operator tracking

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Diehl 2015-01-19 11:00:01 -05:00
parent 43a97a69fb
commit 23a5afe76a

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@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ bind a t
So now we can explicitly trace the provenance of the specific constraints that
gave rise to a given type error all the way back to the source that generated
them. Before we'd have a little riddle in order to guess which
Cannot unify types:
@ -474,6 +474,11 @@ with
let f x y = x y
This is of course the simplest implementation of the this tracking method and
could be further extended by giving an weighted ordering to the constraints
based on their likelihood of importance and proximity and then choosing which
location to report based on this information. This remains an open area of work.
@ -604,15 +609,18 @@ are several ways to do this and both depend on two properties of the operators.
* Precedence
* Associativity
The first is the way that GHC does is to parse all operators as left associative
1. The first is the way that GHC does is to parse all operators as left associative
and of the same precedence, and then before desugaring go back and "fix" the
parse tree given all the information we collected after finishing parsing.
The second method is a bit of a hack, and involves simply storing the collected
2. The second method is a bit of a hack, and involves simply storing the collected
operators inside of the Parsec state monad and then simply calling
``buildExpressionParser`` on the current state each time we want to parse and
infix operator expression.
To do later method we set up the AST objects for our fixity definitions, which
associate precedence and associativity annotations with a custom symbol.
data FixitySpec = FixitySpec
{ fixityFix :: Fixity
@ -632,23 +640,8 @@ data Fixity
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
In our parser:
fixityPrec :: FixitySpec -> Int
fixityPrec (FixitySpec (Infix _ n) _) = n
fixityPrec (FixitySpec _ _) = 0
mkTable ops =
map (map toParser) $
groupBy ((==) `on` fixityPrec) $
reverse $ sortBy (compare `on` fixityPrec) $ ops
toParser (FixitySpec ass tok) = case ass of
Infix L _ -> infixOp tok (op (Name tok)) Ex.AssocLeft
Infix R _ -> infixOp tok (op (Name tok)) Ex.AssocRight
Infix N _ -> infixOp tok (op (Name tok)) Ex.AssocNone
Our parser state monad will hold a list of the at Ivie fixity specifications and
whenever a definition is uncounted we will append to this list.
data ParseState = ParseState
@ -659,6 +652,15 @@ data ParseState = ParseState
initParseState :: ParseState
initParseState = ParseState 0 defaultOps
addOperator :: FixitySpec -> Parsec s ParseState ()
addOperator fixdecl = do
modifyState $ \st -> st { fixities = fixdecl : (fixities st) }
The initial state will consist of the default arithmetic and list operators
defined with the same specification as the Haskell specification.
defaultOps :: [FixitySpec]
defaultOps = [
FixitySpec (Infix L 4) ">"
@ -674,14 +676,32 @@ defaultOps = [
, FixitySpec (Infix L 5) "*"
, FixitySpec (Infix L 5) "/"
addOperator :: FixitySpec -> Parsec s ParseState ()
addOperator fixdecl = do
modifyState $ \st -> st { fixities = fixdecl : (fixities st) }
Now In our parser we need to be able to transform the fixity specifications into
Parsec operator definitions. This is a pretty straightforward sort and group
operation on the list.
fixityPrec :: FixitySpec -> Int
fixityPrec (FixitySpec (Infix _ n) _) = n
fixityPrec (FixitySpec _ _) = 0
toParser (FixitySpec ass tok) = case ass of
Infix L _ -> infixOp tok (op (Name tok)) Ex.AssocLeft
Infix R _ -> infixOp tok (op (Name tok)) Ex.AssocRight
Infix N _ -> infixOp tok (op (Name tok)) Ex.AssocNone
mkTable ops =
map (map toParser) $
groupBy ((==) `on` fixityPrec) $
reverse $ sortBy (compare `on` fixityPrec) $ ops
Now when parsing a infix operator declarations we simply do a state operation
and add add the operator.
and add the operator to the parser state so that all subsequent definitions.
This differs from Haskell slightly in that operators must be defined before
their usage in a module.
fixityspec :: Parser FixitySpec
@ -713,10 +733,25 @@ fixitydecl = do
<?> "operator fixity definition"
And now when we need to parser a infix expression term we simply pull our state
out and build the custom operator table, and feed this the build Expression
Parser just as before.
term :: Parser Expr -> Parser Expr
term a = do
st <- getState
let customOps = mkTable (fixities st)
Ex.buildExpressionParser customOps a
Full Source
* [Happy Parser](https://github.com/sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell/tree/master/chapter9/happy)
* [Imperative Language (Happy)](https://github.com/sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell/tree/master/chapter9/assign)
* [Layout Combinators](https://github.com/sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell/tree/master/chapter9/layout)
* [Type Provenance Tracking](https://github.com/sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell/tree/master/chapter9/provenance)