[#64] Implement copy/paste protection checks

Problem: Currently xrefcheck is not able to detect possible bad
copy-pastes, when some links are referring the same file, but
from the link names it seems that one of
those links should refer other file.

Solution: Implement check, add corresponding settings to the config.
This commit is contained in:
Yuri Romanowski 2022-12-13 13:49:52 +05:00
parent 82e7292bde
commit 44f21e50cb
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 9244B9434C595CCA
12 changed files with 277 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import Xrefcheck.Scan
import Xrefcheck.Scanners.Markdown (markdownSupport)
import Xrefcheck.System (askWithinCI)
import Xrefcheck.Util
import Xrefcheck.Verify (reportVerifyErrs, verifyErrors, verifyRepo)
import Xrefcheck.Verify (reportCopyPasteErrors, reportVerifyErrs, verifyErrors, verifyRepo)
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO Config
readConfig path = fmap (normaliseConfigFilePaths . overrideConfig) do
@ -81,11 +81,12 @@ defaultAction Options{..} = do
whenJust (nonEmpty $ sortBy (compare `on` seFile) scanErrs) $ reportScanErrs
verifyRes <- allowRewrite showProgressBar $ \rw -> do
(verifyRes, copyPasteErrors) <- allowRewrite showProgressBar $ \rw -> do
let fullConfig = config
{ cNetworking = addNetworkingOptions (cNetworking config) oNetworkingOptions }
verifyRepo rw fullConfig oMode oRoot repoInfo
whenJust (nonEmpty copyPasteErrors) reportCopyPasteErrors
case verifyErrors verifyRes of
Nothing | null scanErrs -> fmtLn "All repository links are valid."
Nothing -> exitFailure

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@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ data ScannersConfig' f = ScannersConfig
, scAnchorSimilarityThreshold :: Field f Double
-- ^ On 'anchor not found' error, how much similar anchors should be displayed as
-- hint. Number should be between 0 and 1, larger value means stricter filter.
, scCopyPasteCheckEnabled :: Field f Bool
-- ^ Whether copy-paste check is enabled globally.
} deriving stock (Generic)
makeLensesWith postfixFields ''Config'
@ -94,6 +96,9 @@ overrideConfig config
, scAnchorSimilarityThreshold =
fromMaybe (scAnchorSimilarityThreshold defScanners)
$ scAnchorSimilarityThreshold (cScanners config)
, scCopyPasteCheckEnabled =
fromMaybe (scCopyPasteCheckEnabled defScanners)
$ scCopyPasteCheckEnabled (cScanners config)

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@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ scanners:
# This affects which anchors are generated for headers.
flavor: #s{flavor}
# Whether copy-paste check is enabled globally.
copyPasteCheckEnabled: True
ignoreLocalRefsFrom :: NonEmpty Text

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ instance FromJSON Flavor where
-- We keep this in text because scanners for different formats use different
-- representation of this thing, and it actually appears in reports only.
newtype Position = Position (Maybe Text)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic)
deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord)
instance Given ColorMode => Buildable Position where
build (Position pos) = case pos of
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ data Reference = Reference
, rAnchor :: Maybe Text
-- ^ Section or custom anchor tag.
, rPos :: Position
} deriving stock (Show, Generic)
} deriving stock (Show, Generic, Eq, Ord)
-- | Context of anchor.
data AnchorType

