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sdiehl 2020-02-13 16:27:05 +00:00
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commit 3cdeaba85d
2 changed files with 88 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Prelude hiding ((.))
@ -8,7 +9,7 @@ class Category k where
(.) :: k b c -> k a b -> k a c
class Category k => Bifunctor k p where
(***) :: k a b -> k a' b' -> k (p a a') (p b b')
bimap :: k a b -> k a' b' -> k (p a a') (p b b')
class Bifunctor k p => Associative k p where
associate :: k (p (p a b) c) (p a (p b c))
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ class (Monoidal k prod i, Braided k prod) => Cartesian k prod i | k -> prod i wh
snd :: k (prod a b) b
diag :: k a (prod a a)
(&&&) :: k a b -> k a c -> k a (prod b c)
f &&& g = (f *** g) . diag
f &&& g = (f `bimap` g) . diag
class Cartesian k p i => CCC k p i e | k -> p i e where
apply :: k (p (e a b) a) b

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@ -35,9 +35,10 @@ This was a particularly in-vogue research topic at the time and as a result the
committee attracted various talented individuals who who initiated the language
and ultimately laid the foundation for modern Haskell.
Over the last 30 years Haskell has grown into a mature compiler with a fledgling
ecosystem that is constantly reinventing itself and looking to further a set of
research goals that define the community. Although laziness was originally the
Over the last 30 years Haskell has evolved into a mature ecosystem, with an
equally mature compiler. Even so, the language is frequently reimagined by
passionated contributors who may be furthering academic research goals or merely
contributing out of personal interest. Although laziness was originally the
major research goal, this has largely become a quirky artifact that most users
of the language are generally uninterested in. In modern times the major themes
of Haskell community are:
@ -78,12 +79,12 @@ How to Read
This is a guide for working software engineers who have an interest in Haskell
but don't know Haskell yet. I presume you know some basics about how your
operating system works, the shell, and the some fundamentals of other imperative
operating system works, the shell, and some fundamentals of other imperative
programming languages. If you are a Python or Java software engineer with no
experience with Haskell this is the executive summary of Haskell theory and
practice for you. We'll delve into a little theory as needed to explain concepts
but no more than necessary. If you're looking for a pure introductory tutorial,
this probably isn't the right start for you, however this can be read as a
Haskell experience, this is the executive summary of Haskell theory and practice
for you. We'll delve into a little theory as needed to explain concepts but no
more than necessary. If you're looking for a pure introductory tutorial, this
probably isn't the right start for you, however this can be read as a
companion to other introductory texts.
There is no particular order to this guide, other than the first chapter which
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ toward more complex topics in later chapters.
As there is no ordering after the first chapter I will refer to concepts
globally without introducing them first. If something doesn't make sense just
skip it and move on. I strongly encourage you to play around with the source
code modules for yourself. Haskell cannot be learned from an armchair, instead
code modules for yourself. Haskell cannot be learned from an armchair; instead
it can only be mastered by writing a ton of code for yourself. GHC may initially
seem like a cruel instructor, but in time most people grow to see it as their
@ -104,12 +105,13 @@ friend.
GHC is the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler originally written in 1989. GHC is
a massive compiler supports a wide variety of extensions. GHC is the de facto
standard for Haskell compilers. There are a few other compilers that have
existed but they either are quite limited or have bit rotted over the years. GHC
is also the only reference implementation for the Haskell language and defines
what Haskell the language is by its implementation.
GHC is the Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compiler. Originally written in 1989, GHC is
now the de facto standard for Haskell compilers. A few other compilers have
existed along the way, but they either are quite limited or have bit rotted over
the years. At this point, GHC is a massive compiler and it supports a wide
variety of extensions. Its also the only reference implementation for the
Haskell language and as such, it defines what Haskell the language is by its
GHC is run at the command line with the command `ghc`.
@ -122,9 +124,9 @@ The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 8.8.1
$ ghc Example.hs -o example
GHC's runtime is written in C and uses machinery from GCC infrastructure for
it's native code generator and can also use LLVM for it's native code
generation. GHC is supported on the following architectures:
GHC's runtime is written in C and uses machinery from GCC infrastructure for its
native code generator and can also use LLVM for it's native code generation. GHC
is supported on the following architectures:
* Linux x86
* Linux x86_64
@ -4092,8 +4094,46 @@ See:
Effect Systems
* fused-effects
* polysemy
* eff
**Extensibility problems**
When you add a new custom transformer inside of our business logic we'll
typically have to derive a large number of boilerplate instances to compose it
inside of the mtl transformer stack. For example adding MonadReader instance
for n large large number of undecidable instances that do nothing but mostly
lifts. You can see this massive boilerplate all over the design of the `mtl`
instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (ExceptT e m) where
ask = lift ask
local = mapExceptT . local
reader = lift . reader
instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (IdentityT m) where
ask = lift ask
local = mapIdentityT . local
reader = lift . reader
-- Same for ListT, MaybeT, ...
This is called the $n^2$ instance problem and is at the heart of the mtl
extensibility problem.
**Non-commutative transformers**
Since monad transformers don't commute in general, we can't always merge two
`StateT` layers together.
@ -4275,7 +4315,8 @@ Fused-effects requires the following language extensions to operate.
**Minimal Example**
A minimal example using the `State` effect to track stateful updates to a single
integral value.
example1 :: Has (State Integer) sig m => m Integer
@ -4283,7 +4324,13 @@ example1 = do
modify (+ 1)
modify (* 10)
The evaluation of this monadic state block results in a `m Integer` with the
Algebra and Effect context. This can then be evaluated into either `Identity` or
`IO` using `run`.
ex1 :: (Algebra sig m, Effect sig) => m Integer
ex1 = evalState (1 :: Integer) example1
@ -4782,7 +4829,7 @@ restriction can be relaxed with `EmptyCase` language extension. The case
statement then immediately yields a ``Non-exhaustive patterns in case`` if
test = case of
@ -14926,8 +14973,7 @@ inside of the loop which are updated when computed. It also includes static
references to both itself (for recursion) and the dictionary for instance of
``Num`` typeclass over the type ``Int``.
The type system of STG system consits of the following types. The size of these
The type system of STG system consists of the following types. The size of these
types depend on the size of a `void*` pointer on the architecture.
* **StgWord** - TODO
@ -17255,11 +17301,25 @@ f >=> Just ≡ f
Monoidal Categories
On top of the basic category structure there are other higher-level objects that
can be constructed that enrich the category with additional operations.
* A **bifunctor** is a functor whose domain is the product of two categories.
* A **monoidal category** is a category which has a tensor product and a unit
* A **braided monoidal category** is a category which has tensor product and an
operation `braid` which swaps elements in the tensor product.
* A **cartesian monoidal category** is a is a monoidal category with, binary
product, and diagonal.
* A **cartesian closed category** has is a monoidal category with a terminal
object, binary products and exponential objects.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/33-categories/monoidal.hs"}
An example of this tower is is the `Hask` with `(->)` as exponential, `(,)` as
product and `()` as unit object.
type Hask = (->)
@ -17268,7 +17328,7 @@ instance Category (->) where
(.) = (Prelude..)
instance Bifunctor (->) (,) where
f *** g = \(a,b) -> (f a,g b)
bimap f g = \(a,b) -> (f a,g b)
instance Associative (->) (,) where
associate ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))