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synced 2024-11-25 06:22:52 +03:00
189 lines
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Executable File
189 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env node
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const { Elm } = require('./dist/elm.worker.js')
const package = require('./package.json')
// File stuff
const folders = {
src: (dir) => path.join(process.cwd(), dir, 'src'),
pages: (dir) => path.join(process.cwd(), dir, 'src', 'Pages'),
generated: (dir) => path.join(process.cwd(), dir, 'src', 'Generated')
const rejectIfMissing = (dir) => new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
fs.existsSync(dir) ? resolve(true) : reject(false)
const cp = (src, dest) => {
const exists = fs.existsSync(src)
const stats = exists && fs.statSync(src)
if (stats && stats.isDirectory()) {
fs.readdirSync(src).forEach(child =>
cp(path.join(src, child), path.join(dest, child))
} else {
fs.copyFileSync(src, dest)
const listFiles = (dir) =>
.reduce((files, file) =>
fs.statSync(path.join(dir, file)).isDirectory() ?
files.concat(listFiles(path.join(dir, file))) :
files.concat(path.join(dir, file)),
const ensureDirectory = (dir) =>
fs.mkdirSync(dir, { recursive: true })
const saveToFolder = (prefix) => ({ filepath, content }) =>
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(prefix, filepath), content, { encoding: 'utf8' })
// Formatting output
const bold = (str) => '\033[1m' + str + '\033[0m'
const toFilepath = name => path.join(folders.pages('.'), `${name.split('.').join('/')}.elm`)
// Flags + Validation
const flags = { command: '', name: '', pageType: '', filepaths: [] }
const isValidPageType = type =>
[ 'static', 'sandbox', 'element', 'component' ].some(x => x === type)
const isValidModuleName = (name = '') => {
const isAlphaOnly = word => word.match(/[A-Z|a-z]+/)[0] === word
const isCapitalized = word => word[0].toUpperCase() === word[0]
return name &&
name.length &&
name.split('.').every(word => isAlphaOnly(word) && isCapitalized(word))
// Help commands
const help = {
general: `
${bold('elm-spa')} – version ${package.version}
${bold('elm-spa init')} – create a new project
${bold('elm-spa add')} – add a new page
${bold('elm-spa build')} – generate files
${bold('elm-spa <command> help')} – get detailed help for a command
${bold('elm-spa -v')} – print version number
init: `
${bold('elm-spa init')} <directory>
Create a new elm-spa app in the <directory>
folder specified.
elm-spa init .
elm-spa init my-app
add: `
${bold('elm-spa add')} <static|sandbox|element|component> <name>
Create a new page of type <static|sandbox|element|component>
with the module name <name>.
elm-spa add static Top
elm-spa add sandbox Posts.Top
elm-spa add element Posts.Dynamic
elm-spa add component SignIn
build: `
${bold('elm-spa build')} [dir]
Generate "Generated.Route" and "Generated.Pages" for
this project, based on the files in src/Pages/*
Optionally, you can specify a different directory.
elm-spa build
elm-spa build ../some/other-folder
elm-spa build ./help
// Available commands
const commands = {
'init': ([ folder ]) =>
folder && folder !== 'help'
? Promise.resolve()
.then(_ => {
const dest = path.join(process.cwd(), folder)
cp(path.join(__dirname, 'projects', 'new'), dest)
try { fs.renameSync(path.join(dest, '.npmignore'), path.join(dest, '.gitignore')) } catch (_) {}
.then(_ => `\ncreated a new project in ${path.join(process.cwd(), folder)}\n`)
.catch(_ => `\nUnable to initialize a project at ${path.join(process.cwd(), folder)}\n`)
: Promise.resolve(help.init),
'add': ([ type, name ]) =>
(type && name) && type !== 'help' && isValidPageType(type) && isValidModuleName(name)
? rejectIfMissing(folders.pages('.'))
.then(_ => new Promise(
Elm.Main.init({ flags: { ...flags, command: 'add', name: name, pageType: type } }).ports.addPort.subscribe)
.then(file => {
const containingFolder = path.join(folders.pages('.'), file.filepath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/'))
.then(_ => `\nadded a new ${bold(type)} page at:\n${toFilepath(name)}\n`)
.catch(_ => `\nplease run ${bold('elm-spa add')} in the folder with ${bold('elm.json')}\n`)
: Promise.resolve(help.add),
'build': ([ dir = '.' ] = []) =>
dir !== 'help'
? Promise.resolve(folders.pages(dir))
.then(names => names.filter(name => name.endsWith('.elm')))
.then(names => names.map(name => name.substring(folders.pages(dir).length)))
.then(filepaths => new Promise(
Elm.Main.init({ flags: { ...flags, command: 'build', filepaths } }).ports.buildPort.subscribe
.then(files => {
return files
.then(files => `\nelm-spa generated two files:\n${files.map(({ filepath }) => ' - ' + path.join(folders.src(dir), filepath)).join('\n')}\n`)
.catch(_ => `\nplease run ${bold('elm-spa build')} in the folder with ${bold('elm.json')}\n`)
: Promise.resolve(help.build),
'-v': _ => Promise.resolve(package.version),
'help': _ => Promise.resolve(help.general)
const main = ([ command, ...args ] = []) =>
(commands[command] || commands['help'])(args)
// .then(_ => args.data.slice)
.catch(reason => {
console.info(`\n${bold('Congratulations!')} - you've found a bug!
If you'd like, open an issue here with the following output:
${bold(`### terminal output`)}