Merge branch 'mtl'

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Mulligan 2018-12-22 14:40:57 -08:00
commit 4ead506dc7
9 changed files with 184 additions and 197 deletions

View File

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ dependencies:
- parsers
- transformers
- lifted-base
- xdg-basedir

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Shelly
import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative as RE
import Text.Regex.Applicative (RE, (=~))
import Utils (UpdateEnv(..), Version, canFail, setupNixpkgs, succeded)
import Utils (UpdateEnv(..), Version, canFail, succeded)
default (T.Text)
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ archiveRegex version =
fixSrcUrl :: UpdateEnv -> FilePath -> Text -> Text -> Sh Text
fixSrcUrl updateEnv derivationFile attrPath oldSrcUrl = do
oldDerivationName <-
T.strip <$>
cmd "nix" "eval" "-f" "." "--raw" ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> ".name")

View File

@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module DeleteMerged
( deleteMerged
, deleteDone
( deleteDone
) where
import Control.Monad (forM_)
@ -17,36 +16,17 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified GH
import qualified Git
import Shelly
import Utils (Options, ourShell, setupNixpkgs)
import Utils (Options, ourShell)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
default (T.Text)
-- | Delete the already merged branches both from local and remote repository
deleteMerged :: Options -> IO ()
deleteMerged o =
ourShell o $ do
mergedRemoteBranches <- T.lines <$> cmd "git" "branch" "-ra" "--merged"
let mergedRemoteAutoUpdateBranches =
mergedRemoteBranches & filter ("origin/auto-update/" `T.isInfixOf`) &
mapMaybe (T.stripPrefix "remotes/origin/" . T.strip)
forM_ mergedRemoteAutoUpdateBranches $ \branch ->
cmd "git" "push" "origin" (":" <> branch)
mergedBranches <- T.lines <$> cmd "git" "branch" "-a" "--merged"
let mergedAutoUpdateBranches =
mergedBranches & filter ("auto-update/" `T.isInfixOf`) & map T.strip
forM_ mergedAutoUpdateBranches $ \branch -> cmd "git" "branch" "-d" branch
deleteDone :: Options -> IO ()
deleteDone o =
ourShell o $ do
result <- liftIO $ GH.closedAutoUpdateRefs o
case result of
Left error -> liftIO $ T.putStrLn error
Right refs ->
V.sequence_ (fmap (\r -> Git.deleteBranch ("auto-update/" <> r)) refs)
deleteDone o = do
result <- GH.closedAutoUpdateRefs o
case result of
Left error -> T.putStrLn error
Right refs ->
V.sequence_ (fmap (\r -> Git.deleteBranch ("auto-update/" <> r)) refs)

