make version checks a little more obvious

this still needs some work
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Mulligan 2018-05-17 06:29:53 -07:00
parent fd59d1b9ca
commit 3da0ca6479

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Check
) where
import Control.Applicative (many)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
@ -21,15 +21,11 @@ import Utils (Options(..), UpdateEnv (..), Version, canFail, succeded)
default (T.Text)
-- | Run a program with a provided argument and report whether
-- it exits successfully
-- Failure hints that the argument is not supported.
checkBinaryHelp :: (Text -> Sh ()) -> FilePath -> Text -> Sh ()
checkBinaryHelp addToReport program argument =
whenM (succeded (cmd "timeout" "-k" "2" "1" program argument)) $
addToReport $
"- ran " <> toTextIgnore program <> " " <> argument <>
" got 0 exit code"
data BinaryCheck = BinaryCheck
{ filePath :: FilePath
, zeroExitCode :: Bool
, versionPresent :: Bool
-- | Construct regex: [^\.]*${version}\.*\s*
versionRegex :: Text -> RE Char ()
@ -40,37 +36,62 @@ versionRegex version =
-- | Run a program with provided argument and report whether the output
-- mentions the expected version
checkVersionType :: (Text -> Sh ()) -> Version -> FilePath -> Text -> Sh ()
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program argument =
checkBinary :: Text -> Version -> FilePath -> Sh BinaryCheck
checkBinary argument expectedVersion program =
stdout <- canFail $ cmd "timeout" "-k" "2" "1" program argument
code <- lastExitCode
stderr <- lastStderr
(isJust $
(T.unpack . T.unwords . T.lines $ stdout <> "\n" <> stderr) =~
versionRegex expectedVersion) $
addToReport $
"- ran " <> toTextIgnore program <> " " <> argument <>
" and found version " <>
(\ _ -> return ())
let hasVersion =
isJust $ (T.unpack . T.unwords . T.lines $ stdout <> "\n" <> stderr) =~
versionRegex expectedVersion
return $ BinaryCheck program (code == 0) hasVersion)
(\ _ -> return $ BinaryCheck program False False)
checks :: [Version -> FilePath -> Sh BinaryCheck]
checks =
[ checkBinary ""
, checkBinary "-V"
, checkBinary "-v"
, checkBinary "--version"
, checkBinary "version"
, checkBinary "-h"
, checkBinary "--help"
, checkBinary "help"
someChecks :: BinaryCheck -> [Sh BinaryCheck] -> Sh BinaryCheck
someChecks best [] = return best
someChecks best (c:rest) = do
current <- c
let nb = newBest current
case nb of
BinaryCheck _ True True -> return nb
_ -> someChecks nb rest
newBest :: BinaryCheck -> BinaryCheck
newBest (BinaryCheck _ currentExit currentVersionPresent) =
(filePath best)
(zeroExitCode best || currentExit)
(versionPresent best || currentVersionPresent)
-- | Run a program with various version or help flags and report
-- when they succeded
checkBinary :: (Text -> Sh ()) -> Version -> FilePath -> Sh ()
checkBinary addToReport expectedVersion program = do
checkBinaryHelp addToReport program "-h"
checkBinaryHelp addToReport program "--help"
checkBinaryHelp addToReport program "help"
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program ""
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program "-V"
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program "-v"
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program "--version"
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program "version"
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program "-h"
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program "--help"
checkVersionType addToReport expectedVersion program "help"
runChecks :: Version -> FilePath -> Sh BinaryCheck
runChecks expectedVersion program =
someChecks (BinaryCheck program False False) checks'
checks' = map (\c -> c expectedVersion program) checks
checkReport :: BinaryCheck -> Text
checkReport (BinaryCheck p False False) = "- Warning: no invocation of " <> toTextIgnore p <> " had a zero exit code or showed the expected version"
checkReport (BinaryCheck p _ _) = "- " <> toTextIgnore p <> " passed the binary check."
successfullCheck :: BinaryCheck -> Bool
successfullCheck (BinaryCheck _ False False) = False
successfullCheck _ = True
checkResult :: UpdateEnv -> FilePath -> Sh Text
checkResult updateEnv resultPath = do
@ -89,11 +110,18 @@ checkResult updateEnv resultPath = do
if binExists
then findWhen test_f (resultPath </> "bin")
else return []
forM_ binaries $ \binary ->
checkBinary addToReport expectedVersion binary
unlessM (succeded $ cmd "test" "-s" logFile) $
"- Warning: no binary found that responded to help or version flags. (This warning appears even if the package isn't expected to have binaries.)"
checks <- forM binaries $ \binary -> runChecks expectedVersion binary
addToReport (T.intercalate "\n" (map checkReport checks))
let passedZeroExitCode = (T.pack . show)
(\sum c -> if zeroExitCode c then sum + 1 else sum) 0 checks :: Int)
passedVersionPresent = (T.pack . show)
(\sum c -> if versionPresent c then sum + 1 else sum) 0 checks :: Int)
numBinaries = (T.pack . show) (length binaries)
addToReport ("- " <> passedZeroExitCode <> " of " <> numBinaries <> " passed binary check by having a zero exit code.")
addToReport ("- " <> passedVersionPresent <> " of " <> numBinaries <> " passed binary check by having the new version present in output.")
canFail $ cmd "grep" "-r" expectedVersion resultPath
whenM ((== 0) <$> lastExitCode) $
addToReport $