/* ---------------------------------------------- * Generated by Animista on 2022-9-3 12:0:51 * Licensed under FreeBSD License. * See http://animista.net/license for more info. * w: http://animista.net, t: @cssanimista * ---------------------------------------------- */ /** * ---------------------------------------- * animation fade-in * ---------------------------------------- */ @-webkit-keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } /* CSS HEX */ :root { --eerie-black: #141414ff; --jet: #373737ff; --white: #ffffffff; --rajah: #faa549ff; --tart-orange: #9c85fb; --light-steel-blue: #b7d0f1ff; } /* Gallery items (not working) */ .gallery-item.svelte-1g9btlg.svelte-1g9btlg{ border: none!important; } /* Loading background */ .dark .wrap.svelte-2fvq7v{ background-color: #373737ff; } /* generate button */ #generate, #img2img_mask_btn, #img2img_edit_btn{ transition: 0.3s; color: #9c85fb!important; border-color: #9c85fb!important; } #generate:hover, #img2img_mask_btn:hover, #img2img_edit_btn:hover{ color: #141414ff!important; background-color: #9c85fb!important; } /* Generation paramters */ #highlight > div.textfield.bg-white.dark\:bg-transparent.rounded-sm.text-sm.box-border.max-w-full.break-word.leading-7.mt-7 > span:nth-child(2){ background: none!important; color: white!important; } #highlight > div.textfield.bg-white.dark\:bg-transparent.rounded-sm.text-sm.box-border.max-w-full.break-word.leading-7.mt-7 > span:nth-child(4){ background: none!important; color: white!important; } #highlight > div.textfield.bg-white.dark\:bg-transparent.rounded-sm.text-sm.box-border.max-w-full.break-word.leading-7.mt-7 > span:nth-child(6){ background: none!important; color: white!important; } #highlight > div.textfield.bg-white.dark\:bg-transparent.rounded-sm.text-sm.box-border.max-w-full.break-word.leading-7.mt-7 > span:nth-child(8){ background: none!important; color: white!important; } #highlight > div.textfield.bg-white.dark\:bg-transparent.rounded-sm.text-sm.box-border.max-w-full.break-word.leading-7.mt-7 > span:nth-child(10){ background: none!important; color: white!important; } #highlight > div.textfield.bg-white.dark\:bg-transparent.rounded-sm.text-sm.box-border.max-w-full.break-word.leading-7.mt-7 > span:nth-child(12){ background: none!important; color: white!important; } /* Mask background */ .dark .bg-gray-200{ background-color:rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.105)!important; } .cropper-wrap-box, .cropper-canvas{ background-color:rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.105)!important; } .cropper-bg { background: none!important; } select { background:#000; color:#fff; } select * { background:#373737ff; color:#9c85fb; } /* General Background */ .gradio-container {background:#141414ff;} /*General Text color on hover */ .dark .hover\:text-gray-700:hover{ color: #9d85fb8a!important; } /*General Text color */ .text-gray-400{ color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.504); transition: 0.3s; } /* General container of everything */ .dark .dark\:bg-gray-950 {background-color: #141414ff!important; -webkit-animation: fade-in 1s ease-in both; animation: fade-in 1s ease-in both; } /* labels in frames of gallery */ .dark .dark\:bg-gray-900 { background-color:#9d85fbdf!important; border: none!important;} /* Background for Gradio stuff along with colors for text */ .dark .gr-box { background-color:rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.105)!important; border: solid 0.5px!important; border-color: rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.055)!important; /* sampler selector color */ color: #9c85fb!important;} /* Secondary Buttons color */ .dark .gr-button-secondary{ color: #9c85fb; border-color: #9d85fb5c; transition: 0.3s;} .dark .gr-button-secondary:hover{ color: #141414ff!important; background-color: #9c85fb!important;} .dark .gr-button-primary{ color: #9c85fb; border-color: #9d85fb5c; transition: 0.3s;} .dark .gr-button-primary:hover{ color: #141414ff!important; background-color: #9c85fb!important;} /* image lab process button */ div[id*="111"]{ width: 50% !important; align-self: center !important; } /* Selected tabs color */ button, input, optgroup, select, textarea {color: #9c85fb;!important} /* -or- text color wtf */ .text-gray-300{ color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.504); } /* Sliders colors */ button, input, optgroup, select, textarea{ accent-color: #9c85fb!important; } /* Text color for placeholder in prompt */ input.scroll-hide.block.gr-box.gr-input.w-full.gr-text-input::placeholder{ color: #9d85fb5c; transition: 0.3s; } /* disabling borders for stuff */ .border-gray-200{ /* no border */ border: none; } .border-b-2{ /* no border */ border: none; } /* disabling backgrounds for labels and buttons */ button, select, textarea { background: none!important; } /* radio selection border and background */ .dark .gr-input-label{ background: none!important; border: none!important; } /* checkbox and radio buttons color when checked */ .dark .gr-check-radio:checked{ background-color: #9c85fb!important; } /* checkbox and radio buttons color when unchecked */ .dark .gr-check-radio{ background-color: #373737ff!important; }