mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 13:52:49 +03:00
purge most of Shelly.FilePath; use XDG Base Directory Specification for working dir
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ import OurPrelude
import Control.Applicative (many)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Shell
import Shelly
import Shelly hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative.Text as RE
import Text.Regex.Applicative.Text (RE', (=~))
import Utils (Options(..), UpdateEnv(..), Version)
import Utils (UpdateEnv(..), Version, runtimeDir)
default (T.Text)
@ -38,7 +37,8 @@ versionRegex version =
checkBinary :: Text -> Version -> FilePath -> Sh BinaryCheck
checkBinary argument expectedVersion program =
(do stdout <- Shell.canFail $ cmd "timeout" "-k" "2" "1" program argument
(do stdout <-
Shell.canFail $ cmd "timeout" "-k" "2" "1" (T.pack program) argument
code <- lastExitCode
stderr <- lastStderr
let hasVersion =
@ -86,72 +86,81 @@ runChecks expectedVersion program =
checkReport :: BinaryCheck -> Text
checkReport (BinaryCheck p False False) =
"- Warning: no invocation of " <> toTextIgnore p <>
"- Warning: no invocation of " <> T.pack p <>
" had a zero exit code or showed the expected version"
checkReport (BinaryCheck p _ _) =
"- " <> toTextIgnore p <> " passed the binary check."
"- " <> T.pack p <> " passed the binary check."
result :: UpdateEnv -> FilePath -> Sh Text
result updateEnv resultPath = do
let expectedVersion = newVersion updateEnv
home <- get_env_text "HOME"
let logFile = workingDir (options updateEnv) </> "check-result-log.tmp"
setenv "EDITOR" "echo"
setenv "HOME" "/homeless-shelter"
let addToReport input = appendfile logFile (input <> "\n")
tempdir <- fromText . T.strip <$> cmd "mktemp" "-d"
chdir tempdir $ do
rm_f logFile
let binaryDir = resultPath </> "bin"
binExists <- test_d binaryDir
binaries <-
if binExists
then findWhen test_f (resultPath </> "bin")
else return []
checks' <- forM binaries $ \binary -> runChecks expectedVersion binary
addToReport (T.intercalate "\n" (map checkReport checks'))
let passedZeroExitCode =
(T.pack . show)
(\acc c ->
if zeroExitCode c
then acc + 1
else acc)
checks' :: Int)
passedVersionPresent =
(T.pack . show)
(\acc c ->
if versionPresent c
then acc + 1
else acc)
checks' :: Int)
numBinaries = (T.pack . show) (length binaries)
("- " <> passedZeroExitCode <> " of " <> numBinaries <>
" passed binary check by having a zero exit code.")
("- " <> passedVersionPresent <> " of " <> numBinaries <>
" passed binary check by having the new version present in output.")
_ <- Shell.canFail $ cmd "grep" "-r" expectedVersion resultPath
whenM ((== 0) <$> lastExitCode) $
addToReport $
"- found " <> expectedVersion <> " with grep in " <>
toTextIgnore resultPath
(null <$>
(\p -> ((expectedVersion `T.isInfixOf` toTextIgnore p) &&) <$> test_f p)
resultPath) $
addToReport $
"- found " <> expectedVersion <> " in filename of file in " <>
toTextIgnore resultPath
setenv "HOME" home
gist1 <- cmd "tree" resultPath -|- cmd "gist"
unless (T.null gist1) $
addToReport $ "- directory tree listing: " <> T.strip gist1
gist2 <- cmd "du" "-h" resultPath -|- cmd "gist"
unless (T.null gist2) $ addToReport $ "- du listing: " <> T.strip gist2
Shell.canFail $ readfile logFile
result :: MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> FilePath -> m Text
result updateEnv resultPath =
let shellyResultPath = fromText . T.pack $ resultPath
in Shell.ourShell (options updateEnv) $ do
let expectedVersion = newVersion updateEnv
home <- get_env_text "HOME"
rDir <- liftIO runtimeDir
let logFile = rDir <> "/check-result-log.tmp"
let shellyLogFile = logFile & T.pack & fromText
setenv "EDITOR" "echo"
setenv "HOME" "/homeless-shelter"
let addToReport input = appendfile shellyLogFile (input <> "\n")
tempdir <- fromText . T.strip <$> cmd "mktemp" "-d"
chdir tempdir $ do
rm_f (shellyLogFile)
let binaryDir = shellyResultPath </> "/bin"
binExists <- test_d binaryDir
binaries <-
if binExists
then findWhen test_f binaryDir
else return []
checks' <-
forM binaries $ \binary ->
runChecks expectedVersion (T.unpack $ toTextIgnore binary)
addToReport (T.intercalate "\n" (map checkReport checks'))
let passedZeroExitCode =
(T.pack . show)
(\acc c ->
if zeroExitCode c
then acc + 1
else acc)
checks' :: Int)
passedVersionPresent =
(T.pack . show)
(\acc c ->
if versionPresent c
then acc + 1
else acc)
checks' :: Int)
numBinaries = (T.pack . show) (length binaries)
("- " <> passedZeroExitCode <> " of " <> numBinaries <>
" passed binary check by having a zero exit code.")
