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synced 2024-12-29 11:24:36 +03:00
198 lines
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198 lines
5.3 KiB
// On Linux, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so is not actually
// a shared object file but an ASCII text file containing a linker
// script to include a "real" libc.so file. Therefore, we need to
// support a (very limited) subset of the linker script language.
#include "mold.h"
static thread_local std::string current_file;
static std::vector<std::string_view> tokenize(std::string_view input) {
std::vector<std::string_view> vec;
while (!input.empty()) {
if (input[0] == ' ' || input[0] == '\t' || input[0] == '\n') {
input = input.substr(1);
if (input.starts_with("/*")) {
i64 pos = input.find("*/", 2);
if (pos == std::string_view::npos)
Fatal() << current_file << ": unclosed comment";
input = input.substr(pos + 2);
if (input[0] == '#') {
i64 pos = input.find("\n", 1);
if (pos == std::string_view::npos)
input = input.substr(pos + 1);
if (input[0] == '"') {
i64 pos = input.find('"', 1);
if (pos == std::string_view::npos)
Fatal() << current_file << ": unclosed string literal";
vec.push_back(input.substr(0, pos + 1));
input = input.substr(pos + 1);
i64 pos = input.find_first_not_of(
if (pos == 0)
pos = 1;
vec.push_back(input.substr(0, pos));
input = input.substr(pos);
return vec;
static std::span<std::string_view>
skip(std::span<std::string_view> tok, std::string_view str) {
if (tok.empty() || tok[0] != str)
Fatal() << current_file << ": expected '" << str << "'";
return tok.subspan(1);
static std::string_view unquote(std::string_view s) {
if (s.size() > 0 && s[0] == '"') {
assert(s[s.size() - 1] == '"');
return s.substr(1, s.size() - 2);
return s;
static std::span<std::string_view> read_output_format(std::span<std::string_view> tok) {
tok = skip(tok, "(");
while (!tok.empty() && tok[0] != ")")
tok = tok.subspan(1);
if (tok.empty())
Fatal() << current_file << ": expected ')'";
return tok.subspan(1);
static MemoryMappedFile *resolve_path(std::string str) {
if (str.starts_with("/"))
return MemoryMappedFile::must_open(config.sysroot + str);
if (str.starts_with("-l"))
return find_library(str.substr(2), config.library_paths);
if (std::string path = path_dirname(current_file) + "/";
MemoryMappedFile *mb = MemoryMappedFile::open(path + str))
return mb;
if (MemoryMappedFile *mb = MemoryMappedFile::open(str))
return mb;
for (std::string_view dir : config.library_paths) {
std::string root = dir.starts_with("/") ? config.sysroot : "";
std::string path = root + std::string(dir) + "/" + str;
if (MemoryMappedFile *mb = MemoryMappedFile::open(path))
return mb;
Fatal() << current_file << ": library not found: " << str;
static std::span<std::string_view>
read_group(std::span<std::string_view> tok, ReadContext &ctx) {
tok = skip(tok, "(");
while (!tok.empty() && tok[0] != ")") {
if (tok[0] == "AS_NEEDED") {
ReadContext ctx2 = ctx;
ctx2.as_needed = true;
tok = read_group(tok.subspan(1), ctx2);
read_file(resolve_path(std::string(unquote(tok[0]))), ctx);
tok = tok.subspan(1);
if (tok.empty())
Fatal() << current_file << ": expected ')'";
return tok.subspan(1);
void parse_linker_script(MemoryMappedFile *mb, ReadContext &ctx) {
current_file = mb->name;
std::vector<std::string_view> vec = tokenize(mb->get_contents());
std::span<std::string_view> tok = vec;
while (!tok.empty()) {
if (tok[0] == "OUTPUT_FORMAT")
tok = read_output_format(tok.subspan(1));
else if (tok[0] == "INPUT" || tok[0] == "GROUP")
tok = read_group(tok.subspan(1), ctx);
Fatal() << current_file << ": unknown token: " << tok[0];
void parse_version_script(std::string path) {
current_file = path;
MemoryMappedFile *mb = MemoryMappedFile::must_open(path);
std::vector<std::string_view> vec = tokenize(mb->get_contents());
std::span<std::string_view> tok = vec;
i16 next_ver = VER_NDX_LAST_RESERVED + 1;
while (!tok.empty()) {
i16 ver = VER_NDX_GLOBAL;
if (tok[0] != "{") {
ver = next_ver++;
tok = tok.subspan(1);
tok = skip(tok, "{");
bool is_global = true;
while (!tok.empty() && tok[0] != "}") {
if (tok[0] == "global:") {
is_global = true;
tok = tok.subspan(1);
if (tok.size() >= 2 && tok[0] == "global" && tok[1] == ":") {
is_global = true;
tok = tok.subspan(2);
if (tok[0] == "local:") {
is_global = false;
tok = tok.subspan(1);
if (tok.size() >= 2 && tok[0] == "local" && tok[1] == ":") {
is_global = false;
tok = tok.subspan(2);
if (tok[0] == "*")
config.default_version = (is_global ? ver : VER_NDX_LOCAL);
config.version_patterns.push_back({tok[0], ver});
tok = skip(tok.subspan(1), ";");
tok = skip(tok, "}");
tok = skip(tok, ";");
if (!tok.empty())
Fatal() << current_file << ": trailing garbage token: " << tok[0];