Mark Eibes 8049bd80dc
rip (#4)
* Port Storybook

* Remove extrablatt

* Improve cluster

* Magic Johnson

* Remove mentions of Plumage

And delete some unnecessary stuff

* Hä

* I have changed the code files

* Reexports for typeahead

* Bring Select back

* Fix dark mode of select

* Move out react-aria

* Export select properly

* Make select work I guess
2022-11-25 13:38:19 +01:00

127 lines
3.6 KiB

module Story.Yoga.Block.Atom.Layout
( default
, layout
) where
import Yoga.Prelude.Style
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\))
import Effect.Unsafe (unsafePerformEffect)
import Fahrtwind as F
import Fahrtwind as FW
import React.Basic (JSX, element, fragment)
import React.Basic.DOM as R
import React.Basic.Emotion as E
import React.Basic.Hooks as React
import Storybook (Meta, meta, metaDecorator)
import Yoga ((</>))
import Yoga.Block as Block
import Yoga.Block.Atom.Button.Types (ButtonShape(..), ButtonType(..))
import Yoga.Block.Container.Style as Styles
import Yoga.Block.Layout.Types (AlignItems(..), JustifyContent(..))
default ∷ Meta {}
default = meta
{ title: "layout"
, component: mempty
, decorators:
[ metaDecorator \storyFn →
[ element E.global
{ styles: Styles.global
<> css { "highlight-col": str "#ec0" }
, storyFn
bg = FW.background'
colBox co = Block.box { css: FW.roundedDefault <> bg co }
mainContent = Block.stack
{ space: sizeStyle.s
, css: FW.background' col.backgroundLayer1
, splitAfter: 3
[ colBox col.backgroundLayer1
[ Block.cluster
{ space: size.m
, rowSpace: size.s
, justifyContent: JEnd
, alignItems: ACenter
[ Block.button
{ buttonType: Primary
[ R.text "Sign up" ]
, Block.button {} [ R.text "Sign in" ]
, Block.box_
[ Block.grid { min: "150px" }
[ colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, Block.box_
[ Block.cluster { space: size.s, rowSpace: size.xs }
[ colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 1" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Child Row 2 2" ]
, Block.box_
[ Block.switcher { rowGap: "8px" }
[ colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Switch me up" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Switch me too" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer4 [ R.text "Switchy" ]
leftSidebar = Block.sidebar
{ sidebar: Block.stack
{ space: sizeStyle.xxs
, splitAfter: 1
[ Block.button
{ buttonShape: Flat
, css: widthFull
, backgroundCol: col.backgroundLayer4
, hoverBackgroundCol: col.backgroundLayer5
, textCol: str (colour.text)
, ripple: colourWithAlpha.text 0.3
[ Block.box
{ css: textLeft <> widthFull
, padding: str "4px 0"
[ R.text "Sidebar First" ]
, colBox col.backgroundLayer3 [ R.text "Sidebar Second" ]
, space: "8px"
, sideWidth: size."3xl"
, css: heightFull
layout ∷ Effect JSX
layout = pure $ layoutCompo </> {}
layoutCompo =
unsafePerformEffect $ React.reactComponent "LayoutExample" \_ → React.do
modalVisible /\ setModalVisible ← React.useState false
pure $ Block.box
{ css: heightFull
<> background' col.backgroundBright3
[ leftSidebar [ mainContent ]