Andreas Fuchs 42cbe751a8
Fix running & building under macOS (Big Sur) (#9)
* Add xcbuild as native build input 2 ways & pass --verbose to cargo build

* Make "deploy" build on macOS

* Bump the nixpkgs version to one that ships Rust 1.47, which can
  produce binaries under macOS 11 (Big Sur).

* Use darwin-specific options that let Naersk build the "deploy"
  binary under macOS. (With a work-around for, which prevents this
  from being much more straight-forward).

Unfortunately, the "activate" binary can't be built under macOS due to
the inotify dependency; that means the best we can do is to run the
deploy under macOS, not deploy *to* macOS.
2020-11-24 22:11:15 -07:00

83 lines
2.0 KiB

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