View File

@ -19,85 +19,86 @@ module Git
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, addUTCTime, diffUTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Shelly
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory, getModificationTime)
import Utils (Options(..), UpdateEnv(..), branchName, canFail)
import Utils (Options(..), UpdateEnv(..), branchName, canFail, shellyET)
default (T.Text)
clean :: Sh ()
clean = cmd "git" "clean" "-fdx"
clean :: MonadIO m => m ()
clean = shelly $ cmd "git" "clean" "-fdx"
cleanAndResetTo :: Text -> Text -> Sh ()
cleanAndResetTo :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> m ()
cleanAndResetTo branch target = do
cmd "git" "reset" "--hard"
shelly $ cmd "git" "reset" "--hard"
cmd "git" "checkout" "-B" branch target
cmd "git" "reset" "--hard" target
shelly $ cmd "git" "checkout" "-B" branch target
shelly $ cmd "git" "reset" "--hard" target
cleanAndResetToMaster :: Sh ()
cleanAndResetToMaster :: MonadIO m => m ()
cleanAndResetToMaster = cleanAndResetTo "master" "upstream/master"
cleanAndResetToStaging :: Sh ()
cleanAndResetToStaging :: MonadIO m => m ()
cleanAndResetToStaging = cleanAndResetTo "staging" "upstream/staging"
cleanup :: Text -> Sh ()
cleanup :: MonadIO m => Text -> m ()
cleanup branchName = do
canFail $ cmd "git" "branch" "-D" branchName
shelly $ canFail $ cmd "git" "branch" "-D" branchName
showRef :: Text -> Sh Text
showRef ref = cmd "git" "show-ref" ref
showRef :: MonadIO m => Text -> m Text
showRef ref = shelly $ cmd "git" "show-ref" ref
staleFetchHead :: IO Bool
staleFetchHead = do
staleFetchHead :: MonadIO m => m Bool
staleFetchHead = liftIO $ do
home <- getHomeDirectory
let fetchHead = home <> "/.cache/nixpkgs/.git/FETCH_HEAD"
oneHourAgo <- addUTCTime (fromInteger $ -60 * 60) <$> getCurrentTime
fetchedLast <- getModificationTime fetchHead
return (fetchedLast < oneHourAgo)
fetchIfStale :: Sh ()
fetchIfStale = whenM (liftIO staleFetchHead) fetch
fetchIfStale :: MonadIO m => m ()
fetchIfStale = whenM staleFetchHead fetch
fetch :: Sh ()
fetch :: MonadIO m => m ()
fetch =
canFail $ cmd "git" "fetch" "-q" "--prune" "--multiple" "upstream" "origin"
shelly $ canFail $ cmd "git" "fetch" "-q" "--prune" "--multiple" "upstream" "origin"
push :: UpdateEnv -> Sh ()
push :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> ExceptT Text m ()
push updateEnv =
shellyET $ run_
(["push", "--force", "--set-upstream", "origin", branchName updateEnv] ++
["--dry-run" | dryRun (options updateEnv)])
checkoutAtMergeBase :: Text -> Sh ()
checkoutAtMergeBase :: MonadIO m => Text -> m ()
checkoutAtMergeBase branchName = do
base <-
T.strip <$> cmd "git" "merge-base" "upstream/master" "upstream/staging"
cmd "git" "checkout" "-B" branchName base
T.strip <$> (shelly $ cmd "git" "merge-base" "upstream/master" "upstream/staging")
shelly $ cmd "git" "checkout" "-B" branchName base
checkAutoUpdateBranchDoesn'tExist :: Text -> ExceptT Text Sh ()
checkAutoUpdateBranchDoesn'tExist :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m ()
checkAutoUpdateBranchDoesn'tExist packageName = do
remoteBranches <-
lift $ map T.strip . T.lines <$> (silently $ cmd "git" "branch" "--remote")
lift $ map T.strip . T.lines <$> (shelly $ silently $ cmd "git" "branch" "--remote")
(("origin/auto-update/" <> packageName) `elem` remoteBranches)
(throwE "Update branch already on origin.")
commit :: Text -> Sh ()
commit = cmd "git" "commit" "-am"
commit :: MonadIO m => Text -> m ()
commit ref = shelly $ cmd "git" "commit" "-am" ref
headHash :: Sh Text
headHash = cmd "git" "rev-parse" "HEAD"
headHash :: MonadIO m => m Text
headHash = shelly $ cmd "git" "rev-parse" "HEAD"
deleteBranch :: Text -> Sh ()
deleteBranch branchName = do
deleteBranch :: MonadIO m => Text -> m ()
deleteBranch branchName = shelly $ do
canFail $ do
cmd "git" "branch" "-D" branchName
cmd "git" "push" "origin" (":" <> branchName)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.Posix.Env (getEnv)
import Update (updateAll)
import Utils (Options(..))
import Utils (Options(..), setupNixpkgs)
default (T.Text)
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
mode <- Opt.execParser programInfo
options <- makeOptions
case mode of
DeleteDone -> deleteDone options
Update -> updateAll options

