nix: update eval commands

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Mulligan 2023-01-03 19:53:27 -08:00
parent b294040b32
commit 9f8166a7f9
5 changed files with 58 additions and 198 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
cabal-version: 2.2
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.7.
-- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.35.0.
-- see:
-- hash: a211130dbcad57cde6ded74551b5390d00263e875e811750d2e3f168e96fcccf
-- hash: 94f21d6da342bb311acc23da9681dae7e37fda3ecbf6b623de9880de38785605
name: nixpkgs-update
version: 0.4.0
@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ test-suite spec

View File

@ -15,16 +15,13 @@ module Nix
@ -42,10 +39,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import qualified Git
import Language.Haskell.TH.Env (envQ)
import OurPrelude
import qualified Polysemy.Error as Error
import qualified System.Process.Typed as TP
import qualified Process
import qualified Process as P
import System.Exit()
import Utils (UpdateEnv (..), nixBuildOptions, nixCommonOptions, srcOrMain)
import Prelude hiding (log)
@ -65,28 +59,30 @@ rawOpt :: Raw -> [String]
rawOpt Raw = ["--raw"]
rawOpt NoRaw = []
nixEvalSem ::
Members '[P.Process, Error Text] r =>
EvalOptions ->
nixEvalApply ::
MonadIO m =>
Text ->
Sem r (Text, Text)
nixEvalSem (EvalOptions raw (Env env)) expr =
(\(stdout, stderr) -> (T.strip stdout, T.strip stderr))
<$> ourReadProcess_Sem
(setEnv env (proc (binPath <> "/nix") (["eval", "-f", "."] <> rawOpt raw <> [T.unpack expr])))
nixEvalET :: MonadIO m => EvalOptions -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
nixEvalET (EvalOptions raw (Env env)) expr =
Text ->
ExceptT Text m Text
nixEvalApply applyFunc attrPath =
(setEnv env (proc (binPath <> "/nix") (["eval", "-f", "."] <> rawOpt raw <> [T.unpack expr])))
(proc (binPath <> "/nix") (["eval", ".#" <> T.unpack attrPath, "--apply", T.unpack applyFunc]))
& fmapRT (fst >>> T.strip)
nixEvalExpr ::
MonadIO m =>
Text ->
ExceptT Text m Text
nixEvalExpr expr =
(proc (binPath <> "/nix") (["eval", "--expr", T.unpack expr]))
& fmapRT (fst >>> T.strip)
-- Error if the "new version" is actually newer according to nix
assertNewerVersion :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> ExceptT Text m ()
assertNewerVersion updateEnv = do
versionComparison <-
(EvalOptions NoRaw (Env []))
( "(builtins.compareVersions \""
<> newVersion updateEnv
<> "\" \""
@ -123,10 +119,8 @@ lookupAttrPath updateEnv =
& fmapRT (fst >>> T.lines >>> head >>> T.words >>> head))
-- if that fails, check by attrpath
(EvalOptions Raw (Env []))
("pkgs." <> packageName updateEnv)
& fmapRT (const (packageName updateEnv)))
(getAttr "name" (packageName updateEnv))
& fmapRT (const (packageName updateEnv))
getDerivationFile :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getDerivationFile attrPath = do
@ -137,28 +131,15 @@ getDerivationFile attrPath = do
-- Get an attribute that can be evaluated off a derivation, as in:
-- getAttr "cargoSha256" "ripgrep" -> 0lwz661rbm7kwkd6mallxym1pz8ynda5f03ynjfd16vrazy2dj21
getAttr :: MonadIO m => Raw -> Text -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getAttr raw attr =
(\attrPath -> nixEvalET (EvalOptions raw (Env [])) (attrPath <> "." <> attr))
getAttr :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getAttr attr = srcOrMain (nixEvalApply ("p: p."<> attr))
getHash :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getHash =
(\attrPath -> nixEvalET (EvalOptions Raw (Env [])) ("pkgs." <> attrPath <> ".drvAttrs.outputHash"))
getOldHash :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getOldHash attrPath =
