2015-01-05 02:54:15 -05:00

444 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Frontend (
-- * Frontend AST
-- * Constructors
-- * Deconstructors
-- * Free variables
-- * Declaration manipulation
-- * Declaration grouping
-- * Pattern manipulation
) where
import Prelude hiding (foldr, foldr1, concatMap)
import Name
import Type
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Identity
import GHC.Word (Word8)
-- Surface Language
type Constr = Name
data Expr
= EApp Expr Expr -- ^ a b
| EVar Name -- ^ x
| ELam Name Expr -- ^ \\x . y
| ELit Literal -- ^ 1, 'a'
| ELet Name Expr Expr -- ^ let x = y in x
| EIf Expr Expr Expr -- ^ if x then tr else fl
| ECase Expr [Match] -- ^ case x of { p -> e; ... }
| EAnn Expr Type -- ^ ( x : Int )
| EDo [Stmt] -- ^ do { ... }
| EFail -- ^ pattern match fail
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Stmt
= Generator Pattern Expr -- ^ pat <- exp
| Qualifier Expr -- ^ exp
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Pattern
= PVar Name -- ^ x
| PCon Constr [Pattern] -- ^ C x y
| PLit Literal -- ^ 3
| PWild -- ^ _
deriving (Eq, Show)
data BindGroup = BindGroup
{ _matchName :: Name
, _matchPats :: [Match]
, _matchType :: Maybe Type
, _matchWhere :: [[Decl]]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Match = Match
{ _matchPat :: [Pattern]
, _matchBody :: Expr
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Literal
= LitInt Int -- ^ 1
| LitChar Char -- ^ 'a'
| LitString [Word8] -- A primitive C-style string, type Addr#
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ConDecl
= ConDecl Constr Type -- ^ T :: a -> T a
| RecDecl Constr [(Name, Type)] Type -- ^ T :: { label :: a } -> T a
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data Decl
= FunDecl BindGroup -- ^ f x = x + 1
| TypeDecl Type -- ^ f :: Int -> Int
| DataDecl Constr [Name] [ConDecl] -- ^ data T where { ... }
| ClassDecl [Pred] Name [Name] [Decl] -- ^ class (P) => T where { ... }
| InstDecl [Pred] Name Type [Decl] -- ^ instance (P) => T where { ... }
| FixityDecl FixitySpec -- infixl 1 {..}
deriving (Eq, Show)
data FixitySpec = FixitySpec
{ fixityFix :: Fixity
, fixityName :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data Assoc
= L
| R
| N
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data Fixity
= Infix Assoc Int
| Prefix Int
| Postfix Int
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data Module = Module Name [Decl] -- ^ module T where { .. }
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- Extraction
-- Get the binding groups associated with a definition
fgroup :: Decl -> [BindGroup]
fgroup (FunDecl xs) = [xs]
fgroup _ = []
-- | Extract pattern variables.
pvars :: [Pattern] -> [Name]
pvars ps = [a | PVar a <- ps]
-- | Lookup a toplevel declaration by name.
slookup :: String -> Module -> Maybe Decl
slookup nm (Module _ decls) =
case decls' of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> Just x
decls' = [d | d@(FunDecl (BindGroup name _ _ _)) <- decls, name == Name nm]
-- | Extract a function declaration by name.
sget :: Name -> [Decl] -> Maybe (Name, Maybe Type, Expr)
sget nm decls =
case decls' of
[] -> Nothing
(x:_) -> Just (sdef x)
decls' = [d | d@(FunDecl (BindGroup name _ _ _)) <- decls, name == nm]
-- Singleton named toplevel declaration.
ssingleton :: Name -> Expr -> Decl
ssingleton nm ex = FunDecl (BindGroup nm [Match [] ex] Nothing [])
-- | Extract the desugared bind group.
sdef :: Decl -> (Name, Maybe Type, Expr)
sdef (FunDecl (BindGroup name [Match [] rhs] tysig _)) = (name, tysig, rhs)
sdef _ = error "Bind group is not in desugared form"
-- | Extract the desugared bind group name.
