mirror of https://github.com/rui314/mold.git synced 2024-09-11 13:06:59 +03:00
2024-03-20 15:05:16 +09:00

754 lines
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// This file handles the linker plugin to support LTO (Link-Time
// Optimization).
// LTO is a technique to do whole-program optimization to a program. Since
// a linker sees the whole program as opposed to a single compilation
// unit, it in theory can do some optimizations that cannot be done in the
// usual separate compilation model. For example, LTO should be able to
// inline functions that are defined in other compilation unit.
// In GCC and Clang, all you have to do to enable LTO is adding the
// `-flto` flag to the compiler and the linker command lines. If `-flto`
// is given, the compiler generates a file that contains not machine code
// but the compiler's IR (intermediate representation). In GCC, the output
// is an ELF file which wraps GCC's IR. In LLVM, it's not even an ELF file
// but just a raw LLVM IR file.
// Here is what we have to do if at least one input file is not a usual
// ELF file but an IR object file:
// 1. Read symbols both from usual ELF files and from IR object files and
// resolve symbols as usual.
// 2. Pass all IR objects to the compiler backend. The compiler backend
// compiles the IRs and returns a few big ELF object files as a
// result.
// 3. Parse the returned ELF files and overwrite IR object symbols with
// the returned ones, discarding IR object files.
// 4. Continue the rest of the linking process as usual.
// When gcc or clang inovkes ld, they pass `-plugin linker-plugin.so` to
// the linker. The given .so file provides a way to call the compiler
// backend.
// The linker plugin API is documented at
// https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/whopr/driver, though the document is a bit
// outdated.
// Frankly, the linker plugin API is peculiar and is not very easy to use.
// For some reason, the API functions don't return the result of a
// function call as a return value but instead calls other function with
// the result as its argument to "return" the result.
// For example, the first thing you need to do after dlopen()'ing a linker
// plugin .so is to call `onload` function with a list of callback
// functions. `onload` calls callbacks to notify about the pointers to
// other functions the linker plugin provides. I don't know why `onload`
// can't just return a list of functions or why the linker plugin can't
// define not only `onload` but other functions, but that's what it is.
// Here is the steps to use the linker plugin:
// 1. dlopen() the linker plugin .so and call `onload` to obtain pointers
// to other functions provided by the plugin.
// 2. Call `claim_file_hook` with an IR object file to read its symbol
// table. `claim_file_hook` calls the `add_symbols` callback to
// "return" a list of symbols.
// 3. `claim_file_hook` returns LDPT_OK only when the plugin wants to
// handle a given file. Since we pass only IR object files to the
// plugin in mold, it always returns LDPT_OK in our case.
// 4. Once we made a decision as to which object file to include into the
// output file, we call `all_symbols_read_hook` to compile IR objects
// into a few big ELF files. That function calls the `get_symbols`
// callback to ask us about the symbol resolution results. (The
// compiler backend needs to know whether an undefined symbol in an IR
// object was resolved to a regular object file or a shared object to
// do whole program optimization, for example.)
// 5. `all_symbols_read_hook` "returns" the result by calling the
// `add_input_file` callback. The callback is called with a path to an
// LTO'ed ELF file. We parse that ELF file and override symbols
// defined by IR objects with the ELF file's ones.
// 6. Lastly, we call `cleanup_hook` to remove temporary files created by
// the compiler backend.
#include "mold.h"
#include "lto.h"
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstring>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <tbb/parallel_for_each.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#if 0
# define LOG std::cerr
# define LOG std::ostringstream()
namespace mold::elf {
// Global variables
// We store LTO-related information to global variables,
// as the LTO plugin is not thread-safe by design anyway.
