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synced 2025-01-05 23:42:54 +03:00
627 lines
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Executable File
627 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
# Sync glyph shapes between SVG and UFO, creating a bridge between UFO and Figma.
import os
import sys
import argparse
import re
from StringIO import StringIO
from hashlib import sha256
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString as xmlparseString
from svgpathtools import svg2paths, parse_path, Path, Line, CubicBezier
from base64 import b64encode
# from robofab.world import world, RFont, RGlyph, OpenFont, NewFont
from robofab.objects.objectsRF import RFont, RGlyph, OpenFont, NewFont, RContour
from robofab.objects.objectsBase import MOVE, LINE, CORNER, CURVE, QCURVE, OFFCURVE
font = None # RFont
ufopath = ''
svgdir = ''
effectiveAscender = 0
def num(s):
return int(s) if s.find('.') == -1 else float(s)
def glyphToSVGPath(g, yMul=-1):
commands = {'move':'M','line':'L','curve':'Y','offcurve':'X','offCurve':'X'}
svg = ''
contours = []
if len(g.components):
new = font['__svgsync']
new.width = g.width
g = new
if len(g):
for c in range(len(g)):
for i in range(len(contours)):
c = contours[i]
contour = end = ''
curve = False
points = c.points
if points[0].type == 'offCurve':
if points[0].type == 'offCurve':
for x in range(len(points)):
p = points[x]
command = commands[str(p.type)]
if command == 'X':
if curve == True:
command = ''
command = 'C'
curve = True
if command == 'Y':
command = ''
curve = False
if x == 0:
command = 'M'
if p.type == 'curve':
end = ' ' + str(p.x) + ' ' + str(p.y * yMul)
contour += ' ' + command + str(p.x) + ' ' + str(p.y * yMul)
svg += ' ' + contour + end + 'z'
if font.has_key('__svgsync'):
return svg.strip()
def vec2(x, y):
return float(x) + float(y) * 1j
def glyphToPaths(g, yMul=-1):
paths = []
contours = []
yOffs = -font.info.unitsPerEm
# decompose components
if len(g.components):
ng = font['__svgsync']
ng.width = g.width
g = ng
for c in g:
curve = False
points = c.points
path = Path()
currentPos = 0j
controlPoints = []
for x in range(len(points)):
p = points[x]
# print 'p#' + str(x) + '.type = ' + repr(p.type)
if p.type == 'move':
currentPos = vec2(p.x, (p.y + yOffs) * yMul)
elif p.type == 'offcurve':
elif p.type == 'curve':
pos = vec2(p.x, (p.y + yOffs) * yMul)
if len(controlPoints) == 2:
cp1, cp2 = controlPoints
vec2(cp1.x, (cp1.y + yOffs) * yMul),
vec2(cp2.x, (cp2.y + yOffs) * yMul),
if len(controlPoints) != 1:
raise Exception('unexpected number of control points for curve')
cp = controlPoints[0]
path.append(QuadraticBezier(currentPos, vec2(cp.x, (cp.y + yOffs) * yMul), pos))
currentPos = pos
controlPoints = []
elif p.type == 'line':
pos = vec2(p.x, (p.y + yOffs) * yMul)
path.append(Line(currentPos, pos))
currentPos = pos
if font.has_key('__svgsync'):
return paths
def maybeAddMove(contour, x, y, smooth):
if len(contour.segments) == 0:
contour.appendSegment(MOVE, [(x, y)], smooth=smooth)
svgPathDataRegEx = re.compile(r'(?:([A-Z])\s*|)([0-9\.\-\+eE]+)')
def drawSVGPath(g, d, tr):
yMul = -1
xOffs = tr[0]
yOffs = -(font.info.unitsPerEm - tr[1])
for pathd in d.split('M'):
pathd = pathd.strip()
# print 'pathd', pathd
if len(pathd) == 0:
i = 0
closePath = False
if pathd[-1] == 'z':
closePath = True
pathd = pathd[0:-1]
pv = []
for m in svgPathDataRegEx.finditer('M' + pathd):
if m.group(1) is not None:
pv.append(m.group(1) + m.group(2))
initX = 0
initY = 0
pen = g.getPen()
while i < len(pv):
pd = pv[i]; i += 1
cmd = pd[0]
x = num(pd[1:]) + xOffs
y = (num(pv[i]) + yOffs) * yMul; i += 1
if cmd == 'M':
# print cmd, x, y, '/', num(pv[i-2][1:])
initX = x
initY = y
pen.moveTo((x, y))
if cmd == 'C':
# Bezier curve: "C x1 y1, x2 y2, x y"
x1 = x
y1 = y
x2 = num(pv[i]) + xOffs; i += 1
y2 = (num(pv[i]) + yOffs) * yMul; i += 1
x = num(pv[i]) + xOffs; i += 1
