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2017-08-22 10:05:20 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, plistlib, json, re
from collections import OrderedDict
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from fontTools import ttLib
from robofab.objects.objectsRF import OpenFont
# Regex matching "default" glyph names, like "uni2043" and "u01C5"
uniNameRe = re.compile(r'^u(?:ni)([0-9A-F]{4,8})$')
class PList:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.filename = filename
self.plist = None
def load(self):
self.plist = plistlib.readPlist(self.filename)
def save(self):
if self.plist is not None:
plistlib.writePlist(self.plist, self.filename)
def get(self, k, defaultValue=None):
if self.plist is None:
return self.plist.get(k, defaultValue)
def __getitem__(self, k):
if self.plist is None:
return self.plist[k]
def __setitem__(self, k, v):
if self.plist is None:
self.plist[k] = v
def __delitem__(self, k):
if self.plist is None:
del self.plist[k]
def parseAGL(filename): # -> { 2126: 'Omega', ... }
m = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# Omega;2126
# dalethatafpatah;05D3 05B2 # higher-level combinations; ignored
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#':
name, uc = tuple([c.strip() for c in line.split(';')])
if uc.find(' ') == -1:
# it's a 1:1 mapping
m[int(uc, 16)] = name
return m
def revCharMap(ucToNames):
# {2126:['Omega','Omegagr']} -> {'Omega':2126, 'Omegagr':2126}
# {2126:'Omega'} -> {'Omega':2126}
m = {}
if len(ucToNames) == 0:
return m
lists = True
for v in ucToNames.itervalues():
lists = not isinstance(v, str)
if lists:
for uc, names in ucToNames.iteritems():
for name in names:
m[name] = uc
for uc, name in ucToNames.iteritems():
m[name] = uc
return m
def loadJSONGlyphOrder(jsonFilename):
gol = None
if jsonFilename == '-':
gol = json.load(sys.stdin)
with open(jsonFilename, 'r') as f:
gol = json.load(f)
if not isinstance(gol, list):
raise Exception('expected [[string, int|null]')
if len(gol) > 0:
for v in gol:
if not isinstance(v, list):
raise Exception('expected [[string, int|null]]')
return gol
def loadTTGlyphOrder(font):
if isinstance(font, str):
font = ttLib.TTFont(font)
if not 'cmap' in font:
raise Exception('missing cmap table')
bestCodeSubTable = None
bestCodeSubTableFormat = 0
for st in font['cmap'].tables:
if st.platformID == 0: # 0=unicode, 1=mac, 2=(reserved), 3=microsoft
if st.format > bestCodeSubTableFormat:
bestCodeSubTable = st
bestCodeSubTableFormat = st.format
ucmap = {}
if bestCodeSubTable is not None:
for cp, glyphname in bestCodeSubTable.cmap.items():
ucmap[glyphname] = cp
gol = []
for name in font.getGlyphOrder():
gol.append((name, ucmap.get(name)))
return gol
def loadSrcGlyphOrder(jsonFilename, fontFilename): # -> [ ('Omegagreek', 2126|None), ...]
if jsonFilename:
return loadJSONGlyphOrder(jsonFilename)
elif fontFilename:
return loadTTGlyphOrder(fontFilename.rstrip('/ '))
return None
def loadUFOGlyphNames(ufoPath):
font = OpenFont(ufoPath)
libPlist = PList(os.path.join(ufoPath, 'lib.plist'))
orderedNames = libPlist['public.glyphOrder'] # [ 'Omega', ...]
