mirror of
synced 2024-11-26 23:05:04 +03:00
[remove] the carriers encoded with Final encoding.
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,13 +54,8 @@ library
@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
module Control.Freer.Trans.Final
"The current implementation of final-encoded Freer and Heftia can easily cause infinite loops."
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Control.Effect.Class (Instruction, LiftIns (LiftIns), unliftIns, type (~>))
import Control.Freer.Trans (TransFreer (..), liftInsT)
import Control.Heftia.Trans.Final (
FinalTElaborator (FinalTElaborator),
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Freer (MonadTransFreer, ViaLiftLower (ViaLiftLower))
newtype FreerFinalT c (ins :: Instruction) f a = FreerFinalT
{unFreerFinalT :: HeftiaFinalT c (LiftIns ins) f a}
data FinalTInterpreter ins f g = FinalTInterpreter
{ interpretFinalTLower :: f ~> g
, interpretFinalT :: ins ~> g
runFreerFinalT :: c g => FinalTInterpreter ins f g -> FreerFinalT c ins f ~> g
runFreerFinalT FinalTInterpreter{..} (FreerFinalT a) =
($ a) $ runHeftiaFinalT $ FinalTElaborator interpretFinalTLower (interpretFinalT . unliftIns)
{-# INLINE runFreerFinalT #-}
freerFinalT :: (forall g. c g => FinalTInterpreter ins f g -> g a) -> FreerFinalT c ins f a
freerFinalT f =
FreerFinalT $ heftiaFinalT \FinalTElaborator{..} ->
f $ FinalTInterpreter elaborateFinalTLower (elaborateFinalT . LiftIns)
{-# INLINE freerFinalT #-}
liftInsFinalT :: ins ~> FreerFinalT c ins f
liftInsFinalT = FreerFinalT . liftSigFinalT . LiftIns
{-# INLINE liftInsFinalT #-}
liftLowerFTFinal :: f ~> FreerFinalT c ins f
liftLowerFTFinal = FreerFinalT . liftLowerHTFinal
{-# INLINE liftLowerFTFinal #-}
weakenFreerFinalT :: (forall g. c' g => c g) => FreerFinalT c ins f ~> FreerFinalT c' ins f
weakenFreerFinalT = FreerFinalT . weakenHeftiaFinalT . unFreerFinalT
{-# INLINE weakenFreerFinalT #-}
hoistFreerFinal :: (f ~> g) -> FreerFinalT c ins f ~> FreerFinalT c ins g
hoistFreerFinal phi = FreerFinalT . hoistHeftiaFinal phi . unFreerFinalT
{-# INLINE hoistFreerFinal #-}
deriving newtype instance Functor (FreerFinalT Functor ins f)
deriving newtype instance Functor (FreerFinalT Applicative ins f)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (FreerFinalT Applicative ins f)
deriving newtype instance Functor (FreerFinalT Alternative ins f)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (FreerFinalT Alternative ins f)
deriving newtype instance Alternative (FreerFinalT Alternative ins f)
deriving newtype instance Functor (FreerFinalT Monad ins m)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (FreerFinalT Monad ins m)
deriving newtype instance Monad (FreerFinalT Monad ins m)
deriving newtype instance Functor (FreerFinalT MonadPlus ins m)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (FreerFinalT MonadPlus ins m)
deriving newtype instance Alternative (FreerFinalT MonadPlus ins m)
deriving newtype instance Monad (FreerFinalT MonadPlus ins m)
deriving newtype instance MonadPlus (FreerFinalT MonadPlus ins m)
instance (forall h f. c f => c (FreerFinalT c h f)) => TransFreer c (FreerFinalT c) where
liftInsT = liftInsFinalT
{-# INLINE liftInsT #-}
liftLowerFT = liftLowerFTFinal
{-# INLINE liftLowerFT #-}
runInterpretF i = runFreerFinalT $ FinalTInterpreter id i
{-# INLINE runInterpretF #-}
hoistFreer = hoistFreerFinal
{-# INLINE hoistFreer #-}
interpretFT f i = runFreerFinalT $ FinalTInterpreter f i
deriving via ViaLiftLower (FreerFinalT Monad) ins instance MonadTrans (FreerFinalT Monad ins)
instance MonadTransFreer (FreerFinalT Monad)
subsumeFreerFinal ::
c (HeftiaFinalT c (LiftIns ins) f) =>
FreerFinalT c ins (FreerFinalT c ins f) ~> FreerFinalT c ins f
subsumeFreerFinal =
. subsumeHeftiaFinal
. hoistHeftiaFinal unFreerFinalT
. unFreerFinalT
{-# INLINE subsumeFreerFinal #-}
dupFreerFinal :: FreerFinalT c ins f ~> FreerFinalT c ins (FreerFinalT c ins f)
dupFreerFinal = hoistFreerFinal liftLowerFTFinal
{-# INLINE dupFreerFinal #-}
@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use const" #-}
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
module Control.Heftia.Final
"The current implementation of final-encoded Freer and Heftia can easily cause infinite loops."