template <typename E> static Context<E> *gctx;
template <typename E> static std::vector<ObjectFile<E> *> lto_objects;
static int phase = 0;
static std::vector<PluginSymbol> plugin_symbols;
static ClaimFileHandler *claim_file_hook;
static AllSymbolsReadHandler *all_symbols_read_hook;
static CleanupHandler *cleanup_hook;
static bool is_gcc_linker_api_v1 = false;
// Event handlers
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus message(PluginLevel level, const char *fmt, ...) {
LOG << "message\n";
Context<E> &ctx = *gctx<E>;
char buf[1000];
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
switch (level) {
SyncOut(ctx) << buf;
Warn(ctx) << buf;
Fatal(ctx) << buf;
return LDPS_OK;
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus register_claim_file_hook(ClaimFileHandler fn) {
LOG << "register_claim_file_hook\n";
claim_file_hook = fn;
return LDPS_OK;
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus
register_all_symbols_read_hook(AllSymbolsReadHandler fn) {
LOG << "register_all_symbols_read_hook\n";
all_symbols_read_hook = fn;
return LDPS_OK;
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus register_cleanup_hook(CleanupHandler fn) {
LOG << "register_cleanup_hook\n";
cleanup_hook = fn;
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
add_symbols(void *handle, int nsyms, const PluginSymbol *psyms) {
LOG << "add_symbols: " << nsyms << "\n";
assert(phase == 1);
plugin_symbols = {psyms, psyms + nsyms};
return LDPS_OK;
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus add_input_file(const char *path) {
LOG << "add_input_file: " << path << "\n";
Context<E> &ctx = *gctx<E>;
static i64 file_priority = 100;
MappedFile *mf = must_open_file(ctx, path);
ObjectFile<E> *file = ObjectFile<E>::create(ctx, mf, "", false);
file->priority = file_priority++;
file->is_alive = true;
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_input_file(const void *handle, struct PluginInputFile *file) {
LOG << "get_input_file\n";
return LDPS_OK;
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus release_input_file(const void *handle) {
LOG << "release_input_file\n";
ObjectFile<E> &file = *(ObjectFile<E> *)handle;
if (file.mf->fd != -1) {
file.mf->fd = -1;
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus add_input_library(const char *path) {
LOG << "add_input_library\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus set_extra_library_path(const char *path) {
LOG << "set_extra_library_path\n";
return LDPS_OK;
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus get_view(const void *handle, const void **view) {
LOG << "get_view\n";
ObjectFile<E> &file = *(ObjectFile<E> *)handle;
*view = (void *)file.mf->data;
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_input_section_count(const void *handle, int *count) {
LOG << "get_input_section_count\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_input_section_type(const PluginSection section, int *type) {
LOG << "get_input_section_type\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_input_section_name(const PluginSection section,
char **section_name) {
LOG << "get_input_section_name\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_input_section_contents(const PluginSection section,
const char **section_contents,
size_t *len) {
LOG << "get_input_section_contents\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
update_section_order(const PluginSection *section_list,
int num_sections) {
LOG << "update_section_order\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus allow_section_ordering() {
LOG << "allow_section_ordering\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_symbols_v1(const void *handle, int nsyms, PluginSymbol *psyms) {
// get_symbols teaches the LTO plugin as to how we have resolved symbols.
// The plugin uses the symbol resolution info to optimize the program.
// For example, if a definition in an IR file is not referenced by
// non-IR objects at all, the plugin may choose to completely inline
// that definition within the IR objects and remove the symbol from the
// LTO result. On the other hand, if a definition is referenced by a
// non-IR object, it has to keep the symbol in the LTO result.
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus
get_symbols(const void *handle, int nsyms, PluginSymbol *psyms, bool is_v2) {
ObjectFile<E> &file = *(ObjectFile<E> *)handle;
// If file is an archive member which was not chose to be included in
// to the final result, we need to make the plugin to ignore all
// symbols.
if (!file.is_alive) {
for (int i = 0; i < nsyms; i++)
psyms[i].resolution = LDPR_PREEMPTED_REG;
return LDPS_NO_SYMS;
auto get_resolution = [&](ElfSym<E> &esym, Symbol<E> &sym) {
if (!sym.file)
return LDPR_UNDEF;
if (sym.file == &file) {
if (sym.referenced_by_regular_obj)
if (sym.is_exported)
if (sym.file->is_dso)
if (((ObjectFile<E> *)sym.file)->is_lto_obj && !sym.is_wrapped)
return esym.is_undef() ? LDPR_RESOLVED_IR : LDPR_PREEMPTED_IR;
return esym.is_undef() ? LDPR_RESOLVED_EXEC : LDPR_PREEMPTED_REG;
// Set the symbol resolution results to psyms.
for (i64 i = 0; i < nsyms; i++) {
ElfSym<E> &esym = file.elf_syms[i + 1];
Symbol<E> &sym = *file.symbols[i + 1];
psyms[i].resolution = get_resolution(esym, sym);
return LDPS_OK;
// This function restarts mold itself with `--:lto-pass2` and
// `--:ignore-ir-file` flags. We do this as a workaround for the old
// linker plugins that do not support the get_symbols_v3 API.
