mirror of https://github.com/sdiehl/wiwinwlh.git synced 2024-09-11 12:05:25 +03:00

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This commit is contained in:
Stephen Diehl 2014-12-03 11:35:27 -06:00
parent 90e1ccde86
commit 2f7318825d
9 changed files with 322 additions and 71 deletions

img/criterion.png Normal file

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img/hm.png Normal file

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img/numerics.dot Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
digraph graphname {
Num -> Real
Ord -> Real
Num -> Fractional;
Real -> Integral;
Enum -> Integral;
Real -> RealFrac;
Fractional -> RealFrac;
Fractional -> Floating;
RealFrac -> RealFloat;
Floating -> RealFloat;

img/numerics.png Normal file

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img/par.dot Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
digraph graphname {
"f x" -> "a + b";
"g x" -> "a + b";
"a + b" -> "f (a + b)";
"a + b" -> "g (a + b)";
"f (a + b)" -> "(d, e)";
"g (a + b)" -> "(d, e)";

img/par.png Normal file

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img/tree.dot Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
digraph graphname {
A -> B;
A -> C;
C -> D;
C -> E;

img/tree.png Normal file

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View File

@ -3090,8 +3090,9 @@ This time around:
failure = Succ ( Lit True )
Explicit constraints (``a ~ b``) can be added to a function's context that the compiler should be able to
deduce that two types are equal up to unification.
Explicit equality constraints (``a ~ b``) can be added to a function's context.
This effectively asserts that ``a`` and ``b`` should unify across the bounds of
the context.
-- f :: a -> a -> (a,a)
@ -3120,8 +3121,8 @@ eval e = case e of
Kind Signatures
Recall that the kind in Haskell's type system the "type of the types" or *kinds* is the type system consisting
the single kind ``*`` and an arrow kind ``->``.
Haskell's kind system (i.e. the "type of the types") is a system consisting the
single kind ``*`` and an arrow kind ``->``.
κ : *
@ -3134,9 +3135,14 @@ Maybe :: * -> *
Either :: * -> * -> *
On top of default GADT declaration we can also constrain the parameters of the GADT to specific kinds. For
basic usage Haskell's kind inference can deduce this reasonably well, but combined with some other type system
extensions that extend the kind system this becomes essential.
There are in fact some extensions to this system that will covered later ( see:
PolyKinds and Unboxed types ) but most kinds in everyday code are simply either
stars or arrows.
On top of default GADT declaration we can also constrain the parameters of the
GADT to specific kinds. For basic usage Haskell's kind inference can deduce this
reasonably well, but combined with some other type system extensions that extend
the kind system this becomes essential.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/12-gadts/kindsignatures.hs"}
@ -3144,11 +3150,13 @@ extensions that extend the kind system this becomes essential.
Type Equality
With a richer language for datatypes we can express terms that witness the relationship between terms in the
constructors, for example we can now express a term which expresses propositional equality between two types.
With a richer language for datatypes we can express terms that witness the
relationship between terms in the constructors, for example we can now express a
term which expresses propositional equality between two types.
The type ``Eql a b`` is a proof that types ``a`` and ``b`` are equal, by pattern matching on the single
``Refl`` constructor we introduce the equality constraint into the body of the pattern match.
The type ``Eql a b`` is a proof that types ``a`` and ``b`` are equal, by pattern
matching on the single ``Refl`` constructor we introduce the equality constraint
into the body of the pattern match.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/12-gadts/equal.hs"}
@ -3335,16 +3343,19 @@ Interpreters
Expression Problem
Final Interpreters
Using typeclasses we can implement a *final interpreter* which models a set of extensible terms using
functions bound to typeclasses rather than data constructors. Instances of the typeclass form interpreters
over these terms.
Using typeclasses we can implement a *final interpreter* which models a set of
extensible terms using functions bound to typeclasses rather than data
constructors. Instances of the typeclass form interpreters over these terms.
For example we can write a small language that includes basic arithmetic, and then retroactively extend our
expression language with a multiplication operator without changing the base. At the same time our interpeter
interpreter logic remains invariant under extension with new expressions.
For example we can write a small language that includes basic arithmetic, and
