mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 22:01:58 +03:00
352 lines
11 KiB
352 lines
11 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module Update
( updateAll
) where
import OurPrelude
import qualified Blacklist
import qualified Check
import Control.Concurrent
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified File
import qualified GH
import qualified Git
import qualified Nix
import Outpaths
import Prelude hiding (log)
import qualified Time
import Utils
( Options(..)
, UpdateEnv(..)
, Version
, branchName
, parseUpdates
, prTitle
, runtimeDir
import qualified Version
default (T.Text)
data MergeBaseOutpathsInfo = MergeBaseOutpathsInfo
{ lastUpdated :: UTCTime
, mergeBaseOutpaths :: Set ResultLine
log' :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Text -> m ()
log' logFile msg = do
runDate <- liftIO $ runM $ Time.runIO Time.runDate
liftIO $ T.appendFile logFile (runDate <> " " <> msg <> "\n")
updateAll :: Options -> Text -> IO ()
updateAll o updates = do
rDir <- runtimeDir
let logFile = rDir <> "/ups.log"
let log = log' logFile
T.appendFile logFile "\n\n"
log "New run of ups.sh"
twoHoursAgo <- runM $ Time.runIO Time.twoHoursAgo
mergeBaseOutpathSet <-
liftIO $ newIORef (MergeBaseOutpathsInfo twoHoursAgo S.empty)
updateLoop o log (parseUpdates updates) mergeBaseOutpathSet
updateLoop ::
MonadIO m
=> Options
-> (Text -> m ())
-> [Either Text (Text, Version, Version)]
-> IORef MergeBaseOutpathsInfo
-> m ()
updateLoop _ log [] _ = log "ups.sh finished"
updateLoop o log (Left e:moreUpdates) mergeBaseOutpathsContext = do
log e
updateLoop o log moreUpdates mergeBaseOutpathsContext
updateLoop o log (Right (pName, oldVer, newVer):moreUpdates) mergeBaseOutpathsContext = do
log (pName <> " " <> oldVer <> " -> " <> newVer)
let updateEnv = UpdateEnv pName oldVer newVer o
updated <- updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext
case updated of
Left failure -> do
log $ "FAIL " <> failure
cleanupResult <- runExceptT $ Git.cleanup (branchName updateEnv)
case cleanupResult of
Left e -> liftIO $ print e
_ ->
if ".0" `T.isSuffixOf` newVer
then let Just newNewVersion = ".0" `T.stripSuffix` newVer
in updateLoop
(Right (pName, oldVer, newNewVersion) : moreUpdates)
else updateLoop o log moreUpdates mergeBaseOutpathsContext
Right _ -> do
updateLoop o log moreUpdates mergeBaseOutpathsContext
-- Arguments this function should have to make it testable:
-- * the merge base commit (should be updated externally to this function)
-- * the merge base context should be updated externally to this function
-- * the commit for branches: master, staging, staging-next, python-unstable
updatePackage ::
MonadIO m
=> (Text -> m ())
-> UpdateEnv
-> IORef MergeBaseOutpathsInfo
-> m (Either Text ())
updatePackage log updateEnv mergeBaseOutpathsContext =
runExceptT $ do
Blacklist.packageName (packageName updateEnv)
Nix.assertNewerVersion updateEnv
Git.fetchIfStale <|> liftIO (T.putStrLn "Failed to fetch.")
Git.checkAutoUpdateBranchDoesntExist (packageName updateEnv)
Git.cleanAndResetTo "master"
attrPath <- Nix.lookupAttrPath updateEnv
GH.checkExistingUpdatePR updateEnv attrPath
Blacklist.attrPath attrPath
Version.assertCompatibleWithPathPin updateEnv attrPath
srcUrls <- Nix.getSrcUrls attrPath
Blacklist.srcUrl srcUrls
derivationFile <- Nix.getDerivationFile attrPath
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv derivationFile "master"
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv derivationFile "staging"
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv derivationFile "staging-next"
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv derivationFile "python-unstable"
Git.checkoutAtMergeBase (branchName updateEnv)
oneHourAgo <- liftIO $ runM $ Time.runIO Time.oneHourAgo
mergeBaseOutpathsInfo <- liftIO $ readIORef mergeBaseOutpathsContext
mergeBaseOutpathSet <-
if lastUpdated mergeBaseOutpathsInfo < oneHourAgo
then do
mbos <- currentOutpathSet
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
liftIO $
writeIORef mergeBaseOutpathsContext (MergeBaseOutpathsInfo now mbos)
return mbos
else return $ mergeBaseOutpaths mergeBaseOutpathsInfo
derivationContents <- liftIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
Nix.assertOneOrFewerFetcher derivationContents derivationFile
Blacklist.content derivationContents
oldHash <- Nix.getOldHash attrPath
oldSrcUrl <- Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath
lift $
File.replace (oldVersion updateEnv) (newVersion updateEnv) derivationFile
newSrcUrl <- Nix.getSrcUrl attrPath
when (oldSrcUrl == newSrcUrl) $ throwE "Source url did not change. "
lift $ File.replace oldHash Nix.sha256Zero derivationFile
newHash <- Nix.getHashFromBuild attrPath -- <|>
-- lift (fixSrcUrl updateEnv derivationFile attrPath oldSrcUrl) <|>
-- throwE "Could not get new hash. "
tryAssert "Hashes equal; no update necessary" (oldHash /= newHash)
lift $ File.replace Nix.sha256Zero newHash derivationFile
editedOutpathSet <- currentOutpathSet
let opDiff = S.difference mergeBaseOutpathSet editedOutpathSet
let numPRebuilds = numPackageRebuilds opDiff
Blacklist.python numPRebuilds derivationContents
when (numPRebuilds == 0) (throwE "Update edits cause no rebuilds.")
