[#139] Ignore build-related files

Problem: At the moment, we're using the ignored option for mainly 2
purposes: 1) to ignore all files in the `.git` folder (`.git/**/*`) to
ignore all build-related temporary files (the default config ignores
`.stack-work/**/*`). A more robust alternative might be to ignore all
files implicitly ignored by git.

Solution: Use `git ls-files` to ignore all files implicitly ignored by git.
This commit is contained in:
Sergey Gulin 2022-09-26 15:34:13 +10:00
parent c2aad89227
commit bfbe20a5b0
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 67CBDE9BE7E6399B
22 changed files with 283 additions and 175 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ steps:
- "result/bin/*"
- command: nix run -f ci.nix xrefcheck-static -c xrefcheck --ignored 'tests/**/*'
- command: nix run -f ci.nix xrefcheck-static -c xrefcheck --ignored 'tests/markdowns/**/*' --ignored 'tests/golden/**/*'
label: Xrefcheck itself
- label: lint

View File

@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ Unreleased
as broken (with message `Link targets a local file outside repository`).
Same for links that are using directories outside repository (e.g. `/../repo/a.md`),
since such things are not supported by GitHub markdown renderer.
* [#174](https://github.com/serokell/xrefcheck/pull/174)
+ Make xrefcheck only scan files that are tracked by git.
+ Fixed bug where links to ignored files were valid.
+ Fixed bug where links with trailing slashes were invalid.

View File

@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ Both relative and absolute local links are supported out of the box.
At the moment of writing, the listed solutions don't support ftp/ftps links.
## Dependencies [](#xrefcheck)
Xrefcheck requires you to have `git` version 2.18.0 or later in your PATH.
## Usage [](#xrefcheck)
We provide the following ways for you to use xrefcheck:

View File

@ -82,7 +82,6 @@ library:
- containers
- cmark-gfm >= 0.2.5
- data-default
- directory-tree
- directory
- dlist
- exceptions
@ -99,6 +98,7 @@ library:
- mtl
- o-clock
- optparse-applicative
- process
- regex-tdfa
- req
- tagsoup

View File

@ -17,12 +17,7 @@ defConfigUnfilled =
# Glob patterns describing files which we pretend do not exist
# (so they are neither analyzed nor can be referenced).
# Git files
- .git/**/*
# Stack files
- .stack-work/**/*
ignored: []
# Verification parameters.

View File

@ -122,8 +122,13 @@ makeLenses ''FileInfo
instance Default FileInfo where
def = diffToFileInfo mempty
newtype RepoInfo = RepoInfo (Map FilePath FileInfo)
deriving stock (Show)
-- | All tracked files and directories.
data RepoInfo = RepoInfo
{ riFiles :: Map FilePath (Maybe FileInfo)
-- ^ Files from the repo with `FileInfo` attached to files that we can scan.
, riDirectories :: Set FilePath
-- ^ Tracked directories.
} deriving stock (Show)
-- Instances
@ -171,7 +176,8 @@ instance Given ColorMode => Buildable FileInfo where
instance Given ColorMode => Buildable RepoInfo where
build (RepoInfo m) = blockListF' "" buildFileReport (M.toList m)
build (RepoInfo m _) =
blockListF' "" buildFileReport (mapMaybe sequence $ M.toList m)
buildFileReport (name, info) = mconcat
[ colorIfNeeded Cyan $ fromString name <> ":\n"