import Control.Applicative (Alternative, empty, (<|>))
import Control.Effect.Class (LiftIns (LiftIns), Signature, type (~>))
import Control.Effect.Class.Machinery.HFunctor (HFunctor, hfmap, (:+:) (Inl, Inr))
import Control.Heftia (Heftia, interpretHH, liftSig)
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus (mplus, mzero))
import Data.Free.Sum (pattern L1, pattern R1, type (+))
newtype HeftiaFinal c (h :: Signature) a = HeftiaFinal
{unHeftiaFinal :: forall f. c f => (h f ~> f) -> f a}
runHeftiaFinal :: c f => (h f ~> f) -> HeftiaFinal c h a -> f a
runHeftiaFinal i (HeftiaFinal f) = f i
{-# INLINE runHeftiaFinal #-}
liftSigFinal :: HFunctor h => h (HeftiaFinal c h) a -> HeftiaFinal c h a
liftSigFinal e = HeftiaFinal \i -> i $ hfmap (runHeftiaFinal i) e
{-# INLINE liftSigFinal #-}
weakenHeftiaFinal :: (forall f. c' f => c f) => HeftiaFinal c h a -> HeftiaFinal c' h a
weakenHeftiaFinal (HeftiaFinal f) = HeftiaFinal f
{-# INLINE weakenHeftiaFinal #-}
transformHeftiaFinal ::
(forall f. h f ~> i f) ->
HeftiaFinal c h a ->
HeftiaFinal c i a
transformHeftiaFinal phi (HeftiaFinal f) = HeftiaFinal \i -> f $ i . phi
{-# INLINE transformHeftiaFinal #-}
translateHeftiaFinal ::
(c (HeftiaFinal c i), HFunctor i) =>
(h (HeftiaFinal c i) ~> i (HeftiaFinal c i)) ->
HeftiaFinal c h a ->
HeftiaFinal c i a
translateHeftiaFinal f = runHeftiaFinal $ liftSigFinal . f
{-# INLINE translateHeftiaFinal #-}
instance (forall f. c f => Functor f, c (HeftiaFinal c h)) => Functor (HeftiaFinal c h) where
fmap f (HeftiaFinal g) =
HeftiaFinal \(i :: h f ~> f) -> f <$> g i
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
(forall f. c f => Applicative f, c (HeftiaFinal c h)) =>
Applicative (HeftiaFinal c h)
pure x = HeftiaFinal \_ -> pure x
HeftiaFinal f <*> HeftiaFinal g =
HeftiaFinal \i -> f i <*> g i
{-# INLINE pure #-}
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
(forall f. c f => Alternative f, c (HeftiaFinal c h)) =>
Alternative (HeftiaFinal c h)
empty = HeftiaFinal \_ -> empty
HeftiaFinal f <|> HeftiaFinal g =
HeftiaFinal \i -> f i <|> g i
{-# INLINE empty #-}
{-# INLINE (<|>) #-}
instance (forall m. c m => Monad m, c (HeftiaFinal c h)) => Monad (HeftiaFinal c h) where
HeftiaFinal f >>= k =
HeftiaFinal \i ->
f i >>= runHeftiaFinal i . k
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
(forall m. c m => MonadPlus m, Alternative (HeftiaFinal c h), Monad (HeftiaFinal c h)) =>
MonadPlus (HeftiaFinal c h)
mzero = HeftiaFinal \_ -> mzero
HeftiaFinal f `mplus` HeftiaFinal g =