then retroactively extend our expression language with a multiplication operator
without changing the base. At the same time our interpeter interpreter logic
remains invariant under extension with new expressions.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/14-interpreters/fext.hs"}
@ -3410,9 +3421,9 @@ See: [Species and Functors and Types, Oh My!](http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~byorgey/
The *initial algebra* approach differs from the final interpreter approach in that we now represent our terms
as algebraic datatypes and the interpreter implements recursion and evaluation occurs through pattern
The *initial algebra* approach differs from the final interpreter approach in
that we now represent our terms as algebraic datatypes and the interpreter
implements recursion and evaluation occurs through pattern matching.
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
@ -3424,9 +3435,9 @@ ana :: Functor f => Coalgebra f a -> a -> Fix f
hylo :: Functor f => Algebra f b -> Coalgebra f a -> a -> b
In Haskell a F-algebra in a functor ``f a`` together with function ``f a -> a``. A colagebra reverses the
function. For a functor ``f`` we can form it's recursive unrolling using the recursive ``Fix`` newtype
In Haskell a F-algebra in a functor ``f a`` together with function ``f a -> a``.
A colagebra reverses the function. For a functor ``f`` we can form it's
recursive unrolling using the recursive ``Fix`` newtype wrapper.
@ -3471,13 +3482,14 @@ For example a construction of the natural numbers in this form:
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/14-interpreters/initial.hs"}
Or for example an interpreter for a small expression language that depends on a scoping dictionary.
Or for example an interpreter for a small expression language that depends on a
scoping dictionary.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/14-interpreters/initial_interpreter.hs"}
What's especially nice about this approach is how naturally catamorphisms compose into efficient
composite transformations.
What's especially nice about this approach is how naturally catamorphisms
compose into efficient composite transformations.
compose :: Functor f => (f (Fix f) -> c) -> (a -> Fix f) -> a -> c
@ -3687,7 +3699,8 @@ Depth 3: 1553 terms, 500 tests, 255056 evaluations, 1234 classes, 319 raw equati
25: reverse xs++reverse ys == reverse (ys++xs)
Not bad for mechcanical search!
Keep in mind the rather remarkable fact that this is all deduced automatically
from the types alone!
@ -3934,9 +3947,28 @@ type instance F Char = Bool
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/16-type-families/roles.hs"}
Roles are a further level of specification for type variables parameters of
* ``nominal``
* ``representational``
* ``phantom``
They were added to the language to address a rather nasty and long-standing bug
around the correspondence between a newtype and it's runtime representation.
Roles are normally automatically inferred but with the ``RoleAnnotations``
extension they can be manually annotated. Except in rare cases this should not
be necessary although it is helpful to know what is going on under the hood.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/16-type-families/role_infer.hs"}
@ -4073,20 +4105,63 @@ type T1 a = (Num a, Ord a)
The empty constraint set is indicated by ``() :: Constraint``.
For a contrived example if we wanted to create a generic ``Sized`` class that carried with it constraints on
the elements of the container in question we could achieve this quite simply using type families.
For a contrived example if we wanted to create a generic ``Sized`` class that
carried with it constraints on the elements of the container in question we
could achieve this quite simply using type families.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/16-type-families/constraintkinds.hs"}
One use-case of this is to capture the typeclass dictionary constrained by a function and reify it as a value.
One use-case of this is to capture the typeclass dictionary constrained by a
function and reify it as a value.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/16-type-families/dict.hs"}
Higher Kinds
The kind system in Haskell is unique most other languages in that it allows
datatypes to be constructed which take types and type constructor to other
types. Such a system is said to support *higher kinded types*.
All kind annotations in Haskell necessarily result in a kind ``*`` although any
terms to the left may be higher-kinded (``* -> *``).
The common example is the Monad which has kind ``* -> *``. But we have also seen
this higher-kindedness in free monads.
data Free f a where
Pure :: a -> Free f a
Free :: f (Free f a) -> Free f a
data Cofree f a where
Cofree :: a -> f (Cofree f a) -> Cofree f a
Free :: (* -> *) -> * -> *
Cofree :: (* -> *) -> * -> *
