mirror of https://github.com/rsms/inter.git synced 2024-10-26 20:47:37 +03:00
2017-08-22 02:23:08 -07:00

363 lines
12 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf8
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys, plistlib, json
from collections import OrderedDict
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from fontTools import ttLib
from robofab.objects.objectsRF import OpenFont
def getTTCharMap(font): # -> { 2126: 'Omegagreek', ...}
if isinstance(font, str):
font = ttLib.TTFont(font)
if not 'cmap' in font:
raise Exception('missing cmap table')
gl = {}
bestCodeSubTable = None
bestCodeSubTableFormat = 0
for st in font['cmap'].tables:
if st.platformID == 0: # 0=unicode, 1=mac, 2=(reserved), 3=microsoft
if st.format > bestCodeSubTableFormat:
bestCodeSubTable = st
bestCodeSubTableFormat = st.format
if bestCodeSubTable is not None:
for cp, glyphname in bestCodeSubTable.cmap.items():
if cp in gl:
raise Exception('duplicate unicode-to-glyphname mapping: U+%04X => %r and %r' % (
cp, glyphname, gl[cp]))
gl[cp] = glyphname
return gl
def revCharMap(ucToNames):
# {2126:['Omega','Omegagr']} -> {'Omega':2126, 'Omegagr':2126}
# {2126:'Omega'} -> {'Omega':2126}
m = {}
if len(ucToNames) == 0:
return m
lists = True
for v in ucToNames.itervalues():
lists = not isinstance(v, str)
if lists:
for uc, names in ucToNames.iteritems():
for name in names:
m[name] = uc
for uc, name in ucToNames.iteritems():
m[name] = uc
return m
def getGlyphNameDifferenceMap(srcCharMap, dstCharMap, dstRevCharMap):
m = {} # { 'Omegagreek': 'Omega', ... }
for uc, srcName in srcCharMap.iteritems():
dstNames = dstCharMap.get(uc)
if dstNames is not None and len(dstNames) > 0:
if len(dstNames) != 1:
print('warning: ignoring multi-glyph map for U+%04X in source font' % uc)
dstName = dstNames[0]
if srcName != dstName and srcName not in dstRevCharMap:
# Only include names that differ. also, The `srcName not in dstRevCharMap` condition
# makes sure that we don't rename glyphs that are already valid.
m[srcName] = dstName
return m
def fixupGroups(fontPath, dstGlyphNames, srcToDstMap, dryRun, stats):
filename = os.path.join(fontPath, 'groups.plist')
groups = plistlib.readPlist(filename)
groups2 = {}
glyphToGroups = {}
for groupName, glyphNames in groups.iteritems():
glyphNames2 = []
for glyphName in glyphNames:
if glyphName in srcToDstMap:
gn2 = srcToDstMap[glyphName]
stats.renamedGlyphs[glyphName] = gn2
glyphName = gn2
if glyphName in dstGlyphNames:
glyphToGroups[glyphName] = glyphToGroups.get(glyphName, []) + [groupName]
if len(glyphNames2) > 0:
groups2[groupName] = glyphNames2
print('Writing', filename)
if not dryRun:
plistlib.writePlist(groups2, filename)
return groups2, glyphToGroups
def fixupKerning(fontPath, dstGlyphNames, srcToDstMap, groups, glyphToGroups, dryRun, stats):
filename = os.path.join(fontPath, 'kerning.plist')
kerning = plistlib.readPlist(filename)
kerning2 = {}
groupPairs = {} # { "lglyphname+lglyphname": ("lgroupname"|"", "rgroupname"|"", 123) }
# pairs = {} # { "name+name" => 123 }
for leftName, right in kerning.items():
leftIsGroup = leftName[0] == '@'
leftGroupNames = None
if leftIsGroup:
# left is a group
if leftName not in groups:
# dead group -- skip
leftGroupNames = groups[leftName]
if leftName in srcToDstMap:
leftName2 = srcToDstMap[leftName]
stats.renamedGlyphs[leftName] = leftName2
leftName = leftName2
if leftName not in dstGlyphNames:
# dead glyphname -- skip
right2 = {}
rightGroupNamesAndValues = []
for rightName, kerningValue in right.iteritems():
rightIsGroup = rightName[0] == '@'
if rightIsGroup:
if leftIsGroup and leftGroupNames is None:
leftGroupNames = [leftName]
if rightName in groups:
right2[rightName] = kerningValue
rightGroupNamesAndValues.append((groups[rightName], rightName, kerningValue))
if rightName in srcToDstMap:
rightName2 = srcToDstMap[rightName]
stats.renamedGlyphs[rightName] = rightName2
rightName = rightName2
if rightName in dstGlyphNames:
right2[rightName] = kerningValue
if leftIsGroup:
rightGroupNamesAndValues.append(([rightName], '', kerningValue))
if len(right2):
kerning2[leftName] = right2
# update groupPairs
lgroupname = leftName if rightIsGroup else ''
if leftIsGroup:
for lname in leftGroupNames:
kPrefix = lname + '+'
for rnames, rgroupname, kernv in rightGroupNamesAndValues:
for rname in rnames:
k = kPrefix + rname
v = (lgroupname, rgroupname, kernv)
if k in groupPairs:
raise Exception('duplicate group pair %s: %r and %r' % (k, groupPairs[k], v))
groupPairs[k] = v
elif leftIsGroup:
# print('groupPairs:', groupPairs)
# remove individual pairs that are already represented through groups
kerning = kerning2
kerning2 = {}
for leftName, right in kerning.items():
leftIsGroup = leftName[0] == '@'
# leftNames = groups[leftName] if leftIsGroup else [leftName]
if not leftIsGroup:
right2 = {}
for rightName, kernVal in right.iteritems():
