Remove feed caching and clean up queries

This commit is contained in:
Lars Jellema 2019-10-02 17:02:12 +02:00
parent 93437182d4
commit 490d1ed162
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 563A03936D48B4BC

View File

@ -25,8 +25,7 @@ import Data.List (group)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (toGregorian)
import Data.Time.Clock
( NominalDiffTime
, UTCTime
( UTCTime
, diffUTCTime
, getCurrentTime
, nominalDay
@ -48,11 +47,10 @@ import Network.HTTP.Conduit (simpleHttp)
import System.Directory
( XdgDirectory(..)
, createDirectoryIfMissing
, getModificationTime
, getXdgDirectory
, removeFile
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.IO.Error (userError)
import Utils (ProductID, Version)
import Version (matchVersion)
@ -66,8 +64,6 @@ type Timestamp = UTCTime
type Checksum = BSL.ByteString
type MaxAge = NominalDiffTime
type DBVersion = Int
data Meta =
@ -95,7 +91,7 @@ withDB action = do
markUpdated :: Connection -> IO ()
markUpdated conn = do
now <- getCurrentTime
execute conn (Query $ T.unlines ["UPDATE meta", "SET last_update = ?"]) [now]
execute conn "UPDATE meta SET last_update = ?" [now]
-- | Rebuild the entire database, redownloading all data.
rebuildDB :: IO ()
@ -103,13 +99,10 @@ rebuildDB = do
dbPath <- getDBPath
removeFile dbPath
withConnection dbPath $ \conn -> do
execute_ conn $
Query $
["CREATE TABLE meta (", " db_version int,", " last_update text)"]
execute_ conn "CREATE TABLE meta (db_version int, last_update text)"
(Query $ T.unlines ["INSERT INTO meta", "VALUES (?, ?)"])
"INSERT INTO meta VALUES (?, ?)"
(softwareVersion, "1970-01-01 00:00:00" :: Text)
execute_ conn $
Query $
@ -129,12 +122,9 @@ rebuildDB = do
, " matcher text,"
, " UNIQUE(cve_id, product_id, matcher))"
execute_ conn $
Query $
["CREATE INDEX matchers_by_product_id", "ON matchers(product_id)"]
execute_ conn "CREATE INDEX matchers_by_product_id ON matchers(product_id)"
years <- allYears
forM_ years $ downloadFeed conn (7.5 * nominalDay)
forM_ years $ updateFeed conn
markUpdated conn
feedURL :: FeedID -> Extension -> String
@ -223,7 +213,7 @@ putCVEs conn cves =
(Query $ T.unlines ["DELETE FROM matchers", "WHERE cve_id = ?"])
"DELETE FROM matchers WHERE cve_id = ?"
(map (Only . cveID) cves)
@ -255,13 +245,9 @@ needsRebuild = do
dbVersion /= softwareVersion
-- | Download a feed and store it in the database.
downloadFeed :: Connection -> MaxAge -> FeedID -> IO ()
downloadFeed conn maxAge feedID
-- TODO: Because the database may need to be rebuilt frequently during
-- development, we cache the json in files to avoid redownloading. After
-- development is done, it can be downloaded directly without caching.
= do
json <- cacheFeedInFile maxAge feedID
updateFeed :: Connection -> FeedID -> IO ()
updateFeed conn feedID = do
json <- downloadFeed feedID
parsed <- either throwText pure $ parseFeed json
putCVEs conn parsed
@ -272,26 +258,17 @@ withVulnDB action = do
rebuild <- needsRebuild
when rebuild rebuildDB
withDB $ \conn -> do
unless rebuild $ do
downloadFeed conn (0.25 * nominalDay) "modified"
(_, lastUpdate) <- withDB getDBMeta
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
when (diffUTCTime currentTime lastUpdate > (0.25 * nominalDay)) $ do
updateFeed conn "modified"
markUpdated conn
action conn
-- | Update a feed if it's older than a maximum age and return the contents as
-- ByteString.
cacheFeedInFile :: MaxAge -> FeedID -> IO BSL.ByteString
cacheFeedInFile maxAge feed = do
cacheDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgCache "nixpkgs-update/nvd"
createDirectoryIfMissing True cacheDir
let cacheFile = cacheDir </> feed <.> "json"
cacheTime <- try $ getModificationTime cacheFile
currentTime <- getCurrentTime
let needsUpdate =
case cacheTime of
Left (_ :: IOError) -> True
Right t -> diffUTCTime currentTime t > maxAge
if needsUpdate
then do
downloadFeed :: FeedID -> IO BSL.ByteString
downloadFeed feed = do
putStrLn $ "updating feed " <> feed
Meta _ expectedChecksum <- getMeta feed
compressed <- simpleHttp $ feedURL feed ".json.gz"
@ -299,10 +276,7 @@ cacheFeedInFile maxAge feed = do
let actualChecksum = BSL.fromStrict $ hashlazy raw
when (actualChecksum /= expectedChecksum) $
throwString $
"wrong hash, expected: " <> BSL.unpack (hex expectedChecksum) <>
" got: " <>
BSL.unpack (hex actualChecksum)
BSL.writeFile cacheFile raw
"wrong hash, expected: " <>
BSL.unpack (hex expectedChecksum) <>
" got: " <> BSL.unpack (hex actualChecksum)
return raw
else do
BSL.readFile cacheFile