sname :: Decl -> Name
sname (FunDecl (BindGroup name [Match _ _] _ _)) = name
sname (DataDecl name _ _) = name
sname (ClassDecl _ name _ _) = name
sname (InstDecl _ name _ _) = name
sname _ = error "Bind group is not in desugared form"
-- | Extract a set of the named constructor used in a type
fcons :: Type -> Set.Set Name
fcons (TCon (AlgTyCon n)) = Set.singleton n
fcons (TCon {}) = Set.empty
fcons (TVar {}) = Set.empty
fcons (t1 `TArr` t2) = fcons t1 `Set.union` fcons t2
fcons (t1 `TApp` t2) = fcons t1 `Set.union` fcons t2
fconsConDecl :: ConDecl -> Set.Set Name
fconsConDecl (ConDecl _ (TForall _ _ ty)) = fcons ty
fconsConDecl (RecDecl _ _ (TForall _ _ ty)) = fcons ty
-- | Extract a set of the named constructor used in a type declaration
fconsDecl :: Decl -> Set.Set Name
fconsDecl (DataDecl _ _ xs) = Set.unions $ fmap fconsConDecl xs
fconsDecl _ = Set.empty
-- | The global function names
globals :: Module -> [Name]
globals (Module _ decls) = fmap sname decls
sname :: Decl -> Name
sname (FunDecl (BindGroup name _ _ _)) = name
sname (DataDecl name _ _) = name
sname (ClassDecl _ name _ _) = name
sname (InstDecl _ name _ _) = name
sname _ = error "Bind group is not in desugared form"
-- Grouping
groupToplevel :: Module -> Module
groupToplevel (Module nm decls) = Module nm $ mconcat [clsub, icls, datas, funs]
funs = groupDecls [e | e@FunDecl{} <- decls]
datas = [e | e@DataDecl{} <- decls]
clsub = [e | e@ClassDecl{} <- decls]
icls = [e | e@InstDecl{} <- decls]
groupBindings :: [BindGroup] -> [BindGroup]
groupBindings = fmap joinBindings . groupBy ((==) `on` _matchName)
joinBindings :: [BindGroup] -> BindGroup
joinBindings xs@(x:_) =
BindGroup (_matchName x) (concatMap _matchPats xs) (_matchType x) (concatMap _matchWhere xs)
joinBindings [] = error "empty binding group"
-- Build up a nested list of
groupDecls :: [Decl] -> [Decl]
groupDecls decls = fmap FunDecl $ groupBindings (concatMap fgroup decls)
-- Traversal
descend :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr
descend f ex = runIdentity (descendM (return . f) ex)
descendM :: (Monad m, Applicative m) => (Expr -> m Expr) -> Expr -> m Expr
descendM f e = case e of
EApp a b -> EApp <$> descendM f a <*> descendM f b
EVar a -> EVar <$> pure a
ELam a b -> ELam <$> pure a <*> descendM f b
ELit n -> ELit <$> pure n
ELet n a b -> ELet <$> pure n <*> descendM f a <*> descendM f b
EIf a b c -> EIf <$> descendM f a <*> descendM f b <*> descendM f c
ECase a xs -> ECase <$> f a <*> traverse (descendCaseM f) xs
EAnn a t -> EAnn <$> descendM f a <*> pure t
EFail -> pure EFail
descendCaseM :: (Monad m, Applicative m) => (Expr -> m Expr) -> Match -> m Match
descendCaseM f e = case e of
Match ps a -> Match <$> pure ps <*> descendM f a
:: (Expr -> Expr)
-> (Expr -> Expr)
-> (Expr -> Expr)
compose f g = descend (f . g)
:: (Applicative m, Monad m)
=> (Expr -> m Expr)
-> (Expr -> m Expr)
-> (Expr -> m Expr)
composeM f g = descendM (f <=< g)
-- Variables
class AllVars a where
allVars :: a -> Set.Set Name
class FreeVars a where
freeVars :: a -> Set.Set Name
instance AllVars a => AllVars [a] where
allVars = Set.unions . fmap allVars
instance FreeVars a => FreeVars [a] where
freeVars = Set.unions . fmap freeVars
instance AllVars Pattern where