HeftiaFinal \i -> f i `mplus` g i
{-# INLINE mzero #-}
{-# INLINE mplus #-}
instance (forall sig. c (HeftiaFinal c sig)) => Heftia c (HeftiaFinal c) where
liftSig = liftSigFinal
interpretHH = runHeftiaFinal
{-# INLINE liftSig #-}
{-# INLINE interpretHH #-}
slipFreer ::
(HFunctor h, c (HeftiaFinal c (h :+: LiftIns f))) =>
HeftiaFinal c (LiftIns (f + HeftiaFinal c h))
~> HeftiaFinal c (h :+: LiftIns f)
slipFreer (HeftiaFinal run) = run \(LiftIns a) -> case a of
L1 fr -> liftSigFinal $ Inr $ LiftIns fr
R1 he -> transformHeftiaFinal Inl he
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
module Control.Heftia.Final.Naked
"The current implementation of final-encoded Freer and Heftia can easily cause infinite loops."
import Control.Effect.Class (Nop, Signature, type (~>))
import Control.Effect.Class.Machinery.HFunctor (HFunctor, hfmap, (:+:) (Inl, Inr))
import Control.Freer (Freer, liftIns, retract)
import Control.Heftia.Final (HeftiaFinal (HeftiaFinal))
newtype HeftiaFinalN (h :: Signature) a = HeftiaFinalN {unHeftiaFinalN :: forall f. (h f ~> f) -> f a}
runHeftiaFinalN :: (h f ~> f) -> HeftiaFinalN h a -> f a
runHeftiaFinalN i (HeftiaFinalN f) = f i
{-# INLINE runHeftiaFinalN #-}
liftSigFinalN :: HFunctor h => h (HeftiaFinalN h) a -> HeftiaFinalN h a
liftSigFinalN e = HeftiaFinalN \i -> i $ hfmap (runHeftiaFinalN i) e
{-# INLINE liftSigFinalN #-}
wearHeftiaFinal :: HeftiaFinalN h a -> HeftiaFinal Nop h a
wearHeftiaFinal (HeftiaFinalN f) = HeftiaFinal f
{-# INLINE wearHeftiaFinal #-}
nakeHeftiaFinal :: HeftiaFinal Nop h a -> HeftiaFinalN h a
nakeHeftiaFinal (HeftiaFinal f) = HeftiaFinalN f
{-# INLINE nakeHeftiaFinal #-}
wearHeftiaFinalF :: Freer c f => HeftiaFinalN (f :+: h) a -> HeftiaFinal c h a
wearHeftiaFinalF (HeftiaFinalN f) =
HeftiaFinal \i -> f \case
Inl m -> retract m
Inr e -> i e
nakeHeftiaFinalF :: (Freer c f, HFunctor h) => HeftiaFinal c h a -> HeftiaFinalN (f :+: h) a
nakeHeftiaFinalF (HeftiaFinal f) =
HeftiaFinalN \i -> i . Inl $ f $ liftIns . i . Inr . hfmap (i . Inl)
@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
module Control.Heftia.Trans.Final
"The current implementation of final-encoded Freer and Heftia can easily cause infinite loops."
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Control.Effect.Class (LiftIns (LiftIns), type (~>))
import Control.Effect.Class.Machinery.HFunctor (HFunctor, hfmap, (:+:) (Inl, Inr))
import Control.Heftia.Final (
HeftiaFinal (HeftiaFinal),
import Control.Heftia.Trans (TransHeftia (..))