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module Nix
( nixEvalE
( nixEvalET
, compareVersions
, lookupAttrPath
, getDerivationFile
@ -27,14 +27,15 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Shelly (FilePath, Sh, cmd, fromText, run, setStdin, toTextIgnore)
import Utils (UpdateEnv(..), rewriteError, shE, shRE)
import Shelly (FilePath, Sh, cmd, fromText, run, setStdin, shelly, toTextIgnore)
import Utils (UpdateEnv(..), rewriteError, overwriteErrorT, shE, shRE, shellyET)
data Raw
= Raw
@ -44,32 +45,30 @@ rawOpt :: Raw -> [Text]
rawOpt Raw = ["--raw"]
rawOpt NoRaw = []
nixEvalE :: Raw -> Text -> Sh (Either Text Text)
nixEvalE raw expr =
run "nix" (["eval", "-f", "."] <> rawOpt raw <> [expr]) &
(fmap T.strip >>> shE >>> rewriteError ("nix eval failed for " <> expr))
nixEvalET :: MonadIO m => Raw -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
nixEvalET raw expr =
run "nix" (["eval", "-f", "."] <> rawOpt raw <> [expr]) & fmap T.strip &
shellyET &
overwriteErrorT ("nix eval failed for " <> expr)
-- Error if the "new version" is actually newer according to nix
compareVersions :: UpdateEnv -> Sh (Either Text ())
compareVersions :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> ExceptT Text m ()
compareVersions updateEnv = do
versionComparison <-
("(builtins.compareVersions \"" <> newVersion updateEnv <> "\" \"" <>
oldVersion updateEnv <>
return $
case versionComparison of
Right "1" -> Right ()
Right a ->
Left $
newVersion updateEnv <> " is not newer than " <> oldVersion updateEnv <>
" according to Nix; versionComparison: " <>
Left a -> Left a
-- This is extremely slow but gives us the best results we know of
case versionComparison of
"1" -> return ()
a -> throwE (
newVersion updateEnv <> " is not newer than " <> oldVersion updateEnv <>
" according to Nix; versionComparison: " <>
lookupAttrPath :: UpdateEnv -> Sh (Either Text Text)
-- This is extremely slow but gives us the best results we know of
lookupAttrPath :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> m (Either Text Text)
lookupAttrPath updateEnv =
@ -81,91 +80,88 @@ lookupAttrPath updateEnv =
"{ allowBroken = true; allowUnfree = true; allowAliases = false; }" &
(fmap (head . T.words . head . T.lines) >>>
shE >>>
rewriteError "nix-env -q failed to find package name with old version")
(fmap (T.lines >>> head >>> T.words >>> head)) &
shE &
rewriteError "nix-env -q failed to find package name with old version" &
getDerivationFile :: UpdateEnv -> Text -> Sh (Either Text FilePath)
getDerivationFile :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> Text -> m (Either Text FilePath)
getDerivationFile updateEnv attrPath =
cmd "env" "EDITOR=echo" "nix" "edit" attrPath "-f" "." &
(fmap T.strip >>>
fmap fromText >>> shE >>> rewriteError "Couldn't find derivation file.")
cmd "env" "EDITOR=echo" "nix" "edit" attrPath "-f" "." & fmap T.strip &
fmap fromText &
shE &
rewriteError "Couldn't find derivation file." &
getHash :: Text -> Sh (Either Text Text)
getHash attrPath = do
e1 <- nixEvalE Raw ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> ".src.drvAttrs.outputHash")
case e1 of
Right _ -> return e1
Left _ -> nixEvalE Raw ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> ".drvAttrs.outputHash")
getHash :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getHash attrPath =
(nixEvalET Raw ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> ".src.drvAttrs.outputHash")) <|>
nixEvalET Raw ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> ".drvAttrs.outputHash")
getOldHash :: Text -> Sh (Either Text Text)
getOldHash :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getOldHash attrPath =
getHash attrPath &
("Could not find old output hash at " <> attrPath <>
".src.drvAttrs.outputHash or .drvAttrs.outputHash.")
getMaintainers :: Text -> Sh (Either Text Text)
getMaintainers :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getMaintainers attrPath =
("(let pkgs = import ./. {}; gh = m : m.github or \"\"; nonempty = s: s != \"\"; addAt = s: \"@\"+s; in builtins.concatStringsSep \" \" (map addAt (builtins.filter nonempty (map gh pkgs." <>
attrPath <>
".meta.maintainers or []))))") &
rewriteError ("Could not fetch maintainers for" <> attrPath)
