.width) >= x
tooFarLeft = MZ.guard (x <= fst.left + fst.width) $> 0
tooFarRight = MZ.guard (x >= lst.left) $> TwoOrMore.length styles - 1
TwoOrMore.findIndex inside styles <|> tooFarLeft <|> tooFarRight
handleDrag ∷
@ -139,11 +149,16 @@ handleDrag ∷
} ->
{ left ∷ Number, width ∷ Number }
handleDrag { x, activeItemIndex, animationVariants } = do
let idx = findOverlapping activeItemIndex animationVariants x
let av = animationVariants
let firstVariant = av # TwoOrMore.head
let lastVariant = av # TwoOrMore.last
let baseVariant = av TwoOrMore.!! idx # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "shit"
idx = findOverlapping activeItemIndex animationVariants x
av = animationVariants
firstVariant = av # TwoOrMore.head
lastVariant = av # TwoOrMore.last
baseVariant = av TwoOrMore.!! idx # fromMaybe' \_ -> unsafeCrashWith "shit"
closestVariant =
if x >= (baseVariant.left + (baseVariant.width / 2.0)) then
@ -157,25 +172,41 @@ handleDrag { x, activeItemIndex, animationVariants } = do
closestVariant /\ baseVariant
-- Total
let rangeStart = smaller.left + (smaller.width / 2.0)
let rangeEnd = greater.left + (greater.width / 2.0)
let range = rangeEnd - rangeStart
let ratio = ((x - rangeStart) / range)
let interpolatedWidth = (greater.width * ratio) + smaller.width * (1.0 - ratio)
rangeStart = smaller.left + (smaller.width / 2.0)
rangeEnd = greater.left + (greater.width / 2.0)
range = rangeEnd - rangeStart
ratio = ((x - rangeStart) / range)
interpolatedWidth = (greater.width * ratio) + smaller.width * (1.0 - ratio)
-- Right
let rangeStartRight = smaller.left + smaller.width
let rangeEndRight = greater.left + greater.width
let rangeRight = rangeEndRight - rangeStartRight
let ratioRight = ((x + (interpolatedWidth / 2.0) - rangeStartRight) / rangeRight)
rangeStartRight = smaller.left + smaller.width
rangeEndRight = greater.left + greater.width
rangeRight = rangeEndRight - rangeStartRight
ratioRight = ((x + (interpolatedWidth / 2.0) - rangeStartRight) / rangeRight)
-- Left
let rangeStartLeft = smaller.left
let rangeEndLeft = greater.left
let rangeLeft = rangeEndLeft - rangeStartLeft
let ratioLeft = (((x - (interpolatedWidth / 2.0)) - rangeStartLeft) / rangeLeft)
rangeStartLeft = smaller.left
rangeEndLeft = greater.left
rangeLeft = rangeEndLeft - rangeStartLeft
ratioLeft = (((x - (interpolatedWidth / 2.0)) - rangeStartLeft) / rangeLeft)
-- Individual
let left = rangeStartLeft + (ratioLeft * rangeLeft)
let right = rangeStartRight + (ratioRight * rangeRight)
let width = right - left
left = rangeStartLeft + (ratioLeft * rangeLeft)
right = rangeStartRight + (ratioRight * rangeRight)
width = right - left
if x < firstVariant.left then
{ left: firstVariant.left, width: firstVariant.width }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Hooks.Key where
module Yoga.Block.Hook.Key where
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Web.Event.Event (Event)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Hooks.Scroll where
module Yoga.Block.Hook.Scroll where
import Prelude
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ registerListener listener = do
addEventListener eventType listener false target
pure $ removeEventListener eventType listener false target
newtype UseScrollPosition hooks = UseScrollPosition (UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState ScrollPosition hooks))
newtype UseScrollPosition hooks
= UseScrollPosition (UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState ScrollPosition hooks))
derive instance ntUseScrollPosition ∷ Newtype (UseScrollPosition hooks) _
type ScrollPosition =
{ scrollX ∷ Number, scrollY ∷ Number }
type ScrollPosition
= { scrollX ∷ Number, scrollY ∷ Number }
useScrollPosition ∷ Hook UseScrollPosition ScrollPosition
useScrollPosition =

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
module React.Basic.Extra.Hooks.UseKeyDown where
module Yoga.Block.Hook.UseKeyDown where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Effect (Effect)
import Hooks.Key (KeyCode, getKeyCode, intToKeyCode)
import Yoga.Block.Hook.Key (KeyCode, getKeyCode, intToKeyCode)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, UseEffect, coerceHook, useEffectAlways)
import Web.Event.Event (EventType(..))
import Web.Event.EventTarget (addEventListener, eventListener, removeEventListener)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.Window as Win
newtype UseKeyDown hooks = UseKeyDown
newtype UseKeyDown hooks
= UseKeyDown
(UseEffect Unit hooks)
derive instance ntUseKeyDown ∷ Newtype (UseKeyDown hooks) _
useKeyDown ∷ (KeyCode -> Effect Unit) -> Hook UseKeyDown Unit

View File

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
module React.Basic.Extra.Hooks.UseKeyUp where
module Yoga.Block.Hook.UseKeyUp where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)
import Effect (Effect)
import Hooks.Key (KeyCode, getKeyCode, intToKeyCode)
import Yoga.Block.Hook.Key (KeyCode, getKeyCode, intToKeyCode)
import React.Basic.Hooks (Hook, UseEffect, coerceHook, useEffect)
import Web.Event.Event (EventType(..))
import Web.Event.EventTarget (addEventListener, eventListener, removeEventListener)
import Web.HTML (window)
import Web.HTML.Window as Win
newtype UseKeyUp hooks = UseKeyUp
newtype UseKeyUp hooks
= UseKeyUp
(UseEffect Unit hooks)
derive instance ntUseKeyUp ∷ Newtype (UseKeyUp hooks) _
useKeyUp ∷ (KeyCode -> Effect Unit) -> Hook UseKeyUp Unit

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Hooks.UseResize where
module Yoga.Block.Hook.UseResize where
import Prelude
import Data.Int (toNumber)
@ -20,15 +20,16 @@ registerListener listener = do
addEventListener eventType listener false target
pure $ removeEventListener eventType listener false target
newtype UseResize hooks = UseResize (UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState { width ∷ Number, height ∷ Number } hooks))
newtype UseResize hooks
= UseResize (UseLayoutEffect Unit (UseState { width ∷ Number, height ∷ Number } hooks))
derive instance ntUseResize ∷ Newtype (UseResize hooks) _
useResize ∷ Hook UseResize { width ∷ Number, height ∷ Number }
useResize =
size /\ updateSize <- useState { width: 0.0, height: 0.0 }
let setSize = updateSize <<< const
setSize = updateSize <<< const
useLayoutEffect unit do
setSizeFromWindow setSize
listener <- makeListener setSize
@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ useResize' ∷ Effect Unit -> Hook UseResize { width ∷ Number, height ∷ Numb
useResize' eff =
size /\ updateSize <- useState { width: 0.0, height: 0.0 }
let setSize = updateSize <<< const
setSize = updateSize <<< const
useLayoutEffect unit do
setSizeFromWindow setSize
listener <- makeListener (setSize >=> const eff)