mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 08:46:28 +03:00
549 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
549 lines
18 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, plistlib, re, subprocess
from collections import OrderedDict
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from robofab.objects.objectsRF import OpenFont
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from StringIO import StringIO
import glob
import cleanup_kerning
dryRun = False
BASEDIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir))
def readLines(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
return f.read().strip().splitlines()
def loadAGL(filename): # -> { 2126: 'Omega', ... }
m = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
# Omega;2126
# dalethatafpatah;05D3 05B2 # higher-level combinations; ignored
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#':
name, uc = tuple([c.strip() for c in line.split(';')])
if uc.find(' ') == -1:
# it's a 1:1 mapping
m[int(uc, 16)] = name
return m
def decomposeComponentInstances(font, glyph, componentsToDecompose):
"""Moves the components of a glyph to its outline."""
if len(glyph.components):
deepCopyContours(font, glyph, glyph, (0, 0), (1, 1), componentsToDecompose)
def deepCopyContours(font, parent, component, offset, scale, componentsToDecompose):
"""Copy contours to parent from component, including nested components."""
for nested in component.components:
if componentsToDecompose is None or nested.baseGlyph in componentsToDecompose:
font, parent, font[nested.baseGlyph],
(offset[0] + nested.offset[0], offset[1] + nested.offset[1]),
(scale[0] * nested.scale[0], scale[1] * nested.scale[1]),
if component == parent:
for contour in component:
contour = contour.copy()
def addGlyphsForCPFont(cp, ucmap, glyphnames):
if cp in ucmap:
for name in ucmap[cp]:
# else:
# print('no glyph for U+%04X' % cp)
def getGlyphNamesFont(font, ucmap, glyphs):
glyphnames = set()
for s in glyphs:
if len(s) > 2 and s[:2] == 'U+':
p = s.find('-')
if p != -1:
# range, e.g. "U+1D0A-1DBC"
cpStart = int(s[2:p], 16)
cpEnd = int(s[p+1:], 16)
for cp in range(cpStart, cpEnd+1):
addGlyphsForCPFont(cp, ucmap, glyphnames)
# single code point e.g. "U+1D0A"
cp = int(s[2:], 16)
addGlyphsForCPFont(cp, ucmap, glyphnames)
elif s in font:
return glyphnames
def addGlyphsForCPComps(cp, comps, agl, glyphnames):
uniName = 'uni%04X' % cp
symbolicName = agl.get(cp)
if uniName in comps:
if symbolicName in comps:
def getGlyphNamesComps(comps, agl, glyphs):
# comps: { glyphName => (baseName, accentNames, offset) ... }
# agl: { 2126: 'Omega' ... }
glyphnames = set()
for s in glyphs:
if len(s) > 2 and s[:2] == 'U+':
p = s.find('-')
if p != -1:
# range, e.g. "U+1D0A-1DBC"
cpStart = int(s[2:p], 16)
cpEnd = int(s[p+1:], 16)
for cp in range(cpStart, cpEnd+1):
addGlyphsForCPComps(cp, comps, agl, glyphnames)
# single code point e.g. "U+1D0A"
cp = int(s[2:], 16)
addGlyphsForCPComps(cp, comps, agl, glyphnames)
elif s in comps:
return glyphnames
def updateConfigFile(config, filename, rmnames):
wrapper = TextWrapper()
wrapper.width = 80
wrapper.break_long_words = False
wrapper.break_on_hyphens = False
wrap = lambda names: '\n'.join(wrapper.wrap(' '.join(names)))
didChange = False
for propertyName, values in config.items('glyphs'):
glyphNames = values.split()
propChanged = False
glyphNames2 = [name for name in glyphNames if name not in rmnames]
if len(glyphNames2) < len(glyphNames):
print('[fontbuild.cfg] updating glyphs property', propertyName)
config.set('glyphs', propertyName, wrap(glyphNames2)+'\n')
didChange = True
if didChange:
s = StringIO()
s = s.getvalue()
s = re.sub(r'\n(\w+)\s+=\s*', '\n\\1: ', s, flags=re.M)
s = re.sub(r'((?:^|\n)\[[^\]]*\])', '\\1\n', s, flags=re.M)
s = re.sub(r'\n\t\n', '\n\n', s, flags=re.M)
s = s.strip() + '\n'
print('Writing', filename)
if not dryRun:
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def parseGlyphComposition(composite):
c = composite.split("=")
d = c[1].split("/")
glyphName = d[0]
if len(d) == 1:
offset = [0, 0]
offset = [int(i) for i in d[1].split(",")]
accentString = c[0]