View File

@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ module Xrefcheck.Scan
import Universum
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), genericParseJSON)
import Data.Foldable qualified as F
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Reflection (Given)
import Fmt (Buildable (..), nameF, (+|), (|+))
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import System.Directory.Tree qualified as Tree
import System.FilePath (dropTrailingPathSeparator, equalFilePath, takeDirectory, takeExtension)
import System.FilePath
(dropTrailingPathSeparator, equalFilePath, splitDirectories, takeDirectory, takeExtension, (</>))
import System.Process (cwd, readCreateProcess, shell)
import Xrefcheck.Core
import Xrefcheck.Progress
@ -107,6 +108,31 @@ specificFormatsSupport formats = \ext -> M.lookup ext formatsMap
, extension <- extensions
-- | Process files that are tracked by git and not ignored by the config.
:: forall a. TraversalConfig
-> (FilePath -> IO a)
-> FilePath
-> IO [(FilePath, a)]
readDirectoryWith config scanner root =
traverse scanFile
. filter (not . isIgnored)
. fmap (location </>)
. L.lines =<< readCreateProcess (shell "git ls-files"){cwd = Just root} ""
scanFile :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, a)
scanFile = sequence . (normaliseWithNoTrailing &&& scanner)
isIgnored :: FilePath -> Bool
isIgnored = matchesGlobPatterns root $ tcIgnored config
-- Strip leading "." and trailing "/"
location :: FilePath
location =
if root `equalFilePath` "."
then ""
else dropTrailingPathSeparator root
:: MonadIO m
=> Rewrite -> FormatsSupport -> TraversalConfig -> FilePath -> m ScanResult
@ -116,36 +142,33 @@ scanRepo rw formatsSupport config root = do
when (not $ isDirectory root) $
die $ "Repository's root does not seem to be a directory: " <> root
_ Tree.:/ repoTree <- liftIO $ Tree.readDirectoryWithL processFile root
let (errs, fileInfos) = gatherScanErrs &&& gatherFileInfos
$ dropSndMaybes . F.toList
$ Tree.zipPaths $ location Tree.:/ repoTree
return . ScanResult errs $ RepoInfo (M.fromList fileInfos)
isDirectory = readingSystem . doesDirectoryExist
gatherScanErrs = foldMap (snd . snd)
gatherFileInfos = map (bimap normaliseWithNoTrailing fst)
(errs, fileInfos) <- liftIO
$ (gatherScanErrs &&& gatherFileInfos)
<$> readDirectoryWith config processFile root
let dirs = fromList $ foldMap (getDirs . fst) fileInfos
return . ScanResult errs $ RepoInfo (M.fromList fileInfos) dirs
isDirectory :: FilePath -> Bool
isDirectory = readingSystem . doesDirectoryExist
-- Get all directories from filepath.
getDirs :: FilePath -> [FilePath]
getDirs = scanl (</>) "" . splitDirectories . takeDirectory
:: [(FilePath, Maybe (FileInfo, [ScanError]))]
-> [ScanError]
gatherScanErrs = fold . mapMaybe (fmap snd . snd)
:: [(FilePath, Maybe (FileInfo, [ScanError]))]
-> [(FilePath, Maybe FileInfo)]
gatherFileInfos = map (second (fmap fst))
processFile :: FilePath -> IO $ Maybe (FileInfo, [ScanError])
processFile file = do
let ext = takeExtension file
let mscanner = formatsSupport ext
if isIgnored file
then pure Nothing
else forM mscanner ($ file)
dropSndMaybes l = [(a, b) | (a, Just b) <- l]
isIgnored = matchesGlobPatterns root $ tcIgnored config
-- The context location of the root.
-- This is done by removing the last component from the path.
-- > root = "./folder/file.md" ==> location = "./folder"
-- > root = "./folder/subfolder" ==> location = "./folder"
-- > root = "./folder/subfolder/" ==> location = "./folder"
-- > root = "./folder/subfolder/./" ==> location = "./folder/subfolder"
-- > root = "." ==> location = ""
-- > root = "/absolute/path" ==> location = "/absolute"
-- > root = "/" ==> location = "/"
location =
if root `equalFilePath` "."
then ""
else takeDirectory $ dropTrailingPathSeparator root
forM mscanner ($ file)

View File

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ import Network.HTTP.Req
HttpMethod, NoReqBody (..), defaultHttpConfig, ignoreResponse, req, runReq, useURI)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Header (hRetryAfter)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status, statusCode, statusMessage)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath (makeRelative, normalise, splitDirectories, takeDirectory, (</>))
import System.FilePath
(equalFilePath, joinPath, makeRelative, normalise, splitDirectories, takeDirectory, (</>))
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec qualified as ReadPrec (lift)
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text (Regex, regexec)
import Text.URI (Authority (..), ParseExceptionBs, URI (..), mkURIBs)
@ -260,13 +260,16 @@ verifyRepo
repoInfo'@(RepoInfo repoInfo)
repoInfo'@(RepoInfo files _)
= do
let toScan = do
(file, fileInfo) <- M.toList repoInfo
(file, fileInfo) <- M.toList files
guard . not $ matchesGlobPatterns root vcNotScanned file
ref <- _fiReferences fileInfo
case fileInfo of
Just fi -> do
ref <- _fiReferences fi
return (file, ref)
Nothing -> empty -- no support for such file, can do nothing
progressRef <- newIORef $ initVerifyProgress (map snd toScan)
@ -312,7 +315,7 @@ verifyReference
(RepoInfo repoInfo)
(RepoInfo files dirs)
@ -417,11 +420,30 @@ verifyReference
unless (isVirtual referredFile) do
checkReferredFileIsInsideRepo referredFile
checkReferredFileExists referredFile
case M.lookup referredFile repoInfo of
case lookupFilePath referredFile $ M.toList files of
Nothing -> pass -- no support for such file, can do nothing
Just referredFileInfo -> whenJust mAnchor $
checkAnchor referredFile (_fiAnchors referredFileInfo)
lookupFilePath :: FilePath -> [(FilePath, Maybe FileInfo)] -> Maybe FileInfo
lookupFilePath fp = snd <=< find (equalFilePath (expandIndirections fp) . fst)
-- expands ".." and "."
-- expandIndirections "a/b/../c" = "a/c"
-- expandIndirections "a/b/c/../../d" = "a/d"
-- expandIndirections "../../a" = "../../a"
-- expandIndirections "a/./b" = "a/b"
-- expandIndirections "a/b/./../c" = "a/c"
expandIndirections :: FilePath -> FilePath
expandIndirections = joinPath . reverse . expand 0 . reverse . splitDirectories
expand :: Int -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
expand acc ("..":xs) = expand (acc+1) xs
expand acc (".":xs) = expand acc xs
expand 0 (x:xs) = x : expand 0 xs
expand acc (_:xs) = expand (acc-1) xs
expand acc [] = replicate acc ".."
checkReferredFileIsInsideRepo file = unless
(noNegativeNesting $ makeRelative root file) $
throwError (LocalFileOutsideRepo file)
@ -439,11 +461,17 @@ verifyReference
nestingChange _ = 1
checkReferredFileExists file = do
let fileExists = readingSystem $ doesFileExist file
let dirExists = readingSystem $ doesDirectoryExist file
unless (fileExists || dirExists) $
throwError (LocalFileDoesNotExist file)
matchesFilePath :: FilePath -> Bool
matchesFilePath = equalFilePath $ expandIndirections file
fileExists :: Bool
fileExists = any matchesFilePath $ M.keys files
dirExists :: Bool
dirExists = any matchesFilePath dirs
checkAnchor file fileAnchors anchor = do
checkAnchorReferenceAmbiguity file fileAnchors anchor

