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# Heftia
Heftia, a composition of hefty trees and co-Yoneda, is a higher-order effects
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version of Freer.
The paper
* Casper Bach Poulsen and Cas van der Rest. 2023. Hefty Algebras: Modular
Elaboration of Higher-Order Algebraic Effects. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 7,
POPL, Article 62 (January 2023), 31 pages. < https: / / doi . org / 10 . 1145 / 3571255 >
inspires this library.
Hefty trees, proposed by the above paper, are extensions of free monads,
allowing for a straightforward treatment of higher-order effects.
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This library offers Heftia monads and Freer monads, encoded into data
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types in several ways to enable tuning in pursuit of high performance.
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Additionally, it's designed to operate as a handler system based
on [`classy-effects` ](https://github.com/sayo-hs/classy-effects ), which aims to
standardize and unify the definitions of effects in Haskell.
Compared to existing Effect System libraries in Haskell that handle higher-order effects, this
library's approach allows for a more effortless and flexible handling of higher-order effects. Here
are some examples:
* Two interpretations of the `censor` effect for Writer
Let's consider the following Writer effectful program:
hello :: (Writer String m, Monad m) => m ()
hello = do
tell "Hello"
tell " world!"
censorHello :: (Writer String m, Monad m) => m ()
censorHello =
(\s -> if s == "Hello" then "Goodbye" else s)
For `censorHello` , should the final written string be `"Goodbye world!"` ? Or should it be `"Hello world!"` ?
With Heftia, you can freely choose either behavior depending on which higher-order effect interpreter (which we call an elaborator) you use.
main :: IO ()
main = runFreerEffects do
(s :: String, _) < -
. runElaborate' (elaborateWriterT @String )
$ censorHello
(sTransactional :: String, _) < -
. runElaborate' (elaborateWriterTransactionalT @String )
$ censorHello
sendIns $ putStrLn $ "Normal: " < > s
sendIns $ putStrLn $ "Transactional: " < > sTransactional
Using the `elaborateWriterT` elaborator, you'll get "Goodbye world!", whereas with the `elaborateWriterTransactionalT` elaborator, you'll get "Hello world!".
For more details, please refer to the [complete code ](heftia-effects/Example/Writer/Main.hs ) and the [implementation of the elaborator ](heftia-effects/src/Control/Effect/Handler/Heftia/Writer.hs ).
* Extracting Multi-shot Delimited Continuations
In handling higher-order effects, it's easy to work with multi-shot delimited continuations.
This enables an almost complete emulation of "Algebraic Effects and Handlers".
For more details, please refer to
[Example 3 - Delimited Continuation ](<docs/examples/03 Delimited Continuation.md> ) .
Furthermore, the structure of Heftia is theoretically straightforward, with ad-hoc elements being
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Heftia is the second objective of the [Sayo Project ](https://github.com/sayo-hs ).
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## Documentation
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Examples with explanations can be found in the [docs/examples/ ](docs/examples/ ) directory.
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## Future Plans
* Benchmarking
* Enriching the documentation
* Completing missing definitions such as
* the Heftia monad transformer encoded in tree structure
* handlers for the `Accum` , `Coroutine` , `Fresh` , `Input` , `Output` effect classes
and others.
## License
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The license is MPL 2.0. Please refer to the [NOTICE ](NOTICE ).
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Additionally, this README.md and the documents under the `docs` /`docs-ja` directory are licensed
under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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## Your contributions are welcome!
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