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sdiehl 2020-02-16 15:58:53 +00:00
parent cd88fe86fc
commit 3df9f3c3cf
2 changed files with 124 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -8,13 +8,14 @@
% For pdf
% For print

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@ -1945,6 +1945,22 @@ For example the following are equivalent:
(+) x y = x + y
Where & Let Clauses
@ -2049,6 +2065,25 @@ frequently and defined over many prelude types:
* **RealFrac** - Provides an interface for rounding real values.
* **RealFloat** - Provides an interface for working with IEE754 operations.
To see the implementation for any of these typeclasses you can run the GHCi info
command to see the methods and all instances in scope. For example:
λ: :info Num
class (Eq a, Show a) => Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
(*) :: a -> a -> a
(-) :: a -> a -> a
negate :: a -> a
abs :: a -> a
signum :: a -> a
fromInteger :: Integer -> a
-- Imported from GHC.Num
instance Num Float -- Imported from GHC.Float
instance Num Double -- Imported from GHC.Float
instance Num Integer -- Imported from GHC.Num
instance Num Int -- Imported from GHC.Num
Many of the default classes have instances that can be deriving automatically.
After the definition of a datatype you can add a `deriving` clause which will
generate the instances for this datatype automatically. This does not work
@ -3902,10 +3937,6 @@ Or equivalently:
It's useful to remember that transformers compose *outside-in* but are *unrolled
inside out*.
* [Monad Transformers: Step-By-Step](https://page.mi.fu-berlin.de/scravy/realworldhaskell/materialien/monad-transformers-step-by-step.pdf)
@ -4343,6 +4374,20 @@ runExample2 = do
print result
Polysemy will require the following language extensions to operate:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
The use of free-monads is not entirely without cost, and there are experimental
GHC plugins which can abstract away some of the overhead from the effect stack.
Code thats makse use of polysemy should enable the following GHC flags to enable
@ -5961,14 +6006,14 @@ would not be chose laziness as the default model. Future implementations of
Haskell compilers would also probably also not choose this point in the design
space if given the option of breaking with the language specification.
There is a lot of fear uncertainy and doubt spread about lazy evaluation that
There is a lot of fear uncertainty and doubt spread about lazy evaluation that
unfortunately that gets loses the forest for the trees and ignores 30 years of
advanced research on the type system. In industrial programming a lot of
software is sold on the meme of being of *fast* instead of being *correct*, and
lazy evaluation becomes a easy talking point about these upside-down priorities.
Nevertheless the colloquial perception of a laziness being "evil" is a meme that
will continue to persist regardless of any underlying reality because software
is intrinsically a social process.
lazy evaluation is an intellectually easy talking point about these upside-down
priorities. Nevertheless the colloquial perception of a laziness being "evil"
is a meme that will continue to persist regardless of any underlying reality
because software is intrinsically a social process.
@ -6091,7 +6136,7 @@ industrial users wishing to standardise their commercial code.
In Modern Haskell there are many different perspectives on Prelude design and
the degree to which more advanced ideas should be used. Which one is right for
you is a matter of personal preference and constraints on your place of work.
you is a matter of personal preference and constraints in your company.
@ -8536,6 +8581,66 @@ depth we might use:
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/15-testing/smallcheck_tree.hs"}
Using the QuickCheck arbitrary machinery we can also rather remarkably enumerate a large number of
combinations of functions to try and deduce algebraic laws from trying out inputs for small cases.
Of course the fundamental limitation of this approach is that a function may not exhibit any interesting
properties for small cases or for simple function compositions. So in general case this approach won't work,
but practically it still quite useful.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/15-testing/quickspec.hs"}
Running this we rather see it is able to deduce most of the laws for list functions.
$ runhaskell src/quickspec.hs
-- background functions --
id :: A -> A
(:) :: A -> [A] -> [A]
(.) :: (A -> A) -> (A -> A) -> A -> A
[] :: [A]
-- variables --
f, g, h :: A -> A
xs, ys, zs :: [A]
== Equations about map ==
1: map f [] == []
2: map id xs == xs
3: map (f.g) xs == map f (map g xs)
== Equations about minimum ==
4: minimum [] == undefined
== Equations about (++) ==
5: xs++[] == xs
6: []++xs == xs
7: (xs++ys)++zs == xs++(ys++zs)
== Equations about sort ==
8: sort [] == []
9: sort (sort xs) == sort xs
== Equations about id ==
10: id xs == xs
== Equations about reverse ==
11: reverse [] == []
12: reverse (reverse xs) == xs
== Equations about several functions ==
13: minimum (xs++ys) == minimum (ys++xs)
14: length (map f xs) == length xs
15: length (xs++ys) == length (ys++xs)
16: sort (xs++ys) == sort (ys++xs)
17: map f (reverse xs) == reverse (map f xs)
18: minimum (sort xs) == minimum xs
19: minimum (reverse xs) == minimum xs
20: minimum (xs++xs) == minimum xs
21: length (sort xs) == length xs
22: length (reverse xs) == length xs
23: sort (reverse xs) == sort xs
24: map f xs++map f ys == map f (xs++ys)
25: reverse xs++reverse ys == reverse (ys++xs)
Keep in mind the rather remarkable fact that this is all deduced automatically
from the types alone!
@ -9973,8 +10078,8 @@ enabled by default.
See: [Typeable and Data in Haskell](http://chrisdone.com/posts/data-typeable)
Dynamic Types
Since we have a way of querying runtime type information we can use this
machinery to implement a ``Dynamic`` type. This allows us to box up any monotype
@ -11543,6 +11648,8 @@ See:
Software Transactional Memory is a technique for guaranteeing atomicity of
values in parallel computations, such that all contexts view the same data when
read and writes are guaranteed by the runtime to never to result in inconsistent
@ -15995,7 +16102,7 @@ These are broadly divided into several categories:
* **REPL Generators** - Libraries fo building command line interfaces for
Read-Eval-Print loops.
Several libraries exist to mechanize the process of writing name capture and
@ -16007,7 +16114,7 @@ to write the name capture and substitution mechanics ourselves.
~~~~ {.haskell include="src/30-languages/unbound.hs"}
Unbound Generics
Recently unbound was ported to use GHC.Generics instead of Template Haskell. The