// get_symbols_v1 and get_symbols_v2 don't provide a way to ignore an
// object file we previously passed to the linker plugin. So we can't
// "unload" object files in archives that we ended up not choosing to
// include into the final output.
// As a workaround, we restart the linker with a list of object files
// the linker has to ignore, so that it won't read the object files
// from archives next time.
// This is an ugly hack and should be removed once GCC adopts the v3 API.
template <typename E>
static void restart_process(Context<E> &ctx) {
std::vector<const char *> args;
for (std::string_view arg : ctx.cmdline_args)
for (std::unique_ptr<ObjectFile<E>> &file : ctx.obj_pool)
if (file->is_lto_obj && !file->is_alive)
args.push_back(strdup(("--:ignore-ir-file=" +
std::cout << std::flush;
std::cerr << std::flush;
std::string self = get_self_path();
execv(self.c_str(), (char * const *)args.data());
std::cerr << "execv failed: " << errno_string() << "\n";
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus
get_symbols_v2(const void *handle, int nsyms, PluginSymbol *psyms) {
LOG << "get_symbols_v2\n";
return get_symbols<E>(handle, nsyms, psyms, true);
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus
get_symbols_v3(const void *handle, int nsyms, PluginSymbol *psyms) {
LOG << "get_symbols_v3\n";
return get_symbols<E>(handle, nsyms, psyms, false);
static PluginStatus allow_unique_segment_for_sections() {
LOG << "allow_unique_segment_for_sections\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
unique_segment_for_sections(const char *segment_name,
uint64_t flags,
uint64_t align,
const PluginSection *section_list,
int num_sections) {
LOG << "unique_segment_for_sections\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_input_section_alignment(const PluginSection section,
int *addralign) {
LOG << "get_input_section_alignment\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_input_section_size(const PluginSection section, uint64_t *size) {
LOG << "get_input_section_size\n";
return LDPS_OK;
template <typename E>
static PluginStatus
register_new_input_hook(NewInputHandler fn) {
LOG << "register_new_input_hook\n";
return LDPS_OK;
static PluginStatus
get_wrap_symbols(uint64_t *num_symbols, const char ***wrap_symbols) {
LOG << "get_wrap_symbols\n";
return LDPS_OK;
template <typename E>
static PluginLinkerAPIVersion
get_api_version(const char *plugin_identifier,
unsigned plugin_version,
int minimal_api_supported,
int maximal_api_supported,
const char **linker_identifier,
const char **linker_version) {
if (LAPI_V1 < minimal_api_supported)
Fatal(*gctx<E>) << "LTO plugin does not support V0 or V1 API";
std::string version = mold_version + "\0"s;
*linker_identifier = "mold";
*linker_version = version.data();
if (LAPI_V1 <= maximal_api_supported) {
is_gcc_linker_api_v1 = true;
return LAPI_V1;
return LAPI_V0;
// dlopen the linker plugin file
template <typename E>
static void load_lto_plugin(Context<E> &ctx) {
static std::once_flag flag;
std::call_once(flag, [&] {
assert(phase == 0);
phase = 1;
gctx<E> = &ctx;
void *handle = dlopen(ctx.arg.plugin.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (!handle)
Fatal(ctx) << "could not open plugin file: " << dlerror();
OnloadFn *onload = (OnloadFn *)dlsym(handle, "onload");
if (!onload)
Fatal(ctx) << "failed to load plugin " << ctx.arg.plugin << ": "
<< dlerror();
auto save = [&](std::string_view str) {
return save_string(ctx, std::string(str).c_str()).data();
std::vector<PluginTagValue> tv;
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_MESSAGE, message<E>);
if (ctx.arg.shared)
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_LINKER_OUTPUT, LDPO_DYN);
else if (ctx.arg.pie)
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_LINKER_OUTPUT, LDPO_PIE);
for (std::string_view opt : ctx.arg.plugin_opt)
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_OPTION, save(opt));
