extern crate wasm_bindgen_cli_support as cli; use std::env; use std::fs; use std::io::{Write, Read}; use std::path::{PathBuf, Path}; use std::process::Command; use std::sync::atomic::*; use std::sync::{Once, ONCE_INIT}; use std::time::Instant; static CNT: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT; thread_local!(static IDX: usize = CNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst)); pub struct Project { files: Vec<(String, String)>, debug: bool, uglify: bool, } pub fn project() -> Project { let dir = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); let dir = dir.parent().unwrap() // chop off `test-support` .parent().unwrap(); // chop off `crates` let mut lockfile = String::new(); fs::File::open(&dir.join("Cargo.lock")).unwrap() .read_to_string(&mut lockfile).unwrap(); Project { debug: true, uglify: false, files: vec![ ("Cargo.toml".to_string(), format!(r#" [package] name = "test{}" version = "0.0.1" authors = [] [workspace] [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib"] [dependencies] wasm-bindgen = {{ path = '{}' }} [profile.dev] opt-level = 2 # TODO: decrease when upstream is not buggy incremental = false "#, IDX.with(|x| *x), dir.display())), ("Cargo.lock".to_string(), lockfile), ("run.ts".to_string(), r#" import * as fs from "fs"; import * as process from "process"; import { instantiate } from "./out"; import * as test from "./test"; var wasm = fs.readFileSync("out.wasm"); instantiate(wasm, test.imports).then(m => { test.test(m); if ((m as any).assertHeapAndStackEmpty) (m as any).assertHeapAndStackEmpty(); }).catch(error => { console.error(error); process.exit(1); }); "#.to_string()), ], } } pub fn root() -> PathBuf { let idx = IDX.with(|x| *x); let mut me = env::current_exe().unwrap(); me.pop(); // chop off exe name me.pop(); // chop off `deps` me.pop(); // chop off `debug` / `release` me.push("generated-tests"); me.push(&format!("test{}", idx)); return me } fn typescript() -> PathBuf { static INIT: Once = ONCE_INIT; let mut me = env::current_exe().unwrap(); me.pop(); // chop off exe name me.pop(); // chop off `deps` me.pop(); // chop off `debug` / `release` let install_dir = me.clone(); me.push("node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc"); INIT.call_once(|| { if !me.exists() { let mut npm = if cfg!(windows) { let mut n = Command::new("cmd"); n.arg("/c").arg("npm"); n } else { Command::new("npm") }; run(npm .arg("install") .arg("typescript") .arg("@types/node") .arg("@types/webassembly-js-api") .current_dir(&install_dir), "npm"); assert!(me.exists()); } }); return me } impl Project { pub fn file(&mut self, name: &str, contents: &str) -> &mut Project { self.files.push((name.to_string(), contents.to_string())); self } pub fn debug(&mut self, debug: bool) -> &mut Project { self.debug = debug; self } pub fn uglify(&mut self, uglify: bool) -> &mut Project { self.uglify = uglify; self } pub fn test(&mut self) { let root = root(); drop(fs::remove_dir_all(&root)); for &(ref file, ref contents) in self.files.iter() { let dst = root.join(file); fs::create_dir_all(dst.parent().unwrap()).unwrap(); fs::File::create(&dst).unwrap().write_all(contents.as_ref()).unwrap(); } let target_dir = root.parent().unwrap() // chop off test name .parent().unwrap(); // chop off `generated-tests` let mut cmd = Command::new("cargo"); cmd.arg("build") .arg("--target") .arg("wasm32-unknown-unknown") .current_dir(&root) .env("CARGO_TARGET_DIR", &target_dir); run(&mut cmd, "cargo"); let idx = IDX.with(|x| *x); let mut out = target_dir.join(&format!("wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/test{}.wasm", idx)); if Command::new("wasm-gc").output().is_ok() { let tmp = out; out = tmp.with_extension("gc.wasm"); let mut cmd = Command::new("wasm-gc"); cmd.arg(&tmp).arg(&out); run(&mut cmd, "wasm-gc"); } let obj = cli::Bindgen::new() .input_path(&out) .nodejs(true) .debug(self.debug) .uglify_wasm_names(self.uglify) .generate() .expect("failed to run bindgen"); obj.write_ts_to(root.join("out.ts")).expect("failed to write ts"); obj.write_wasm_to(root.join("out.wasm")).expect("failed to write wasm"); let mut cmd = Command::new("node"); cmd.arg(typescript()) .current_dir(&target_dir) .arg(root.join("run.ts")) .arg("--strict") .arg("--noImplicitAny") .arg("--strictNullChecks") .arg("--strictFunctionTypes") .arg("--noUnusedLocals") .arg("--noUnusedParameters") .arg("--noImplicitReturns") .arg("--declaration") .arg("--lib") .arg("es6"); run(&mut cmd, "node"); let mut cmd = Command::new("node"); cmd.arg("run.js") .current_dir(&root); run(&mut cmd, "node"); } } fn run(cmd: &mut Command, program: &str) { println!("···················································"); println!("running {:?}", cmd); let start = Instant::now(); let output = match cmd.output() { Ok(output) => output, Err(err) => panic!("failed to spawn `{}`: {}", program, err), }; println!("exit: {}", output.status); let dur = start.elapsed(); println!("dur: {}.{:03}ms", dur.as_secs(), dur.subsec_nanos() / 1_000_000); if output.stdout.len() > 0 { println!("stdout ---\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout)); } if output.stderr.len() > 0 { println!("stderr ---\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr)); } assert!(output.status.success()); }