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@ -26,20 +26,33 @@ module Xrefcheck.Verify
, verifyReference
, checkExternalResource
-- * Copypaste check
, checkCopyPaste
, CopyPasteCheckResult (..)
-- * URI parsing
, parseUri
-- * Reporting errors
, reportVerifyErrs
, reportCopyPasteErrors
) where
import Universum
import Control.Concurrent.Async (Async, async, cancel, poll, wait, withAsync)
import Control.Exception (AsyncException (..), throwIO)
import Control.Exception.Safe (handleAsync, handleJust)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError (..))
import Data.Bits (toIntegralSized)
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
import Data.List (lookup)
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Reflection (Given)
import Data.Text (toCaseFold)
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Text.Metrics (damerauLevenshteinNorm)
import Data.Time (UTCTime, defaultTimeLocale, formatTime, readPTime, rfc822DateFormat)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime)
@ -66,10 +79,6 @@ import Text.URI (Authority (..), ParseExceptionBs, URI (..), mkURIBs)
import Time (RatioNat, Second, Time (..), ms, sec, threadDelay, timeout, (+:+), (-:-))
import URI.ByteString qualified as URIBS
import Control.Exception.Safe (handleAsync, handleJust)
import Data.Bits (toIntegralSized)
import Data.List (lookup)
import Data.Text (toCaseFold)
import Xrefcheck.Config
import Xrefcheck.Core
import Xrefcheck.Orphans ()
@ -255,6 +264,21 @@ instance Given ColorMode => Buildable VerifyError where
data CopyPasteCheckResult = CopyPasteCheckResult
{ crFile :: FilePath,
crOriginalRef :: Reference,
crCopiedRef :: Reference
} deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance (Given ColorMode) => Buildable CopyPasteCheckResult where
build CopyPasteCheckResult {..} =
In file #{styleIfNeeded Faint (styleIfNeeded Bold crFile)}
is possibly a bad copy paste of
:: Given ColorMode => NonEmpty (WithReferenceLoc VerifyError) -> IO ()
reportVerifyErrs errs = fmt
@ -265,6 +289,17 @@ reportVerifyErrs errs = fmt
Invalid references dumped, #{length errs} in total.
:: Given ColorMode => NonEmpty CopyPasteCheckResult -> IO ()
reportCopyPasteErrors errs = fmt
=== Possible copy/paste errors ===
#{interpolateIndentF 2 (interpolateBlockListF' "" build errs)}
Possible copy/paste errors dumped, #{length errs} in total.
data RetryAfter = Date UTCTime | Seconds (Time Second)
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
@ -355,7 +390,7 @@ verifyRepo
-> VerifyMode
-> FilePath
-> RepoInfo
-> IO (VerifyResult $ WithReferenceLoc VerifyError)
-> IO (VerifyResult $ WithReferenceLoc VerifyError, [CopyPasteCheckResult])
@ -363,24 +398,32 @@ verifyRepo
repoInfo'@(RepoInfo files _)
= do
let toScan = do
(file, fileInfo) <- M.toList files
let filesToScan = flip mapMaybe (M.toList files) $ \(file, fileInfo) -> do
guard . not $ matchesGlobPatterns root (ecIgnoreRefsFrom cExclusions) file
case fileInfo of
Scanned fi -> do
ref <- _fiReferences fi
return (file, ref)
NotScannable -> empty -- No support for such file, can do nothing.
NotAddedToGit -> empty -- If this file is scannable, we've notified
Just (file, fi)
NotScannable -> Nothing -- No support for such file, can do nothing.
NotAddedToGit -> Nothing -- If this file is scannable, we've notified
-- user that we are scanning only files
-- added to Git while gathering RepoInfo.
toCheckCopyPaste = map (second _fiReferences) filesToScan
toScan = concatMap (\(file, fileInfo) -> map (file,) $ _fiReferences fileInfo) filesToScan
copyPasteErrors = if scCopyPasteCheckEnabled cScanners
then [ res
| (file, refs) <- toCheckCopyPaste,
res <- checkCopyPaste file refs
else []
progressRef <- newIORef $ initVerifyProgress (map snd toScan)
accumulated <- loopAsyncUntil (printer progressRef) do
forConcurrentlyCaching toScan ifExternalThenCache $ \(file, ref) ->
verifyReference config mode progressRef repoInfo' root file ref
case accumulated of
(, copyPasteErrors) <$> case accumulated of
Right res -> return $ fold res
Left (exception, partialRes) -> do
-- The user has hit Ctrl+C; display any verification errors we managed to find and exit.
@ -412,6 +455,41 @@ verifyRepo
ExternalLoc -> CacheUnderKey rLink
_ -> NoCaching
checkCopyPaste :: FilePath -> [Reference] -> [CopyPasteCheckResult]
checkCopyPaste file refs = do
let getLinkAndAnchor x = (rLink x, rAnchor x)
groupedRefs =
L.groupBy ((==) `on` getLinkAndAnchor) $
sortBy (compare `on` getLinkAndAnchor) refs
concatMap checkGroup groupedRefs
checkGroup :: [Reference] -> [CopyPasteCheckResult]
checkGroup refsInGroup = do
let mergeLinkAndAnchor ref = maybe (rLink ref) (rLink ref <>) $ rAnchor ref
let refsInGroup' = flip map refsInGroup $ \ref ->
(ref, (prepareNameForCheck $ rName ref,
prepareNameForCheck $ mergeLinkAndAnchor ref))
-- Most of time this will be Nothing and we won't need `others`.
-- The first matching link will be shown as original.
let mbSubstrRef = fst <$> find (textIsLinkSubstr . snd) refsInGroup'
others = fst <$> filter (not . textIsLinkSubstr . snd) refsInGroup'
maybe [] (\substrRef -> map (CopyPasteCheckResult file substrRef) others) mbSubstrRef
textIsLinkSubstr :: (Text, Text) -> Bool
textIsLinkSubstr (prepName, prepLink) = prepName `isSubSeq` prepLink
prepareNameForCheck :: Text -> Text
prepareNameForCheck = T.toLower . T.filter isAlphaNum
isSubSeq :: Text -> Text -> Bool
isSubSeq "" _str = True
isSubSeq _que "" = False
isSubSeq que str
| qhead == shead = isSubSeq qtail stail
| otherwise = isSubSeq que stail
where (qhead, qtail) = T.splitAt 1 que
(shead, stail) = T.splitAt 1 str
shouldCheckLocType :: VerifyMode -> LocationType -> Bool
shouldCheckLocType mode locType
| isExternal locType = shouldCheckExternal mode