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_REGISTER_CLAIM_FILE_HOOK, register_claim_file_hook<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_REGISTER_CLEANUP_HOOK, register_cleanup_hook<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_ADD_SYMBOLS, add_symbols);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_SYMBOLS, get_symbols_v1);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_ADD_INPUT_FILE, add_input_file<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_INPUT_FILE, get_input_file);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_RELEASE_INPUT_FILE, release_input_file<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_ADD_INPUT_LIBRARY, add_input_library);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_OUTPUT_NAME, save(ctx.arg.output));
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_SET_EXTRA_LIBRARY_PATH, set_extra_library_path);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_VIEW, get_view<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_COUNT, get_input_section_count);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_TYPE, get_input_section_type);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_NAME, get_input_section_name);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_CONTENTS, get_input_section_contents);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_UPDATE_SECTION_ORDER, update_section_order);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_ALLOW_SECTION_ORDERING, allow_section_ordering);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_ADD_SYMBOLS_V2, add_symbols);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_SYMBOLS_V2, get_symbols_v2<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_UNIQUE_SEGMENT_FOR_SECTIONS, unique_segment_for_sections);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_SYMBOLS_V3, get_symbols_v3<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_ALIGNMENT, get_input_section_alignment);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_SIZE, get_input_section_size);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_REGISTER_NEW_INPUT_HOOK, register_new_input_hook<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_WRAP_SYMBOLS, get_wrap_symbols);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_GET_API_VERSION, get_api_version<E>);
tv.emplace_back(LDPT_NULL, 0);
[[maybe_unused]] PluginStatus status = onload(tv.data());
assert(status == LDPS_OK);
template <typename E>
static ElfSym<E> to_elf_sym(PluginSymbol &psym) {
ElfSym<E> esym;
memset(&esym, 0, sizeof(esym));
switch (psym.def) {
case LDPK_DEF:
esym.st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
esym.st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
esym.st_bind = STB_WEAK;
esym.st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
esym.st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
esym.st_bind = STB_WEAK;
esym.st_shndx = SHN_COMMON;
switch (psym.symbol_type) {
esym.st_type = STT_FUNC;
esym.st_type = STT_OBJECT;
switch (psym.visibility) {
esym.st_visibility = STV_PROTECTED;
esym.st_visibility = STV_INTERNAL;
esym.st_visibility = STV_HIDDEN;
esym.st_size = psym.size;
return esym;
// Returns true if a given linker plugin looks like LLVM's one.
// Returns false if it's GCC.
template <typename E>
static bool is_llvm(Context<E> &ctx) {
return ctx.arg.plugin.ends_with("LLVMgold.so");
// Returns true if a given linker plugin supports the get_symbols_v3 API.
// Any version of LLVM and GCC 12 or newer support it.
template <typename E>
static bool supports_v3_api(Context<E> &ctx) {
return is_gcc_linker_api_v1 || is_llvm(ctx);
template <typename E>
static PluginInputFile
create_plugin_input_file(Context<E> &ctx, MappedFile *mf) {
PluginInputFile file;
MappedFile *mf2 = mf->parent ? mf->parent : mf;
file.name = save_string(ctx, mf2->name).data();
file.offset = mf->get_offset();
file.filesize = mf->size;
if (mf2->fd == -1)
mf2->fd = open(file.name, O_RDONLY);
file.fd = mf2->fd;
if (file.fd == -1)
Fatal(ctx) << "cannot open " << file.name << ": " << errno_string();
return file;
template <typename E>
ObjectFile<E> *read_lto_object(Context<E> &ctx, MappedFile *mf) {
// V0 API's claim_file is not thread-safe.