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Heftia (MonadTransHeftia, ViaLiftLowerH (ViaLiftLowerH))
import Data.Function ((&))
newtype HeftiaFinalT c h f a = HeftiaFinalT
{unHeftiaFinalT :: HeftiaFinal c (h :+: LiftIns f) a}
data FinalTElaborator h f g = FinalTElaborator
{ elaborateFinalTLower :: f ~> g
, elaborateFinalT :: h g ~> g
runHeftiaFinalT :: c g => FinalTElaborator h f g -> HeftiaFinalT c h f a -> g a
runHeftiaFinalT FinalTElaborator{..} (HeftiaFinalT (HeftiaFinal h)) = h \case
Inl e -> elaborateFinalT e
Inr (LiftIns a) -> elaborateFinalTLower a
heftiaFinalT :: (forall g. c g => FinalTElaborator h f g -> g a) -> HeftiaFinalT c h f a
heftiaFinalT f = HeftiaFinalT $ HeftiaFinal \i -> f $ FinalTElaborator (i . Inr . LiftIns) (i . Inl)
liftSigFinalT :: HFunctor h => h (HeftiaFinalT c h f) a -> HeftiaFinalT c h f a
liftSigFinalT = HeftiaFinalT . liftSigFinal . Inl . hfmap unHeftiaFinalT
{-# INLINE liftSigFinalT #-}
liftLowerHTFinal :: HFunctor h => f a -> HeftiaFinalT c h f a
liftLowerHTFinal = HeftiaFinalT . liftSigFinal . Inr . LiftIns
{-# INLINE liftLowerHTFinal #-}
weakenHeftiaFinalT :: (forall g. c' g => c g) => HeftiaFinalT c h f a -> HeftiaFinalT c' h f a
weakenHeftiaFinalT = HeftiaFinalT . weakenHeftiaFinal . unHeftiaFinalT
{-# INLINE weakenHeftiaFinalT #-}
hoistHeftiaFinal ::
(f ~> g) ->
HeftiaFinalT c h f ~> HeftiaFinalT c h g
hoistHeftiaFinal phi (HeftiaFinalT a) =
HeftiaFinalT $
a & transformHeftiaFinal \case
Inl e -> Inl e
Inr (LiftIns a') -> Inr $ LiftIns $ phi a'
deriving newtype instance Functor (HeftiaFinalT Functor h f)
deriving newtype instance Functor (HeftiaFinalT Applicative h f)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (HeftiaFinalT Applicative h f)
deriving newtype instance Functor (HeftiaFinalT Alternative h f)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (HeftiaFinalT Alternative h f)
deriving newtype instance Alternative (HeftiaFinalT Alternative h f)
deriving newtype instance Functor (HeftiaFinalT Monad h m)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (HeftiaFinalT Monad h m)
deriving newtype instance Monad (HeftiaFinalT Monad h m)
deriving newtype instance Functor (HeftiaFinalT MonadPlus h m)
deriving newtype instance Applicative (HeftiaFinalT MonadPlus h m)
deriving newtype instance Alternative (HeftiaFinalT MonadPlus h m)
deriving newtype instance Monad (HeftiaFinalT MonadPlus h m)
deriving newtype instance MonadPlus (HeftiaFinalT MonadPlus h m)
instance (forall h f. c f => c (HeftiaFinalT c h f)) => TransHeftia c (HeftiaFinalT c) where
liftSigT = liftSigFinalT
{-# INLINE liftSigT #-}
translateT f (HeftiaFinalT a) =
a & runHeftiaFinal \case
Inl e -> liftSigFinalT $ f e
Inr (LiftIns a') -> liftLowerHT a'
liftLowerHT = liftLowerHTFinal
{-# INLINE liftLowerHT #-}
runElaborateH i = runHeftiaFinalT $ FinalTElaborator id i
{-# INLINE runElaborateH #-}
hoistHeftia = hoistHeftiaFinal
{-# INLINE hoistHeftia #-}
deriving via
ViaLiftLowerH (HeftiaFinalT Monad) h
HFunctor h => MonadTrans (HeftiaFinalT Monad h)
instance MonadTransHeftia (HeftiaFinalT Monad)
subsumeHeftiaFinal ::
(c (HeftiaFinalT c h f), HFunctor h) =>
HeftiaFinalT c h (HeftiaFinalT c h f) a ->
HeftiaFinalT c h f a
subsumeHeftiaFinal (HeftiaFinalT (HeftiaFinal f)) =
f \case
Inl e -> liftSigFinalT e
Inr (LiftIns e) -> e
dupHeftiaFinal :: HFunctor h => HeftiaFinalT c h f a -> HeftiaFinalT c h (HeftiaFinalT c h f) a
dupHeftiaFinal = hoistHeftiaFinal liftLowerHTFinal
{-# INLINE dupHeftiaFinal #-}
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-deprecations #-}
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
module Control.Heftia.Trans.Final.Naked
"The current implementation of final-encoded Freer and Heftia can easily cause infinite loops."
