mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 08:46:28 +03:00
336 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
336 lines
10 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, plistlib, re
from collections import OrderedDict
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from robofab.objects.objectsRF import OpenFont
from fontTools.feaLib.parser import Parser as FeaParser
from fontTools.feaLib.builder import Builder as FeaBuilder
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
# Regex matching "default" glyph names, like "uni2043" and "u01C5"
uniNameRe = re.compile(r'^u(?:ni)([0-9A-F]{4,8})$')
def unicodeForDefaultGlyphName(glyphName):
m = uniNameRe.match(glyphName)
if m is not None:
return int(m.group(1), 16)
return None
def canonicalGlyphName(glyphName, uc2names):
uc = unicodeForDefaultGlyphName(glyphName)
if uc is not None:
names = uc2names.get(uc)
if names is not None and len(names) > 0:
return names[0]
return glyphName
def parseGlyphComposition(composite):
c = composite.split("=")
d = c[1].split("/")
glyphName = d[0]
if len(d) == 1:
offset = [0, 0]
offset = [int(i) for i in d[1].split(",")]
accentString = c[0]
accents = accentString.split("+")
baseName = accents.pop(0)
accentNames = [i.split(":") for i in accents]
return (glyphName, baseName, accentNames, offset)
def loadGlyphCompositions(filename): # { glyphName => (baseName, accentNames, offset) }
compositions = OrderedDict()
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#':
glyphName, baseName, accentNames, offset = parseGlyphComposition(line)
compositions[glyphName] = (baseName, accentNames, offset)
return compositions
def loadAGL(filename): # -> { 2126: 'Omega', ... }
m = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# Omega;2126
# dalethatafpatah;05D3 05B2 # higher-level combinations; ignored
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#':
name, uc = tuple([c.strip() for c in line.split(';')])
if uc.find(' ') == -1:
# it's a 1:1 mapping
m[int(uc, 16)] = name
return m
def loadLocalNamesDB(fonts, agl, diacriticComps):
uc2names = None # { 2126: ['Omega', ...], ...}
allNames = set() # set('Omega', ...)
for font in fonts:
_uc2names = font.getCharacterMapping() # { 2126: ['Omega', ...], ...}
if uc2names is None:
uc2names = _uc2names
for uc, _names in _uc2names.iteritems():
names = uc2names.setdefault(uc, [])
for name in _names:
if name not in names:
for g in font:
# agl { 2126: 'Omega', ...} -> { 'Omega': [2126, ...], ...}
aglName2Ucs = {}
for uc, name in agl.iteritems():
aglName2Ucs.setdefault(name, []).append(uc)
for glyphName, comp in diacriticComps.iteritems():
aglUCs = aglName2Ucs.get(glyphName)
if aglUCs is None:
uc = unicodeForDefaultGlyphName(glyphName)
if uc is not None:
glyphName2 = agl.get(uc)
if glyphName2 is not None:
glyphName = glyphName2
names = uc2names.setdefault(uc, [])
if glyphName not in names:
for uc in aglUCs:
names = uc2names.get(uc, [])
if glyphName not in names:
uc2names[uc] = names
name2ucs = {} # { 'Omega': [2126, ...], ...}
for uc, names in uc2names.iteritems():
for name in names:
name2ucs.setdefault(name, set()).add(uc)
return uc2names, name2ucs, allNames
includeRe = re.compile(r'^include\(([^\)]+)\);\s*$')
def loadFeaturesFile(filepath):
print('read', filepath)
lines = []
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
m = includeRe.match(line)
if m is not None:
includedFilename = m.group(1)
includedPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), includedFilename))
lines = lines + loadFeaturesFile(includedPath)
return lines
def main():
argparser = ArgumentParser(description='Fixup features.fea')
'-dry', dest='dryRun', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
help='Do not modify anything, but instead just print what would happen.')
