from os import path import json def readTextFile(*args): dir = path.dirname(__file__) entry = path.join(dir, *args) with open(entry, "r", encoding="utf8") as f: data = return data def css(opt): styling = readTextFile("css", "styles.css") if not opt.no_progressbar_hiding: styling += readTextFile("css", "no_progress_bar.css") return styling def js(opt): data = readTextFile("js", "index.js") data = "(z) => {" + data + "; return z ?? [] }" return data # Wrap the typical SD method call into async closure for ease of use # Supplies the js function with a params object # That includes all the passed arguments and input from Gradio: x # Example call in Gradio component's event handler (pass the result to _js arg): # _js=call_JS("myJsMethod", arg1="string", arg2=100, arg3=[]) def call_JS(sd_method, **kwargs): param_str = json.dumps(kwargs) return f"async (x) => {{ return await SD.{sd_method}({{ x, ...{param_str} }}) ?? []; }}"