For instance ``Cofree Maybe a`` for some monokinded type ``a`` models a
non-empty list with ``Maybe :: * -> *``.
-- Cofree Maybe a is a non-empty list
testCofree :: Cofree Maybe Int
testCofree = (Cofree 1 (Just (Cofree 2 Nothing)))
Kind Polymorphism
@ -4128,6 +4203,26 @@ arbitrary kind arity.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/17-promotion/kindpoly.hs"}
For example we can write down the polymorphic ``S`` ``K`` combinators at the
type level now.
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
newtype I (a :: *) = I a
newtype K (a :: *) (b :: k) = K a
newtype Flip (f :: k1 -> k2 -> *) (x :: k2) (y :: k1) = Flip (f y x)
unI :: I a -> a
unI (I x) = x
unK :: K a b -> a
unK (K x) = x
unFlip :: Flip f x y -> f y x
unFlip (Flip x) = x
@ -4210,8 +4305,8 @@ have an obligation to prove to the compiler that the argument we hand to the hea
Couldn't match type None with Many
Expected type: List Many Int
Actual type: List None Int
Expected type: List NonEmpty Int
Actual type: List Empty Int
@ -4220,7 +4315,6 @@ See:
* [Faking It: Simulating Dependent Types in Haskell](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Typelevel Numbers
@ -4512,8 +4606,8 @@ then derive the Show instance.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/17-promotion/constraint_list.hs"}
Type Map
Typelevel Maps
Much of this discussion of promotion begs the question whether we can create data structures at the type-level
to store information at compile-time. For example a type-level association list can be used to model a map
@ -4698,6 +4792,9 @@ cast :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/18-generics/dynamic.hs"}
In GHC 7.8 the Typeable class is poly-kinded so polymorphic functions can be
applied over dynamic objects.
@ -5037,20 +5134,78 @@ data Expr a
Biplates generalize plates where the target type isn't necessarily the same as the source.
Biplates generalize plates where the target type isn't necessarily the same as
the source, it uses multiparamater typeclasses to indicate the type sub of the
sub-target. The Uniplate functions all have an equivalent generalized biplate
descendBi :: Biplate from to => (to -> to) -> from -> from
descendBi :: Biplate from to => (to -> to) -> from -> from
transformBi :: Biplate from to => (to -> to) -> from -> from
rewriteBi :: Biplate from to => (to -> Maybe to) -> from -> from
rewriteBi :: Biplate from to => (to -> Maybe to) -> from -> from
descendBiM :: (Monad m, Biplate from to) => (to -> m to) -> from -> m from
transformBiM :: (Monad m, Biplate from to) => (to -> m to) -> from -> m from
rewriteBiM :: (Monad m, Biplate from to) => (to -> m (Maybe to)) -> from -> m from
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/18-generics/biplate.hs"}
Sums of Products
Numeric Tower
Haskell's numeric tower is usuall the source of some confusion for novices.
Haskell is one of the few languages to incorporate statically typed overloaded
literals without a mechanism for "coercions" often found in other languages.
An integer literal in Haskell is literally desugared into a function from a
numeric typeclass which yields a polymorphic value that can be instantiated to
nay instance of the ``Num`` or ``Fractional`` typeclass at the call-site,
depending on the inferred type.
42 :: Num a => a
fromInteger (42 :: Integer)
2.71 :: Fractional a => a
fromRational (2.71 :: Rational)
The numeric typeclass hierarchy is defined as such:
class Num a
class (Num a, Ord a) => Real
class Num a => Fractional a
class (Real a, Enum a) => Integral a
class (Real a, Fractional a) => RealFrac a
class Fractional a => Floating a
class (RealFrac a, Floating a) => RealFloat a
Conversions between concrete numeric types (from : top row, to : left column )
is accomplished with several generic functions.
Double Float Int Word Integer Rational
------ ------ ----- --- ---- -------- --------
Double id fromRational truncate truncate truncate toRational
Float fromRational id truncate truncate truncate toRational
Int fromIntegral fromIntegral id fromIntegral fromIntegral fromIntegral
Word fromIntegral fromIntegral fromIntegral id fromIntegral fromIntegral
Integer fromIntegral fromIntegral fromIntegral fromIntegral id fromIntegral
Rational fromRatoinal fromRational truncate truncate truncate id
@ -5058,6 +5213,8 @@ The ``Integer`` type in GHC is implemented by the GMP (``libgmp``) arbitrary pre
Unlike the ``Int`` type the size of Integer values are bounded only by the available memory. Most notably
libgmp is the on few libraries that compiled Haskell binaries are dynamically linked against.
An alternative library ``integer-simple`` can be linked in place of libgmp.
See: [GHC, primops and exorcising GMP](http://www.well-typed.com/blog/32/)
@ -5112,12 +5269,14 @@ Statistics
Constructive Reals
Instead of modeling the real numbers of finite precision floating point numbers we alternatively work with