# append any glyphs that are missing in orderedNames
allNames = set(font.keys())
for name in orderedNames:
for name in allNames:
ucToNames = font.getCharacterMapping() # { 2126: [ 'Omega', ...], ...}
nameToUc = revCharMap(ucToNames) # { 'Omega': 2126, ...}
gol = OrderedDict() # OrderedDict{ ('Omega', 2126|None), ...}
for name in orderedNames:
gol[name] = nameToUc.get(name)
# gol.append((name, nameToUc.get(name)))
return gol, ucToNames, nameToUc, libPlist
def saveUFOGlyphOrder(libPlist, orderedNames, dryRun):
libPlist['public.glyphOrder'] = orderedNames
roboSort = libPlist.get('com.typemytype.robofont.sort')
if roboSort is not None:
# lib['com.typemytype.robofont.sort'] has schema
# [ { type: "glyphList", ascending: [glyphname, ...] }, ...]
for i in range(len(roboSort)):
ent = roboSort[i]
if isinstance(ent, dict) and ent.get('type') == 'glyphList':
roboSort[i] = {'type':'glyphList', 'ascending':orderedNames}
print('Writing', libPlist.filename)
if not dryRun:
def getConfigResFile(config, basedir, name):
fn = os.path.join(basedir, config.get("res", name))
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir)
fn = os.path.join(basedir, config.get("res", name))
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
fn = None
return fn
def main():
argparser = ArgumentParser(description='Rewrite glyph order of UFO fonts')
'-dry', dest='dryRun', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
help='Do not modify anything, but instead just print what would happen.')
'-src-json', dest='srcJSONFile', metavar='<file>', type=str,
help='JSON file to read glyph order from.' +
' Should be a list e.g. [["Omega", 2126], [".notdef", null], ...]')
'-src-font', dest='srcFontFile', metavar='<file>', type=str,
help='TrueType or OpenType font to read glyph order from.')
'-out', dest='outFile', metavar='<file>', type=str,
help='Write each name per line to <file>')
'dstFontsPaths', metavar='<ufofile>', type=str, nargs='+', help='UFO fonts to update')
args = argparser.parse_args()
dryRun = args.dryRun
if args.srcJSONFile and args.srcFontFile:
argparser.error('Both -src-json and -src-font specified -- please provide only one.')
srcGol = loadSrcGlyphOrder(args.srcJSONFile, args.srcFontFile)
if srcGol is None:
argparser.error('No source provided (-src-* argument missing)')
# Load Adobe Glyph List database
srcDir = os.path.dirname(args.dstFontsPaths[0])
config = RawConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict)
config.read(os.path.join(srcDir, 'fontbuild.cfg'))
aglUcToName = parseAGL(getConfigResFile(config, srcDir, 'agl_glyphlistfile'))
aglNameToUc = revCharMap(aglUcToName)
glyphorderUnion = OrderedDict()
for dstFontPath in args.dstFontsPaths:
glyphOrder, ucToNames, nameToUc, libPlist = loadUFOGlyphNames(dstFontPath)
newGol = OrderedDict()
for name, uc in srcGol:
if uc is None:
# if there's no unicode associated, derive from name if possible
m = uniNameRe.match(name)
if m:
uc = int(m.group(1), 16)
if uc is None:
uc = aglNameToUc.get(name)
# has same glyph mapped to same unicode
names = ucToNames.get(uc)
if names is not None:
for name in names:
# print('U %s U+%04X' % (name, uc))
newGol[name] = uc
# has same name in dst?
uc2 = glyphOrder.get(name)
if uc2 is not None:
# print('N %s U+%04X' % (name, uc2))
newGol[name] = uc2
# Try AGL[uc] -> name == name
if uc is not None:
name2 = aglUcToName.get(uc)
if name2 is not None:
uc2 = glyphOrder.get(name2)
if uc2 is not None:
# print('A %s U+%04X' % (name2, uc2))
newGol[name2] = uc2
# else: ignore glyph name in srcGol not found in target
# if uc is None:
# print('x %s -' % name)
# else:
# print('x %s U+%04X' % (name, uc))
# add remaining glyphs from original glyph order
for name, uc in glyphOrder.iteritems():
if name not in newGol:
# print('E %s U+%04X' % (name, uc))
newGol[name] = uc
orderedNames = []
for name in newGol.iterkeys():
glyphorderUnion[name] = True
saveUFOGlyphOrder(libPlist, orderedNames, dryRun)
if args.outFile:
print('Write', args.outFile)
glyphorderUnionNames = glyphorderUnion.keys()
if not dryRun:
with open(args.outFile, 'w') as f:
f.write('\n'.join(glyphorderUnionNames) + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':