Nix.build attrPath
result <- Nix.resultLink
publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff
publishPackage ::
MonadIO m
=> (Text -> m ())
-> UpdateEnv
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Set ResultLine
-> ExceptT Text m ()
publishPackage log updateEnv oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl attrPath result opDiff = do
lift $ log ("cachix " <> (T.pack . show) result)
Nix.cachix result
resultCheckReport <-
case Blacklist.checkResult (packageName updateEnv) of
Right () -> lift $ Check.result updateEnv result
Left msg -> pure msg
d <- Nix.getDescription attrPath <|> return T.empty
u <- Nix.getHomepage attrPath <|> return T.empty
let metaDescription =
if d == T.empty
then ""
else "\n\nmeta.description for " <> attrPath <> " is: '" <> d <> "'."
let metaHomepage =
if u == T.empty
then ""
else "\n\nmeta.homepage for " <> attrPath <> " is: '" <> u
releaseUrlMessage <-
(do msg <- GH.releaseUrl newSrcUrl
return ("\n[Release on GitHub](" <> msg <> ")\n\n")) <|>
return ""
compareUrlMessage <-
(do msg <- GH.compareUrl oldSrcUrl newSrcUrl
return ("\n[Compare changes on GitHub](" <> msg <> ")\n\n")) <|>
return "\n"
maintainers <- Nix.getMaintainers attrPath
let maintainersCc =
if not (T.null maintainers)
then "\n\ncc " <> maintainers <> " for testing."
else ""
let commitMsg = commitMessage updateEnv attrPath
Git.commit commitMsg
commitHash <- Git.headHash
-- Try to push it three times
Git.push updateEnv <|> Git.push updateEnv <|> Git.push updateEnv
isBroken <- Nix.getIsBroken attrPath
lift untilOfBorgFree
let base =
if numPackageRebuilds opDiff < 100
then "master"
else "staging"
lift $
(outpathReport opDiff))
Git.cleanAndResetTo "master"
repologyUrl :: UpdateEnv -> Text
repologyUrl updateEnv =
pname = updateEnv & packageName & T.toLower
commitMessage :: UpdateEnv -> Text -> Text
commitMessage updateEnv attrPath =
let title = prTitle updateEnv attrPath
repologyLink = repologyUrl updateEnv
in [interpolate|
Semi-automatic update generated by
https://github.com/ryantm/nixpkgs-update tools. This update was made
based on information from
brokenWarning :: Bool -> Text
brokenWarning False = ""
brokenWarning True =
"- WARNING: Package has meta.broken=true; Please manually test this package update and remove the broken attribute."
prMessage ::
-> Bool
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
-> Text
prMessage updateEnv isBroken metaDescription metaHomepage releaseUrlMessage compareUrlMessage resultCheckReport commitHash attrPath maintainersCc resultPath opReport =
let brokenMsg = brokenWarning isBroken
title = prTitle updateEnv attrPath
repologyLink = repologyUrl updateEnv
in [interpolate|
Semi-automatic update generated by https://github.com/ryantm/nixpkgs-update tools. This update was made based on information from $repologyLink.
Checks done (click to expand)
- built on NixOS
Rebuild report (if merged into master) (click to expand)
Instructions to test this update (click to expand)
Either download from Cachix:
nix-store -r $resultPath \
--option binary-caches 'https://cache.nixos.org/ https://r-ryantm.cachix.org/' \
--option trusted-public-keys '
(r-ryantm's Cachix cache is only trusted for this store-path realization.)
Or, build yourself:
nix-build -A $attrPath https://github.com/r-ryantm/nixpkgs/archive/$commitHash.tar.gz
After you've downloaded or built it, look at the files and if there are any, run the binaries:
ls -la $resultPath
ls -la $resultPath/bin
untilOfBorgFree :: MonadIO m => m ()
untilOfBorgFree = do
stats <-
shell "curl -s https://events.nix.ci/stats.php" & readProcessInterleaved_
waiting <-
shell "jq .evaluator.messages.waiting" & setStdin (byteStringInput stats) &
readProcessInterleaved_ &
fmap (BSL.readInt >>> fmap fst >>> fromMaybe 0)
when (waiting > 2) $ do
liftIO $ threadDelay 60000000
assertNotUpdatedOn ::
MonadIO m => UpdateEnv -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT Text m ()
assertNotUpdatedOn updateEnv derivationFile branch = do
Git.cleanAndResetTo branch
derivationContents <- fmapLT tshow $ tryIO $ T.readFile derivationFile
Nix.assertOldVersionOn updateEnv branch derivationContents