2015-01-05 02:54:15 -05:00

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{-# Language TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# Language FlexibleInstances #-}
module Pretty (
) where
import Type
import Syntax
import Infer
import Text.PrettyPrint
import qualified Data.Map as Map
parensIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
parensIf True = parens
parensIf False = id
class Pretty p where
ppr :: Int -> p -> Doc
instance Pretty Var where
ppr _ x = text x
instance Pretty TVar where
ppr _ (TV x) = text x
instance Pretty Type where
ppr p (TArr a b) = (parensIf (isArrow a) (ppr p a)) <+> text "->" <+> ppr p b
isArrow TArr{} = True
isArrow _ = False
ppr p (TVar a) = ppr p a
ppr _ (TCon a) = text a
instance Pretty Scheme where
ppr p (Forall [] t) = ppr p t
ppr p (Forall ts t) = text "forall" <+> hcat (punctuate space (fmap (ppr p) ts)) <> text "." <+> ppr p t
instance Pretty Binop where
ppr _ Add = text "+"
ppr _ Sub = text "-"
ppr _ Mul = text "-"
ppr _ Eql = text "=="
instance Pretty Expr where
ppr p (Var a) = ppr p a
ppr p (App a b) = parensIf (p > 0) $ ppr (p+1) a <+> ppr p b
ppr p (Lam a b) = text "\\" <> ppr p a <+> text "->" <+> ppr p b
ppr p (Let a b c) = text "let" <> ppr p a <+> text "=" <+> ppr p b <+> text "in" <+> ppr p c
ppr p (Lit a) = ppr p a
ppr p (Op o a b) = parensIf (p>0) $ ppr p a <+> ppr p o <+> ppr p b
ppr p (Fix a) = parensIf (p>0) $ text "fix" <> ppr p a
ppr p (If a b c) =
text "if" <> ppr p a <+>
text "then" <+> ppr p b <+>
text "else" <+> ppr p c
instance Pretty Lit where
ppr _ (LInt i) = integer i
ppr _ (LBool True) = text "True"
ppr _ (LBool False) = text "False"
instance Show TypeError where
show (UnificationFail a b) =
concat ["Cannot unify types: \n\t", pptype a, "\nwith \n\t", pptype b]
show (InfiniteType (TV a) b) =
concat ["Cannot construct the the infinite type: ", a, " = ", pptype b]
show (UnboundVariable a) = "Not in scope: " ++ a
ppscheme :: Scheme -> String
ppscheme = render . ppr 0
pptype :: Type -> String
pptype = render . ppr 0
ppexpr :: Expr -> String
ppexpr = render . ppr 0
ppsignature :: (String, Scheme) -> String
ppsignature (a, b) = a ++ " : " ++ ppscheme b
ppdecl :: (String, Expr) -> String
ppdecl (a, b) = "let " ++ a ++ " = " ++ ppexpr b
ppenv :: TypeEnv -> [String]
ppenv (TypeEnv env) = fmap ppsignature $ Map.toList env