y = (num(pv[i]) + yOffs) * yMul; i += 1
pen.curveTo((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x, y))
# print cmd, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y
elif cmd == 'L':
pen.lineTo((x, y))
raise Exception('unexpected SVG path command %r' % cmd)
if closePath:
# print 'path ended. closePath:', closePath
def glyphToSVG(g, path, hash):
width = g.width
height = font.info.unitsPerEm
d = {
'name': g.name,
'width': width,
'height': effectiveAscender - font.info.descender,
'effectiveAscender': effectiveAscender,
'leftMargin': g.leftMargin,
'rightMargin': g.rightMargin,
'd': path.d(use_closed_attrib=True),
'ascender': font.info.ascender,
'descender': font.info.descender,
'baselineOffset': height + font.info.descender,
'unitsPerEm': font.info.unitsPerEm,
'hash': hash,
svg = '''
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="%(width)d" height="%(height)d" data-svgsync-hash="%(hash)s">
<g id="%(name)s">
<path d="%(d)s" transform="translate(0 %(effectiveAscender)d)" />
<rect x="0" y="0" width="%(width)d" height="%(height)d" fill="" stroke="black" />
''' % d
# print svg
return svg.strip()
def _findPathNodes(n, paths, defs, uses, isDef=False):
for cn in n.childNodes:
if cn.nodeName == 'path':
if isDef:
defs[cn.getAttribute('id')] = cn
elif cn.nodeName == 'use':
uses[cn.getAttribute('xlink:href').lstrip('#')] = {'useNode': cn, 'targetNode': None}
elif cn.nodeName == 'defs':
_findPathNodes(cn, paths, defs, uses, isDef=True)
elif not isinstance(cn, basestring) and cn.childNodes and len(cn.childNodes) > 0:
_findPathNodes(cn, paths, defs, uses, isDef)
# return translate
def findPathNodes(n, isDef=False):
paths = []
defs = {}
uses = {}
# <g id="Canvas" transform="translate(-3677 -24988)">
# <g id="six 2">
# <g id="six">
# <g id="Vector">
# <use xlink:href="#path0_fill" transform="translate(3886 25729)"/>
# ...
# <defs>
# <path id="path0_fill" ...
_findPathNodes(n, paths, defs, uses)
# flatten uses & defs
for k in uses.keys():
dfNode = defs.get(k)
if dfNode is not None:
v = uses[k]
v['targetNode'] = dfNode
if dfNode.nodeName == 'path':
useNode = v['useNode']
useNode.parentNode.replaceChild(dfNode, useNode)
attrs = useNode.attributes
for k in attrs.keys():
if k != 'xlink:href':
dfNode.setAttribute(k, attrs[k])
del defs[k]
return paths
def nodeTranslation(path, x=0, y=0):
tr = path.getAttribute('transform')
if tr is not None:
if not isinstance(tr, basestring):
tr = tr.value
if len(tr) > 0:
m = re.match(r"translate\s*\(\s*(?P<x>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<y>[\-\d\.eE]+)\s*\)", tr)
if m is not None:
x += num(m.group('x'))
y += num(m.group('y'))
raise Exception('Unable to handle transform="%s"' % tr)
# m = re.match(r"matrix\s*\(\s*(?P<a>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<b>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<c>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<d>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<e>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*(?P<f>[\-\d\.eE]+)[\s,]*", tr)
# if m is not None:
# a, b, c = num(m.group('a')), num(m.group('b')), num(m.group('c'))
# d, e, f = num(m.group('d')), num(m.group('e')), num(m.group('f'))
# # matrix -1 0 0 -1 -660.719 31947
# print 'matrix', a, b, c, d, e, f
# # matrix(-1 0 -0 -1 -2553 31943)
pn = path.parentNode
if pn is not None and pn.nodeName != '#document':
x, y = nodeTranslation(pn, x, y)
return (x, y)
def glyphUpdateFromSVG(g, svgCode):
doc = xmlparseString(svgCode)
svg = doc.documentElement
paths = findPathNodes(svg)
if len(paths) == 0:
raise Exception('no <path> found in SVG')
path = paths[0]
if len(paths) != 1:
for p in paths:
id = p.getAttribute('id')
if id is not None and id.find('stroke') == -1:
path = p
tr = nodeTranslation(path)
d = path.getAttribute('d')
drawSVGPath(g, d, tr)
def stat(path):
return os.stat(path)
except OSError as e:
return None
def writeFile(file, s):
with open(file, 'w') as f:
def writeFileAndMkDirsIfNeeded(file, s):
writeFile(file, s)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno == 2:
writeFile(file, s)
def findSvgSyncHashInSVG(svgCode):
# with open(svgFile, 'r') as f:
# svgCode = f.readline(512)
r = re.compile(r'^\s*<svg[^>]+data-svgsync-hash="([^"]*)".+')
m = r.match(svgCode)
if m is not None:
return m.group(1)
return None
def computeSVGHashFromSVG(g):
# h = sha256()
return 'abc123'
def encodePath(o, path):
def hashPaths(paths):
h = sha256()
for path in paths:
return b64encode(h.digest(), '-_')
def svgGetPaths(svgCode):
doc = xmlparseString(svgCode)
svg = doc.documentElement
paths = findPathNodes(svg)
isFigmaSVG = svgCode.find('Figma</desc>') != -1
if len(paths) == 0:
return paths, (0,0)
paths2 = []
for path in paths:
id = path.getAttribute('id')
if not isFigmaSVG or (id is None or id.find('stroke') == -1):
tr = nodeTranslation(path)
d = path.getAttribute('d')
paths2.append((d, tr))
return paths2, isFigmaSVG
def translatePath(path, trX, trY):
def parseSVG(svgFile):
svgCode = None
with open(svgFile, 'r') as f:
svgCode = f.read()
existingSvgHash = findSvgSyncHashInSVG(svgCode)
print 'hash in SVG file:', existingSvgHash
svgPathDefs, isFigmaSVG = svgGetPaths(svgCode)
paths = []
for pathDef, tr in svgPathDefs:
print 'pathDef:', pathDef, 'tr:', tr
path = parse_path(pathDef)
if tr[0] != 0 or tr[1] != 0:
path = path.translated(vec2(*tr))
return paths, existingSvgHash
def syncGlyphUFOToSVG(g, glyphFile, svgFile, mtime, hasSvgFile):
# # Let's print out the first path object and the color it was in the SVG
# # We'll see it is composed of two CubicBezier objects and, in the SVG file it
# # came from, it was red
# paths, attributes, svg_attributes = svg2paths(svgFile, return_svg_attributes=True)
# print('svg_attributes:', repr(svg_attributes))
# # redpath = paths[0]
# # redpath_attribs = attributes[0]
# print(paths)
# print(attributes)
# wsvg(paths, attributes=attributes, svg_attributes=svg_attributes, filename=svgFile + '-x.svg')
# existingSVGHash = readSVGHash(svgFile)
svgPaths = None
existingSVGHash = None
if hasSvgFile:
svgPaths, existingSVGHash = parseSVG(svgFile)
print 'existingSVGHash:', existingSVGHash
print 'svgPaths:\n', '\n'.join([p.d() for p in svgPaths])
svgHash = hashPaths(svgPaths)
print 'hash(SVG-glyph) =>', svgHash
# computedSVGHash = computeSVGHashFromSVG(svgFile)
# print 'computeSVGHashFromSVG:', computedSVGHash
ufoPaths = glyphToPaths(g)
print 'ufoPaths:\n', '\n'.join([p.d() for p in ufoPaths])
ufoGlyphHash = hashPaths(ufoPaths)
print 'hash(UFO-glyph) =>', ufoGlyphHash
# svg = glyphToSVG(g, ufoGlyphHash)
# with open('/Users/rsms/src/interface/_local/svgPaths.txt', 'w') as f:
# f.write(svgPaths[0].d())
# with open('/Users/rsms/src/interface/_local/ufoPaths.txt', 'w') as f:
# f.write(ufoPaths[0].d())
# print svgPaths[0].d() == ufoPaths[0].d()
# svgHash = hashPaths()
# print 'hash(UFO-glyph) =>', pathHash
if pathHash == existingSVGHash:
return (None, 0) # did not change
svg = glyphToSVG(g, pathHash)
writeFileAndMkDirsIfNeeded(svgFile, svg)
os.utime(svgFile, (mtime, mtime))
print 'svgsync write', svgFile
g.lib['svgsync.hash'] = pathHash
return (glyphFile, mtime)
def syncGlyphSVGToUFO(glyphname, svgFile):
print glyphname + ': SVG -> UFO'
svg = ''
with open(svgFile, 'r') as f:
svg = f.read()
g = font.getGlyph(glyphname)
glyphUpdateFromSVG(g, svg)
def findGlifFile(glyphname):
# glyphname.glif
# glyphname_.glif
# glyphname__.glif
# glyphname___.glif
for underscoreCount in range(0, 5):
fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', glyphname + ('_' * underscoreCount) + '.glif')
st = stat(fn)
if st is not None:
return fn, st
if glyphname.find('.') != -1:
# glyph_.name.glif
# glyph__.name.glif
# glyph___.name.glif
for underscoreCount in range(0, 5):
nv = glyphname.split('.')