("- " <> passedVersionPresent <> " of " <> numBinaries <>
" passed binary check by having the new version present in output.")
_ <- Shell.canFail $ cmd "grep" "-r" expectedVersion shellyResultPath
whenM ((== 0) <$> lastExitCode) $
addToReport $
"- found " <> expectedVersion <> " with grep in " <>
T.pack resultPath
(null <$>
(\p ->
((expectedVersion `T.isInfixOf` toTextIgnore p) &&) <$>
test_f p)
(fromText $ T.pack resultPath)) $
addToReport $
"- found " <> expectedVersion <> " in filename of file in " <>
toTextIgnore shellyResultPath
setenv "HOME" home
gist1 <- cmd "tree" shellyResultPath -|- cmd "gist"
unless (T.null gist1) $
addToReport $ "- directory tree listing: " <> T.strip gist1
gist2 <- cmd "du" "-h" shellyResultPath -|- cmd "gist"
unless (T.null gist2) $
addToReport $ "- du listing: " <> T.strip gist2
Shell.canFail (readfile shellyLogFile)
@ -11,9 +11,8 @@ import OurPrelude
import Control.Applicative (some)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified File
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Shell
import Shelly
import Shelly hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative.Text as RE
import Text.Regex.Applicative.Text (RE', (=~))
import Utils (UpdateEnv(..), Version)
@ -47,12 +46,17 @@ fixSrcUrl updateEnv derivationFile attrPath oldSrcUrl = do
(Shell.succeeded $
cmd "grep" "-q" ("name = \"" <> newDerivationName <> "\"") derivationFile) $
("name = \"" <> newDerivationName <> "\"")
(T.pack derivationFile)) $
-- Separate name and version
let newName = name <> "-${version}"
File.replace newDerivationName newName derivationFile
_ <- cmd "grep" "-q" ("name = \"" <> newName <> "\"") derivationFile
_ <-
cmd "grep" "-q" ("name = \"" <> newName <> "\"") (T.pack derivationFile)
_ <-
@ -61,12 +65,12 @@ fixSrcUrl updateEnv derivationFile attrPath oldSrcUrl = do
"-${version}\";\\)|\\1\\2\\n\\1version = \"" <>
newVersion updateEnv <>
(T.pack derivationFile)
("version = \"" <> newVersion updateEnv <> "\";")
(T.pack derivationFile)
-- Obtain download URLs from repology
-- TODO: use repology-api package
downloads <-
@ -97,11 +101,13 @@ fixSrcUrl updateEnv derivationFile attrPath oldSrcUrl = do
(T.replace newDerivationName "${name}" downloadUrl)
lift $ File.replace oldUrl newUrl derivationFile
_ <- lift $ cmd "grep" "-q" ("url = \"" <> newUrl <> "\";") derivationFile
_ <-
lift $
cmd "grep" "-q" ("url = \"" <> newUrl <> "\";") (T.pack derivationFile)
(lift $
Shell.succeeded $
cmd "grep" "-q" ("url = \"" <> newUrl <> "\";") derivationFile) $ do
cmd "grep" "-q" ("url = \"" <> newUrl <> "\";") (T.pack derivationFile)) $ do
hash <-
lift $
Shell.canFail $ cmd "nix-prefetch-url" "-A" (attrPath <> ".src")
@ -6,15 +6,9 @@ import OurPrelude
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Shelly
import Shelly (Sh, liftIO, toTextIgnore)
replaceIO :: Text -> Text -> FilePath -> IO ()
replaceIO find r file = do
contents <- T.readFile file
T.writeFile file (T.replace find r contents)
replace :: Text -> Text -> Shelly.FilePath -> Sh ()
replace find r file = liftIO $ replaceIO find r f
f = (T.unpack . toTextIgnore) file
replace :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> FilePath -> m ()
