mirror of https://github.com/sdiehl/wiwinwlh.git synced 2024-09-11 12:05:25 +03:00

Update cabal section

This commit is contained in:
sdiehl 2019-12-23 09:43:17 +00:00
parent e221f90c97
commit 71df0c5b27
2 changed files with 45 additions and 254 deletions

View File

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
rsync css/style.css ec2:~
ssh ec2 'sudo mv style.css /srv/http/hask/css/style.css'
#rsync css/style.css ec2:~
#ssh ec2 'sudo mv style.css /srv/http/hask/css/style.css'
#rsync css/layout.css ec2:~
#ssh ec2 'sudo mv layout.css /srv/http/hask/css/layout.css'
#rsync js/nav.js ec2:~
#ssh ec2 'sudo mv nav.js /srv/http/hask/nav.js'
rsync css/layout.css ec2:~
ssh ec2 'sudo mv layout.css /srv/http/hask/css/layout.css'
rsync js/nav.js ec2:~
ssh ec2 'sudo mv nav.js /srv/http/hask/nav.js'
rsync tutorial.html ec2:~
rsync --progress tutorial.html ec2:~
ssh ec2 'sudo mv tutorial.html /srv/http/hask/index.html'

View File

@ -24,156 +24,15 @@ PDF Version
**[PDF Version](http://dev.stephendiehl.com/hask/tutorial.pdf)**
* Alternate Preludes (Updated)
* NumDecimals extension
* utf8-string
* foundation
* base64-bytestring
* safe-exceptions
* recrusion-schemes (Updated)
* Data types a la carte
* Coercible
* generics-sop
* Z3
* Time complexity for data structures
* Fingertree
* Vault
* Cryptography section
* cryptonite
* entropy
* memory
* Compression section
* lz4
* zlib
* Date & Time section
* hourglass
* Servant
* Names for Free
* Abstract Binding Trees
* de Bruijn Indices
* wl-pprint-text (Updated)
* pretty-show
* Adjunctions
* Cartesian Closed Categories
* Monoidal Categories
* New langauge comparisons (Koitlin, Lua, etc)
* Stack
* Stackage
* ghcid
* Nix (Removed)
* Aeson (Updated)
* Language Extensions (Updated)
* Type Holes (Updated)
* Partial Type Signatures
* Pattern Synonyms (Updated)
* Unboxed Types (Updated)
* Vim Integration (Updated)
* Emacs Integration (Updated)
* Strict Language Extension
* Injective Type Families
* Custom Type Errors
* Language Comparisons
* Recursive Do
* Applicative Do
* LiquidHaskell
* Cpp
* Minimal Pragma
* Typeclass Extensions
* ExtendedDefaultRules
* mmorph
* integer-gmp
* Static Pointers
* spoon
* monad-control
* monad-base
* postgresql-simple
* hedis
* happy/alex
* configurator
* string-conv
* resource-pool
* resourcet
* optparse-applicative
* hastache
* silently
* Mulitiline Strings
* git-embed
* Coercible
* -fdefer-type-errors
Sections that have had been added or seen large changes:
* Irrefutable Patterns
* Hackage
* Exhaustiveness
* Stacktraces
* Laziness
* Skolem Capture
* Foreign Function Pointers
* Attoparsec Parser
* Inline Cmm
* PrimMonad
* Specialization
* unbound-generics
* Editor Integration
* Nix
* Haddock
* Corecursion
* Category
* Arrows
* Bifunctors
* ExceptT
* hint / mueval
* Roles
* Higher Kinds
* Kind Polymorphism
* Numeric Tower
* SAT Solvers
* Graph
* Sparks
* Threadscope
* Generic Parsers
* GHC Block Diagram
* GHC Debug Flags
* Core
* Inliner
* Unboxed Types
* Runtime Memory Representation
* ghc-heapview
* Worker/Wrapper
* Z-Encoding
* Cmm
* Runtime Optimizations
* RTS Profiling
* Algebraic Relations
<div class="alert alert-success">
Historically Cabal had a component known as ``cabal-install`` that has largely been
replaced by [Stack](#stack). The following use of Cabal sandboxes is left for
historical reasons and can often be replaced by modern tools.
[Cabal](https://www.haskell.org/cabal/) is the build system for Haskell.
[Cabal](https://www.haskell.org/cabal/) is the build system for Haskell. Cabal
is also the standard build tool for Haskell source supported by GHC. Cabal can
be used simultaneously with Stack or standalone with cabal new-build.
For example, to install the [parsec](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/parsec)
package to your system from [Hackage](#hackage), the upstream source of Haskell
@ -211,34 +70,6 @@ $ cabal configure
A ``.cabal`` file will be created with the configuration options for our new
The latest feature of ``cabal`` is the addition of
[Sandboxes](http://coldwa.st/e/blog/2013-08-20-Cabal-sandbox.html), ( in
cabal > 1.18 ) which are self contained environments of Haskell packages
separate from the global package index stored in the ``./.cabal-sandbox`` of our
project's root. To create a new ``sandbox`` for our ``cabal`` project, run:
$ cabal sandbox init
Additionally, the ``sandbox`` can be torn down:
$ cabal sandbox delete
When in the working directory of a project with a ``sandbox`` that has a configuration
already set up, invoking ``cabal`` commands alters the behaviour of cabal itself. For
instance, the ``cabal install`` command will alter only the install to the local
package index, not the global configuration.
To install the dependencies from the ``.cabal`` file into the newly created
``sandbox``, run:
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
Dependencies can also be built in parallel by passing ``-j<n>`` where ``n`` is
the number of concurrent builds.
@ -303,14 +134,14 @@ Test-Suite test
mylibrary == 0.1
To run an "executable" for a project under the ``cabal`` ``sandbox``:
To run an "executable" for a project under the ``cabal``.
$ cabal run