import Control.Effect.Class (LiftIns, Nop, Signature)
import Control.Effect.Class.Machinery.HFunctor (HFunctor, hfmap, (:+:) (Inl, Inr))
import Control.Freer (Freer, liftIns, retract)
import Control.Heftia.Final.Naked (HeftiaFinalN, nakeHeftiaFinal, wearHeftiaFinal)
import Control.Heftia.Trans.Final (
FinalTElaborator (FinalTElaborator),
HeftiaFinalT (HeftiaFinalT),
newtype HeftiaFinalTN (h :: Signature) f a = HeftiaFinalTN
{unHeftiaFinalTN :: forall g. FinalTElaborator h f g -> g a}
runHeftiaFinalTN :: FinalTElaborator h f g -> HeftiaFinalTN h f a -> g a
runHeftiaFinalTN i (HeftiaFinalTN f) = f i
{-# INLINE runHeftiaFinalTN #-}
liftSigFinalTN :: HFunctor h => h (HeftiaFinalTN h f) a -> HeftiaFinalTN h f a
liftSigFinalTN e = HeftiaFinalTN \i -> elaborateFinalT i $ hfmap (runHeftiaFinalTN i) e
{-# INLINE liftSigFinalTN #-}
wearHeftiaFinalT :: HeftiaFinalTN h f a -> HeftiaFinalT Nop h f a
wearHeftiaFinalT (HeftiaFinalTN f) = heftiaFinalT f
{-# INLINE wearHeftiaFinalT #-}
nakeHeftiaFinalT :: HeftiaFinalT Nop h f a -> HeftiaFinalTN h f a
nakeHeftiaFinalT m = HeftiaFinalTN (`runHeftiaFinalT` m)
{-# INLINE nakeHeftiaFinalT #-}
wearHeftiaFinalTF :: Freer c fr => HeftiaFinalTN (fr :+: h) f a -> HeftiaFinalT c h f a
wearHeftiaFinalTF (HeftiaFinalTN f) =
heftiaFinalT \i -> f $ FinalTElaborator (elaborateFinalTLower i) \case
Inl m -> retract m
Inr e -> elaborateFinalT i e
nakeHeftiaFinalTF :: (Freer c fr, HFunctor h) => HeftiaFinalT c h f a -> HeftiaFinalTN (fr :+: h) f a
nakeHeftiaFinalTF m =
HeftiaFinalTN \i ->
elaborateFinalT i . Inl . (`runHeftiaFinalT` m) $
(liftIns . elaborateFinalTLower i)
(liftIns . elaborateFinalT i . Inr . hfmap (elaborateFinalT i . Inl))
cisHeftiaFinalN :: HeftiaFinalTN h f a -> HeftiaFinalN (h :+: LiftIns f) a
cisHeftiaFinalN = nakeHeftiaFinal . unHeftiaFinalT . wearHeftiaFinalT
{-# INLINE cisHeftiaFinalN #-}
transHeftiaFinalN :: HeftiaFinalN (h :+: LiftIns f) a -> HeftiaFinalTN h f a
transHeftiaFinalN = nakeHeftiaFinalT . HeftiaFinalT . wearHeftiaFinal
{-# INLINE transHeftiaFinalN #-}
Reference in New Issue
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