static std::mutex mu;
std::unique_lock lock(mu, std::defer_lock);
if (!is_gcc_linker_api_v1)
if (ctx.arg.plugin.empty())
Fatal(ctx) << mf->name << ": don't know how to handle this LTO object file "
<< "because no -plugin option was given. Please make sure you "
<< "added -flto not only for creating object files but also for "
<< "creating the final executable.";
// Create mold's object instance
ObjectFile<E> *obj = new ObjectFile<E>;
obj->filename = mf->name;
obj->symbols.push_back(new Symbol<E>);
obj->first_global = 1;
obj->is_lto_obj = true;
obj->mf = mf;
obj->archive_name = mf->parent ? mf->parent->name : "";
// Create plugin's object instance
PluginInputFile file = create_plugin_input_file(ctx, mf);
file.handle = (void *)obj;
LOG << "read_lto_symbols: "<< mf->name << "\n";
// claim_file_hook() calls add_symbols() which initializes `plugin_symbols`
int claimed = false;
claim_file_hook(&file, &claimed);
if (!claimed)
Fatal(ctx) << mf->name << ": not claimed by the LTO plugin;"
<< " please make sure you are using the same compiler of the"
<< " same version for all object files";
// It looks like GCC doesn't need fd after claim_file_hook() while
// LLVM needs it and takes the ownership of fd. To prevent "too many
// open files" issue, we close fd only for GCC. This is ugly, though.
if (!is_llvm(ctx)) {
MappedFile *mf2 = mf->parent ? mf->parent : mf;
mf2->fd = -1;
// Create a symbol strtab
i64 strtab_size = 1;
for (PluginSymbol &psym : plugin_symbols)
strtab_size += strlen(psym.name) + 1;
std::string strtab(strtab_size, '\0');
// Initialize esyms
obj->lto_elf_syms.resize(plugin_symbols.size() + 1);
i64 strtab_offset = 1;
for (i64 i = 0; i < plugin_symbols.size(); i++) {
PluginSymbol &psym = plugin_symbols[i];
obj->lto_elf_syms[i + 1] = to_elf_sym<E>(psym);
obj->lto_elf_syms[i + 1].st_name = strtab_offset;
i64 len = strlen(psym.name);
memcpy(strtab.data() + strtab_offset, psym.name, len);
strtab_offset += len + 1;
obj->symbol_strtab = save_string(ctx, strtab);
obj->elf_syms = obj->lto_elf_syms;
return obj;
// Entry point
template <typename E>
std::vector<ObjectFile<E> *> do_lto(Context<E> &ctx) {
Timer t(ctx, "do_lto");
if (!ctx.arg.lto_pass2 && !supports_v3_api(ctx))
assert(phase == 1);
phase = 2;
// Set `referenced_by_regular_obj` bit.
tbb::parallel_for_each(ctx.objs, [&](ObjectFile<E> *file) {
if (!file->is_lto_obj) {
for (Symbol<E> *sym : file->get_global_syms()) {
if (sym->file && !sym->file->is_dso &&
((ObjectFile<E> *)sym->file)->is_lto_obj) {
std::scoped_lock lock(sym->mu);
sym->referenced_by_regular_obj = true;
// Symbols specified by the --wrap option needs to be visible from
// regular object files.
for (std::string_view name : ctx.arg.wrap) {
get_symbol(ctx, name)->referenced_by_regular_obj = true;
std::string_view x = save_string(ctx, "__wrap_" + std::string(name));
std::string_view y = save_string(ctx, "__real_" + std::string(name));
get_symbol(ctx, x)->referenced_by_regular_obj = true;
get_symbol(ctx, y)->referenced_by_regular_obj = true;
// Keep some symbols
for (Symbol<E> *sym : ctx.arg.undefined)
sym->referenced_by_regular_obj = true;
// Object files containing .gnu.offload_lto_.* sections need to be
// given to the LTO backend. Such sections contains code and data for
// peripherails (typically GPUs).
for (ObjectFile<E> *file : ctx.objs) {
if (!file->is_lto_obj && file->is_gcc_offload_obj) {
PluginInputFile pfile = create_plugin_input_file(ctx, file->mf);
int claimed = false;
claim_file_hook(&pfile, &claimed);
// all_symbols_read_hook() calls add_input_file() and add_input_library()
LOG << "all symbols read\n";
if (PluginStatus st = all_symbols_read_hook(); st != LDPS_OK)
Fatal(ctx) << "LTO: all_symbols_read_hook returns " << st;
return lto_objects<E>;
template <typename E>
void lto_cleanup(Context<E> &ctx) {
Timer t(ctx, "lto_cleanup");
if (cleanup_hook)
using E = MOLD_TARGET;
template ObjectFile<E> *read_lto_object(Context<E> &, MappedFile *);
template std::vector<ObjectFile<E> *> do_lto(Context<E> &);
template void lto_cleanup(Context<E> &);
} // namespace mold::elf