replace find r file =
liftIO $ do
contents <- T.readFile file
T.writeFile file (T.replace find r contents)
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ releaseUrl url = do
urlParts <- parseURL url
gReleaseUrl urlParts
pr :: Text -> Text -> Sh ()
pr base = cmd "hub" "pull-request" "-b" base "-m"
pr :: MonadIO m => Text -> Text -> m ()
pr base msg = shelly $ cmd "hub" "pull-request" "-b" base "-m" msg
data URLParts = URLParts
{ owner :: Name Owner
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import DeleteMerged (deleteDone)
import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import Update (updateAll)
import Utils (Options(..), setupNixpkgs)
@ -59,9 +58,8 @@ programInfo =
makeOptions :: Arguments -> IO Options
makeOptions Arguments {dry} = do
homeDir <- T.pack <$> getHomeDirectory
token <- T.strip <$> T.readFile "github_token.txt"
return $ Options dry (homeDir <> "/.nixpkgs-update") token
return $ Options dry token
main :: IO ()
main = do
@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ import OurPrelude
import Control.Monad (void)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import qualified Shell
import Shelly (FilePath, Sh, cmd, fromText, run, setStdin, shelly, toTextIgnore)
import Shelly (cmd, run, setStdin, shelly)
import Utils (UpdateEnv(..), overwriteErrorT)
data Raw
@ -83,7 +82,7 @@ lookupAttrPath updateEnv =
getDerivationFile :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m FilePath
getDerivationFile attrPath =
cmd "env" "EDITOR=echo" "nix" "edit" attrPath "-f" "." & fmap T.strip &
fmap fromText &
fmap T.unpack &
Shell.shellyET &
overwriteErrorT "Couldn't find derivation file."
@ -152,8 +151,9 @@ getSrcAttr attr attrPath =
getSrcUrls :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getSrcUrls = getSrcAttr "urls"
buildCmd :: Text -> Sh ()
buildCmd =
buildCmd :: MonadIO m => Text -> m ()
buildCmd attrPath =
shelly $
@ -163,6 +163,7 @@ buildCmd =
build :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m ()
build attrPath =
@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ build attrPath =
cachix :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m ()
cachix resultPath =
shelly $ do
setStdin (toTextIgnore resultPath)
setStdin (T.pack resultPath)
void $ Shell.shE $ cmd "cachix" "push" "r-ryantm"
numberOfFetchers :: Text -> Int
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ numberOfFetchers derivationContents =
assertOneOrFewerFetcher :: MonadIO m => Text -> FilePath -> ExceptT Text m ()
assertOneOrFewerFetcher derivationContents derivationFile =
("More than one fetcher in " <> toTextIgnore derivationFile)
("More than one fetcher in " <> T.pack derivationFile)
(numberOfFetchers derivationContents <= 1)
assertOldVersionOn ::
@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ assertOldVersionOn updateEnv branchName contents =
resultLink :: MonadIO m => ExceptT Text m FilePath
resultLink =
(T.strip >>> fromText) <$> do
(T.strip >>> T.unpack) <$> do
Shell.shellyET (cmd "readlink" "./result") <|>
Shell.shellyET (cmd "readlink" "./result-bin") <|>
throwE "Could not find result link."
