Tie allows generation of Haskell server stubs from
[OpenAPI (v 3.x) specifications](https://swagger.io/specification/).
If you are looking for a generator for Haskell client code, check out the
## Usage
$ tie
Missing: FILE
Usage: tie [-o|--output DIR] [--module-name MODULE] [--package-name PACKAGE]
[--extra-package PACKAGE] FILE
Generate a Haskell server from an OpenAPI3 specification
## Insallation
### Building from source
Below are the steps to install Tie using the Cabal build tool.
First, you need to clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/scarf-sh/tie.git
$ cd tie
Then, you need to build it using cabal:
$ cabal build exe:tie
Finally, you can copy the resulting executable to your desired location:
$ cp $(cabal exec -- which tie) ~/.local/bin/tie
Alternatively, instead of manually copying the executable you can install with
$ cabal install .
## Community & Contact
Feel free to join on us on our
[community Slack](https://tinyurl.com/scarf-community-slack) (`#tie` channel)!
## License
This program is under the terms of the [Apache License v2.0](/LICENSE).
## Authors
Tie is originally made and currently sponsored by [Scarf](https://scarf.sh)
among other [contributors](https://github.com/scarf-sh/tie/graphs/contributors).