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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
{- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
module Test.Xrefcheck.CopyPasteCheckSpec where
import Universum
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (Assertion, testCase, (@?=))
import Xrefcheck.Core
import Xrefcheck.Verify
assertUnordered :: (Show a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> Assertion
assertUnordered = (@?=) `on` sort
testPath :: FilePath
testPath = "test-path"
test_copyPasteCheck :: TestTree
test_copyPasteCheck = testGroup "Copypaste check"
[ testCase "Detect copypaste error if there is a link with a matching name" $ do
let link = "./first-file"
anchor = Just "heading"
differentAnchor = Nothing
defPos = Position Nothing
original1 = Reference "_- First - - File" link anchor defPos
original2 = Reference "_- First - fi - le" link anchor defPos
notCopied = Reference " Link 2 " link differentAnchor defPos
copied1 = Reference " foo bar" link anchor defPos
copied2 = Reference " Baz quux" link anchor defPos
input = [original1, original2, notCopied, copied1, copied2]
res = checkCopyPaste testPath input
expectedRes =
-- only first matching link is shown in the output
[ CopyPasteCheckResult testPath original1 copied1
, CopyPasteCheckResult testPath original1 copied2
res `assertUnordered` expectedRes
, testCase "Succeed if there is not link with a matching name" $ do
let link = "./first-file"
anchor = Just "heading"
defPos = Position Nothing
original1 = Reference "_Foo bar" link anchor defPos
original2 = Reference " Baz quux" link anchor defPos
original3 = Reference " Foo qubarx" link anchor defPos
input = [original1, original2, original3]
res = checkCopyPaste testPath input
expectedRes = []
res @?= expectedRes
, testCase "Check external links" $ do
let link = "https://github.com"
anchor = Nothing
defPos = Position Nothing
original = Reference "github" link anchor defPos
copied = Reference "gitlab" link anchor defPos
input = [original, copied]
res = checkCopyPaste testPath input
expectedRes =
[ CopyPasteCheckResult testPath original copied
res @?= expectedRes

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ test_ignoreRegex = give WithoutColors $
verifyRes <- allowRewrite showProgressBar $ \rw ->
verifyRepo rw config verifyMode root $ srRepoInfo scanResult
let brokenLinks = pickBrokenLinks verifyRes
let brokenLinks = pickBrokenLinks $ fst verifyRes
let matchedLinks =
[ "https://bad.referenc/"

View File

@ -56,3 +56,6 @@ scanners:
# This affects which anchors are generated for headers.
flavor: GitHub
# Whether copy-paste check is enabled globally.
copyPasteCheckEnabled: True

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
load '../helpers/bats-support/load'
load '../helpers/bats-assert/load'
load '../helpers/bats-file/load'
load '../helpers'
@test "Check possible copy-paste errors and copy-paste annotations " {
to_temp xrefcheck
assert_diff expected.gold

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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
=== Possible copy/paste errors ===
➥ In file second-file.md
reference (relative) at src:13:1-29:
- text: "Lol Kek"
- link: ./first-file.md
- anchor: -
is possibly a bad copy paste of
reference (relative) at src:7:1-34:
- text: "First file"
- link: ./first-file.md
- anchor: -
➥ In file second-file.md
reference (relative) at src:14:1-30:
- text: "Baz quux"
- link: ./first-file.md
- anchor: -
is possibly a bad copy paste of
reference (relative) at src:7:1-34:
- text: "First file"
- link: ./first-file.md
- anchor: -
➥ In file second-file.md
reference (relative) at src:24:1-29:
- text: "fdw"
- link: ./first-file.md
- anchor: chor
is possibly a bad copy paste of
reference (relative) at src:23:1-32:
- text: "ff-cho"
- link: ./first-file.md
- anchor: chor
➥ In file second-file.md
reference (external) at src:29:1-28:
- text: "gitlab"
- link: https://github.com
- anchor: -
is possibly a bad copy paste of
reference (external) at src:28:1-28:
- text: "github"
- link: https://github.com
- anchor: -
Possible copy/paste errors dumped, 4 in total.
All repository links are valid.

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
# heading
# anch
# chor

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@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
[ First file ](./first-file.md)
<!-- This one is not reported because anchor is not the same -->
[ Link 3](./first-file.md#heading)
<!-- And these ones are checked and reported -->
[ Lol Kek](./first-file.md)
[ Baz quux](./first-file.md)
<!-- These ones are not reported because none of link -->
<!-- names is a subsequence of a link -->
[ asd](./first-file.md#anch)
[ fdw](./first-file.md#anch)
<!-- These ones are reported because -->
<!-- ff-cho is a subsequence of link+anchor -->
[ ff-cho](./first-file.md#chor)
[ fdw](./first-file.md#chor)
<!-- check external links -->