accents = accentString.split("+")
baseName = accents.pop(0)
accentNames = [i.split(":") for i in accents]
return (glyphName, baseName, accentNames, offset)
def fmtGlyphComposition(glyphName, baseName, accentNames, offset):
# glyphName = 'uni03D3'
# baseName = 'uni03D2'
# accentNames = [['tonos', 'top'], ['acute', 'top']]
# offset = [100, 0]
# => "uni03D2+tonos:top+acute:top=uni03D3/100,0"
s = baseName
for accentNameTuple in accentNames:
s += '+' + accentNameTuple[0]
if len(accentNameTuple) > 1:
s += ':' + accentNameTuple[1]
s += '=' + glyphName
if offset[0] != 0 or offset[1] != 0:
s += '/%d,%d' % tuple(offset)
return s
def loadGlyphCompositions(filename): # { glyphName => (baseName, accentNames, offset) }
compositions = OrderedDict()
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != '#':
glyphName, baseName, accentNames, offset = parseGlyphComposition(line)
compositions[glyphName] = (baseName, accentNames, offset)
return compositions
def updateDiacriticsFile(filename, rmnames):
lines = []
didChange = False
for line in readLines(filename):
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0 or len(line.lstrip()) == 0 or line.lstrip()[0] == '#':
glyphName, baseName, accentNames, offset = parseGlyphComposition(line)
skipLine = False
if baseName in rmnames or glyphName in rmnames:
skipLine = True
for accent in accentNames:
name = accent[0]
if name in rmnames:
skipLine = True
if not skipLine:
print('[diacritics] removing', line.strip())
didChange = True
if didChange:
print('Writing', filename)
if not dryRun:
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
f.write(line + '\n')
def configFindResFile(config, basedir, name):
fn = os.path.join(basedir, config.get("res", name))
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir)
fn = os.path.join(basedir, config.get("res", name))
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
fn = None
return fn
includeRe = re.compile(r'^include\(([^\)]+)\);\s*$')
tokenSepRe = re.compile(r'([\@A-Za-z0-9_\.]+|[=\-\[\]\(\)\{\};<>\'])')
spaceRe = re.compile(r'[ \t]+')
def loadFeaturesFile(filepath, followIncludes=True):
print('read', filepath)
lines = []
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
m = includeRe.match(line)
if m is not None:
if followIncludes:
includedFilename = m.group(1)
includedPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), includedFilename))
lines = lines + loadFeaturesFile(includedPath, followIncludes)
return lines
def collapseSpace(s):
lm = len(s) - len(s.lstrip(' \t'))
return s[:lm] + spaceRe.sub(' ', s[lm:])
def updateFeaturesFile(filename, rmnames):
# this is a VERY crude approach that simply tokenizes the input and filters
# out strings that seem to be names but are not found in glyphnames.
lines = []
didChange = False
for line in loadFeaturesFile(filename, followIncludes=False):
line = line.rstrip('\r\n ')
tokens = tokenSepRe.split(line)
tokens2 = [t for t in tokens if t not in rmnames]
if len(tokens2) != len(tokens):
line = collapseSpace(''.join(tokens2))
didChange = True
if didChange:
print('Write', filename)
if not dryRun:
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
for line in lines:
f.write(line + '\n')
return didChange
def grep(filename, names):
hasPrintedFilename = False
relFilename = os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(filename), BASEDIR)
findCount = 0
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
lineno = 1
for line in f:
foundNames = []
for name in names:
col = line.find(name)
if col != -1:
foundNames.append((name, lineno, col, line))
findCount += 1
if len(foundNames):
if not hasPrintedFilename:
print('%s:' % relFilename)
hasPrintedFilename = True
for name, lineno, col, line in foundNames:
line = line.strip()
if len(line) > 50:
line = line[:47] + '...'
print(' %s\t%d:%d\t%s' % (name, lineno, col, line))
lineno += 1
return findCount
def main(argv=None):
argparser = ArgumentParser(
description='Remove glyphs from all UFOs in src dir')
'-dry', dest='dryRun', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
help='Do not modify anything, but instead just print what would happen.')
