@echo off :: Run all commands using this script's directory as the working directory cd %~dp0 :: copy over the first line from environment.yaml, e.g. name: ldm, and take the second word after splitting by ":" delimiter for /F "tokens=2 delims=: " %%i in (environment.yaml) DO ( set v_conda_env_name=%%i goto EOL ) :EOL echo Environment name is set as %v_conda_env_name% as per environment.yaml :: Put the path to conda directory in a file called "custom-conda-path.txt" if it's installed at non-standard path IF EXIST custom-conda-path.txt ( FOR /F %%i IN (custom-conda-path.txt) DO set v_custom_path=%%i ) set v_paths=%ProgramData%\miniconda3 set v_paths=%v_paths%;%USERPROFILE%\miniconda3 set v_paths=%v_paths%;%ProgramData%\anaconda3 set v_paths=%v_paths%;%USERPROFILE%\anaconda3 for %%a in (%v_paths%) do ( IF NOT "%v_custom_path%"=="" ( set v_paths=%v_custom_path%;%v_paths% ) ) for %%a in (%v_paths%) do ( if EXIST "%%a\Scripts\activate.bat" ( SET v_conda_path=%%a echo anaconda3/miniconda3 detected in %%a goto :CONDA_FOUND ) ) IF "%v_conda_path%"=="" ( echo anaconda3/miniconda3 not found. Install from here https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html pause exit /b 1 ) :CONDA_FOUND if not exist "z_version_env.tmp" ( :: first time running, we need to update set AUTO=1 call "update_to_latest.cmd" ) call "%v_conda_path%\Scripts\activate.bat" "%v_conda_env_name%" :PROMPT set SETUPTOOLS_USE_DISTUTILS=stdlib IF EXIST "models\ldm\stable-diffusion-v1\model.ckpt" ( set PYTHONPATH=%~dp0 python scripts\relauncher.py ) ELSE ( echo Your model file does not exist! Place it in 'models\ldm\stable-diffusion-v1' with the name 'model.ckpt'. pause )