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ test_tooManyRequests = testGroup "429 response tests"
verifyReferenceWithProgress reference progRef = do
fmap wrlItem <$> verifyReference
((cVerification $ defConfig GitHub) { vcIgnoreRefs = [] }) FullMode
progRef (RepoInfo M.empty) "." "" reference
progRef (RepoInfo M.empty mempty) "." "" reference
-- | When called for the first time, returns with a 429 and `Retry-After: @retryAfter@`.
-- Subsequent calls will respond with @status@.

View File

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ test_slash = testGroup "Trailing forward slash detection" $
testCase ("All the files within the root \"" <>
root <>
"\" should exist") $ do
(ScanResult _ (RepoInfo repoInfo)) <- allowRewrite False $ \rw ->
(ScanResult _ (RepoInfo repoInfo _)) <- allowRewrite False $ \rw ->
scanRepo rw format TraversalConfig{ tcIgnored = [] } root
nonExistentFiles <- lefts <$> forM (keys repoInfo) (\filePath -> do
predicate <- doesFileExist filePath

View File

@ -2,12 +2,7 @@
# Glob patterns describing files which we pretend do not exist
# (so they are neither analyzed nor can be referenced).
# Git files
- .git/**/*
# Stack files
- .stack-work/**/*
ignored: []
# Verification parameters.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bats
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
load '../helpers/bats-support/load'
load '../helpers/bats-assert/load'
load '../helpers/bats-file/load'
load '../helpers'
@test "Git: not a repo" {
run xrefcheck
assert_output --partial "fatal: not a git repository"
@test "Git: file not tracked" {
git init
echo "[a](/a.md)" >> "git.md"
run xrefcheck
assert_output --partial "All repository links are valid."
@test "Git: file tracked, check failure" {
git init
echo "[a](./a.md)" >> "git.md"
git add git.md
to_temp xrefcheck
assert_diff - <<EOF
=== Invalid references found ===
➥ In file git.md
bad reference (relative) at src:1:1-11:
- text: "a"
- link: ./a.md
- anchor: -
⛀ File does not exist:
Invalid references dumped, 1 in total.

View File

@ -37,5 +37,47 @@ load '../helpers'
@test "Ignore file with broken xrefcheck annotation: directory, check failure" {
to_temp xrefcheck --ignored ./to-ignore/inner-directory/
assert_diff expected.gold
assert_diff - <<EOF
=== Scan errors found ===
➥ In file to-ignore/inner-directory/broken_annotation.md
scan error at src:9:1-30:
⛀ Annotation "ignore file" must be at the top of markdown or right after comments at the top
Scan errors dumped, 1 in total.
@test "Ignore referenced file, check error" {
to_temp xrefcheck --ignored referenced-file.md
assert_diff - <<EOF
=== Scan errors found ===
➥ In file to-ignore/inner-directory/broken_annotation.md
scan error at src:9:1-30:
⛀ Annotation "ignore file" must be at the top of markdown or right after comments at the top
Scan errors dumped, 1 in total.
=== Invalid references found ===
➥ In file check-ignored.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:7:1-37:
- text: "Good reference"
- link: /referenced-file.md
- anchor: -
⛀ File does not exist:
Invalid references dumped, 1 in total.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
[Good reference](/referenced-file.md)