'-decompose', dest='decompose', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
help='When deleting a glyph which is used as a component by another glyph '+
'which is not being deleted, instead of refusing to delete the glyph, '+
'decompose the component instances in other glyphs.')
'-ignore-git-state', dest='ignoreGitState', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
help='Skip checking with git if there are changes to the target UFO file.')
'glyphs', metavar='<glyph>', type=str, nargs='+',
help='Glyph to remove. '+
'Can be a glyphname, '+
'a Unicode code point formatted as "U+<CP>", '+
'or a Unicode code point range formatted as "U+<CP>-<CP>"')
args = argparser.parse_args(argv)
global dryRun
dryRun = args.dryRun
srcDir = os.path.join(BASEDIR, 'src')
# check if src font has modifications
if not args.ignoreGitState:
gitStatus = subprocess.check_output(
['git', '-C', BASEDIR, 'status', '-s', '--',
os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(srcDir), BASEDIR) ],
gitIsDirty = False
gitStatusLines = gitStatus.splitlines()
for line in gitStatusLines:
if len(line) > 3 and line[:2] != '??':
gitIsDirty = True
if gitIsDirty:
if len(gitStatusLines) > 5:
gitStatusLines = gitStatusLines[:5] + [' ...']
("%s has uncommitted changes. It's strongly recommended to run this "+
"script on an unmodified UFO path so to allow \"undoing\" any changes. "+
"Run with -ignore-git-state to ignore this warning.\n%s") % (
srcDir, '\n'.join(gitStatusLines)),
# Find UFO fonts
fontPaths = glob.glob(os.path.join(srcDir, '*.ufo'))
if len(fontPaths) == 0:
print('No UFOs found in', srcDir, file=sys.stderr)
# load fontbuild config
config = RawConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict)
configFilename = os.path.join(srcDir, 'fontbuild.cfg')
glyphOrderFile = configFindResFile(config, srcDir, 'glyphorder')
diacriticsFile = configFindResFile(config, srcDir, 'diacriticfile')
featuresFile = os.path.join(srcDir, 'features.fea')
# load AGL and diacritics
agl = loadAGL(os.path.join(srcDir, 'glyphlist.txt')) # { 2126: 'Omega', ... }
comps = loadGlyphCompositions(diacriticsFile)
# { glyphName => (baseName, accentNames, offset) }
# find glyphnames to remove that are composed (removal happens later)
rmnamesUnion = getGlyphNamesComps(comps, agl, args.glyphs)
# find glyphnames to remove from UFOs (and remove them)
for fontPath in fontPaths:
relFontPath = os.path.relpath(fontPath, BASEDIR)
print('Loading glyph data for %s...' % relFontPath)
font = OpenFont(fontPath)
ucmap = font.getCharacterMapping() # { 2126: [ 'Omega', ...], ...}
cnmap = font.getReverseComponentMapping() # { 'A' : ['Aacute', 'Aring'], 'acute' : ['Aacute'] ... }
glyphnames = getGlyphNamesFont(font, ucmap, args.glyphs)
if len(glyphnames) == 0:
print('None of the glyphs requested exist in', relFontPath, file=sys.stderr)
print('Preparing to remove %d glyphs — resolving component usage...' % len(glyphnames))
# Check component usage
cnConflicts = {}
for gname in glyphnames:
cnUses = cnmap.get(gname)
if cnUses:
extCnUses = [n for n in cnUses if n not in glyphnames]
if len(extCnUses) > 0:
cnConflicts[gname] = extCnUses
if len(cnConflicts) > 0:
if args.decompose:
componentsToDecompose = set()
for gname in cnConflicts.keys():
for gname, dependants in cnConflicts.iteritems():
print('decomposing %s in %s' % (gname, ', '.join(dependants)))
