2021-03-15 22:18:22 -04:00

236 lines
7.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
import Control.Monad (join)
import Data.Array
( Array,
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLower, isUpper, toLower)
import Data.Foldable (maximumBy, toList, foldl')
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Sequence
( Seq (..),
ViewL (..),
ViewR (..),
import Data.List (sortOn)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
data ResultSegment = Gap (Seq Char) | Match (Seq Char)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
newtype Result = Result { segments :: Seq ResultSegment }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
match :: Char -> Result
match a = Result [Match [a]]
gap :: Char -> Result
gap a = Result [Gap [a]]
reverseResult :: Result -> Result
reverseResult (Result xs) = Result . Seq.reverse $ reverseSegment <$> xs
reverseSegment :: ResultSegment -> ResultSegment
reverseSegment (Gap xs) = Gap (Seq.reverse xs)
reverseSegment (Match xs) = Match (Seq.reverse xs)
instance Monoid Result where
mempty = Result []
instance Semigroup Result where
Result Empty <> as = as
as <> Result Empty = as
Result (viewr -> h :> Gap []) <> as = Result h <> as
as <> Result (viewl -> Gap [] :< t) = as <> Result t
Result (viewr -> h :> Match []) <> as = Result h <> as
as <> Result (viewl -> Match [] :< t) = as <> Result t
Result (viewr -> i :> Gap l) <> Result (viewl -> Gap h :< t) =
Result (i <> [Gap (l <> h)] <> t)
Result (viewr -> i :> Match l) <> Result (viewl -> Match h :< t) =
Result (i <> [Match (l <> h)] <> t)
Result a <> Result b = Result (a <> b)
mergeResults :: Result -> Result -> Result
mergeResults as bs = merge as bs
drop' :: Int -> Result -> Result
drop' n m | n < 1 = m
drop' n (Result (viewl -> Gap g :< t)) =
Result [Gap (Seq.drop n g)] <> drop' (n - Seq.length g) (Result t)
drop' n (Result (viewl -> Match g :< t)) =
Result [Match (Seq.drop n g)] <> drop' (n - Seq.length g) (Result t)
merge :: Result -> Result -> Result
merge (Result Seq.Empty) ys = ys
merge xs (Result Seq.Empty) = xs
merge (Result xs) (Result ys ) = case (viewl xs, viewl ys) of
(Gap g :< t, Gap g' :< t')
| Seq.length g <= Seq.length g' -> Result [Gap g]
<> merge (Result t) (drop' (Seq.length g) (Result ys))
| otherwise -> Result [Gap g']
<> merge (drop' (Seq.length g') (Result xs)) (Result t')
(Match m :< t, Match m' :< t')
| Seq.length m >= Seq.length m' -> Result [Match m]
<> merge (Result t) (drop' (Seq.length m) (Result ys))
| otherwise -> Result [Match m']
<> merge (drop' (Seq.length m') (Result xs)) (Result t')
(Gap g :< t, Match m' :< t') ->
Result [Match m'] <> merge (drop' (Seq.length m') (Result xs)) (Result t')
(Match m :< t, Gap g' :< t') ->
Result [Match m] <> merge (Result t) (drop' (Seq.length m) (Result ys))
instance Semigroup Alignment where
Alignment n r <> Alignment m s = Alignment (n + m) (mergeResults r s)
instance Monoid Alignment where
mempty = Alignment 0 mempty
type Score = Int
data Alignment
= Alignment { score :: Score, result :: Result }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)
-- The base score given to a matching character
defaultMatchScore :: Int
defaultMatchScore = 16
-- The base score given to a mismatched character
defaultMismatchScore :: Int
defaultMismatchScore = 0
-- Bonus points given to characters matching at the beginning of words
defaultBoundaryBonus :: Int
defaultBoundaryBonus = defaultMatchScore `div` 2
-- Bonus points given to characters matching a hump of a CamelCase word.
-- We subtract a point from the word boundary score, since a word boundary will
-- incur a gap penalty.
defaultCamelCaseBonus :: Int
defaultCamelCaseBonus = defaultBoundaryBonus - 1
-- Double any bonus points for matching the first pattern of the character.
