Fix several bugs with single-package updates

1. We should always use `~/.cache/nixpkgs`, since if we do it in PWD the hard
resets risk blowing away user work!

2. Previously, we weren't fetching and resetting to up-to-date master, which
   meant cmds would fail if your nixpkgs checkout was stale.

3. Previously, we were ignoring the `--pr` option entirely. This fixes that bug
by passing the bool into the UpdateEnv, and also cleans up the selected options
in the logger so it's easier to see.

4. We were including the title PR twice, like this:

There are still some issues and things to improve, but with this PR I've managed
to get a working usage here:
This commit is contained in:
Benjamin Hipple 2020-05-03 00:13:46 -04:00
parent 319a591676
commit 0feb0e7051
5 changed files with 67 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ import qualified Repology
import System.IO (BufferMode (..), hSetBuffering, stderr, stdout)
import qualified System.Posix.Env as P
import Update (cveAll, cveReport, sourceGithubAll, updateAll, updatePackage)
import Utils (Options (..), UpdateEnv (..), getGithubToken, setupNixpkgs)
import Utils (Options (..), UpdateEnv (..), getGithubToken)
import Git
default (T.Text)
@ -125,22 +126,22 @@ main = do
case command of
DeleteDone -> do
token <- getGithubToken
setupNixpkgs token
Git.setupNixpkgs token
P.setEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN" (T.unpack token) True
deleteDone token
UpdateList UpdateOptions {pr, cachix, cve, nixpkgsReview, outpaths} -> do
token <- getGithubToken
updates <- T.readFile "packages-to-update.txt"
setupNixpkgs token
Git.setupNixpkgs token
P.setEnv "PAGER" "" True
P.setEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN" (T.unpack token) True
updateAll (Options pr True token cve cachix nixpkgsReview outpaths) updates
Update UpdateOptions {pr, cve, cachix, nixpkgsReview} update -> do
token <- getGithubToken
setupNixpkgs token
Git.setupNixpkgs token
P.setEnv "PAGER" "" True
P.setEnv "GITHUB_TOKEN" (T.unpack token) True
result <- updatePackage (Options False False token cve cachix nixpkgsReview False) update
result <- updatePackage (Options pr False token cve cachix nixpkgsReview False) update
case result of
Left e -> T.putStrLn e
Right () -> T.putStrLn "Done."

View File

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Git
( cleanAndResetTo,
( checkAutoUpdateBranchDoesntExist,
@ -20,12 +21,14 @@ import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified System.Process.Typed
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import System.Posix.Env (setEnv)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time.Clock (addUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import OurPrelude hiding (throw)
import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getModificationTime, setCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir (getUserCacheDir)
import System.Exit
import Utils (Options (..), UpdateEnv (..), branchName, branchPrefix)
@ -102,6 +105,26 @@ push updateEnv =
-- Setup a NixPkgs clone in $XDG_CACHE_DIR/nixpkgs
-- Since we are going to have to fetch, git reset, clean, and commit, we setup a
-- cache dir to avoid destroying any uncommitted work the user may have in PWD.
setupNixpkgs :: Text -> IO ()
setupNixpkgs githubt = do
fp <- getUserCacheDir "nixpkgs"
exists <- doesDirectoryExist fp
unless exists $ do
proc "hub" ["clone", "nixpkgs", fp]
& System.Process.Typed.setEnv -- requires that user has forked nixpkgs
[("GITHUB_TOKEN" :: String, githubt & T.unpack)]
& runProcess_
setCurrentDirectory fp
shell "git remote add upstream"
& runProcess_
setCurrentDirectory fp
_ <- runExceptT fetchIfStale
_ <- runExceptT $ cleanAndResetTo "master"
System.Posix.Env.setEnv "NIX_PATH" ("nixpkgs=" <> fp) True
checkoutAtMergeBase :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m ()
checkoutAtMergeBase bName = do
base <-

