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synced 2024-12-11 06:35:01 +03:00
490 lines
12 KiB
490 lines
12 KiB
package main
import (
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
type Connection struct {
Server string
File FileMetaData
NumberOfConnections int
Code string
HashedCode string
IsSender bool
Debug bool
DontEncrypt bool
Wait bool
bars []*uiprogress.Bar
rate int
type FileMetaData struct {
Name string
Size int
Hash string
Path string
func NewConnection(flags *Flags) *Connection {
c := new(Connection)
c.Debug = flags.Debug
c.DontEncrypt = flags.DontEncrypt
c.Wait = flags.Wait
c.Server = flags.Server
c.Code = flags.Code
c.NumberOfConnections = flags.NumberOfConnections
c.rate = flags.Rate
if len(flags.File) > 0 {
c.File.Name = path.Base(flags.File)
c.File.Path = path.Dir(flags.File)
c.IsSender = true
} else {
c.IsSender = false
if c.Debug {
} else {
return c
func (c *Connection) Run() error {
forceSingleThreaded := false
if c.IsSender {
fsize, err := FileSize(path.Join(c.File.Path, c.File.Name))
if err != nil {
return err
forceSingleThreaded = true
log.Debug("forcing single thread")
log.Debug("checking code validity")
for {
// check code
goodCode := true
m := strings.Split(c.Code, "-")
numThreads, errParse := strconv.Atoi(m[0])
if len(m) < 2 {
goodCode = false
log.Debug("code too short")
} else if numThreads > MAX_NUMBER_THREADS || numThreads < 1 || (forceSingleThreaded && numThreads != 1) {
c.NumberOfConnections = MAX_NUMBER_THREADS
goodCode = false
log.Debug("incorrect number of threads")
} else if errParse != nil {
goodCode = false
log.Debug("problem parsing threads")
if !goodCode {
if c.IsSender {
if forceSingleThreaded {
c.NumberOfConnections = 1
c.Code = strconv.Itoa(c.NumberOfConnections) + "-" + GetRandomName()
} else {
if len(c.Code) != 0 {
fmt.Println("Code must begin with number of threads (e.g. 3-some-code)")
c.Code = getInput("Enter receive code: ")
} else {
// assign number of connections
c.NumberOfConnections, _ = strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(c.Code, "-")[0])
if c.IsSender {
if c.DontEncrypt {
// don't encrypt
CopyFile(path.Join(c.File.Path, c.File.Name), c.File.Name+".enc")
} else {
// encrypt
if err := EncryptFile(path.Join(c.File.Path, c.File.Name), c.File.Name+".enc", c.Code); err != nil {
return err
if err := SplitFile(c.File.Name+".enc", c.NumberOfConnections); err != nil {
return err
// get file hash
var err error
c.File.Hash, err = HashFile(path.Join(c.File.Path, c.File.Name))
if err != nil {
return err
// get file size
c.File.Size, err = FileSize(c.File.Name + ".enc")
if err != nil {
return err
// remove the file now since we still have pieces
if err := os.Remove(c.File.Name + ".enc"); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Sending %d byte file named '%s'\n", c.File.Size, c.File.Name)
fmt.Printf("Code is: %s\n", c.Code)
return c.runClient()
// runClient spawns threads for parallel uplink/downlink via TCP
func (c *Connection) runClient() error {
logger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{
"code": c.Code,
"sender?": c.IsSender,
c.HashedCode = Hash(c.Code)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
if !c.Debug {
c.bars = make([]*uiprogress.Bar, c.NumberOfConnections)
gotTimeout := false
gotOK := false
gotResponse := false
gotConnectionInUse := false
notPresent := false
for id := 0; id < c.NumberOfConnections; id++ {
go func(id int) {
defer wg.Done()
port := strconv.Itoa(27001 + id)
connection, err := net.Dial("tcp", c.Server+":"+port)
if err != nil {
if c.Server == "cowyo.com" {
fmt.Println("\nCheck http://bit.ly/croc-relay to see if the public server is down or contact the webmaster: @yakczar")
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nCould not connect to relay %s\n", c.Server)
defer connection.Close()
message := receiveMessage(connection)
logger.Debugf("relay says: %s", message)
if c.IsSender {
logger.Debugf("telling relay: %s", "s."+c.Code)
metaData, err := json.Marshal(c.File)
if err != nil {
encryptedMetaData, salt, iv := Encrypt(metaData, c.Code)
sendMessage("s."+c.HashedCode+"."+hex.EncodeToString(encryptedMetaData)+"-"+salt+"-"+iv, connection)
} else {
logger.Debugf("telling relay: %s", "r."+c.Code)
if c.Wait {
sendMessage("r."+c.HashedCode+".0.0.0", connection)
} else {
sendMessage("c."+c.HashedCode+".0.0.0", connection)
if c.IsSender { // this is a sender
logger.Debug("waiting for ok from relay")
message = receiveMessage(connection)
if message == "timeout" {
gotTimeout = true
fmt.Println("You've just exceeded limit waiting time.")