@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ sha256Zero :: Text
sha256Zero = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
-- fixed-output derivation produced path '/nix/store/fg2hz90z5bc773gpsx4gfxn3l6fl66nw-source' with sha256 hash '0q1lsgc1621czrg49nmabq6am9sgxa9syxrwzlksqqr4dyzw4nmf' instead of the expected hash '0bp22mzkjy48gncj5vm9b7whzrggcbs5pd4cnb6k8jpl9j02dhdv'
getHashFromBuild :: Text -> ExceptT Text Sh Text
getHashFromBuild :: MonadIO m => Text -> ExceptT Text m Text
getHashFromBuild attrPath = do
stderr <-
(ExceptT $ Shell.shRE (buildCmd attrPath)) <|>
@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ in
tweak (builtins.removeAttrs hydraJobs blacklist))
outPath :: Sh Text
outPath :: MonadIO m => m Text
outPath =
shelly $
silently $
sub $ do
_ <-
@ -112,9 +114,9 @@ testInput :: Text
testInput =
"haskellPackages.amazonka-dynamodb-streams.x86_64-linux doc=/nix/store/m4rpsc9nx0qcflh9ni6qdlg6hbkwpicc-amazonka-dynamodb-streams-1.6.0-doc;/nix/store/rvd4zydr22a7j5kgnmg5x6695c7bgqbk-amazonka-dynamodb-streams-1.6.0\nhaskellPackages.agum.x86_64-darwin doc=/nix/store/n526rc0pa5h0krdzsdni5agcpvcd3cb9-agum-2.7-doc;/nix/store/s59r75svbjm724q5iaprq4mln5k6wcr9-agum-2.7"
currentOutpathSet :: Sh (Either Text (Set ResultLine))
currentOutpathSet :: MonadIO m => m (Either Text (Set ResultLine))
currentOutpathSet =
first (show >>> T.pack) . parse parseResults "outpath" <$> silently outPath
first (show >>> T.pack) . parse parseResults "outpath" <$> outPath
parseResults :: CharParsing m => m (Set ResultLine)
parseResults = S.fromList <$> parseResultLine `sepEndBy` newline
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ ourSilentShell o s =
setUpEnvironment o
ourShell :: Options -> Sh a -> IO a
ourShell :: MonadIO m => Options -> Sh a -> m a
ourShell o s =
shelly $
verbosely $ do
@ -46,14 +46,15 @@ shE s = do
-- A shell cmd we are expecting to fail and want to look at the output
-- of it.
shRE :: Sh a -> Sh (Either Text Text)
shRE s = do
_ <- canFail s
stderr <- lastStderr
status <- lastExitCode
case status of
0 -> return $ Left ""
_ -> return $ Right stderr
shRE :: MonadIO m => Sh a -> m (Either Text Text)
shRE s =
shelly $ do
_ <- canFail s
stderr <- lastStderr
status <- lastExitCode
case status of
0 -> return $ Left ""
_ -> return $ Right stderr
shellyET :: MonadIO m => Sh a -> ExceptT Text m a
shellyET = shE >>> shelly >>> ExceptT
@ -13,20 +13,20 @@ import OurPrelude
import qualified Blacklist
import qualified Check
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Exception.Lifted
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified File
import qualified GH
import qualified Git
import qualified Nix
import Outpaths
import Prelude hiding (FilePath, log)
import Prelude hiding (log)
import qualified Shell
import Shelly.Lifted
import Shelly ((-|-), cmd, shelly, sleep)
import System.Posix.Files (touchFile)
import qualified Time
import Utils
( Options(..)