$ cabal run <name> # when there are several executables in a project
To load the "library" into a [GHCi](#ghci) shell under ``cabal`` ``sandbox``:
To load the "library" into a [GHCi](#ghci) shell under ``cabal``.
$ cabal repl
@ -340,10 +171,9 @@ $ cabal test <name>
Moreover, arbitrary shell commands can be invoked with the
[GHC](https://www.haskell.org/ghc/) environmental variables set up for the
``sandbox``. Quite common is to invoke a new shell with this command such that
the ``ghc`` and ``ghci`` commands use the ``sandbox``. ( They don't by default,
which is a common source of frustration. ).
[GHC](https://www.haskell.org/ghc/) environmental variables set up command.
Quite common is to invoke a new shell with this command such that
the ``ghc`` and ``ghci`` commands use the package environment.
$ cabal exec
@ -390,44 +220,8 @@ constraints: mtl ==2.2.1,
transformers ==
Using the ``cabal repl`` and ``cabal run`` commands is preferable, but sometimes
we'd like to manually perform their equivalents at the shell. Several useful
aliases rely on shell directory expansion to find the package database in the
current working directory and launch GHC with the appropriate flags:
alias ghc-sandbox="ghc -no-user-package-db -package-db .cabal-sandbox/*-packages.conf.d"
alias ghci-sandbox="ghci -no-user-package-db -package-db .cabal-sandbox/*-packages.conf.d"
alias runhaskell-sandbox="runhaskell -no-user-package-db -package-db .cabal-sandbox/*-packages.conf.d"
There is also a zsh script to show the sandbox status of the current working
directory in our shell:
function cabal_sandbox_info() {
if [ $#cabal_files -gt 0 ]; then
if [ -f cabal.sandbox.config ]; then
echo "%{$fg[green]%}sandboxed%{$reset_color%}"
echo "%{$fg[red]%}not sandboxed%{$reset_color%}"
RPROMPT="\$(cabal_sandbox_info) $RPROMPT"
The ``cabal`` configuration is stored in ``$HOME/.cabal/config`` and contains
various options including credential information for Hackage upload. One
addition to configuration is to completely disallow the installation of packages
outside of sandboxes to prevent accidental collisions.
-- Don't allow global install of packages.
require-sandbox: True
various options including credential information for Hackage upload.
A library can also be compiled with runtime profiling information enabled. More
on this is discussed in the section on [Concurrency](#concurrency) and
@ -451,21 +245,38 @@ libraries should be available at this local link:
* [An Introduction to Cabal Sandboxes](http://coldwa.st/e/blog/2013-08-20-Cabal-sandbox.html)
* [Storage and Identification of Cabalized Packages](http://www.vex.net/~trebla/haskell/sicp.xhtml)
* [Cabal User Guide](https://www.haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/)
Cabal New-Build
new-build Compile targets within the project.
new-configure Add extra project configuration
new-repl Open an interactive session for the given component.
new-run Run an executable.
new-test Run test-suites
new-bench Run benchmarks
new-freeze Freeze dependencies.
new-haddock Build Haddock documentation
new-exec Give a command access to the store.
new-update Updates list of known packages.
new-install Install packages.
new-clean Clean the package store and remove temporary files.
new-sdist Generate a source distribution file (.tar.gz).
[Stack](http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/) is a new approach to
Haskell package structure that emerged in 2015. Instead of using a rolling
build like ``cabal-install``, ``stack`` breaks up sets of packages into
release blocks that guarantee internal compatibility between sets of packages.
The package solver for ``stack`` uses a different, more robust strategy for
resolving dependencies than ``cabal-install`` has historically used.
Haskell package structure that emerged in 2015. Instead of using a rolling build
like ``cabal-install``, ``stack`` breaks up sets of packages into release
blocks that guarantee internal compatibility between sets of packages. The
package solver for ``stack`` uses a different strategy for resolving
dependencies than ``cabal-install`` has historically used.
<div class="alert alert-success">
Contrary to much misinformation, **Stack does not replace [Cabal](#cabal) as
@ -479,12 +290,10 @@ resolution of their dependencies.
#### Install
To install ``stack`` on Ubuntu Linux, run:
To install ``stack`` on Linux, run:
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 575159689BEFB442 # get fp complete key
echo 'deb http://download.fpcomplete.com/ubuntu trusty main'|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fpco.list # add appropriate source repo
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install stack -y
curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
For other operating systems, see [the official install
@ -8247,15 +8056,6 @@ See:
* [cvc4](http://cvc4.cs.nyu.edu/web/)
* [z3](http://z3.codeplex.com/)
See: [z3](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/z3)
Data Structures
@ -8564,15 +8364,6 @@ TODO
See: [fingertree](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/fingertree)
See: [vault](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/vault)