nv[0] = nv[0] + ('_' * underscoreCount)
ns = '.'.join(nv)
fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', ns + '.glif')
st = stat(fn)
if st is not None:
return fn, st
if glyphname.find('_') != -1:
# glyph_name.glif
# glyph_name_.glif
# glyph_name__.glif
# glyph__name.glif
# glyph__name_.glif
# glyph__name__.glif
# glyph___name.glif
# glyph___name_.glif
# glyph___name__.glif
for x in range(0, 4):
for y in range(0, 5):
ns = glyphname.replace('_', '__' + ('_' * x))
fn = os.path.join(ufopath, 'glyphs', ns + ('_' * y) + '.glif')
st = stat(fn)
if st is not None:
return fn, st
return ('', None)
def syncGlyph(glyphname, createSVG=False): # => (glyphname, mtime) or (None, 0) if noop
glyphFile, glyphStat = findGlifFile(glyphname)
svgFile = os.path.join(svgdir, glyphname + '.svg')
svgStat = stat(svgFile)
if glyphStat is None and svgStat is None:
raise Exception("glyph %r doesn't exist in UFO or SVG directory" % glyphname)
c = cmp(
0 if glyphStat is None else glyphStat.st_mtime,
0 if svgStat is None else svgStat.st_mtime
g = font.getGlyph(glyphname)
ufoPathHash = g.lib['svgsync.hash'] if 'svgsync.hash' in g.lib else None
print '[syncGlyph] g.lib["svgsync.hash"] =', ufoPathHash
c = 1 # XXX DEBUG
if c < 0:
syncGlyphSVGToUFO(glyphname, svgFile)
return (glyphFile, svgStat.st_mtime) # glif file in UFO change + it's new mtime
elif c > 0 and (svgStat is not None or createSVG):
print glyphname + ': UFO -> SVG'
return syncGlyphUFOToSVG(
hasSvgFile=svgStat is not None
return (None, 0) # UFO did not change
# ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
# main
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert UFO glyphs to SVG')
argparser.add_argument('--svgdir', dest='svgdir', metavar='<dir>', type=str,
help='Write SVG files to <dir>. If not specified, SVG files are' +
' written to: {dirname(<ufopath>)/svg/<familyname>/<style>')
argparser.add_argument('ufopath', metavar='<ufopath>', type=str,
help='Path to UFO packages')
argparser.add_argument('glyphs', metavar='<glyphname>', type=str, nargs='*',
help='Glyphs to convert. Converts all if none specified.')
args = argparser.parse_args()
ufopath = args.ufopath.rstrip('/')
font = OpenFont(ufopath)
effectiveAscender = max(font.info.ascender, font.info.unitsPerEm)
svgdir = args.svgdir
if len(svgdir) == 0:
svgdir = os.path.join(
print 'svgsync sync %s (%s)' % (font.info.familyName, font.info.styleName)
createSVGs = len(args.glyphs) > 0
glyphnames = args.glyphs if len(args.glyphs) else font.keys()
modifiedGlifFiles = []
for glyphname in glyphnames:
glyphFile, mtime = syncGlyph(glyphname, createSVG=createSVGs)
if glyphFile is not None:
modifiedGlifFiles.append((glyphFile, mtime))
if len(modifiedGlifFiles) > 0:
for glyphFile, mtime in modifiedGlifFiles:
os.utime(glyphFile, (mtime, mtime))
print 'svgsync write', glyphFile