allVars pt = case pt of
PVar n -> Set.singleton n
PCon _ ps -> Set.unions $ fmap allVars ps
PLit _ -> Set.empty
PWild -> Set.empty
instance AllVars Match where
allVars ex = case ex of
Match pats rhs -> allVars rhs
instance AllVars Expr where
allVars ex = case ex of
EVar x -> Set.singleton x
ELet n v e -> Set.unions [Set.singleton n, allVars v, allVars e]
ELam _ e -> allVars e
EApp a b -> allVars a `Set.union` allVars b
ECase n as -> allVars n `Set.union` Set.unions (fmap allVars as)
ELit _ -> Set.empty
EIf c x y -> Set.unions [allVars c, allVars x, allVars y]
EAnn x _ -> allVars x
EFail -> Set.empty
instance AllVars Decl where
allVars (FunDecl bg) = allVars bg
allVars (DataDecl {}) = Set.empty
allVars (TypeDecl {}) = Set.empty
allVars (ClassDecl {}) = Set.empty
allVars (InstDecl {}) = Set.empty
allVars (FixityDecl {})= Set.empty
instance AllVars BindGroup where
allVars (BindGroup _ pats _ _) = Set.unions (fmap allVars pats)
instance FreeVars Expr where
freeVars ex = case ex of
ELam n x -> freeVars x Set.\\ Set.singleton n
ELet n v e -> (freeVars e Set.\\ Set.singleton n) `Set.union` (freeVars v)
EApp f xs -> freeVars f `Set.union` freeVars xs
ECase e m -> freeVars e `Set.union` Set.unions (fmap freeVars m)
EDo xs -> Set.unions (fmap freeVars xs)
EVar n -> Set.singleton n
ELit _ -> Set.empty
EIf c x y -> freeVars c `Set.union` freeVars x `Set.union` freeVars y
EAnn x _ -> freeVars x
EFail -> Set.empty
instance FreeVars Match where
freeVars ex = case ex of
Match pats rhs -> freeVars rhs Set.\\ Set.unions (fmap allVars pats)
instance FreeVars Stmt where
freeVars ex = case ex of
Generator pat x -> freeVars x Set.\\ (allVars pat)
Qualifier x -> freeVars x
instance FreeVars Decl where
freeVars (FunDecl bg) = freeVars bg
freeVars (DataDecl {}) = Set.empty
freeVars (TypeDecl {}) = Set.empty
freeVars (ClassDecl {}) = Set.empty
freeVars (InstDecl {}) = Set.empty
freeVars (FixityDecl {}) = Set.empty
instance FreeVars BindGroup where
freeVars (BindGroup _ pats _ _) = Set.unions (fmap freeVars pats)
occursIn :: AllVars a => Name -> a -> Bool
occursIn name ex = name `Set.member` (allVars ex)
boundVars :: (FreeVars a, AllVars a) => a -> Set.Set Name
boundVars ex = (allVars ex) `Set.difference` (freeVars ex)
-- free pattern variables
freePvs :: Pattern -> [Name]
freePvs (PVar a) = [a]
freePvs (PCon _ b) = concatMap freePvs b
freePvs (PLit _) = []
freePvs (PWild) = []
-- Constructors
-- Constructors for the wired-in syntax
_paircon, _conscon, _nilcon :: Name
_paircon = "Pair"
_conscon = "Cons"
_nilcon = "Nil"
mkEApp :: Expr -> [Expr] -> Expr
mkEApp = foldl' EApp
mkELam :: Expr -> [Name] -> Expr
mkELam = foldr ELam
mkPair :: [Expr] -> Expr
mkPair = foldr1 pair
pair x y = mkEApp (EVar _paircon) [x,y]
mkList :: [Expr] -> Expr
mkList = foldr cons nil
cons x y = mkEApp (EVar _conscon) [x,y]
nil = EVar _nilcon
mkIf :: Expr -> Expr
mkIf (EIf c x y) =
ECase c [
Match [PCon "True" []] x,
Match [PCon "False" []] y
mkIf x = x
-- Deconstructors
viewVars :: Expr -> [Name]
viewVars (ELam n a) = n : viewVars a
viewVars _ = []
viewLam :: Expr -> Expr
viewLam (ELam _ a) = viewLam a
viewLam x = x
viewApp :: Expr -> (Expr, [Expr])
viewApp = go []
go !xs (EApp a b) = go (b : xs) a
go xs f = (f, xs)