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Hindley-Milner Inference ======================== The Hindley-Milner type system ( also referred to as Damas-Hindley-Milner or HM ) is a family of type systems that admit the serendipitous property of having a tractable algorithm for determining types from untyped syntax. This is achieved by a process known as *unification*, whereby the types for a well-structured program give rise to a set of constraints that when solved always have a unique *principal type*. The simplest Hindley Milner type system is defined by a very short set of rules. The first four rules describe the judgements by which we can each syntactic construct (``Lam``, ``App``, ``Var``, ``Let``) to their expected types. We'll elaborate on these rules shortly. $$ \begin{array}{cl} \displaystyle\frac{x:\sigma \in \Gamma}{\Gamma \vdash x:\sigma} & \trule{T-Var} \\ \\ \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma \vdash e_1:\tau_1 \rightarrow \tau_2 \quad\quad \Gamma \vdash e_2 : \tau_1 }{\Gamma \vdash e_1\ e_2 : \tau_2} & \trule{T-App} \\ \\ \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma,\;x:\tau_1 \vdash e:\tau_2}{\Gamma \vdash \lambda\ x\ .\ e : \tau_1 \rightarrow \tau_2}& \trule{T-Lam} \\ \\ \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma \vdash e_1:\sigma \quad\quad \Gamma,\,x:\sigma \vdash e_2:\tau}{\Gamma \vdash \mathtt{let}\ x = e_1\ \mathtt{in}\ e_2 : \tau} & \trule{T-Let} \\ \\ \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma \vdash e: \sigma \quad \overline{\alpha} \notin \mathtt{ftv}(\Gamma)}{\Gamma \vdash e:\forall\ \overline{\alpha}\ .\ \sigma} & \trule{T-Gen}\\ \\ \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma \vdash e: \sigma_1 \quad\quad \sigma_1 \sqsubseteq \sigma_2}{\Gamma \vdash e : \sigma_2 } & \trule{T-Inst} \\ \\ \end{array} $$ Milner's observation was that since the typing rules map uniquely onto syntax, we can in effect run the typing rules "backwards" and whenever we don't have a known type for an subexpression, we "guess" by putting a fresh variable in its place, collecting constraints about its usage induced by subsequent typing judgements. This is the essence of *type inference* in the ML family of languages, that by the generation and solving of a class of unification problems we can reconstruct the types uniquely from the syntax. The algorithm itself is largely just the structured use of a unification solver. However full type inference leaves us in a bit a bind, since while the problem of inference is tractable within this simple language and trivial extensions thereof, but nearly any major addition to the language destroys the ability to infer types unaided by annotation or severely complicates the inference algorithm. Nevertheless the Hindley-Milner family represents a very useful, productive "sweet spot" in the design space. Syntax ------ The syntax of our first type inferred language will effectively be an extension of our untyped lambda calculus, with fixpoint operator, booleans, integers, let, and a few basic arithmetic operations. ```haskell type Name = String data Expr = Var Name | App Expr Expr | Lam Name Expr | Let Name Expr Expr | Lit Lit | If Expr Expr Expr | Fix Expr | Op Binop Expr Expr deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Lit = LInt Integer | LBool Bool deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Binop = Add | Sub | Mul | Eql deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) data Program = Program [Decl] Expr deriving Eq type Decl = (String, Expr) ``` The parser is trivial, the only addition will be the toplevel let declarations (``Decl``) which are joined into the global ``Program``. All toplevel declarations must be terminated with a semicolon, although they can span multiple lines and whitespace is ignored. So for instance: ```haskell -- SKI combinators let I x = x; let K x y = x; let S f g x = f x (g x); ``` As before ``let rec`` expressions will expand out in terms of the fixpoint operator and are just syntactic sugar. Types ----- The type language we'll use starts with the simple type system we used for our typed lambda calculus. ```haskell newtype TVar = TV String deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Type = TVar TVar | TCon String | TArr Type Type deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) typeInt, typeBool :: Type typeInt = TCon "Int" typeBool = TCon "Bool" ``` However we will add an additional construct that will admit a new form of *polymorphism* for our language. *Type schemes* model polymorphic types, they indicate that the type variables bound in quantifier are polymorphic across the enclosed type