-- This way we strongly prefer starting the match at the beginning of a word.
defaultFirstCharBonusMultiplier :: Int
defaultFirstCharBonusMultiplier = 2
-- We prefer consecutive runs of matched characters in the pattern, so we
-- impose a penalty for any gaps, proportional to the size of the gap.
defaultGapPenalty :: Int -> Int
defaultGapPenalty 1 = 3
defaultGapPenalty n = max 0 (3 + n)
-- We give a bonus to consecutive matching characters.
-- A number about the same as the `boundaryBonus` will strongly prefer
-- runs of consecutive characters vs finding acronyms.
defaultConsecutiveBonus :: Int
defaultConsecutiveBonus = defaultGapPenalty 8
gaps :: String -> Result
gaps s = Result [Gap . Seq.fromList $ reverse s]
highlight :: Alignment -> String
highlight (Alignment s (Result segments)) =
foldMap prettySegment segments <> "\n" <> foldMap showGaps segments
prettySegment (Gap xs) = toList xs
prettySegment (Match xs) = toList xs
showGaps (Gap xs) = replicate (length xs) ' '
showGaps (Match xs) = replicate (length xs) '*'
bestMatch :: String -> String -> Maybe Alignment
bestMatch = bestMatch' defaultMatchScore
fuzzyFind :: [String] -> [String] -> [Alignment]
fuzzyFind query strings =
sortOn score
$ strings
>>= (\s -> toList
$ foldl' (\a q -> (<>) <$> a <*> bestMatch q s) (Just mempty) query
:: Int
-> Int
-> (Int -> Int)
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> Int
-> String
-> String
-> Maybe Alignment
bestMatch' matchScore mismatchScore gapPenalty boundaryBonus camelCaseBonus firstCharBonusMultiplier consecutiveBonus query str
= Alignment (totalScore m nx) . reverseResult <$> traceback
totalScore i j = if i > m then 0 else hs ! (i, j) + bonuses ! (i, j)
table = unlines
[ unwords
$ (if y > 0 then show $ b' ! y else " ")
: [ show (totalScore x y) | x <- [0 .. m] ]
| y <- [0 .. n]
similarity a b =
if a == b || a == toLower b then matchScore else mismatchScore
traceback = (gaps (drop nx str) <>) <$> go (m, nx)
go (0, j) = pure $ gaps (take j str)
go (i, 0) = Nothing
go (i, j) = if similarity (a' ! i) (b' ! j) > 0
then (match (b' ! j) <>) <$> go (i - 1, j - 1)
else (gap (b' ! j) <>) <$> go (i, j - 1)
nx = localMax m n
localMax m n = maximumBy
(\b d -> compare (totalScore m b) (totalScore m d))
[ j | j <- [1 .. n] ]
m = length query
n = length str
a' = Array.listArray (1, m) query
b' = Array.listArray (1, n) str
hs = Array.listArray bounds [ h i j | (i, j) <- Array.range bounds ]
bonuses = Array.listArray bounds [ bonus i j | (i, j) <- Array.range bounds ]
bounds = ((0, 0), (m, n))
bonus 0 j = 0
bonus i 0 = 0
bonus i j = if similarity (a' ! i) (b' ! j) > 0
then multiplier * (boundary + camel + consecutive)
else 0
boundary =
if j < 2 || isAlphaNum (b' ! j) && not (isAlphaNum (b' ! (j - 1)))
then boundaryBonus
else 0
camel = if j > 1 && isLower (b' ! (j - 1)) && isUpper (b' ! j)
then camelCaseBonus
else 0
multiplier = if i == 1 then firstCharBonusMultiplier else 1
consecutive =
similar = i > 0 && j > 0 && similarity (a' ! i) (b' ! j) > 0
afterMatch =
i > 1 && j > 1 && similarity (a' ! (i - 1)) (b' ! (j - 1)) > 0
beforeMatch =
i < m && j < n && similarity (a' ! (i + 1)) (b' ! (j + 1)) > 0
if similar && (afterMatch || beforeMatch) then consecutiveBonus else 0
h 0 _ = 0
h _ 0 = 0
h i j = scoreMatch `max` scoreGap `max` 0
scoreMatch =
hs ! (i - 1, j - 1) + similarity (a' ! i) (b' ! j) + bonuses ! (i, j)
scoreGap = maximum [ hs ! (i, j - l) - gapPenalty l | l <- [1 .. j] ]