if message == "no" {
if id == 0 {
fmt.Println("The specifed code is already in use by a sender.")
gotConnectionInUse = true
} else {
logger.Debug("got ok from relay")
if id == 0 {
fmt.Printf("\nSending (->%s)..\n", message)
// wait for pipe to be made
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// Write data from file
logger.Debug("send file")
if err := c.sendFile(id, connection); err != nil {
} else { // this is a receiver
logger.Debug("waiting for meta data from sender")
message = receiveMessage(connection)
if message == "no" {
if id == 0 {
fmt.Println("The specifed code is already in use by a sender.")
gotConnectionInUse = true
} else {
m := strings.Split(message, "-")
encryptedData, salt, iv, sendersAddress := m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3]
if sendersAddress == "" {
notPresent = true
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
encryptedBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(encryptedData)
if err != nil {
decryptedBytes, _ := Decrypt(encryptedBytes, c.Code, salt, iv, c.DontEncrypt)
err = json.Unmarshal(decryptedBytes, &c.File)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("meta data received: %v", c.File)
// have the main thread ask for the okay
if id == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Receiving file (%d bytes) into: %s\n", c.File.Size, c.File.Name)
var sentFileNames []string
if fileAlreadyExists(sentFileNames, c.File.Name) {
fmt.Printf("Will not overwrite file!")
getOK := getInput("ok? (y/n): ")
if getOK == "y" {
gotOK = true
sentFileNames = append(sentFileNames, c.File.Name)
gotResponse = true
// wait for the main thread to get the okay
for limit := 0; limit < 1000; limit++ {
if gotResponse {
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
if !gotOK {
sendMessage("not ok", connection)
} else {
sendMessage("ok", connection)
logger.Debug("receive file")
if id == 0 {
fmt.Printf("\n\nReceiving (<-%s)..\n", sendersAddress)
if err := c.receiveFile(id, connection); err != nil {
log.Error(errors.Wrap(err, "Problem receiving the file: "))
if gotConnectionInUse {
return nil // connection was in use, just quit cleanly
if c.IsSender {
if gotTimeout {
fmt.Println("Timeout waiting for receiver")
return nil
fmt.Println("\nFile sent.")