and can be instantiated with any type consistent with the signature. ```haskell data Scheme = Forall [TVar] Type ``` Type schemes will be written as $\sigma$ in our typing rules. $$ \begin{aligned} \sigma ::=\ & \tau \\ & \forall \overline \alpha . \tau \\ \end{aligned} $$ For example the ``id`` and the ``const`` functions would have the following types: $$ \begin{aligned} \text{id} & : \forall a. a \rightarrow a \\ \text{const} & : \forall a b. a \rightarrow b \rightarrow a \end{aligned} $$ We've now divided our types into two syntactic categories, the *monotypes* and *polytypes*. In our simple initial languages type schemes will always be the representation of top level signature, even if there are no polymorphic type variables. In implementation terms this means when a monotype is yielded from our Infer monad after inference, we will immediately generalize it at the toplevel *closing over* all free type variables in a type scheme. Context ------- The typing context or environment is the central container around which all information during the inference process is stored and queried. In Haskell our implementation will simply be a newtype wrapper around a Map` of ``Var`` to ``Scheme`` types. ```haskell newtype TypeEnv = TypeEnv (Map.Map Var Scheme) ``` The two primary operations are *extension* and *restriction* which introduce or remove named quantities from the context. $$ \Gamma \backslash x = \{ y : \sigma | y : \sigma ∈ \Gamma, x \ne y \} $$ $$ \Gamma, x:\tau = (\Gamma \backslash x) \cup \{ x :\tau \} $$ Operations over the context are simply the usual Set operations on the underlying map. ```haskell extend :: TypeEnv -> (Var, Scheme) -> TypeEnv extend (TypeEnv env) (x, s) = TypeEnv $ Map.insert x s env ``` Infer Monad ----------- All our logic for type inference will live inside of the ``Infer`` monad. Which is a monad transformer stack of ``ExcpetT`` + ``State``, allowing various error reporting and statefully holding the fresh name supply. ```haskell type Infer a = ExceptT TypeError (State Unique) a ``` Running the logic in the monad results in either a type error or a resulting type scheme. ```haskell runInfer :: Infer (Subst, Type) -> Either TypeError Scheme runInfer m = case evalState (runExceptT m) initUnique of Left err -> Left err Right res -> Right $ closeOver res ``` Substitution ------------ Two operations that will perform quite a bit are querying the free variables of an expression and applying substitutions over expressions. $$ \begin{aligned} \FV{x} &= x \\ \FV{\lambda x. e} &= \FV{e} - \{ x \} \\ \FV{e_1 e_2} &= \FV{e_1} \cup \FV{e_2} \\ \end{aligned} $$ Likewise the same pattern applies for type variables at the type level. $$ \begin{aligned} \FTV{\alpha} &= \{ \alpha \} \\ \FTV{\tau_1 \rightarrow \tau_2} &= \FTV{\tau_1} \cup \FTV{\tau_2} \\ \FTV{\t{Int}} &= \emptyset \\ \FTV{\t{Bool}} &= \emptyset \\ \FTV{\forall x. t} &= \FTV{t} - \{ x \} \\ \end{aligned} $$ Substitutions over expressions apply the substitution to local variables, replacing the named subexpression if matched. In the case of name capture a fresh variable is introduced. $$ \begin{aligned} [x / e'] x &= e' \\ [x / e'] y &= y \quad (y \ne x) \\ [x / e'] (e_1 e_2) &= [x / e'] \ e_1 [x / e'] e_2 \\ [x / e'] (\lambda y. e_1) &= \lambda y. [x / e']e \quad y \ne x, y \notin \FV{e'} \\ \end{aligned} $$ And likewise, substitutions can be applied element wise over the typing environment. $$ [t / s] \Gamma = \{ y : [t /s] \sigma \ |\ y : \sigma \in \Gamma \} $$ Our implementation of a substitution in Haskell is simply a Map from type variables to types. ```haskell type Subst = Map.Map TVar Type ``` Composition of substitutions ( $s_1 \circ s_2$, ``s1 `compose` s2`` ) can be encoded simply as operations over the underlying map. Importantly note that in our implementation we have chosen the substitution to be left-biased, it is up to the implementation of the inference algorithm to ensure that clashes do not occur between substitutions. ```haskell nullSubst :: Subst nullSubst = Map.empty compose :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst s1 `compose` s2 = Map.map (apply s1) s2 `Map.union` s1 ``` The implementation in Haskell is via a series of implementations of a ``Substitutable`` typeclass which exposes the ``apply`` which applies the substitution given over the structure of the type replacing type variables as specified. ```haskell class Substitutable a where apply :: Subst -> a -> a ftv :: a -> Set.Set TVar instance Substitutable Type where apply _ (TCon a) = TCon a apply s t@(TVar a) = Map.findWithDefault t a s apply s (t1 `TArr` t2) = apply s t1 `TArr` apply s t2 ftv TCon{} = Set.empty