'fontPaths', metavar='<ufofile>', type=str, nargs='+', help='UFO fonts to update')
args = argparser.parse_args()
dryRun = args.dryRun
agl = loadAGL('src/glyphlist.txt') # { 2126: 'Omega', ... }
diacriticComps = loadGlyphCompositions('src/diacritics.txt') # {glyphName => (baseName, a, o)}
# collect glyph names
fonts = [OpenFont(fontPath) for fontPath in args.fontPaths]
uc2names, name2ucs, allNames = loadLocalNamesDB(fonts, agl, diacriticComps)
includeRe = re.compile(r'^include\(([^\)]+)\);\s*$')
# open features.fea
featuresLines = loadFeaturesFile(os.path.join(fontPath, 'features.fea'))
classDefRe = re.compile(r'^@([^\s=]+)\s*=\s*\[([^\]]+)\]\s*;\s*$')
subRe = re.compile(r'^\s*sub\s+(.+)(\'?)\s+by\s+(.+)\s*;\s*$')
sub2Re = re.compile(r'^\s*sub\s+([^\[]+)\s+\[\s*([^\]]+)\s*\](\'?)\s+by\s+(.+)\s*;\s*$')
# sub lmidtilde [uni1ABB uni1ABD uni1ABE]' by uni1ABE.w2;
# sub lmidtilde uni1ABC' by uni1ABC.w2;
spacesRe = re.compile(r'[\s\r\n]+')
classDefs = {}
featuresLines2 = []
for line in featuresLines:
clsM = classDefRe.match(line)
if clsM is not None:
clsName = clsM.group(1)
names = spacesRe.split(clsM.group(2).strip())
if clsName in classDefs:
raise Exception('duplicate class definition ' + clsName)
# print('classdef', clsName, ' '.join(names))
# print('classdef', clsName)
names2 = []
for name in names:
if name == '-':
# e.g. A - Z
if name[0] != '@':
canonName = canonicalGlyphName(name, uc2names)
if canonName != name:
# print('renaming ' + name + ' -> ' + canonName)
elif name not in allNames:
print('skipping unknown glyph ' + name)
raise Exception('todo: class-ref ' + name + ' in class-def ' + clsName)
classDefs[clsName] = names2
line = '@%s = [ %s ];' % (clsName, ' '.join(names2))
# sub2M = sub2Re.match(line)
# if sub2M is not None:
# findNames1 = spacesRe.split(sub2M.group(1))
# findNames2 = spacesRe.split(sub2M.group(2))
# apos = sub2M.group(3)
# rightName = sub2M.group(4)
# print('TODO: sub2', findNames1, findNames2, apos, rightName)
# featuresLines2.append(line)
# continue
sub2M = sub2Re.match(line)
subM = None
if sub2M is None:
subM = subRe.match(line)
if subM is not None or sub2M is not None:
findNamesStr = ''
findNamesHasBrackets = False
findNames = []
findNamesBStr = ''
findNamesBHasBrackets = False
findNamesB = []
newNamesStr = ''
newNamesHasBrackets = False
newNames = []
apos0 = ''
if subM is not None:
findNamesStr = subM.group(1)
apos0 = subM.group(2)
newNamesStr = subM.group(3)
else: # sub2M
findNamesStr = sub2M.group(1)
findNamesBStr = sub2M.group(2)
apos0 = sub2M.group(3)
newNamesStr = sub2M.group(4)
if newNamesStr[0] == '[':
newNamesHasBrackets = True
newNamesStr = newNamesStr.strip('[ ]')
newNames = spacesRe.split(newNamesStr)
if findNamesStr[0] == '[':
findNamesHasBrackets = True
findNamesStr = findNamesStr.strip('[ ]')
findNames = spacesRe.split(findNamesStr)
if findNamesBStr != '':
if findNamesBStr[0] == '[':
findNamesBHasBrackets = True
findNamesBStr = findNamesBStr.strip('[ ]')
findNamesB = spacesRe.split(findNamesBStr)
names22 = []
for names in [findNames, findNamesB, newNames]:
names2 = []
for name in names:
if name[0] == '@':
clsName = name[1:].rstrip("'")
if clsName not in classDefs:
raise Exception('sub: missing target class ' + clsName + ' at\n' + line)
apos = name[-1] == "'"
if apos:
name = name[:-1]
if name not in allNames:
canonName = canonicalGlyphName(name, uc2names)
if canonName != name:
print('renaming ' + name + ' -> ' + canonName)
name = canonName
raise Exception('TODO: unknown name', name)
# if we remove names, we also need to remove subs (that become empty), and so on.
if apos:
name += "'"
findNames2, findNamesB2, newNames2 = names22
findNamesStr = ' '.join(findNames2)
if findNamesHasBrackets: findNamesStr = '[' + findNamesStr + ']'
if findNamesBStr != '':
findNamesBStr = ' '.join(findNamesB2)
if findNamesBHasBrackets: findNamesBStr = '[' + findNamesBStr + ']'
newNamesStr = ' '.join(newNames2)
if newNamesHasBrackets: newNamesStr = '[' + newNamesStr + ']'
if subM is not None:
line = ' sub %s%s by %s;' % (findNamesStr, apos0, newNamesStr)
# if subM is None:
# sub bbar [uni1ABB uni1ABD uni1ABE]' by uni1ABE.w2;
line = ' sub %s [%s]%s by %s;' % (findNamesStr, findNamesBStr, apos0, newNamesStr)
print('Write', featuresFilename)
if not dryRun:
with open(featuresFilename + '2', 'w') as f:
for line in featuresLines2:
f.write(line + '\n')
# FeaParser(featuresFilename + '2', allNames).parse()
# font = TTFont('build/const/Inter-Regular.otf')
# FeaBuilder(font, featuresFilename + '2').build()