} else { // Is a Receiver
if notPresent {
fmt.Println("Sender/Code not present")
return nil
if !gotOK {
return errors.New("Transfer interrupted")
if err := c.catFile(); err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("Code: [%s]", c.Code)
if c.DontEncrypt {
if err := CopyFile(c.File.Name+".enc", c.File.Name); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := DecryptFile(c.File.Name+".enc", c.File.Name, c.Code); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "Problem decrypting file")
if !c.Debug {
os.Remove(c.File.Name + ".enc")
fileHash, err := HashFile(c.File.Name)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("\n\n\ndownloaded hash: [%s]", fileHash)
log.Debugf("\n\n\nrelayed hash: [%s]", c.File.Hash)
if c.File.Hash != fileHash {
return fmt.Errorf("\nUh oh! %s is corrupted! Sorry, try again.\n", c.File.Name)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nReceived file written to %s\n", c.File.Name)
return nil
func fileAlreadyExists(s []string, f string) bool {
for _, a := range s {
if a == f {
return true
return false
func (c *Connection) catFile() error {
// cat the file
files := make([]string, c.NumberOfConnections)
for id := range files {
files[id] = c.File.Name + ".enc." + strconv.Itoa(id)
toRemove := true
if c.Debug {
toRemove = false
return CatFiles(files, c.File.Name+".enc", toRemove)
func (c *Connection) receiveFile(id int, connection net.Conn) error {
logger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{
"function": "receiveFile #" + strconv.Itoa(id),
logger.Debug("waiting for chunk size from sender")
fileSizeBuffer := make([]byte, 10)
fileDataString := strings.Trim(string(fileSizeBuffer), ":")
fileSizeInt, _ := strconv.Atoi(fileDataString)
chunkSize := int64(fileSizeInt)
logger.Debugf("chunk size: %d", chunkSize)
os.Remove(c.File.Name + ".enc." + strconv.Itoa(id))
log.Debug("Making " + c.File.Name + ".enc." + strconv.Itoa(id))
newFile, err := os.Create(c.File.Name + ".enc." + strconv.Itoa(id))
if err != nil {
defer newFile.Close()
if !c.Debug {
c.bars[id] = uiprogress.AddBar(int(chunkSize)/1024 + 1).AppendCompleted().PrependElapsed()
logger.Debug("waiting for file")
var receivedBytes int64
receivedFirstBytes := false
for {
if !c.Debug {
if (chunkSize - receivedBytes) < BUFFERSIZE {
logger.Debug("at the end")
io.CopyN(newFile, connection, (chunkSize - receivedBytes))
// Empty the remaining bytes that we don't need from the network buffer
if (receivedBytes+BUFFERSIZE)-chunkSize < BUFFERSIZE {
logger.Debug("empty remaining bytes from network buffer")
connection.Read(make([]byte, (receivedBytes+BUFFERSIZE)-chunkSize))
io.CopyN(newFile, connection, BUFFERSIZE)
receivedBytes += BUFFERSIZE
if !receivedFirstBytes {
receivedFirstBytes = true
logger.Debug("Receieved first bytes!")
logger.Debug("received file")
return nil
func (c *Connection) sendFile(id int, connection net.Conn) error {
logger := log.WithFields(log.Fields{
"function": "sendFile #" + strconv.Itoa(id),
defer connection.Close()
// open encrypted file chunk
logger.Debug("opening encrypted file chunk: " + c.File.Name + ".enc." + strconv.Itoa(id))
file, err := os.Open(c.File.Name + ".enc." + strconv.Itoa(id))
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
// determine and send the file size to client
fi, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return err
logger.Debugf("sending chunk size: %d", fi.Size())
connection.Write([]byte(fillString(strconv.FormatInt(int64(fi.Size()), 10), 10)))
// show the progress
if !c.Debug {
logger.Debug("going to show progress")
c.bars[id] = uiprogress.AddBar(int(fi.Size())).AppendCompleted().PrependElapsed()
// rate limit the bandwidth
logger.Debug("determining rate limiting")
bufferSizeInKilobytes := BUFFERSIZE / 1024
rate := float64(c.rate) / float64(c.NumberOfConnections*bufferSizeInKilobytes)
throttle := time.NewTicker(time.Second / time.Duration(rate))
defer throttle.Stop()
// send the file
sendBuffer := make([]byte, BUFFERSIZE)
totalBytesSent := 0
for range throttle.C {
n, err := file.Read(sendBuffer)
totalBytesSent += n
if !c.Debug {
if err == io.EOF {
//End of file reached, break out of for loop
logger.Debug("file is sent")
logger.Debug("removing piece")
if !c.Debug {
err = os.Remove(c.File.Name + ".enc." + strconv.Itoa(id))
return err