Haskell interactive serverside web framework inspired by HTMX
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Sean Hess 0d752341f1 lazy
2024-05-15 13:09:48 -07:00
bin tests 2024-03-07 12:02:52 -07:00
client fixed load listener 2024-05-15 09:22:57 -07:00
example lazy 2024-05-15 13:09:48 -07:00
src/Web documentation. changed liveApp interface down to 1 2024-05-15 11:41:07 -07:00
test view param tests 2024-03-08 09:54:51 -07:00
.gitignore initial commit post-separation 2023-11-27 12:17:08 -06:00
.hlint.yaml messing with forms 2023-11-29 14:29:04 -06:00
cabal.project Moved Url to web.view 2024-03-05 14:35:51 -07:00
CHANGELOG.md initial commit post-separation 2023-11-27 12:17:08 -06:00
fourmolu.yaml Forms are nice. Formatting 2023-12-04 09:57:53 -06:00
hyperbole.cabal documentation. changed liveApp interface down to 1 2024-05-15 11:41:07 -07:00
LICENSE initial commit post-separation 2023-11-27 12:17:08 -06:00
package-lock.json counter example 2024-05-15 09:23:02 -07:00
package.yaml documentation. changed liveApp interface down to 1 2024-05-15 11:41:07 -07:00
README.md lazy 2024-05-15 13:09:48 -07:00


Create dynamic HTML applications in server-side Haskell. Inspired by HTMX

Obligatory Counter Example

page :: (Hyperbole :> es, Concurrent :> es) => TVar Int -> Page es Response
page var = do
  hyper $ counter var

  load $ do
    n <- readTVarIO var
    pure $ col (pad 20 . gap 10) $ do
      el h1 "Counter"
      viewId Counter (viewCount n)

data Counter = Counter
  deriving (Show, Read, Param)
instance HyperView Counter where
  type Action Counter = Count

data Count
  = Increment
  | Decrement
  deriving (Show, Read, Param)

counter :: (Hyperbole :> es, Concurrent :> es) => TVar Int -> Counter -> Count -> Eff es (View Counter ())
counter var _ Increment = do
  n <- modify var $ \n -> n + 1
  pure $ viewCount n
counter var _ Decrement = do
  n <- modify var $ \n -> n - 1
  pure $ viewCount n

viewCount :: Int -> View Counter ()
viewCount n = col (gap 10) $ do
  row id $ do
    el (bold . fontSize 48 . border 1 . pad (XY 20 0)) $ text $ pack $ show n
  row (gap 10) $ do
    button Increment Style.btn "Increment"
    button Decrement Style.btn "Decrement"


Single Page Applications require us to write two programs: a Javascript client and a Server-side API. Hyperbole instead allows us to write a single Haskell program which runs exclusively on the server. All user interactions are sent to the server for processing, and a sub-section of the page is updated with the resulting HTML.

There are frameworks that support this in various languages, including HTMX, Phoenix LiveView, and others. Hyperbole has the following advantages

  1. 100% Haskell
  2. Type safe pages, views, actions and routes
  3. Fast updates over sockets using virtual DOM
  4. Fall-back to HTTP

An example Page

Hyperbole applications direct URL patterns to different Pages. We use a load handler to create the entire page.

module Page.Messages where
import Web.Hyperbole

page :: (Hyperbole :> es) => Page es Response
page = do
  load $ do
    pure $ col (gap 10) $ do
      el h1 "Hello World"

Our top-level Page can be divided up into unique Views

page :: (Hyperbole :> es) => Page es Response
page = do
  load $ do
    pure $ col (gap 10) $ do
      el h1 "My Page"
      viewId (Message 1) $ messageView "Hello"
      viewId (Message 2) $ messageView "World"

data Message = Message Int
  deriving (Show, Read, Param)

messageView :: Text -> View Message ()
messageView msg = do
  el_ msg

Views associate interactions from UI elements with Actions. We specify a server-side handler for Actions which returns new HTML. Actions can perform side effects, like reading and writing data to a database.

page :: (Hyperbole :> es) => Page es Response
page = do
  hyper message
  load $ do

data Message = Message Int
  deriving (Show, Read, Param)
instance HyperView Message where
  type Action Message = MessageAction

data MessageAction = SetMessage Text
  deriving (Show, Read, Param)

message :: (Hyperbole :> es, MessageDatabase :> es) => Message -> MessageAction -> Eff es ()
message (Message n) (SetMessage msg) =
  send $ SaveMessage msg
  pure $ messageView msg

messageView :: Text -> View Message ()
messageView msg = col (gap 10) $ do
  el_ "Current Message"
  el_ msg
  button (SetMessage "A new message") id "Set Message"

When the user clicks the button, the server runs the message handler, which returns new HTML. Only the view containing the button is updated via virtual DOM, while the rest of the page remains the same

Combining multiple pages into an application

Create a sum type to specify routes

import Page.Messages qualified as Messages

data AppRoute
  = Main
  | Messages
  deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Route)

Write a router function that maps routes to pages

router :: Hyperbole :> es => AppRoute -> Eff es Response
router Messages = page Messages.page
router Main = do
  view $ do
    el_ "click a link below to visit a page"
    route Messages id "Messages"

Create a WAI application from your router by specifying a function to turn page fragments into full web pages on first load. Make sure to include the embedded javascript

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import Network.Wai
import Data.String.Interpolate (i)
import Web.Hyperbole (..., scriptEmbed, cssResetEmbed)

app :: Application
app = do
  liveApp toDocument $ routeRequest router

toDocument :: BL.ByteString -> BL.ByteString
toDocument cnt =
      <title>My Application</title>
      <script type="text/javascript">#{scriptEmbed}</script>
      <style type type="text/css">#{cssResetEmbed}</style>

Finally, run your application with Warp

import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp

main :: IO ()
main = Warp.run 3000 app


The example directory contains an example application with multiple pages demonstrating different features. To run them locally, clone this repository and use cabal run


Routing, WAI application, running the program


Basics, State with a TVar


Custom data effects, multiple views, targeting other views, loading indicators

CSS Transitions

Animate transitions using only CSS



store data on the client with a session


Redirecting to other pages. See Main as well

Lazy Loading and Polling

Run an action after a delay for lazy loading or polling. See Main as well


Render server errors