rightIsGroup = rightName[0] == '@'
if not rightIsGroup:
k = leftName + '+' + rightName
if k in groupPairs:
groupPair = groupPairs[k]
print(('simplify individual pair %r: kern %r (individual) -> %r (group)') % (
k, kernVal, groupPair[2]))
right2[rightName] = kernVal
right2[rightName] = kernVal
# TODO, probably
right2 = right
kerning2[leftName] = right2
print('Writing', filename)
if not dryRun:
plistlib.writePlist(kerning2, filename)
return kerning2
def loadJSONCharMap(filename):
m = None
if filename == '-':
m = json.load(sys.stdin)
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
m = json.load(f)
if not isinstance(m, dict):
raise Exception('json root is not a dict')
if len(m) > 0:
for k, v in m.iteritems():
if not isinstance(k, int) and not isinstance(k, float):
raise Exception('json dict key is not a number')
if not isinstance(v, str):
raise Exception('json dict value is not a string')
return m
class Stats:
def __init__(self):
self.removedGroups = set()
self.removedGlyphs = set()
self.simplifiedKerningPairs = set()
self.renamedGlyphs = {}
def configFindResFile(config, basedir, name):
fn = os.path.join(basedir, config.get("res", name))
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
basedir = os.path.dirname(basedir)
fn = os.path.join(basedir, config.get("res", name))
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
fn = None
return fn
def main():
jsonSchemaDescr = '{[unicode:int]: glyphname:string, ...}'
argparser = ArgumentParser(
description='Rename glyphnames in UFO kerning and remove unused groups and glyphnames.')
'-dry', dest='dryRun', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
help='Do not modify anything, but instead just print what would happen.')
'-no-stats', dest='noStats', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
help='Do not print statistics at the end.')
'-save-stats', dest='saveStatsPath', metavar='<file>', type=str,
help='Write detailed statistics to JSON file.')
'-src-json', dest='srcJSONFile', metavar='<file>', type=str,
help='JSON file to read glyph names from.'+
' Expected schema: ' + jsonSchemaDescr + ' (e.g. {2126: "Omega"})')
'-src-font', dest='srcFontFile', metavar='<file>', type=str,
help='TrueType or OpenType font to read glyph names from.')
'dstFontsPaths', metavar='<ufofile>', type=str, nargs='+', help='UFO fonts to update')
args = argparser.parse_args()
dryRun = args.dryRun
if args.srcJSONFile and args.srcFontFile:
argparser.error('Both -src-json and -src-font specified -- please provide only one.')
# Strip trailing slashes from font paths
args.dstFontsPaths = [s.rstrip('/ ') for s in args.dstFontsPaths]
# Load source char map
srcCharMap = None
if args.srcJSONFile:
srcCharMap = loadJSONCharMap(args.srcJSONFile)
except Exception as err:
argparser.error('Invalid JSON: Expected schema %s (%s)' % (jsonSchemaDescr, err))
elif args.srcFontFile:
srcCharMap = getTTCharMap(args.srcFontFile.rstrip('/ ')) # -> { 2126: 'Omegagreek', ...}
argparser.error('No source provided (-src-* argument missing)')
if len(srcCharMap) == 0:
print('Empty character map', file=sys.stderr)
# Find project source dir
srcDir = ''
for dstFontPath in args.dstFontsPaths:
s = os.path.dirname(dstFontPath)
if not srcDir:
srcDir = s
elif srcDir != s:
raise Exception('All <ufofile>s must be rooted in the same directory')
# Load font project config
# load fontbuild configuration
config = RawConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict)
configFilename = os.path.join(srcDir, 'fontbuild.cfg')
diacriticsFile = configFindResFile(config, srcDir, 'diacriticfile')
for dstFontPath in args.dstFontsPaths:
dstFont = OpenFont(dstFontPath)
dstCharMap = dstFont.getCharacterMapping() # -> { 2126: [ 'Omega', ...], ...}
dstRevCharMap = revCharMap(dstCharMap) # { 'Omega': 2126, ...}
srcToDstMap = getGlyphNameDifferenceMap(srcCharMap, dstCharMap, dstRevCharMap)
stats = Stats()
groups, glyphToGroups = fixupGroups(dstFontPath, dstRevCharMap, srcToDstMap, dryRun, stats)
fixupKerning(dstFontPath, dstRevCharMap, srcToDstMap, groups, glyphToGroups, dryRun, stats)
# stats
if args.saveStatsPath or not args.noStats:
if not args.noStats:
print('stats for %s:' % dstFontPath)
print(' Deleted %d groups and %d glyphs.' % (
len(stats.removedGroups), len(stats.removedGlyphs)))
print(' Renamed %d glyphs.' % len(stats.renamedGlyphs))
print(' Simplified %d kerning pairs.' % len(stats.simplifiedKerningPairs))
if args.saveStatsPath:
statsObj = {
'deletedGroups': stats.removedGroups,
'deletedGlyphs': stats.removedGlyphs,
'simplifiedKerningPairs': stats.simplifiedKerningPairs,
'renamedGlyphs': stats.renamedGlyphs,
f = sys.stdout
if args.saveStatsPath != '-':
f = open(args.saveStatsPath, 'w')
print('Writing stats to', args.saveStatsPath)
json.dump(statsObj, sys.stdout, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
if f is not sys.stdout:
if __name__ == '__main__':