ftv (TVar a) = Set.singleton a ftv (t1 `TArr` t2) = ftv t1 `Set.union` ftv t2 instance Substitutable Scheme where apply s (Forall as t) = Forall as $ apply s' t where s' = foldr Map.delete s as ftv (Forall as t) = ftv t `Set.difference` Set.fromList as instance Substitutable a => Substitutable [a] where apply = fmap . apply ftv = foldr (Set.union . ftv) Set.empty instance Substitutable TypeEnv where apply s (TypeEnv env) = TypeEnv $ Map.map (apply s) env ftv (TypeEnv env) = ftv $ Map.elems env ``` Throughout both the typing rules and substitutions we will require a fresh supply of names. In this naive version we will simply use an infinite list of strings and slice into n'th element of list per a index that we hold in a State monad. This is a simplest implementation possible, and later we will adapt this name generation technique to be more robust. ```haskell letters :: [String] letters = [1..] >>= flip replicateM ['a'..'z'] fresh :: Infer Type fresh = do s <- get put s{count = count s + 1} return $ TVar $ TV (letters !! count s) ``` The creation of fresh variables will be essential for implementing the inference rules. Whenever we encounter the first use a variable within some expression we will create a fresh type variable. Unification ----------- Central to the idea of inference is the notion *unification*. A unifier is a function $s$ for two expressions $e_1$ and $e_2$ is a relation such that: $$ s := [n_0 / m_0, n_1 / m_1, ..., n_k / m_k] \\ {[s]} e_1 = [s] e_2 $$ Two terms are said to be *unifiable* if there exists a unifying substitution set between them. A substitution set is said to be **confluent** if the application of substitutions is independent of the order applied, i.e. if we always arrive at the same normal form regardless of the order of substitution chosen. The notation we'll adopt for unification is, read as two types $\tau, \tau'$ are unifiable by a substitution $s$. $$ \tau \sim \tau' : s $$ Such that: $$ [s] \tau = [s] \tau' $$ Two identical terms are trivially unifiable by the empty unifier. $$ c \sim c : [\ ] $$ The unification rules for our little HM language are as follows: $$ \begin{array}{cl} c \sim c : [] & \quad \trule{Uni-Const} \\ \alpha \sim \alpha : [] & \quad \trule{Uni-Var} \\ \infrule{\alpha \notin \FTV{\tau}}{\alpha \sim \tau : [\alpha / \tau]} & \quad \trule{Uni-VarLeft} \\ \infrule{\alpha \notin \FTV{\tau}}{\tau \sim \alpha : [\alpha / \tau]} & \quad \trule{Uni-VarRight} \\ \infrule{ \tau_1 \sim \tau_1' : \theta_1 \andalso [\theta_1] \tau_2 \sim [\theta_1] \tau_2' : \theta_2 }{ \tau_1 \tau_2 \sim \tau_1' \tau_2' : \theta_2 \circ \theta_1 } & \quad \trule{Uni-Con} \\ \infrule{ \tau_1 \sim \tau_1' : \theta_1 \andalso [\theta_1] \tau_2 \sim [\theta_1] \tau_2' : \theta_2 }{ \tau_1 \rightarrow \tau_2 \sim \tau_1' \rightarrow \tau_2' : \theta_2 \circ \theta_1 } & \quad \trule{Uni-Arrow} \\ \end{array} $$ There is a precondition for unifying two variables known as the *occurs check* which asserts that if we are applying a substitution of variable $x$ to an expression $e$, the variable $x$ cannot be free in $e$. Otherwise the rewrite would diverge, constantly rewriting itself. For example the following substitution would not pass the occurs check and would generate an infinitely long function type. $$ [x/x \rightarrow x] $$ The occurs check will forbid the existence of many of the pathological livering terms we discussed when covering the untyped lambda calculus, including the omega combinator. ```haskell occursCheck :: Substitutable a => TVar -> a -> Bool occursCheck a t = a `Set.member` ftv t ``` The unify function lives in the Infer monad and yields a subsitution: ```haskell unify :: Type -> Type -> Infer Subst unify (l `TArr` r) (l' `TArr` r') = do s1 <- unify l l' s2 <- unify (apply s1 r) (apply s1 r') return (s2 `compose` s1) unify (TVar a) t = bind a t unify t (TVar a) = bind a t unify (TCon a) (TCon b) | a == b = return nullSubst unify t1 t2 = throwError $ UnificationFail t1 t2 bind :: TVar -> Type -> Infer Subst bind a t | t == TVar a = return nullSubst | occursCheck a t = throwError $ InfiniteType a t | otherwise = return $ Map.singleton a t ``` Generalization and Instantiation -------------------------------- At the heart of Hindley-Milner is two fundamental operations: * **Generalization**: Converting a $\tau$ type into a $\sigma$ type by closing over all free type variables in a type scheme. * **Instantiation**: Converting a $\sigma$ type into a $\tau$ type by creating fresh names for each type variable that does not appear in the current typing environment. $$ \begin{array}{cl} \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma \vdash e: \sigma \quad \overline{\alpha} \notin \mathtt{ftv}(\Gamma)}{\Gamma \vdash e:\forall\ \overline{\alpha}\ .