overwriteErrorT ("Could not fetch maintainers for" <> attrPath)
readNixBool :: Either Text Text -> Either Text Bool
readNixBool (Right "true") = Right True
readNixBool (Right "false") = Right False
readNixBool (Right a) = Left ("Failed to convert expected nix boolean " <> a)
readNixBool (Left e) = Left e
readNixBool :: MonadIO m => ExceptT Text m Text -> ExceptT Text m Bool
readNixBool t = do
text <- t
case text of
"true" -> return True
"false" -> return False
a -> throwE ("Failed to read expected nix boolean " <> a)
getIsBroken :: Text -> Sh (Either Text Bool)
getIsBroken :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Bool
getIsBroken attrPath =
("(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in pkgs." <> attrPath <>
".meta.broken or false)") &
fmap readNixBool &
rewriteError ("Could not get meta.broken for attrpath " <> attrPath)
readNixBool &
overwriteErrorT ("Could not get meta.broken for attrpath " <> attrPath)
getDescription :: Text -> Sh (Either Text Text)
getDescription :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getDescription attrPath =
("(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in pkgs." <> attrPath <>
".meta.description or \"\")") &
rewriteError ("Could not get meta.description for attrpath " <> attrPath)
overwriteErrorT ("Could not get meta.description for attrpath " <> attrPath)
getSrcUrl :: Text -> Sh (Either Text Text)
getSrcUrl attrPath = do
e1 <-
getSrcUrl :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getSrcUrl attrPath =
("(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in builtins.elemAt pkgs." <> attrPath <>
".src.drvAttrs.urls 0)") <|>
("(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in builtins.elemAt pkgs." <> attrPath <>
".src.drvAttrs.urls 0)")
case e1 of
Right _ -> return e1
Left _ ->
("(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in builtins.elemAt pkgs." <> attrPath <>
".drvAttrs.urls 0)")
".drvAttrs.urls 0)")
getSrcAttr :: Text -> Text -> Sh (Either Text Text)
getSrcAttr :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getSrcAttr attr attrPath = do
e1 <- nixEvalE NoRaw ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> ".src." <> attr)
case e1 of
Right _ -> return e1
Left _ -> nixEvalE NoRaw ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> "." <> attr)
nixEvalET NoRaw ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> ".src." <> attr) <|>
nixEvalET NoRaw ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> "." <> attr)
getSrcUrls :: Text -> Sh (Either Text Text)
getSrcUrls :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getSrcUrls = getSrcAttr "urls"
buildCmd :: Text -> Sh Text
buildCmd :: Text -> Sh ()
buildCmd attrPath =
@ -182,17 +178,16 @@ build attrPath = do
Right _ -> return $ Right ()
Left _ -> do
buildLogE <-
cmd "nix" "log" "-f" "." attrPath &
(shE >>>
(fmap . fmap)
(T.lines >>> reverse >>> take 30 >>> reverse >>> T.unlines))
cmd "nix" "log" "-f" "." attrPath & shE &
(fmap . fmap)
(T.lines >>> reverse >>> take 30 >>> reverse >>> T.unlines)
return $
case buildLogE of
Left t -> Left "nix log failed trying to get build logs"
Right buildLog -> Left ("nix build failed.\n" <> buildLog)
cachix :: FilePath -> Sh ()
cachix resultPath = do
cachix :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m ()
cachix resultPath = shelly $ do
setStdin (toTextIgnore resultPath)
void $ shE $ cmd "cachix" "push" "r-ryantm"
@ -202,18 +197,18 @@ numberOfFetchers derivationContents =
count x = T.count x derivationContents
oldVersionOn :: UpdateEnv -> Text -> Text -> Sh (Either Text ())
oldVersionOn :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> Text -> Text -> m (Either Text ())
oldVersionOn updateEnv branchName contents =
("Old version not present in " <> branchName <> " derivation file.")
(oldVersion updateEnv `T.isInfixOf` contents))
resultLink :: ExceptT Text Sh FilePath
resultLink :: MonadIO m => ExceptT Text m FilePath
resultLink =
(T.strip >>> fromText) <$> do
(ExceptT $ shE $ cmd "readlink" "./result") <|>
(ExceptT $ shE $ cmd "readlink" "./result-bin") <|>
(shellyET $ cmd "readlink" "./result") <|>
(shellyET $ cmd "readlink" "./result-bin") <|>
throwE "Could not find result link."
sha256Zero :: Text