for depname in dependants:
decomposeComponentInstances(font, font[depname], componentsToDecompose)
'\nComponent conflicts.\n\n'+
'Some glyphs to-be deleted are used as components in other glyphs.\n'+
'You need to either decompose the components, also delete glyphs\n'+
'using them, or not delete the glyphs at all.\n', file=sys.stderr)
for gname, dependants in cnConflicts.iteritems():
print('%s used by %s' % (gname, ', '.join(dependants)), file=sys.stderr)
# find orphaned pure-components
for gname in glyphnames:
g = font[gname]
print('no glyph %r in %s' % (gname, relFontPath), file=sys.stderr)
useCount = 0
for cn in g.components:
usedBy = cnmap.get(cn.baseGlyph)
if usedBy:
usedBy = [name for name in usedBy if name not in glyphnames]
if len(usedBy) == 0:
cng = font[cn.baseGlyph]
if len(cng.unicodes) == 0:
print('Note: pure-component %s orphaned' % cn.baseGlyph)
# remove glyphs from UFO
print('Removing %d glyphs' % len(glyphnames))
libPlistFilename = os.path.join(fontPath, 'lib.plist')
libPlist = plistlib.readPlist(libPlistFilename)
glyphOrder = libPlist.get('public.glyphOrder')
if glyphOrder is not None:
v = [name for name in glyphOrder if name not in glyphnames]
libPlist['public.glyphOrder'] = v
roboSort = libPlist.get('com.typemytype.robofont.sort')
if roboSort is not None:
for entry in roboSort:
if isinstance(entry, dict) and entry.get('type') == 'glyphList':
asc = entry.get('ascending')
if asc is not None:
entry['ascending'] = [name for name in asc if name not in glyphnames]
desc = entry.get('descending')
if desc is not None:
entry['descending'] = [name for name in desc if name not in glyphnames]
for gname in glyphnames:
if not dryRun:
print('Writing changes to %s' % relFontPath)
plistlib.writePlist(libPlist, libPlistFilename)
print('Writing changes to %s (dry run)' % relFontPath)
print('Cleaning up kerning')
if dryRun:
cleanup_kerning.main(['-dry', fontPath])
# end for fontPath in fontPaths
# fontbuild config
updateDiacriticsFile(diacriticsFile, rmnamesUnion)
updateConfigFile(config, configFilename, rmnamesUnion)
featuresChanged = updateFeaturesFile(featuresFile, rmnamesUnion)
# TMP for testing fuzzy
# rmnamesUnion = set()
# featuresChanged = False
# with open('_local/rmlog') as f:
# for line in f:
# line = line.strip()
# if len(line):
# rmnamesUnion.add(line)
'Removed %d glyphs:\n %s' % (
len(rmnamesUnion), '\n '.join(sorted(rmnamesUnion))))
# find possibly-missed instances
print('Fuzzy matches:')
fuzzyMatchCount = 0
fuzzyMatchCount += grep(diacriticsFile, rmnamesUnion)
fuzzyMatchCount += grep(configFilename, rmnamesUnion)
fuzzyMatchCount += grep(featuresFile, rmnamesUnion)
for fontPath in fontPaths:
fuzzyMatchCount += grep(os.path.join(fontPath, 'lib.plist'), rmnamesUnion)
if fuzzyMatchCount == 0:
print(' (none)\n')
print('You may want to look into those ^\n')
if featuresChanged:
print('You need to manually edit features.\n'+
'- git diff src/features.fea\n'+
'- $EDITOR %s/features.fea\n' % '/features.fea\n- $EDITOR '.join(fontPaths))
print(('You need to re-generate %s via\n'+
'`make src/glyphorder.txt` (or misc/gen-glyphorder.py)'
) % glyphOrderFile)
print('\nFinally, you should build the Medium weight and make sure it all '+
'looks good and that no mixglyph failures occur. E.g. `make Medium -j`')
if __name__ == '__main__':