Change hSetEncoding to choose best encoding

The previous version of hSetEncoding would always set UTF-8.
This can screw things up if it is accidentally called, for example,
on a terminal handle or a handle in binary mode.

Change it to use `hSetBestUtf8Enc` internally so that it now follows the
same loginc in determining the encoding to set.
This commit is contained in:
Kirill Elagin 2020-02-16 21:46:33 -05:00
parent 7b33f6743b
commit 934251c90c

View File

@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ module System.IO.Utf8
import Control.Exception.Safe (MonadMask, bracket)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Functor (void)
import GHC.IO.Encoding (mkTextEncoding, textEncodingName, utf8)
import System.IO (stderr, stdin, stdout)
import qualified System.IO as IO
type EncRestoreAction = IO.Handle -> IO ()
type EncRestoreAction m = IO.Handle -> m ()
-- | Sets the best available UTF-8-compatible encoding for the handle.
-- Returns the action that will restore the previous one.
@ -46,14 +47,14 @@ type EncRestoreAction = IO.Handle -> IO ()
-- If the handle is not attached to a terminal, sets UTF-8.
-- Otherwise, keeps its current encoding, but augments it to transliterate
-- unsupported characters.
hSetBestUtf8Enc :: IO.Handle -> IO EncRestoreAction
hSetBestUtf8Enc h = IO.hGetEncoding h >>= \case
hSetBestUtf8Enc :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> m (EncRestoreAction m)
hSetBestUtf8Enc h = liftIO $ IO.hGetEncoding h >>= \case
Nothing -> pure (\_ -> pure ())
Just enc -> do
isTerm <- IO.hIsTerminalDevice h
enc' <- chooseBestEnc isTerm enc
IO.hSetEncoding h enc'
pure $ flip IO.hSetEncoding enc
pure $ liftIO . flip IO.hSetEncoding enc
chooseBestEnc False _ = pure utf8
chooseBestEnc True enc@(textEncodingName -> name)
@ -74,13 +75,23 @@ withUtf8StdHandles action =
withConfiguredHandle h = bracket (hSetBestUtf8Enc h) ($ h) . const
-- | A shortucut for setting handle encoding to UTF-8.
-- | Set handle encoding to the best possible.
-- @
-- hSetEncoding h = System.IO.hSetEncoding h GHC.IO.Endoding.utf8
-- @
-- It is safe to call this function on any kind of handle whatsoever.
-- * If the handle is in binary mode, it will do nothing.
-- * If the handle is a terminal, it will use the same encoding, but switch
-- it to Unicode approximation mode so it won't throw errors on invalid
-- byte sequences, but instead try to approximate unecodable characters
-- with visually similar encodable ones.
-- * For regular files it will always choose UTF-8, of course.
-- You probably shouldn't be using this function. If you open the file
-- yourself, use 'openFile' (or, even better, 'withFile') instead.
-- If you get the handle from somewhere else, use 'hWithEncoding',
-- which will restore the previous encoding when you are done.
hSetEncoding :: MonadIO m => IO.Handle -> m ()
hSetEncoding = liftIO . flip IO.hSetEncoding utf8
hSetEncoding = liftIO . void . hSetBestUtf8Enc
-- | Like @openFile@, but sets the file encoding to UTF-8, regardless