getHash attrPath
getHash = getAttr "drvAttrs.outputHash"
getMaintainers :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getMaintainers attrPath =
(EvalOptions Raw (Env []))
( "(let pkgs = import ./. {}; gh = m : m.github or \"\"; nonempty = s: s != \"\"; addAt = s: \"@\"+s; in builtins.concatStringsSep \" \" (map addAt (builtins.filter nonempty (map gh pkgs."
<> attrPath
<> ".meta.maintainers or []))))"
getMaintainers =
nixEvalApply "p: let gh = m : m.github or \"\"; nonempty = s: s != \"\"; addAt = s: \"@\"+s; in builtins.concatStringsSep \" \" (map addAt (builtins.filter nonempty (map gh p.meta.maintainers or []))"
readNixBool :: MonadIO m => ExceptT Text m Text -> ExceptT Text m Bool
readNixBool t = do
@ -170,65 +151,21 @@ readNixBool t = do
getIsBroken :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Bool
getIsBroken attrPath =
(EvalOptions NoRaw (Env []))
( "(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in pkgs."
<> attrPath
<> ".meta.broken or false)"
getAttr "meta.broken" attrPath
& readNixBool
getChangelog :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getChangelog attrPath =
(EvalOptions NoRaw (Env []))
( "(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in pkgs."
<> attrPath
<> ".meta.changelog or \"\")"
getChangelog = nixEvalApply "p: p.meta.changelog or \"\""
getDescription :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getDescription attrPath =
(EvalOptions NoRaw (Env []))
( "(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in pkgs."
<> attrPath
<> ".meta.description or \"\")"
getDescription = nixEvalApply "p: p.meta.description or \"\""
getHomepage ::
Members '[P.Process, Error Text] r =>
Text ->
Sem r Text
getHomepage attrPath =
fst <$> nixEvalSem
(EvalOptions NoRaw (Env []))
( "(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in pkgs."
<> attrPath
<> ".meta.homepage or \"\")"
getHomepageET :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getHomepageET attrPath =
. liftIO
. runFinal
. embedToFinal
. Error.runError
. Process.runIO
$ getHomepage attrPath
getHomepage :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getHomepage = nixEvalApply "p: p.meta.homepage or \"\""
getSrcUrl :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getSrcUrl =
( \attrPath ->
(EvalOptions Raw (Env []))
( "(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in builtins.elemAt pkgs."
<> attrPath
<> ".drvAttrs.urls 0)"
getSrcUrl = srcOrMain
(nixEvalApply "p: builtins.elemAt p.drvAttrs.urls 0")
buildCmd :: Text -> ProcessConfig () () ()
buildCmd attrPath =
@ -323,13 +260,8 @@ version :: MonadIO m => ExceptT Text m Text
version = ourReadProcessInterleaved_ (proc (binPath <> "/nix") ["--version"])
getPatches :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getPatches attrPath =
(EvalOptions NoRaw (Env []))
( "(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in (map (p: pkgs."
<> attrPath
<> ".patches))"
getPatches =
nixEvalApply "p: map (patch: p.patches"
hasPatchNamed :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> ExceptT Text m Bool
hasPatchNamed attrPath name = do
@ -338,16 +270,9 @@ hasPatchNamed attrPath name = do
hasUpdateScript :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Bool
hasUpdateScript attrPath= do
result <-
(EvalOptions NoRaw (Env []))
( "(let pkgs = import ./. {}; in builtins.hasAttr \"updateScript\" pkgs."
<> attrPath
<> ")"
case result of
"true" -> return True
_ -> return False
"p: builtins.hasAttr \"updateScript\" p" attrPath
& readNixBool
runUpdateScript :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m (ExitCode, Text)
runUpdateScript attrPath = do