View File

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ in
outPath :: Sh Text
outPath =
sub $ do

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module Update
@ -13,11 +15,11 @@ import qualified Blacklist
import qualified Check
import Clean (fixSrcUrl)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Error
import Control.Exception (SomeException, throw, toException)
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import Control.Monad (forM_, mplus)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.IORef
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ import NeatInterpolation (text)
import qualified Nix
import Outpaths
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Shelly
import Shelly.Lifted
import Utils
( Options(..)
, UpdateEnv(..)
@ -51,9 +53,8 @@ import Utils
, ourShell
, parseUpdates
, rewriteError
, setupNixpkgs
, shE
, tRead
, shE
default (T.Text)
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ updateLoop options log (Right (package, oldVersion, newVersion):moreUpdates) mer
updated <- updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext
case updated of
Left failure -> do
Git.cleanup (branchName updateEnv)
liftIO $ Git.cleanup (branchName updateEnv)
log $ "FAIL " <> failure
if ".0" `T.isSuffixOf` newVersion
then let Just newNewVersion = ".0" `T.stripSuffix` newVersion
@ -125,27 +126,26 @@ updatePackage ::
updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
runExceptT $ do
Blacklist.packageName (packageName updateEnv)
lift setupNixpkgs
-- Check whether requested version is newer than the current one
ExceptT $ Nix.compareVersions updateEnv
lift Git.fetchIfStale
Nix.compareVersions updateEnv
liftIO $ Git.fetchIfStale
Git.checkAutoUpdateBranchDoesn'tExist (packageName updateEnv)
lift Git.cleanAndResetToMaster
liftIO Git.cleanAndResetToMaster
attrPath <- ExceptT $ Nix.lookupAttrPath updateEnv
ensureVersionCompatibleWithPathPin updateEnv attrPath
srcUrls <- ExceptT $ Nix.getSrcUrls attrPath
srcUrls <- Nix.getSrcUrls attrPath
Blacklist.srcUrl srcUrls
Blacklist.attrPath attrPath
masterShowRef <- lift $ Git.showRef "master"
lift $ log masterShowRef
derivationFile <- ExceptT $ Nix.getDerivationFile updateEnv attrPath
flip catches [Handler (\(ex :: SomeException) -> throwE (T.pack (show ex)))] $
-- Make sure it hasn't been updated on master
masterDerivationContents <- lift $ readfile derivationFile
masterShowRef <- lift $ Git.showRef "master"
lift $ log masterShowRef
ExceptT $ Nix.oldVersionOn updateEnv "master" masterDerivationContents
-- Make sure it hasn't been updated on staging
lift Git.cleanAndResetToStaging
liftIO Git.cleanAndResetToStaging
masterShowRef <- lift $ Git.showRef "staging"
lift $ log masterShowRef
stagingDerivationContents <- lift $ readfile derivationFile
@ -170,14 +170,14 @@ updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
(Nix.numberOfFetchers derivationContents > 1)
(throwE $ "More than one fetcher in " <> toTextIgnore derivationFile)
Blacklist.content derivationContents
oldHash <- ExceptT $ Nix.getOldHash attrPath
oldSrcUrl <- ExceptT $ Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath
oldHash <- Nix.getOldHash attrPath
oldSrcUrl <- Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath
lift $
(oldVersion updateEnv)
(newVersion updateEnv)
newSrcUrl <- ExceptT $ Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath
newSrcUrl <- Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath
when (oldSrcUrl == newSrcUrl) $ throwE "Source url did not change."
lift $ File.replace oldHash Nix.sha256Zero derivationFile
newHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild (attrPath <> ".src") <|>
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff = do
case Blacklist.checkResult (packageName updateEnv) of
Right () -> lift $ sub (Check.result updateEnv result)
Left msg -> pure msg
d <- ExceptT $ (Nix.getDescription attrPath)
d <- Nix.getDescription attrPath
let metaDescription =
"\n\nmeta.description for " <> attrPath <> " is: '" <> d <> "'."
releaseUrlResult <- liftIO $ GH.releaseUrl newSrcUrl
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff = do
lift $ log e
return "\n"
Right msg -> return ("\n[Compare changes on GitHub](" <> msg <> ")\n\n")
maintainers <- ExceptT $ (Nix.getMaintainers attrPath)
maintainers <- Nix.getMaintainers attrPath
let maintainersCc =
if not (T.null maintainers)
then "\n\ncc " <> maintainers <> " for testing."
@ -242,36 +242,33 @@ publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff = do
ExceptT $ shE $ Git.commit commitMsg
commitHash <- lift $ Git.headHash
-- Try to push it three times
ExceptT $ shE
(Git.push updateEnv `orElse` Git.push updateEnv `orElse` Git.push updateEnv)
isBroken <- ExceptT $ (Nix.getIsBroken attrPath)
Git.push updateEnv <|> Git.push updateEnv <|> Git.push updateEnv
isBroken <- Nix.getIsBroken attrPath
lift $ untilOfBorgFree
let base =
if numPackageRebuilds opDiff < 100
then "master"
else "staging"
ExceptT $ shE $
(outpathReport opDiff))
lift $ Git.cleanAndResetToMaster
lift $
(outpathReport opDiff))
liftIO $ Git.cleanAndResetToMaster
repologyUrl :: UpdateEnv -> Text
repologyUrl updateEnv = [text|$pname/versions|]
pname = (packageName >>> T.toLower) updateEnv
pname = updateEnv & packageName & T.toLower
commitMessage :: UpdateEnv -> Text -> Text
commitMessage updateEnv attrPath =
let oV = oldVersion updateEnv

