rework poly directory

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Diehl 2015-12-22 12:52:10 -05:00
parent 1b9f62c1d2
commit 480252bf0e
10 changed files with 28 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -745,7 +745,15 @@ Frontend
The Frontend language for ProtoHaskell is a fairly large language, consisting of
many different types. Let's walk through the different constructions.
many different types. Let's walk through the different constructions. The
frontend syntax is split across several datatypes.
* ``Decls`` - Declarations syntax
* ``Expr`` - Expressions syntax
* ``Lit`` - Literal syntax
* ``Pat`` - Pattern syntax
* ``Types`` - Type syntax
* ``Binds`` - Binders
At the top is the named *Module* and all toplevel declarations contained
therein. The first revision of the compiler has a very simple module structure,

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@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ executable poly
, transformers >= 0.4.2 && <0.5
, repline >=
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: src
main-is: Main.hs

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@ -18,17 +18,18 @@ import Data.Foldable (foldr)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
newtype TypeEnv = TypeEnv (Map.Map Var Scheme) deriving Monoid
newtype TypeEnv = TypeEnv (Map.Map Var Scheme)
deriving Monoid
data Unique = Unique { count :: Int }
type Infer a = ExceptT TypeError (State Unique) a
type Infer = ExceptT TypeError (State Unique)
type Subst = Map.Map TVar Type
data TypeError
= UnificationFail Type Type
| InfiniteType TVar Type
| UnboundVariable String
| GenericTypeError
runInfer :: Infer (Subst, Type) -> Either TypeError Scheme
runInfer m = case evalState (runExceptT m) initUnique of
@ -86,9 +87,9 @@ s1 `compose` s2 = (apply s1) s2 `Map.union` s1
unify :: Type -> Type -> Infer Subst
unify (l `TArr` r) (l' `TArr` r') = do
s1 <- unify l l'
s2 <- unify (apply s1 r) (apply s1 r')
return (s2 `compose` s1)
s1 <- unify l l'
s2 <- unify (apply s1 r) (apply s1 r')
return (s2 `compose` s1)
unify (TVar a) t = bind a t
unify t (TVar a) = bind a t
@ -96,9 +97,10 @@ unify (TCon a) (TCon b) | a == b = return nullSubst
unify t1 t2 = throwError $ UnificationFail t1 t2
bind :: TVar -> Type -> Infer Subst
bind a t | t == TVar a = return nullSubst
| occursCheck a t = throwError $ InfiniteType a t
| otherwise = return $ Map.singleton a t
bind a t
| t == TVar a = return nullSubst
| occursCheck a t = throwError $ InfiniteType a t
| otherwise = return $ Map.singleton a t
occursCheck :: Substitutable a => TVar -> a -> Bool
occursCheck a t = a `Set.member` ftv t
@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ instantiate (Forall as t) = do
generalize :: TypeEnv -> Type -> Scheme
generalize env t = Forall as t
where as = Set.toList $ ftv t `Set.difference` ftv env
where as = Set.toList $ ftv t `Set.difference` ftv env
ops :: Binop -> Type
ops Add = typeInt `TArr` typeInt `TArr` typeInt
@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ ops Sub = typeInt `TArr` typeInt `TArr` typeInt
ops Eql = typeInt `TArr` typeInt `TArr` typeBool
lookupEnv :: TypeEnv -> Var -> Infer (Subst, Type)
lookupEnv (TypeEnv env) x = do
lookupEnv (TypeEnv env) x =
case Map.lookup x env of
Nothing -> throwError $ UnboundVariable (show x)
Just s -> do t <- instantiate s
@ -180,17 +182,17 @@ inferPrim env l t = do
(s1, tf) <- foldM inferStep (nullSubst, id) l
s2 <- unify (apply s1 (tf tv)) t
return (s2 `compose` s1, apply s2 tv)
where inferStep (s, tf) exp = do
(s', t) <- infer (apply s env) exp
return (s' `compose` s, tf . (TArr t))
inferStep (s, tf) exp = do
(s', t) <- infer (apply s env) exp
return (s' `compose` s, tf . (TArr t))
inferExpr :: TypeEnv -> Expr -> Either TypeError Scheme
inferExpr env = runInfer . infer env
inferTop :: TypeEnv -> [(String, Expr)] -> Either TypeError TypeEnv
inferTop env [] = Right env
inferTop env ((name, ex):xs) = case (inferExpr env ex) of
inferTop env ((name, ex):xs) = case inferExpr env ex of
Left err -> Left err
Right ty -> inferTop (extend env (name, ty)) xs