diff --git a/src/Inter-UI.glyphs b/src/Inter-UI.glyphs index 0d60f877f..200b4fd35 100644 --- a/src/Inter-UI.glyphs +++ b/src/Inter-UI.glyphs @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ { -.appVersion = "1204"; +.appVersion = "1206"; DisplayStrings = ( -"/leftArrow e-/endash/leftLongArrow/leftRightArrow/leftRightLongArrow \012/rightArrow/rightLongArrow \012/upArrow/upDownArrow \012/northWestArrow/northEastArrow/southEastArrow/southWestArrow/downArrow \012/leftArrow.case/leftLongArrow.case/rightArrow.case/rightLongArrow.case/leftRightArrow.case/leftRightLongArrow.case", -"-/endash /figuredash /emdash \012-/bullet/openbullet/hyphenbullet \012E/hyphen.case/endash.case /figuredash.case /emdash.case \012E/hyphen.case/bullet.case/openbullet.case \012-+/minus" +"x:\012/leftArrow e-/endash/leftLongArrow/leftRightArrow/leftRightLongArrow \012/rightArrow/rightLongArrow \012/upArrow/upDownArrow \012/northWestArrow/northEastArrow/southEastArrow/southWestArrow/downArrow \012/leftArrow.case/leftLongArrow.case/rightArrow.case/rightLongArrow.case/leftRightArrow.case/leftRightLongArrow.case", +"e-/endash /figuredash /emdash \012E/hyphen.case/endash.case /figuredash.case /emdash.case \012e-/hyphenbullet/bullet/openbullet/trianglebullet \012E/hyphen.case/hyphenbullet.case/bullet.case/openbullet.case/trianglebullet.case \012-+/minus" ); 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+code = "sub parenleft by parenleft.case;\012sub parenright by parenright.case;\012sub bracketleft by bracketleft.case;\012sub bracketright by bracketright.case;\012sub braceleft by braceleft.case;\012sub braceright by braceright.case;\012sub at by at.case;\012sub hyphen by hyphen.case;\012sub endash by endash.case;\012sub figuredash by figuredash.case;\012sub emdash by emdash.case;\012sub bullet by bullet.case;\012sub openbullet by openbullet.case;\012sub hyphenbullet by hyphenbullet.case;\012sub trianglebullet by trianglebullet.case;\012sub colon by colon.case;\012sub less by less.case;\012sub greater by greater.case;\012sub lessequal by lessequal.case;\012sub greaterequal by greaterequal.case;\012sub equal by equal.case;\012sub notequal by notequal.case;\012sub plus by plus.case;\012sub minus by minus.case;\012sub multiply by multiply.case;\012sub divide by divide.case;\012sub plusminus by plusminus.case;\012sub approxequal by approxequal.case;\012sub asciitilde by asciitilde.case;\012sub asterisk by asterisk.case;\012sub leftArrow by leftArrow.case;\012sub leftLongArrow by leftLongArrow.case;\012sub rightArrow by rightArrow.case;\012sub rightLongArrow by rightLongArrow.case;\012sub leftRightArrow by leftRightArrow.case;\012sub leftRightLongArrow by leftRightLongArrow.case;\012"; name = case; }, { -code = "# numbers\012@NUM = [\012 zero one two twostroke three four five Tonefive six seven eight nine\012 zero.slash one.ss01 three.1 four.ss01 six.ss01 nine.ss01 zero.tf one.tf\012 two.tf three.tf four.tf five.tf six.tf seven.tf eight.tf nine.tf\012 zero.tf.slash one.tf.ss01 three.1.tf four.tf.ss01 six.tf.ss01 nine.tf.ss01\012];\012\012# cap-height tall glyphs\012@UC = [\012 @Uppercase\012 @NUM\012\012 # punctuation\012 ampersand exclam exclamdbl exclamdown uni2049 question uni2047 uni2048\012 questiondown interrobang invertedinterrobang bar paragraph\012\012 # currency\012 dollar cent yen sterling florin uni20BA uni20BD euro uni20B9 tenge peseta\012 peso kip won lira austral hryvnia naira guarani coloncurrency cedi cruzeiro\012 tugrik uni20AF mill afii57636 manat rupee lari franc\012];\012\012# x-height tall glyphs\012@LC = [\012 @Lowercase\012];\012\012@CASE_DELIM_L = [\012 braceleft braceright\012 bracketleft bracketright\012 parenleft parenright\012];\012@CASE_NONDELIM_L = [\012 asterisk\012 at\012 multiply\012 minus\012 plus\012 plusminus\012 divide\012 equal\012 notequal\012 endash\012 figuredash\012 emdash\012 hyphen\012 bullet\012 openbullet\012 leftArrow\012 leftLongArrow\012 rightArrow\012 rightLongArrow\012 leftRightArrow\012 leftRightLongArrow\012 colon\012 approxequal\012 asciitilde\012 less\012 greater\012 lessequal\012 greaterequal\012];\012@CASE_L = [\012 @CASE_DELIM_L\012 @CASE_NONDELIM_L\012];\012\012@CASE_DELIM_R = [\012 braceleft.case braceright.case\012 bracketleft.case bracketright.case\012 parenleft.case parenright.case\012];\012@CASE_NONDELIM_R = [\012 asterisk.case\012 at.case\012 multiply.case\012 minus.case\012 plus.case\012 plusminus.case\012 divide.case\012 equal.case\012 notequal.case\012 endash.case\012 figuredash.case\012 emdash.case\012 hyphen.case\012 bullet.case\012 openbullet.case\012 leftArrow.case\012 leftLongArrow.case\012 rightArrow.case\012 rightLongArrow.case\012 leftRightArrow.case\012 leftRightLongArrow.case\012 colon.case\012 approxequal.case\012 asciitilde.case\012 less.case\012 greater.case\012 lessequal.case\012 greaterequal.case\012];\012@CASE_R = [\012 @CASE_DELIM_R\012 @CASE_NONDELIM_R\012];\012\012# ---------------------------------------------------\012\012# ignore <-NUM e.g. \"<-3\"\012ignore sub\012 less\012 [ hyphen hyphen.case endash endash.case emdash emdash.case ]\012 @NUM;\012\012# arrows: <->\012sub less hyphen greater by leftRightArrow;\012sub less hyphen.case greater by leftRightArrow.case;\012sub less [endash emdash] greater by leftRightLongArrow;\012sub less [endash.case emdash.case] greater by leftRightLongArrow.case;\012sub less hyphen hyphen greater by leftRightLongArrow;\012sub less hyphen.case hyphen.case greater by leftRightLongArrow.case;\012\012# arrows: ->\012sub hyphen greater by rightArrow;\012sub hyphen.case greater by rightArrow.case;\012sub [endash emdash] greater by rightLongArrow;\012sub [endash.case emdash.case] greater by rightLongArrow.case;\012# arrows: <-\012sub less hyphen by leftArrow;\012sub less hyphen.case by leftArrow.case;\012sub less [endash emdash] by leftLongArrow;\012sub less [endash.case emdash.case] by leftLongArrow.case;\012\012# :-)\012sub\012 colon'\012 [hyphen hyphen.case endash endash.case emdash emdash.case]\012 [parenright parenright.case]\012 by\012 colon.case;\012sub [colon colon.case] hyphen' [parenright parenright.case] by hyphen.case;\012sub [colon colon.case] endash' [parenright parenright.case] by endash.case;\012sub [colon colon.case] emdash' [parenright parenright.case] by emdash.case;\012sub\012 [colon colon.case]\012 [hyphen hyphen.case endash endash.case emdash emdash.case]\012 parenright'\012 by\012 parenright.case;\012\012# A foo' -> A foo.case\012sub [ @UC @CASE_R ] @CASE_L' by @CASE_R;\012ignore sub @LC @CASE_NONDELIM_L @UC; # e.g. m multiply M\012\012# foo' foo foo foo foo A -> foo.case foo foo foo foo A\012# foo' foo foo foo A -> foo.case foo foo foo A\012# foo' foo foo A -> foo.case foo foo A\012# foo' foo A -> foo.case foo A\012# foo' A -> foo.case A\012# Note: since we look quite far back, sequences like x{}[]M will case both\012# the square brackets next to M _and_ the curly braces to become .case\012sub @CASE_L' @CASE_L @CASE_L @CASE_L @CASE_L [ @CASE_R @UC ] by @CASE_R;\012sub @CASE_L' @CASE_L @CASE_L @CASE_L [ @CASE_R @UC ] by @CASE_R;\012sub @CASE_L' @CASE_L @CASE_L [ @CASE_R @UC ] by @CASE_R;\012sub @CASE_L' @CASE_L [ @CASE_R @UC ] by @CASE_R;\012sub @CASE_L' [ @UC @CASE_R ] by @CASE_R;\012"; +code = "# numbers\012@NUM = [\012 zero one two twostroke three four five Tonefive six seven eight nine\012 zero.slash one.ss01 three.1 four.ss01 six.ss01 nine.ss01 zero.tf one.tf\012 two.tf three.tf four.tf five.tf six.tf seven.tf eight.tf nine.tf\012 zero.tf.slash one.tf.ss01 three.1.tf four.tf.ss01 six.tf.ss01 nine.tf.ss01\012];\012\012# cap-height tall glyphs\012@UC = [\012 @Uppercase\012 @NUM\012\012 # punctuation\012 ampersand exclam exclamdbl exclamdown uni2049 question uni2047 uni2048\012 questiondown interrobang invertedinterrobang bar paragraph\012\012 # currency\012 dollar cent yen sterling florin uni20BA uni20BD euro uni20B9 tenge peseta\012 peso kip won lira austral hryvnia naira guarani coloncurrency cedi cruzeiro\012 tugrik uni20AF mill afii57636 manat rupee lari franc\012];\012\012# x-height tall glyphs\012@LC = [\012 @Lowercase\012];\012\012@CASE_DELIM_L = [\012 braceleft braceright\012 bracketleft bracketright\012 parenleft parenright\012];\012@CASE_NONDELIM_L = [\012 asterisk\012 at\012 multiply\012 minus\012 plus\012 plusminus\012 divide\012 equal\012 notequal\012 endash\012 figuredash\012 emdash\012 hyphen\012 bullet\012 openbullet\012 hyphenbullet\012 trianglebullet\012 leftArrow\012 leftLongArrow\012 rightArrow\012 rightLongArrow\012 leftRightArrow\012 leftRightLongArrow\012 colon\012 approxequal\012 asciitilde\012 less\012 greater\012 lessequal\012 greaterequal\012];\012@CASE_L = [\012 @CASE_DELIM_L\012 @CASE_NONDELIM_L\012];\012\012@CASE_DELIM_R = [\012 braceleft.case braceright.case\012 bracketleft.case bracketright.case\012 parenleft.case parenright.case\012];\012@CASE_NONDELIM_R = [\012 asterisk.case\012 at.case\012 multiply.case\012 minus.case\012 plus.case\012 plusminus.case\012 divide.case\012 equal.case\012 notequal.case\012 endash.case\012 figuredash.case\012 emdash.case\012 hyphen.case\012 bullet.case\012 openbullet.case\012 hyphenbullet.case\012 trianglebullet.case\012 leftArrow.case\012 leftLongArrow.case\012 rightArrow.case\012 rightLongArrow.case\012 leftRightArrow.case\012 leftRightLongArrow.case\012 colon.case\012 approxequal.case\012 asciitilde.case\012 less.case\012 greater.case\012 lessequal.case\012 greaterequal.case\012];\012@CASE_R = [\012 @CASE_DELIM_R\012 @CASE_NONDELIM_R\012];\012\012# ---------------------------------------------------\012\012# ignore <-NUM e.g. \"<-3\"\012ignore sub\012 less\012 [ hyphen hyphen.case endash endash.case emdash emdash.case ]\012 @NUM;\012\012# arrows: <->\012sub less hyphen greater by leftRightArrow;\012sub less hyphen.case greater by leftRightArrow.case;\012sub less [endash emdash] greater by leftRightLongArrow;\012sub less [endash.case emdash.case] greater by leftRightLongArrow.case;\012sub less hyphen hyphen greater by leftRightLongArrow;\012sub less hyphen.case hyphen.case greater by leftRightLongArrow.case;\012\012# arrows: ->\012sub hyphen greater by rightArrow;\012sub hyphen.case greater by rightArrow.case;\012sub [endash emdash] greater by rightLongArrow;\012sub [endash.case emdash.case] greater by rightLongArrow.case;\012# arrows: <-\012sub less hyphen by leftArrow;\012sub less hyphen.case by leftArrow.case;\012sub less [endash emdash] by leftLongArrow;\012sub less [endash.case emdash.case] by leftLongArrow.case;\012\012# space test\012sub @UC space bullet' by bullet.case;\012\012# :-)\012sub\012 colon'\012 [hyphen hyphen.case endash endash.case emdash emdash.case]\012 [parenright parenright.case]\012 by\012 colon.case;\012sub [colon colon.case] hyphen' [parenright parenright.case] by hyphen.case;\012sub [colon colon.case] endash' [parenright parenright.case] by endash.case;\012sub [colon colon.case] emdash' [parenright parenright.case] by emdash.case;\012sub\012 [colon colon.case]\012 [hyphen hyphen.case endash endash.case emdash emdash.case]\012 parenright'\012 by\012 parenright.case;\012\012# A foo' -> A foo.case\012sub [ @UC @CASE_R ] @CASE_L' by @CASE_R;\012ignore sub @LC @CASE_NONDELIM_L @UC; # e.g. m multiply M\012\012# foo' foo foo foo foo A -> foo.case foo foo foo foo A\012# foo' foo foo foo A -> foo.case foo foo foo A\012# foo' foo foo A -> foo.case foo foo A\012# foo' foo A -> foo.case foo A\012# foo' A -> foo.case A\012# Note: since we look quite far back, sequences like x{}[]M will case both\012# the square brackets next to M _and_ the curly braces to become .case\012sub @CASE_L' @CASE_L @CASE_L @CASE_L @CASE_L [ @CASE_R @UC ] by @CASE_R;\012sub @CASE_L' @CASE_L @CASE_L @CASE_L [ @CASE_R @UC ] by @CASE_R;\012sub @CASE_L' @CASE_L @CASE_L [ @CASE_R @UC ] by @CASE_R;\012sub @CASE_L' @CASE_L [ @CASE_R @UC ] by @CASE_R;\012sub @CASE_L' [ @UC @CASE_R ] by @CASE_R;\012"; name = calt; }, { @@ -177282,7 +177284,7 @@ unicode = 0031; { color = (227,245,235,1); glyphname = two; -lastChange = "2019-01-20 01:56:59 +0000"; +lastChange = "2019-01-26 22:58:45 +0000"; layers = ( { anchors = ( @@ -177339,66 +177341,15 @@ width = 1704; anchors = ( { name = cross; -position = "{1272, 1124}"; +position = "{1232, 1124}"; } ); -background = { -paths = ( -{ -closed = 1; -nodes = ( -"1410 -28 OFFCURVE", -"1763 227 OFFCURVE", -"1764 588 CURVE SMOOTH", -"1763 839 OFFCURVE", -"1595 1016 OFFCURVE", -"1268 1052 CURVE", -"1268 1068 LINE", -"1509 1094 OFFCURVE", -"1687 1251 OFFCURVE", -"1688 1480 CURVE SMOOTH", -"1687 1825 OFFCURVE", -"1367 2076 OFFCURVE", -"916 2076 CURVE SMOOTH", -"449 2076 OFFCURVE", -"119 1811 OFFCURVE", -"120 1436 CURVE", -"652 1436 LINE", -"651 1560 OFFCURVE", -"760 1648 OFFCURVE", -"916 1648 CURVE SMOOTH", -"1053 1648 OFFCURVE", -"1151 1563 OFFCURVE", -"1152 1444 CURVE SMOOTH", -"1151 1320 OFFCURVE", -"1035 1232 OFFCURVE", -"872 1232 CURVE SMOOTH", -"664 1232 LINE", -"664 848 LINE", -"872 848 LINE SMOOTH", -"1049 848 OFFCURVE", -"1175 760 OFFCURVE", -"1176 636 CURVE SMOOTH", -"1175 509 OFFCURVE", -"1067 420 OFFCURVE", -"916 420 CURVE SMOOTH", -"753 420 OFFCURVE", -"639 505 OFFCURVE", -"640 624 CURVE", -"80 624 LINE", -"79 242 OFFCURVE", -"424 -28 OFFCURVE", -"912 -28 CURVE SMOOTH" -); 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+layers = ( +{ +guideLines = ( +{ +alignment = center; +position = "{1104, 816}"; +} +); +layerId = "C698F293-3EC0-4A5A-A3A0-0FDB1F5CF265"; +paths = ( +{ +closed = 1; +nodes = ( +"272 926 LINE", +"272 706 LINE", +"1008 706 LINE", +"1008 926 LINE" +); +} +); +width = 1280; +}, +{ +guideLines = ( +{ +alignment = center; +position = "{1104, 816}"; +} +); +layerId = "5C20EF92-B63D-42A8-8878-93C2863E0093"; +paths = ( +{ +closed = 1; +nodes = ( +"224 1024 LINE", +"224 608 LINE", +"1056 608 LINE", +"1056 1024 LINE" +); +} +); +width = 1280; +}, +{ +layerId = "11F4534A-B963-4AB5-820F-DAF9A20CD933"; +paths = ( +{ +closed = 1; +nodes = ( +"298 926 LINE", +"262 706 LINE", +"998 706 LINE", +"1034 926 LINE" +); +} +); +width = 1280; +}, +{ +layerId = "D0EC06BF-13F9-4C88-A6F5-B8203AF6C77E"; +paths = ( +{ +closed = 1; +nodes = ( +"266 1024 LINE", +"198 608 LINE", +"1030 608 LINE", +"1098 1024 LINE" +); +} +); +width = 1280; +}, +{ +guideLines = ( +{ +alignment = center; +position = "{1104, 816}"; +} +); 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@@ -195334,7 +195572,7 @@ width = 1336; components = ( { name = hyphen; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 146}"; } ); layerId = "11F4534A-B963-4AB5-820F-DAF9A20CD933"; @@ -195355,7 +195593,7 @@ components = ( { alignment = -1; name = hyphen; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 146}"; } ); layerId = "B1F27B51-9973-4381-9301-4FE46FE1CA59"; @@ -195366,7 +195604,7 @@ components = ( { alignment = -1; name = hyphen; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 146}"; } ); layerId = "200BE2C5-40F6-4CF4-AF4F-A33C0CC0964F"; @@ -195385,13 +195623,13 @@ userData = { { color = 4; glyphname = endash.case; -lastChange = "2019-01-24 17:11:24 +0000"; +lastChange = "2019-01-25 16:46:24 +0000"; layers = ( { components = ( { name = endash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 146}"; } ); layerId = "C698F293-3EC0-4A5A-A3A0-0FDB1F5CF265"; @@ -195411,7 +195649,7 @@ width = 1408; components = ( { name = endash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 146}"; } ); layerId = "11F4534A-B963-4AB5-820F-DAF9A20CD933"; @@ -195432,7 +195670,7 @@ components = ( { alignment = -1; name = endash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 146}"; } ); layerId = "B1F27B51-9973-4381-9301-4FE46FE1CA59"; @@ -195443,7 +195681,7 @@ components = ( { alignment = -1; name = endash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 146}"; } ); layerId = "200BE2C5-40F6-4CF4-AF4F-A33C0CC0964F"; @@ -195457,13 +195695,13 @@ rightKerningGroup = endash; { color = 4; glyphname = figuredash.case; -lastChange = "2019-01-24 17:18:35 +0000"; +lastChange = "2019-01-25 16:46:57 +0000"; layers = ( { components = ( { name = figuredash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 146}"; } ); layerId = "C698F293-3EC0-4A5A-A3A0-0FDB1F5CF265"; @@ -195483,7 +195721,7 @@ width = 1880; components = ( { name = figuredash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 146}"; } ); layerId = "11F4534A-B963-4AB5-820F-DAF9A20CD933"; @@ -195504,7 +195742,7 @@ components = ( { alignment = -1; name = figuredash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 146}"; } ); layerId = "B1F27B51-9973-4381-9301-4FE46FE1CA59"; @@ -195515,7 +195753,7 @@ components = ( { alignment = -1; name = figuredash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 146}"; } ); layerId = "200BE2C5-40F6-4CF4-AF4F-A33C0CC0964F"; @@ -195532,13 +195770,13 @@ interface.gridadjust.original = "{'width': 1610, 'leftMargin': 256, 'rightMargin { color = 4; glyphname = emdash.case; -lastChange = "2019-01-24 17:19:08 +0000"; +lastChange = "2019-01-25 16:47:39 +0000"; layers = ( { components = ( { name = emdash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 146}"; } ); layerId = "C698F293-3EC0-4A5A-A3A0-0FDB1F5CF265"; @@ -195558,7 +195796,7 @@ width = 2816; components = ( { name = emdash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 146}"; } ); layerId = "11F4534A-B963-4AB5-820F-DAF9A20CD933"; @@ -195579,7 +195817,7 @@ components = ( { alignment = -1; name = emdash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 146}"; } ); layerId = "B1F27B51-9973-4381-9301-4FE46FE1CA59"; @@ -195590,7 +195828,7 @@ components = ( { alignment = -1; name = emdash; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 146}"; } ); layerId = "200BE2C5-40F6-4CF4-AF4F-A33C0CC0964F"; @@ -195604,13 +195842,13 @@ rightKerningGroup = emdash; { color = 4; glyphname = bullet.case; -lastChange = "2018-12-31 21:21:38 +0000"; +lastChange = "2019-01-25 16:48:30 +0000"; layers = ( { components = ( { name = bullet; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 192}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; } ); layerId = "C698F293-3EC0-4A5A-A3A0-0FDB1F5CF265"; @@ -195620,7 +195858,7 @@ width = 1280; components = ( { name = bullet; -transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 192}"; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; 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rightKerningGroup = bullet; }, { +color = 4; +glyphname = hyphenbullet.case; +lastChange = "2019-01-25 17:22:51 +0000"; +layers = ( +{ +components = ( +{ +name = hyphenbullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "B1F27B51-9973-4381-9301-4FE46FE1CA59"; +width = 1184; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = hyphenbullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 36, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "200BE2C5-40F6-4CF4-AF4F-A33C0CC0964F"; +width = 1184; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = hyphenbullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "C698F293-3EC0-4A5A-A3A0-0FDB1F5CF265"; +width = 1312; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = hyphenbullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "11F4534A-B963-4AB5-820F-DAF9A20CD933"; +width = 1312; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = hyphenbullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "5C20EF92-B63D-42A8-8878-93C2863E0093"; +width = 1472; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = hyphenbullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "D0EC06BF-13F9-4C88-A6F5-B8203AF6C77E"; +width = 1472; +} +); +widthMetricsKey = hyphenbullet; +}, +{ +glyphname = trianglebullet.case; +lastChange = "2019-01-25 17:34:59 +0000"; +layers = ( +{ +components = ( +{ +name = trianglebullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "B1F27B51-9973-4381-9301-4FE46FE1CA59"; +width = 1280; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = trianglebullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "200BE2C5-40F6-4CF4-AF4F-A33C0CC0964F"; +width = 1280; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = trianglebullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "C698F293-3EC0-4A5A-A3A0-0FDB1F5CF265"; +width = 1280; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = trianglebullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "11F4534A-B963-4AB5-820F-DAF9A20CD933"; +width = 1280; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = trianglebullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "5C20EF92-B63D-42A8-8878-93C2863E0093"; +width = 1280; +}, +{ +components = ( +{ +name = trianglebullet; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 34, 208}"; +} +); +layerId = "D0EC06BF-13F9-4C88-A6F5-B8203AF6C77E"; +width = 1280; +} +); +widthMetricsKey = trianglebullet; +}, +{ color = (240,240,240,1); glyphname = quoteleft; lastChange = "2019-01-20 01:56:59 +0000"; @@ -198426,7 +198799,7 @@ userData = { { color = (240,240,240,1); glyphname = colon; -lastChange = "2018-12-29 22:20:02 +0000"; +lastChange = "2019-01-26 23:02:03 +0000"; layers = ( { components = ( @@ -198497,8 +198870,8 @@ width = 880; { components = ( { -alignment = 1; name = period; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 160}"; }, { alignment = -1; @@ -198512,8 +198885,8 @@ width = 712; { components = ( { -alignment = 1; name = period; +transform = "{1, 0, 0, 1, 24, 160}"; }, { alignment = -1; @@ -198539,17 +198912,23 @@ userData = { { color = 4; glyphname = colon.case; -lastChange = "2019-01-22 15:19:16 +0000"; +lastChange = "2019-01-26 23:01:00 +0000"; layers = ( { components = ( { name = period; 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