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ module Utils
, succeded
, shE
, shRE
, shellyET
, overwriteErrorT
, rewriteError
, eitherToError
, branchName
@ -22,14 +24,19 @@ module Utils
, ourSilentShell
) where
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Error
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Shelly
import Shelly.Lifted
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir
default (T.Text)
@ -48,17 +55,18 @@ data UpdateEnv = UpdateEnv
, options :: Options
setupNixpkgs :: Sh ()
setupNixpkgs :: IO ()
setupNixpkgs = do
home <- get_env_text "HOME"
let nixpkgsPath = home </> ".cache" </> "nixpkgs"
unlessM (test_e nixpkgsPath) $ do
cmd "hub" "clone" "nixpkgs" nixpkgsPath -- requires that user has forked nixpkgs
cd nixpkgsPath
cmd "git" "remote" "add" "upstream" ""
cmd "git" "fetch" "upstream"
cd nixpkgsPath
setenv "NIX_PATH" ("nixpkgs=" <> toTextIgnore nixpkgsPath)
fp <- getUserCacheDir "nixpkgs"
exists <- doesDirectoryExist fp
unless exists $ do
shelly $ run "hub" ["clone", "nixpkgs", T.pack fp] -- requires that user has forked nixpkgs
setCurrentDirectory fp
shelly $
cmd "git" "remote" "add" "upstream" ""
shelly $ cmd "git" "fetch" "upstream"
setCurrentDirectory fp
setEnv "NIX_PATH" ("nixpkgs=" <> fp)
-- | Set environment variables needed by various programs
setUpEnvironment :: Options -> Sh ()
@ -99,6 +107,12 @@ shRE s = do
0 -> return $ Left ""
c -> return $ Right stderr
shellyET :: MonadIO m => Sh a -> ExceptT Text m a
shellyET = shE >>> shelly >>> ExceptT
overwriteErrorT :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m a -> ExceptT Text m a
overwriteErrorT t = fmapLT (const t)
rewriteError :: Text -> Sh (Either Text a) -> Sh (Either Text a)
rewriteError t = fmap (first (const t))