View File

@ -83,11 +83,21 @@ getLog o = do
notifyOptions :: (Text -> IO ()) -> Options -> IO ()
notifyOptions log o = do
when (doPR o) $ log "Will do push to origin and do PR on success."
when (pushToCachix o) $ log "Will push to cachix."
when (calculateOutpaths o) $ log "Will calculate outpaths."
when (makeCVEReport o) $ log "Will make a CVE security report."
when (runNixpkgsReview o) $ log "Will run nixpkgs-review."
let repr f = if f o then "YES" else " NO"
let pr = repr doPR
let cachix = repr pushToCachix
let outpaths = repr calculateOutpaths
let cve = repr makeCVEReport
let review = repr runNixpkgsReview
log $ [interpolate|
Configured Nixpkgs-Update Options:
Send pull request on success: $pr
Push to cachix: $cachix
Calculate Outpaths: $outpaths
CVE Security Report: $cve
Run nixpkgs-review: $review
updateAll :: Options -> Text -> IO ()
updateAll o updates = do
@ -325,7 +335,9 @@ publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff rewriteM
if (isNothing opDiff || numPackageRebuilds (fromJust opDiff) < 100)
then "master"
else "staging"
pullRequestUrl <- updateEnv (prTitle updateEnv attrPath) prMsg ("r-ryantm:" <> (branchName updateEnv)) base
-- FIXME: #192 This needs to be detected dynamically. Use the hub token or GH library?
let ghUser = "r-ryantm"
pullRequestUrl <- updateEnv (prTitle updateEnv attrPath) prMsg (ghUser <> ":" <> (branchName updateEnv)) base
liftIO $ log pullRequestUrl
else liftIO $ T.putStrLn prMsg
@ -386,8 +398,6 @@ prMessage updateEnv isBroken metaDescription metaHomepage rewriteMsgs releaseUrl
pat link = [interpolate|This update was made based on information from $link.|]
sourceLinkInfo = maybe "" pat $ sourceURL updateEnv
in [interpolate|
Semi-automatic update generated by [nixpkgs-update]( tools. $sourceLinkInfo
@ -578,6 +588,9 @@ doCachix log updateEnv resultPath =
lift $ log "skipping cachix"
return "Build yourself:"
-- FIXME: We should delete updatePackageBatch, and instead have the updateLoop
-- just call updatePackage, so we aren't maintaining two parallel
-- implementations!
updatePackage ::
Options ->
Text ->
@ -588,6 +601,12 @@ updatePackage o updateInfo = do
let updateEnv = UpdateEnv p oldV newV url o
let log = T.putStrLn
liftIO $ notifyOptions log o
-- Update our git checkout and swap onto the update branch
Git.fetchIfStale <|> liftIO (T.putStrLn "Failed to fetch.")
Git.cleanAndResetTo "master"
Git.checkoutAtMergeBase (branchName updateEnv)
-- Gather some basic information
Nix.assertNewerVersion updateEnv
attrPath <- Nix.lookupAttrPath updateEnv
Version.assertCompatibleWithPathPin updateEnv attrPath

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Utils
VersionMatcher (..),
UpdateEnv (..),
@ -44,10 +43,9 @@ import Database.SQLite.Simple.Ok (Ok (..))
import Database.SQLite.Simple.ToField (ToField, toField)
import OurPrelude
import Polysemy.Output
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory)
import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir (getUserCacheDir)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Posix.Directory (createDirectory)
import System.Posix.Env (getEnv, setEnv)
import System.Posix.Env (getEnv)
import System.Posix.Files
( directoryMode,
@ -58,7 +56,6 @@ import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.Temp (mkdtemp)
import System.Posix.Types (FileMode)
import qualified System.Process.Typed
import Text.Read (readEither)
import Type.Reflection (Typeable)
@ -189,29 +186,6 @@ logDir = do
Right dir -> return dir
Left e -> error $ T.unpack e
setupNixpkgs :: Text -> IO ()
setupNixpkgs githubt = do
currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory
if "nixpkgs" `isSuffixOf` currentDir
then do
T.putStrLn "Looks like current directory is a nixpkgs checkout, so using that."
System.Posix.Env.setEnv "NIX_PATH" ("nixpkgs=" <> currentDir) True
else do
T.putStrLn "Looks like current directory is not a nixpkgs checkout, so trying to use .cache/nixpkgs."
fp <- getUserCacheDir "nixpkgs"
exists <- doesDirectoryExist fp
unless exists $ do
proc "hub" ["clone", "nixpkgs", fp]
& System.Process.Typed.setEnv -- requires that user has forked nixpkgs
[("GITHUB_TOKEN" :: String, githubt & T.unpack)]
& runProcess_
setCurrentDirectory fp
shell "git remote add upstream"
& runProcess_
shell "git fetch upstream" & runProcess_
setCurrentDirectory fp
System.Posix.Env.setEnv "NIX_PATH" ("nixpkgs=" <> fp) True
overwriteErrorT :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m a -> ExceptT Text m a
overwriteErrorT t = fmapLT (const t)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
foobar: 1.0 -> 1.1
Semi-automatic update generated by [nixpkgs-update]( tools. This update was made based on information from