import os, subprocess, shutil from huggingface_hub import HfApi from git import Repo, RemoteProgress class CloneProgress(RemoteProgress): def update(self, op_code, cur_count, max_count=None, message=''): if message: print(message) api = HfApi() models_list = api.list_models(author="sd-concepts-library", sort="likes", direction=-1) models = [] print ("Downloading the sd concept library from the huggingface site.") for model in models_list: model_content = {} model_id = model.modelId url = f"{model_id}" try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id)):['git', 'lfs', 'install'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) Repo.clone_from(url, os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id), progress=CloneProgress()) #else: #repo = Repo(os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id)) #repo.git.stash('save') #repo.git.pull()['git', 'lfs', 'uninstall'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) # uninstall LFS os.remove(os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id, '.gitattributes')) if os.path.exists(os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id, '.gitattributes')) else None # remove the .gitattributes so files don't use LFS['rm', '-rf', os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id,'.git')]) if os.path.exists(os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id, '.git')) else None # remove all the .git folders as we dont need them. # get the folder size and delete it if its larger than 100mb size = 0 for ele in os.scandir(os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id)): # get folder size size+=os.stat(ele).st_size if size > 100000000: # if the folder is larger than 100mb delete it. shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("../models/custom", model_id), ignore_errors=True) except: pass