Contributing ============ As always, I rely on the perpetual kindness and goodwill of Haskellers (like you!) to help correct grammar, clarify, and fix errors. Git Repo -------- *Simple Fixes* For most fixes you can simply edit the Markdown files at the toplevel of the Git repo and then submit a pull request on Github. There should be no need to compile the text locally. I will try to merge the changes quickly and rebuild the text daily. If you would like to add your name to []( submit this along with your pull request. *Complex Fixes* If you'd like to submit a change to the publishing software around the text, then clone the repo. You will need a local copy of Pandoc library to use the build system. ```bash $ git clone $ make # Makes all html files $ make pdf # Makes a pdf containing all the chapters ``` Pandoc ------ The text is written in the Markdown language and handled with the Pandoc processing library, which is itself written in Haskell! The tutorial uses a custom pandoc preprocessor contained in *includes.hs*. This allows us to include and slice fragments of code from files in the src directory. *LaTeX Macros* ```perl ~~~~ {literal="latex_macros"} ~~~~ ``` *Including Whole Source Files* ```perl ~~~~ {.haskell include="includes.hs"} ~~~~ ``` *Including Partial Source Files* Will slice the lines 5-15 inclusively from the file *parsec.hs* with the Haskell syntax highlighting. ```perl ~~~~ {.haskell slice="src/parsers/parsec.hs" lower=5 upper=15} ~~~~ ``` *Math Typesetting* Equations can be included in display form: ```latex $$ \int_\Omega \mathrm{d}\omega = \oint_{\partial \Omega} \omega $$ ``` $$ \int_\Omega \mathrm{d}\omega = \oint_{\partial \Omega} \omega $$ Or in inline form (like $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$) with single dollar signs. Specially there must be no spaces around the dollar signs otherwise Pandoc will not parse it properly. ```latex $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$ ``` For most definitions, the ``aligned`` block is used: ```latex $$ \begin{aligned} e :=\ & x & \text{Var} \\ & \lambda x. e & \text{Lam} \\ & e\ e & \text{App} \\ \end{aligned} $$ ``` Will generate: $$ \begin{aligned} e :=\ & x & \text{Var} \\ & \lambda x. e & \text{Lam} \\ & e\ e & \text{App} \\ \end{aligned} $$ Several type theory macros are also included on many pages: ```latex $$ \infrule{ 0 : \t{nat}}{\infrule{\t{succ}(0) : \t{nat}}{ \t{succ}(\t{succ}(0)) : \t{nat} }} $$ ``` Will generate: $$ \infrule{ 0 : \t{nat}}{\infrule{\t{succ}(0) : \t{nat}}{ \t{succ}(\t{succ}(0)) : \t{nat} }} $$ Typography ---------- * Body is the system sans serif default preferring *Helvetica Neue Regular* or *Arial* if available. * Subtitles are in *Signika*. * Titles are in *Helvetica Neue Light*. * Code is typeset in *Inconsolata* or *Monaco*. LaTeX ----- The LaTeX styling is sourced from the ``template.latex`` file, which is an extension of Pandoc's default template with some custom modifications. Images ------ The images are drawn in SVG using Inkscape. Graphs and blocks diagrams are generated using graphviz. Preprocessor ------------ The source for the preprocessor is a simple bottom-up traversal replacement of these custom markdown extensions: ~~~~ {.haskell include="includes.hs"} ~~~~ Reference Code -------------- The subject of this text is largely build around the mini Haskell compiler. Several other files are included for earlier chapters.