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module Rewrite
@ -24,15 +23,9 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (statusCode)
import qualified Nix
import OurPrelude
import qualified Polysemy.Error as Error
import Polysemy.Output (Output, output)
import qualified Process
import System.Exit()
import Utils (UpdateEnv (..))
import qualified Utils
( runLog,
import qualified Utils (stripQuotes)
import Prelude hiding (log)
@ -69,7 +62,7 @@ plan =
("rustCrateVersion", rustCrateVersion),
("golangModuleVersion", golangModuleVersion),
("updateScript", updateScript),
("", quotedUrlsET) -- Don't change the logger
("", quotedUrls) -- Don't change the logger
--("redirectedUrl", Rewrite.redirectedUrls)
@ -103,47 +96,32 @@ version log args@Args {..} = do
-- Rewrite meta.homepage (and eventually other URLs) to be quoted if not
-- already, as per
quotedUrls ::
Members '[Process.Process, File.File, Error Text, Output Text] r =>
Args ->
Sem r (Maybe Text)
quotedUrls Args {..} = do
output "[quotedUrls]"
quotedUrls :: (Text -> IO ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text IO (Maybe Text)
quotedUrls log Args {..} = do
lift $ log "[quotedUrls]"
homepage <- Nix.getHomepage attrPath
stripped <- case Utils.stripQuotes homepage of
Nothing -> throw "Could not strip url! This should never happen!"
Nothing -> throwE "Could not strip url! This should never happen!"
Just x -> pure x
let goodHomepage = "homepage = " <> homepage <> ";"
let replacer = \target -> File.replace target goodHomepage derivationFile
let replacer = \target -> File.replaceIO target goodHomepage derivationFile
urlReplaced1 <- replacer ("homepage = " <> stripped <> ";")
urlReplaced2 <- replacer ("homepage = " <> stripped <> " ;")
urlReplaced3 <- replacer ("homepage =" <> stripped <> ";")
urlReplaced4 <- replacer ("homepage =" <> stripped <> "; ")
if urlReplaced1 || urlReplaced2 || urlReplaced3 || urlReplaced4
then do
output "[quotedUrls]: added quotes to meta.homepage"
lift $ log "[quotedUrls]: added quotes to meta.homepage"
return $ Just "Quoted meta.homepage for [RFC 45]("
else do
output "[quotedUrls] nothing found to replace"
lift $ log "[quotedUrls] nothing found to replace"
return Nothing
quotedUrlsET :: MonadIO m => (Text -> IO ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe Text)
quotedUrlsET log rwArgs =
ExceptT $
. runFinal
. embedToFinal
. Error.runError
. Process.runIO
. File.runIO
. Utils.runLog log
$ quotedUrls rwArgs
-- Redirect homepage when moved.
redirectedUrls :: MonadIO m => (Text -> m ()) -> Args -> ExceptT Text m (Maybe Text)
redirectedUrls log Args {..} = do
unstripped <- Nix.getHomepageET attrPath
unstripped <- Nix.getHomepage attrPath
homepage <- case Utils.stripQuotes unstripped of
Nothing -> throwE "Could not strip homepage! This should never happen!"
Just x -> pure x
@ -191,7 +169,7 @@ rustCrateVersion log args@Args {..} = do
-- This starts the same way `version` does, minus the assert
srcVersionFix args
-- But then from there we need to do this a second time for the cargoSha256!
oldCargoSha256 <- Nix.getAttr Nix.Raw "cargoSha256" attrPath
oldCargoSha256 <- Nix.getAttr "cargoSha256" attrPath
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldCargoSha256 Nix.fakeHash derivationFile
newCargoSha256 <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath
when (oldCargoSha256 == newCargoSha256) $ throwE "cargoSha256 hashes equal; no update necessary"
@ -220,7 +198,7 @@ golangModuleVersion log args@Args {..} = do
srcVersionFix args
-- But then from there we need to do this a second time for the vendorSha256!
-- Note that explicit `null` cannot be coerced to a string by nix eval --raw
oldVendorSha256 <- (Nix.getAttr Nix.Raw "vendorSha256" attrPath <|> Nix.getAttr Nix.NoRaw "vendorSha256" attrPath)
oldVendorSha256 <- (Nix.getAttr "vendorSha256" attrPath <|> Nix.getAttr "vendorSha256" attrPath)
lift . log $ "Found old vendorSha256 = " <> oldVendorSha256
original <- liftIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO ("\"" <> oldVendorSha256 <> "\"") "null" derivationFile
@ -265,7 +243,7 @@ updateScript log Args {..} = do
srcVersionFix :: MonadIO m => Args -> ExceptT Text m ()
srcVersionFix Args {..} = do
let UpdateEnv {..} = updateEnv
oldHash <- Nix.getOldHash attrPath
oldHash <- Nix.getHash attrPath
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldVersion newVersion derivationFile
_ <- lift $ File.replaceIO oldHash Nix.fakeHash derivationFile
newHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath

View File

@ -310,10 +310,10 @@ updateAttrPath log mergeBase updateEnv@UpdateEnv {..} attrPath = do
-- Get the original values for diffing purposes
derivationContents <- liftIO $ T.readFile $ T.unpack derivationFile
oldHash <- Nix.getOldHash attrPath <|> pure ""
oldHash <- Nix.getHash attrPath <|> pure ""
oldSrcUrl <- Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath <|> pure ""
oldRev <- Nix.getAttr Nix.Raw "rev" attrPath <|> pure ""
oldVerMay <- rightMay `fmapRT` (lift $ runExceptT $ Nix.getAttr Nix.Raw "version" attrPath)
oldRev <- Nix.getAttr "rev" attrPath <|> pure ""
oldVerMay <- rightMay `fmapRT` (lift $ runExceptT $ Nix.getAttr "version" attrPath)
"The derivation has no 'version' attribute, so do not know how to figure out the version while doing an updateScript update"
@ -340,8 +340,8 @@ updateAttrPath log mergeBase updateEnv@UpdateEnv {..} attrPath = do
updatedDerivationContents <- liftIO $ T.readFile $ T.unpack derivationFile
newSrcUrl <- Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath <|> pure ""
newHash <- Nix.getHash attrPath <|> pure ""
newRev <- Nix.getAttr Nix.Raw "rev" attrPath <|> pure ""
newVerMay <- rightMay `fmapRT` (lift $ runExceptT $ Nix.getAttr Nix.Raw "version" attrPath)
newRev <- Nix.getAttr "rev" attrPath <|> pure ""
newVerMay <- rightMay `fmapRT` (lift $ runExceptT $ Nix.getAttr "version" attrPath)
"The derivation has no 'version' attribute, so do not know how to figure out the version while doing an updateScript update"
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opReport prBase
Right () -> lift $ Check.result updateEnv (T.unpack result)
Left msg -> pure msg
metaDescription <- Nix.getDescription attrPath <|> return T.empty
metaHomepage <- Nix.getHomepageET attrPath <|> return T.empty
metaHomepage <- Nix.getHomepage attrPath <|> return T.empty
metaChangelog <- Nix.getChangelog attrPath <|> return T.empty
cveRep <- liftIO $ cveReport updateEnv
releaseUrl <- GH.releaseUrl updateEnv newSrcUrl <|> return ""

View File

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module RewriteSpec where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified File
import OurPrelude
import qualified Polysemy.Error as Error
import qualified Polysemy.Output as Output
import qualified Process
import qualified Rewrite
import Test.Hspec
import qualified Utils
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Rewrite.quotedUrls" do
it "quotes an unquoted meta.homepage URL" do
nixQuotedHomepageBad <- T.readFile "test_data/quoted_homepage_bad.nix"
nixQuotedHomepageGood <- T.readFile "test_data/quoted_homepage_good.nix"
let options = Utils.Options False False "r-ryantm" "" False False False False
let updateEnv = Utils.UpdateEnv "inadyn" "2.5" "2.6" Nothing options
-- TODO test correct file is being read
let rwArgs = Rewrite.Args updateEnv "inadyn" undefined undefined False
(logs, (newContents, result)) <-
( runFinal
. embedToFinal
. Output.runOutputList
. File.runPure [nixQuotedHomepageBad]
. Process.runPure ["\"\""]
. Error.errorToIOFinal
$ Rewrite.quotedUrls rwArgs
T.putStrLn $ T.unlines logs
head logs `shouldBe` "[quotedUrls]"
result `shouldBe` Right (Just "Quoted meta.homepage for [RFC 45](")
head newContents `shouldBe` nixQuotedHomepageGood