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Utils
, Version
, branchName
, parseUpdates
, runtimeDir
, tRead
import qualified Version
@ -45,31 +46,31 @@ data MergeBaseOutpathsInfo = MergeBaseOutpathsInfo
, mergeBaseOutpaths :: Set ResultLine
log' :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => FilePath -> Text -> m ()
log' :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Text -> m ()
log' logFile msg = do
runDate <- Time.runDate
appendfile logFile (runDate <> " " <> msg <> "\n")
liftIO $ T.appendFile logFile (runDate <> " " <> msg <> "\n")
updateAll :: Options -> Text -> IO ()
updateAll o updates =
Shell.ourShell o $ do
let logFile = fromText (workingDir o) </> "ups.log"
mkdir_p (fromText (workingDir o))
touchfile logFile
let log = log' logFile
appendfile logFile "\n\n"
log "New run of ups.sh"
twoHoursAgo <- Time.twoHoursAgo
mergeBaseOutpathSet <-
liftIO $ newIORef (MergeBaseOutpathsInfo twoHoursAgo S.empty)
updateLoop o log (parseUpdates updates) mergeBaseOutpathSet
updateAll o updates = do
rDir <- runtimeDir
let logFile = rDir <> "/ups.log"
touchFile logFile
let log = log' logFile
T.appendFile logFile "\n\n"
log "New run of ups.sh"
twoHoursAgo <- Time.twoHoursAgo
mergeBaseOutpathSet <-
liftIO $ newIORef (MergeBaseOutpathsInfo twoHoursAgo S.empty)
updateLoop o log (parseUpdates updates) mergeBaseOutpathSet
updateLoop ::
-> (Text -> Sh ())
MonadIO m
=> Options
-> (Text -> m ())
-> [Either Text (Text, Version, Version)]
-> IORef MergeBaseOutpathsInfo
-> Sh ()
-> m ()
updateLoop _ log [] _ = log "ups.sh finished"
updateLoop o log (Left e:moreUpdates) mergeBaseOutpathsContext = do
log e
@ -99,13 +100,13 @@ updateLoop o log (Right (pName, oldVer, newVer):moreUpdates) mergeBaseOutpathsCo
-- * the merge base context should be updated externally to this function
-- * the commit for branches: master, staging, staging-next, python-unstable
updatePackage ::
(Text -> Sh ())
MonadIO m
=> (Text -> m ())
-> UpdateEnv
-> IORef MergeBaseOutpathsInfo
-> Sh (Either Text ())
-> m (Either Text ())
updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
runExceptT $
flip catches [Handler (\(ex :: SomeException) -> throwE (T.pack (show ex)))] $ do
runExceptT $ do
Blacklist.packageName (packageName updateEnv)
Nix.assertNewerVersion updateEnv
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
writeIORef mergeBaseOutpathsContext (MergeBaseOutpathsInfo now mbos)
return mbos
else return $ mergeBaseOutpaths mergeBaseOutpathsInfo
derivationContents <- lift $ readfile derivationFile
derivationContents <- liftIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
Nix.assertOneOrFewerFetcher derivationContents derivationFile
Blacklist.content derivationContents
oldHash <- Nix.getOldHash attrPath
@ -159,20 +160,21 @@ updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff
publishPackage ::
(Text -> Sh ())
MonadIO m
=> (Text -> m ())
-> UpdateEnv
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> FilePath
-> Set ResultLine
-> ExceptT Text Sh ()
-> ExceptT Text m ()
publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff = do
lift $ log ("cachix " <> (T.pack . show) result)
lift $ Nix.cachix result
resultCheckReport <-
case Blacklist.checkResult (packageName updateEnv) of
Right () -> lift $ sub (Check.result updateEnv result)
Right () -> lift $ Check.result updateEnv result
Left msg -> pure msg
d <- Nix.getDescription attrPath
let metaDescription =
@ -261,7 +263,7 @@ prMessage updateEnv isBroken metaDescription releaseUrlMessage compareUrlMessage
oV = oldVersion updateEnv
nV = newVersion updateEnv
repologyLink = repologyUrl updateEnv
result = toTextIgnore resultPath
result = T.pack resultPath
in [interpolate|
$attrPath: $oV -> $nV
@ -321,19 +323,21 @@ prMessage updateEnv isBroken metaDescription releaseUrlMessage compareUrlMessage
untilOfBorgFree :: Sh ()
untilOfBorgFree = do
waiting :: Int <-
tRead <$>
(cmd "curl" "-s" "https://events.nix.ci/stats.php" -|-
cmd "jq" ".evaluator.messages.waiting")
when (waiting > 2) $ do
sleep 60
untilOfBorgFree :: MonadIO m => m ()
untilOfBorgFree =
shelly $ do
waiting :: Int <-
tRead <$>
(cmd "curl" "-s" "https://events.nix.ci/stats.php" -|-
cmd "jq" ".evaluator.messages.waiting")
when (waiting > 2) $ do
sleep 60
assertNotUpdatedOn :: UpdateEnv -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT Text Sh ()
assertNotUpdatedOn ::
MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT Text m ()
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv derivationFile branch = do
Git.cleanAndResetTo branch
derivationContents <- lift $ readfile derivationFile
derivationContents <- liftIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
Nix.assertOldVersionOn updateEnv branch derivationContents
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ type Version = Text
data Options = Options
{ dryRun :: Bool
, workingDir :: Text
, githubToken :: Text
} deriving (Show)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user