\ \sigma} & \trule{T-Gen}\\ \\ \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma \vdash e: \sigma_1 \quad\quad \sigma_1 \sqsubseteq \sigma_2}{\Gamma \vdash e : \sigma_2 } & \trule{T-Inst} \\ \\ \end{array} $$ The $\sqsubseteq$ operator in the $\trule{T-Inst}$ rule indicates that a type is an *instantiation* of a type scheme. $$ \forall \overline \alpha. \tau_2 \sqsubseteq \tau_1 $$ A type $\tau_1$ is a instantiation of a type scheme $\sigma = \forall \overline \alpha. \tau_2$ if there exists a substitution $[s] \beta = \beta$ for all $\beta \in \mathtt{ftv}(\sigma)$ so that $\tau_1 = [s] \tau_2$. Some examples: $$ \begin{aligned} \forall a. a \rightarrow a & \sqsubseteq \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Int} \\ \forall a. a \rightarrow a & \sqsubseteq b \rightarrow b \\ \forall a b. a \rightarrow b \rightarrow a & \sqsubseteq \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Bool} \rightarrow \t{Int} \end{aligned} $$ These map very intuitively into code that simply manipulates the Haskell ``Set`` objects of variables and the fresh name supply: ```haskell instantiate :: Scheme -> Infer Type instantiate (Forall as t) = do as' <- mapM (const fresh) as let s = Map.fromList $ zip as as' return $ apply s t generalize :: TypeEnv -> Type -> Scheme generalize env t = Forall as t where as = Set.toList $ ftv t `Set.difference` ftv env ``` By convention let-bindings are generalized as much as possible. So for instance in the following definition ``f`` is generalized across the body of the binding so that at each invocation of ``f`` it is instantiated with fresh type variables. ```haskell Poly> let f = (\x -> x) in let g = (f True) in f 3 3 : Int ``` In this expression, the type of ``f`` is generated at the let definition and will be instantiated with two different signatures. At call site of ``f`` it will unify with ``Int`` and the other unify with ``Bool``. By contrast, binding ``f`` in a lambda will result in a type error. ```haskell Poly> (\f -> let g = (f True) in (f 3)) (\x -> x) Cannot unify types: Bool with Int ``` This is the essence of *let generalization*. Typing Rules ------------ And finally with all the typing machinery in place, we can write down the typing rules for our simple little polymorphic lambda calculus. ```haskell infer :: TypeEnv -> Expr -> Infer (Subst, Type) ``` The ``infer`` maps the local typing environment and the active expression to a 2-tuple of the partial unifier solution and the intermediate type. The AST is traversed bottom-up and constraints are solved at each level of recursion by applying partial substitutions from unification across each partially inferred subexpression and the local environment. If an error is encountered the ``throwError`` is called in the ``Infer`` monad and an error is reported. ```haskell infer :: TypeEnv -> Expr -> Infer (Subst, Type) infer env ex = case ex of Var x -> lookupEnv env x Lam x e -> do tv <- fresh let env' = env `extend` (x, Forall [] tv) (s1, t1) <- infer env' e return (s1, apply s1 tv `TArr` t1) App e1 e2 -> do tv <- fresh (s1, t1) <- infer env e1 (s2, t2) <- infer (apply s1 env) e2 s3 <- unify (apply s2 t1) (TArr t2 tv) return (s3 `compose` s2 `compose` s1, apply s3 tv) Let x e1 e2 -> do (s1, t1) <- infer env e1 let env' = apply s1 env t' = generalize env' t1 (s2, t2) <- infer (env' `extend` (x, t')) e2 return (s1 `compose` s2, t2) If cond tr fl -> do (s1, t1) <- infer env cond (s2, t2) <- infer env tr (s3, t3) <- infer env fl s4 <- unify t1 typeBool s5 <- unify t2 t3 return (s5 `compose` s4 `compose` s3 `compose` s2 `compose` s1, apply s5 t2) Fix e1 -> do (s1, t) <- infer env e1 tv <- fresh s2 <- unify (TArr tv tv) t return (s2, apply s1 tv) Op op e1 e2 -> do (s1, t1) <- infer env e1 (s2, t2) <- infer env e2 tv <- fresh s3 <- unify (TArr t1 (TArr t2 tv)) (ops Map.! op) return (s1 `compose` s2 `compose` s3, apply s3 tv) Lit (LInt _) -> return (nullSubst, typeInt) Lit (LBool _) -> return (nullSubst, typeBool) ``` Let's walk through each of the rule derivations and look how it translates into code: **T-Var** The ``T-Var`` rule, simply pull the type of the variable out of the typing context. ```haskell Var x -> lookupEnv env x ``` The function ``lookupVar`` looks up the local variable reference in typing environment and if found it instantiates a fresh copy. ```haskell lookupEnv :: TypeEnv -> Var -> Infer (Subst, Type) lookupEnv (TypeEnv env) x = do case Map.lookup x env of Nothing -> throwError $ UnboundVariable (show x) Just s -> do t <- instantiate s return (nullSubst, t) ``` $$ \begin{array}{cl} \displaystyle\frac{x:\sigma \in \Gamma}{\Gamma \vdash x:\sigma} & \trule{T-Var} \\ \\ \end{array} $$ **T-Lam** For lambdas the variable bound by the lambda is locally scoped to the typing environment and then the body of the expression is inferred with this scope. The output type is a fresh type variable and is unified with the resulting inferred type. ```haskell Lam x e -> do tv <- fresh let env' = env `extend` (x, Forall [] tv) (s1, t1) <- infer env' e return (s1, apply s1 tv `TArr` t1) ``` $$ \begin{array}{cl} \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma,\;x:\tau_1 \vdash e:\tau_2}{\Gamma \vdash \lambda\ x\ .