``Num`` of that internally manipulate the power series expansions for the expressions when performing
operations like arithmetic or transcendental functions without loosing precision when performing intermediate
computations. Then when simply slice of a fixed number of terms and approximate the resulting number to a
desired precision. This approach is not without it's limitations and caveats ( notably that it may diverge )
but works quite well in practice.
Instead of modeling the real numbers of finite precision floating point numbers
we alternatively work with ``Num`` of that internally manipulate the power
series expansions for the expressions when performing operations like arithmetic
or transcendental functions without loosing precision when performing
intermediate computations. Then when simply slice of a fixed number of terms and
approximate the resulting number to a desired precision. This approach is not
without it's limitations and caveats ( notably that it may diverge ) but works
quite well in practice.
exp(x) = 1 + x + 1/2*x^2 + 1/6*x^3 + 1/24*x^4 + 1/120*x^5 ...
@ -5129,9 +5288,79 @@ pi = 16 * atan (1/5) - 4 * atan (1/239)
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/19-numbers/creal.hs"}
SAT Solvers
Solutions to a statement of the form:
(A v ¬B v C) ∧ (B v D v E) ∧ (D v F)
Can be written as zero-terminated lists of integers:
1 -2 3 -- (A v ¬B v C)
2 4 5 -- (B v D v E)
4 6 -- (D v F)
import Picosat
main :: IO [Int]
main = do
solve [[1, -2, 3], [2,4,5], [4,6]]
-- Solution [1,-2,3,4,5,6]
The SAT solver itself can be used to solve satisfiability problems with millions
of variables in this form and is finely tuned.
* [picosat](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/picosat-0.1.1)
SMT Solvers
A generalization of the SAT problem to include predicates other theories gives
rise to the very sophisticated domain of "Satisfiability Modulo Theory"
problems. The existing SMT solvers are very sophisticated projects ( usually
bankrolled by large institutions ) and usually have to called out to via foreign
function interface or via a common interface called SMT-lib. The two most common
of use in Haskell are ``cvc4`` from Stanford and ``z3`` from Microsoft Research.
The SBV library can abstract over different SMT solvers allow us to express the
problem in a embedded domain language in Haskell and then offload the solving
work to the third party library.
* [cvc4](http://cvc4.cs.nyu.edu/web/)
* [z3](http://z3.codeplex.com/)
Data Structures
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/map.hs"}
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/tree.hs"}
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/set.hs"}
@ -5177,24 +5406,6 @@ functions.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/vector_mutable.hs"}
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/map.hs"}
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/tree.hs"}
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/set.hs"}
@ -5291,9 +5502,11 @@ See: [GraphSCC](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/GraphSCC)
A dlist is a list-like structure that is optimized for O(1) append operations, internally it uses a Church
encoding of the list structure. It is specifically suited for operations which are append-only and need only
access it when manifesting the entire structure. It is particularly well-suited for use in the Writer monad.
A dlist is a list-like structure that is optimized for O(1) append operations,
internally it uses a Church encoding of the list structure. It is specifically
suited for operations which are append-only and need only access it when
manifesting the entire structure. It is particularly well-suited for use in the
Writer monad.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/dlist.hs"}
@ -5301,8 +5514,8 @@ access it when manifesting the entire structure. It is particularly well-suited
The sequence data structure behaves structurally similar to list but is optimized for append/prepend
operations and traversal.
The sequence data structure behaves structurally similar to list but is
optimized for append/prepend operations and traversal.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/20-data-structures/sequence.hs"}
@ -5314,10 +5527,10 @@ Just as in C when working with n-dimensional matrices we'll typically overlay th
onto a unboxed contiguous block of memory with index functions which perform the coordinate translations to
calculate offsets. The two most common layouts are:
* Row Major indexing
* Column Major indexing
* Row-major order
* Column-major order
Which are probably best illustrated.
Which are best illustrated.
@ -5397,6 +5610,13 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.h &malloc"
malloc :: FunPtr a
Function Pointers
Pass a function pointer to a Haskell function into to C.