\ e : \tau_1 \rightarrow \tau_2}& \trule{T-Lam} \\ \\ \end{array} $$ **T-App** For applications, the first argument must be a lambda expression or return a lambda expression, so know it must be of form ``t1 -> t2`` but the output type is not determined except by the confluence of the two values. We infer both types, apply the constraints from the first argument over the result second inferred type and then unify the two types with the excepted form of the entire application expression. ```haskell App e1 e2 -> do tv <- fresh (s1, t1) <- infer env e1 (s2, t2) <- infer (apply s1 env) e2 s3 <- unify (apply s2 t1) (TArr t2 tv) return (s3 `compose` s2 `compose` s1, apply s3 tv) ``` $$ \begin{array}{cl} \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma \vdash e_1:\tau_1 \rightarrow \tau_2 \quad\quad \Gamma \vdash e_2 : \tau_1 }{\Gamma \vdash e_1\ e_2 : \tau_2} & \trule{T-App} \\ \\ \end{array} $$ **T-Let** As mentioned previously, let will be generalized so we will create a local typing environment for the body of the let expression and add the generalized inferred type let bound value to the typing environment of the body. ```haskell Let x e1 e2 -> do (s1, t1) <- infer env e1 let env' = apply s1 env t' = generalize env' t1 (s2, t2) <- infer (env' `extend` (x, t')) e2 return (s1 `compose` s2, t2) ``` $$ \begin{array}{cl} \displaystyle\frac{\Gamma \vdash e_1:\sigma \quad\quad \Gamma,\,x:\sigma \vdash e_2:\tau}{\Gamma \vdash \mathtt{let}\ x = e_1\ \mathtt{in}\ e_2 : \tau} & \trule{T-Let} \\ \\ \end{array} $$ **T-BinOp** There are several builtin operations, we haven't mentioned up to now because the typing rules are trivial. We simply unify with the preset type signature of the operation. ```haskell Op op e1 e2 -> do (s1, t1) <- infer env e1 (s2, t2) <- infer env e2 tv <- fresh s3 <- unify (TArr t1 (TArr t2 tv)) (ops Map.! op) return (s1 `compose` s2 `compose` s3, apply s3 tv) ``` ```haskell ops :: Map.Map Binop Type ops = Map.fromList [ (Add, (typeInt `TArr` (typeInt `TArr` typeInt))) , (Mul, (typeInt `TArr` (typeInt `TArr` typeInt))) , (Sub, (typeInt `TArr` (typeInt `TArr` typeInt))) , (Eql, (typeInt `TArr` (typeInt `TArr` typeBool))) ] ``` $$ \begin{array}{cl} (+) &: \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Int} \\ (\times) &: \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Int} \\ (-) &: \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Int} \\ (=) &: \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Int} \rightarrow \t{Bool} \\ \end{array} $$ **Literals** The type of literal integer and boolean types is trivially their respective types. $$ \begin{array}{cl} \frac{}{\Gamma \vdash n : \mathtt{Int}} & \trule{T-Int} \\ \frac{}{\Gamma \vdash \t{True} : \mathtt{Bool}} & \trule{T-True} \\ \frac{}{\Gamma \vdash \t{False} : \mathtt{Bool}} & \trule{T-False} \end{array} $$ Constraint Generation ===================== The previous implementation of Hindley Milner is simple, but has this odd property of intermingling two separate processes: constraint solving and traversal. Let's discuss another implementation of the inference algorithm that does not do this. In the *constraint generation* approach, constraints are generated by bottom-up traversal, added to a ordered container, canonicalized, solved, and then possibly back-substituted over a typed AST. This will be the approach we will use from here out, and while there is an equivalence between the "on-line solver", using the separate constraint solver becomes easier to manage as our type system gets more complex and we start building out the language. Our inference monad now becomes a ``RWST`` ( Reader-Writer-State Transformer ) + ``Except`` for typing errors. The inference state remains the same, just the fresh name supply. ```haskell -- | Inference monad type Infer a = (RWST Env -- Typing environment [Constraint] -- Generated constraints InferState -- Inference state (Except -- Inference errors TypeError) a) -- Result -- | Inference state data InferState = InferState { count :: Int } ``` Instead of unifying type variables at each level of traversal, we will instead just collect the unifiers inside the Writer and emit them with the ``uni`` function. ```haskell -- | Unify two types uni :: Type -> Type -> Infer () uni t1 t2 = tell [(t1, t2)] ``` Since the typing environment is stored in the Reader monad, we can use the ``local`` to create a locally scoped additions to the typing environment. This is convenient for typing binders. ```haskell -- | Extend type environment inEnv :: (Name, Scheme) -> Infer a -> Infer a inEnv (x, sc) m = do let scope e = (remove e x) `extend` (x, sc) local scope m ``` Typing ------ The typing rules are identical, except they now can be written down in a much less noisy way that isn't threading so much state. All of the details are taken care of under the hood and encoded in specific combinators manipulating the state of our Infer monad in a way that lets focus on the domain logic. ```haskell infer :: Expr -> Infer Type infer expr = case expr of Lit (LInt _) -> return $ typeInt Lit (LBool _) -> return $ typeBool Var x -> lookupEnv x Lam x e -> do tv <- fresh t <- inEnv (x, Forall [] tv) (infer e) return (tv `TArr` t) App e1 e2 -> do t1 <- infer e1 t2 <- infer e2 tv <- fresh uni t1 (t2 `TArr` tv) return tv Let x e1 e2 -> do env <- ask t1 <- infer e1 let sc = generalize env t1 t2 <- inEnv (x, sc) (infer e2) return t2 Fix e1 -> do t1 <- infer e1 tv <- fresh uni (tv `TArr` tv) t1 return tv Op op e1 e2 -> do t1 <- infer e1 t2 <- infer e2 tv <- fresh let u1 = t1 `TArr` (t2 `TArr` tv) u2 = ops Map.! op uni u1 u2 return tv If cond tr fl -> do t1 <- infer cond t2 <- infer tr t3 <- infer fl uni t1 typeBool uni t2 t3 return t2 ``` Constraint Solver ----------------- The Writer layer for the Infer monad contains the generated set of constraints emitted from inference pass. Once inference has completed we are left with a resulting type signature full of meaningless unique fresh variables and a set of constraints that we must solve to refine the type down to its principal type. The constraints are pulled out solved by a separate ``Solve`` monad which holds the Unifier ( most general unifier ) solution that when applied to generated signature will yield the solution. ```haskell type Constraint = (Type, Type) type Unifier = (Subst, [Constraint]) -- | Constraint solver monad type Solve a = StateT Unifier (ExceptT TypeError Identity) a ``` The unification logic is also identical to before, except it is now written independent of inference and stores its partial state inside of the Solve monad's state layer. ```haskell unifies :: Type -> Type -> Solve Unifier unifies t1 t2 | t1 == t2 = return emptyUnifer unifies (TVar v) t = v `bind` t unifies t (TVar v) = v `bind` t unifies (TArr t1 t2) (TArr t3 t4) = unifyMany [t1, t2] [t3, t4] unifies t1 t2 = throwError $ UnificationFail t1 t2 unifyMany :: [Type] -> [Type] -> Solve Unifier unifyMany [] [] = return emptyUnifer unifyMany (t1 : ts1) (t2 : ts2) = do (su1,cs1) <- unifies t1 t2 (su2,cs2) <- unifyMany (apply su1 ts1) (apply su1 ts2) return (su2 `compose` su1, cs1 ++ cs2) unifyMany t1 t2 = throwError $ UnificationMismatch t1 t2 ``` The solver function simply iterates over the set of constraints, composing them and applying the resulting constraint solution over the intermediate solution eventually converting on the *most general unifier* which yields the final subsitution which when applied over the inferred type signature, yields the principal type solution for the expression. ```haskell -- Unification solver solver :: Solve Subst solver = do (su, cs) <- get case cs of [] -> return su ((t1, t2): cs0) -> do (su1, cs1) <- unifies t1 t2 put (su1 `compose` su, cs1 ++ (apply su1 cs0)) solver ``` This a much more elegant solution than having to intermingle inference and solving in the same pass, and adapts itself well to the generation of a typed Core form which we will discuss in later chapters. Worked Example -------------- **Example 1** Let's walk through a few examples of how inference works for a few simple functions. Consider: ```haskell \x y z -> x + y + z ``` The generated type from the ``infer`` function is simply a fresh variable for each of the arguments and return type. This is completely unconstrained. ```haskell a -> b -> c -> e ``` The constraints induced from **T-BinOp** are emitted as we traverse both of addition operations. 1. ``a -> b -> d ~ Int -> Int -> Int`` 2. ``d -> c -> e ~ Int -> Int -> Int`` By applying **Uni-Arrow** we can then deduce the following set of substitutions. 1. ``a ~ Int`` 2. ``b ~ Int`` 3. ``c ~ Int`` 4. ``d ~ Int`` 5. ``e ~ Int`` Substituting this solution back over the type yields the inferred type: ```haskell Int -> Int -> Int -> Int ``` **Example 2** ```haskell compose f g x = f (g x) ``` The generated type from the ``infer`` function is again simply a set of unique fresh variables. ```haskell a -> b -> c -> e ``` Induced two cases of the **T-App** we get the following constraints. 1. ``b ~ c -> d`` 2. ``a ~ d -> e`` By applying **Uni-VarLeft** twice we get the following set of substitutions. 1. ``a ~ d -> e`` 2. ``b ~ c -> d`` ```haskell compose :: forall c d e. (d -> e) -> (c -> d) -> c -> e ``` If desired, you can rearrange the variables in alphabetical order to get: ```haskell compose :: forall a b c. (a -> b) -> (c -> a) -> c -> b ``` Evaluation ========== Interpreter ----------- Our evaluator will operate directly on the syntax and evaluate the results in into a ``Value`` type. ```haskell data Value = VInt Integer | VBool Bool | VClosure String Expr TermEnv ``` The interpreter is set up an Identity monad. Later it will become a more complicated monad, but for now its quite simple. The value environment will explicitly threaded around, and whenever a closure is created we simply store a copy of the local environment in the closure. ```haskell type TermEnv = Map.Map String Value type Interpreter t = Identity t ``` Our logic for evaluation is an extension of the lambda calculus evaluator implemented in previous chapter. However you might notice quite a few incomplete patterns used throughout evaluation. Fear not though, the evaluation of our program cannot "go wrong". Each of these patterns represents a state that our type system guarantees will never happen. For example, if our program did have not every variable referenced in scope then it would never reach evaluation to begin with and would be rejected in our type checker. We are morally correct in using incomplete patterns here! ```haskell eval :: TermEnv -> Expr -> Interpreter Value eval env expr = case expr of Lit (LInt k) -> return $ VInt k Lit (LBool k) -> return $ VBool k Var x -> do let Just v = Map.lookup x env return v Op op a b -> do VInt a' <- eval env a VInt b' <- eval env b return $ (binop op) a' b' Lam x body -> return (VClosure x body env) App fun arg -> do VClosure x body clo <- eval env fun argv <- eval env arg let nenv = Map.insert x argv clo eval nenv body Let x e body -> do e' <- eval env e let nenv = Map.insert x e' env eval nenv body If cond tr fl -> do VBool br <- eval env cond if br == True then eval env tr else eval env fl Fix e -> do eval env (App e (Fix e)) binop :: Binop -> Integer -> Integer -> Value binop Add a b = VInt $ a + b binop Mul a b = VInt $ a * b binop Sub a b = VInt $ a - b binop Eql a b = VBool $ a == b ``` Interactive Shell ----------------- Our language has now grown out the small little shells we were using before, and now we need something much more robust to hold the logic for our interactive interpreter. We will structure our REPL as a monad wrapped around IState (the interpreter state) datatype. We will start to use the repline library from here out which gives us platform independent readline, history, and tab completion support. ```haskell data IState = IState { tyctx :: TypeEnv -- Type environment , tmctx :: TermEnv -- Value environment } initState :: IState initState = IState emptyTyenv emptyTmenv type Repl a = HaskelineT (StateT IState IO) a hoistErr :: Show e => Either e a -> Repl a hoistErr (Right val) = return val hoistErr (Left err) = do liftIO $ print err abort ``` Our language can be compiled into a standalone binary by GHC: ```bash $ ghc --make Main.hs -o poly $ ./poly Poly> ``` At the top of our program we will look at the command options and allow three variations of commands. ```bash $ poly # launch shell $ poly input.ml # launch shell with 'input.ml' loaded $ poly test input.ml # dump test for 'input.ml' to stdout ``` ```haskell main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of [] -> shell (return ()) [fname] -> shell (load [fname]) ["test", fname] -> shell (load [fname] >> browse [] >> quit ()) _ -> putStrLn "invalid arguments" ``` The shell command takes a ``pre`` action which is run before the shell starts up. The logic simply evaluates our Repl monad into an IO and runs that from the main function. ```haskell shell :: Repl a -> IO () shell pre = flip evalStateT initState $ evalRepl "Poly> " cmd options completer pre ``` The ``cmd`` driver is the main entry point for our program, it is executed every time the user enters a line of input. The first argument is the line of user input. ```haskell cmd :: String -> Repl () cmd source = exec True (L.pack source) ``` The heart of our language is then the ``exec`` function which imports all the compiler passes, runs them sequentially threading the inputs and outputs and eventually yielding a resulting typing environment and the evaluated result of the program. These are monoidal joined into the state of the interpreter and then the loop yields to the next set of inputs. ```haskell exec :: Bool -> L.Text -> Repl () exec update source = do -- Get the current interpreter state st <- get -- Parser ( returns AST ) mod <- hoistErr $ parseModule "" source -- Type Inference ( returns Typing Environment ) tyctx' <- hoistErr $ inferTop (tyctx st) mod -- Create the new environment let st' = st { tmctx = foldl' evalDef (tmctx st) mod , tyctx = tyctx' <> (tyctx st) } -- Update the interpreter state when update (put st') ``` Repline also supports adding special casing certain sets of inputs so that they map to builtin commands in the compiler. We will implement three of these. Command Action ----------- ------------ ``:browse`` Browse the type signatures for a program ``:load `` Load a program from file ``:type`` Show the type of an expression ``:quit`` Exit interpreter Their implementations are mostly straightforward. ```haskell options :: [(String, [String] -> Repl ())] options = [ ("load" , load) , ("browse" , browse) , ("quit" , quit) , ("type" , Main.typeof) ] -- :browse command browse :: [String] -> Repl () browse _ = do st <- get liftIO $ mapM_ putStrLn $ ppenv (tyctx st) -- :load command load :: [String] -> Repl () load args = do contents <- liftIO $ L.readFile (unwords args) exec True contents -- :type command typeof :: [String] -> Repl () typeof args = do st <- get let arg = unwords args case Infer.typeof (tyctx st) arg of Just val -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ ppsignature (arg, val) Nothing -> exec False (L.pack arg) -- :quit command quit :: a -> Repl () quit _ = liftIO $ exitSuccess ``` Finally tab completion for our shell will use the interpreter's typing environment keys to complete on the set of locally defined variables. Repline supports prefix based tab completion where the prefix of the current command will be used to determine what to tab complete. In the case where we start with the command ":load" we will instead tab complete on filenames in the current working directly instead. ```haskell completer :: CompleterStyle (StateT IState IO) completer = Prefix (wordCompleter comp) defaultMatcher -- Prefix tab completer defaultMatcher :: MonadIO m => [(String, CompletionFunc m)] defaultMatcher = [ (":load" , fileCompleter) ] -- Default tab completer comp :: (Monad m, MonadState IState m) => WordCompleter m comp n = do let cmds = [":load", ":browse", ":quit", ":type"] TypeEnv ctx <- gets tyctx let defs = Map.keys ctx return $ filter (isPrefixOf n) (cmds ++ defs) ``` Observations ============ There we have it, our first little type inferred language! Load the ``poly`` interpreter by running ``ghci Main.hs`` and the call the ``main`` function. ```haskell $ ghci Main.hs λ: main Poly> :load test.ml Poly> :browse ``` Try out some simple examples by declaring some functions at the toplevel of the program. We can query the types of expressions interactively using the ``:type`` command which effectively just runs the expression halfway through the pipeline and halts after typechecking. ```haskell Poly> let id x = x Poly> let const x y = x Poly> let twice x = x + x Poly> :type id id : forall a. a -> a Poly> :type const const : forall a b. a -> b -> a Poly> :type twice twice : Int -> Int ``` Notice several important facts. Our type checker will now flat our reject programs with scoping errors before interpretation. ```haskell Poly> \x -> y Not in scope: "y" ``` Also programs that are also not well-typed are now rejected outright as well. ```haskell Poly> 1 + True Cannot unify types: Bool with Int ``` The omega combinator will not pass the occurs check. ```haskell Poly> \x -> x x Cannot construct the the infinite type: a = a -> b ``` The file ``test.ml`` provides a variety of tests of the little interpreter. For instance both ``fact`` and ``fib`` functions uses the fixpoint to compute Fibonacci numbers or factorials. ```haskell let fact = fix (\fact -> \n -> if (n == 0) then 1 else (n * (fact (n-1)))); let rec fib n = if (n == 0) then 0 else if (n==1) then 1 else ((fib (n-1)) + (fib (n-2))); ``` ```haskell Poly> :type fact fact : Int -> Int Poly> fact 5 120 Poly> fib 16 610 ``` Full Source =========== * [Poly](https://github.com/sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell/tree/master/chapter7/poly) * [Poly - Constraint Generation](https://github.com/sdiehl/write-you-a-haskell/tree/master/chapter7/poly_constraints)