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
=== Scan errors found ===
➥ In file ./to-ignore/inner-directory/broken_annotation.md
scan error at src:9:1-30:
⛀ Annotation "ignore file" must be at the top of markdown or right after comments at the top
Scan errors dumped, 1 in total.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
referenced file

View File

@ -14,11 +14,8 @@
Currently our behavior is wrong, see https://github.com/serokell/xrefcheck/issues/195

View File

@ -10,17 +10,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:18:1-26:
- text: "slash-file-rel"
- link: d2f2.md/
- anchor: -
⛀ File does not exist:
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:30:1-43:
bad reference (relative) at src:27:1-43:
- text: "bad-file-rel"
- link: ../a/b/c/unexisting-file.md
- anchor: -
@ -30,7 +20,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:31:1-31:
bad reference (relative) at src:28:1-31:
- text: "bad-casing-file-rel"
- link: D2F2.md/
- anchor: -
@ -40,7 +30,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:32:1-32:
bad reference (relative) at src:29:1-32:
- text: "bad-casing-folder-rel"
- link: ../DIR2
- anchor: -
@ -50,7 +40,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:34:1-38:
bad reference (relative) at src:31:1-38:
- text: "bad-anchor-rel-1"
- link: d2f2.md
- anchor: bad-anchor
@ -59,7 +49,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:35:1-49:
bad reference (relative) at src:32:1-49:
- text: "bad-anchor-rel-2"
- link: unexisting-file.md
- anchor: bad-anchor
@ -69,7 +59,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:45:1-22:
bad reference (absolute) at src:42:1-22:
- text: "file-abs-2"
- link: /d1f1.md
- anchor: -
@ -79,7 +69,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:46:1-27:
bad reference (absolute) at src:43:1-27:
- text: "file-abs-3"
- link: /dir2/d2f2.md
- anchor: -
@ -89,7 +79,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:47:1-32:
bad reference (absolute) at src:44:1-32:
- text: "file-abs-4"
- link: /./dir2/../d1f1.md
- anchor: -
@ -99,7 +89,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:48:1-37:
bad reference (absolute) at src:45:1-37:
- text: "file-abs-slash"
- link: /./dir2/../d1f1.md/
- anchor: -
@ -109,7 +99,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:49:1-55:
bad reference (absolute) at src:46:1-55:
- text: "anchor-abs-3"
- link: /./dir2/../d1f1.md
- anchor: existing-anchor-d1f1
@ -119,7 +109,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:60:1-16:
bad reference (absolute) at src:57:1-16:
- text: "A"
- link: /../../a.md
- anchor: -
@ -129,7 +119,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:61:1-18:
bad reference (absolute) at src:58:1-18:
- text: "B"
- link: /b/../../b.md
- anchor: -
@ -138,4 +128,4 @@
Invalid references dumped, 14 in total.
Invalid references dumped, 13 in total.

View File

@ -10,17 +10,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:18:1-26:
- text: "slash-file-rel"
- link: d2f2.md/
- anchor: -
⛀ File does not exist:
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:30:1-43:
bad reference (relative) at src:27:1-43:
- text: "bad-file-rel"
- link: ../a/b/c/unexisting-file.md
- anchor: -
@ -30,7 +20,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:31:1-31:
bad reference (relative) at src:28:1-31:
- text: "bad-casing-file-rel"
- link: D2F2.md/
- anchor: -
@ -40,7 +30,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:32:1-32:
bad reference (relative) at src:29:1-32:
- text: "bad-casing-folder-rel"
- link: ../DIR2
- anchor: -
@ -50,7 +40,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:34:1-38:
bad reference (relative) at src:31:1-38:
- text: "bad-anchor-rel-1"
- link: d2f2.md
- anchor: bad-anchor
@ -59,7 +49,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:35:1-49:
bad reference (relative) at src:32:1-49:
- text: "bad-anchor-rel-2"
- link: unexisting-file.md
- anchor: bad-anchor
@ -69,7 +59,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:39:1-29:
bad reference (absolute) at src:36:1-29:
- text: "file-abs-1"
- link: /dir1/./d1f1.md
- anchor: -
@ -79,7 +69,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:40:1-21:
bad reference (absolute) at src:37:1-21:
- text: "folder-abs-1"
- link: /dir1
- anchor: -
@ -89,7 +79,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:41:1-30:
bad reference (absolute) at src:38:1-30:
- text: "folder-abs-2"
- link: /dir1/dir2/../
- anchor: -
@ -99,7 +89,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:42:1-58:
bad reference (absolute) at src:39:1-58:
- text: "anchor-abs-1"
- link: /dir1/../dir1/d1f1.md
- anchor: existing-anchor-d1f1
@ -109,7 +99,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:43:1-73:
bad reference (absolute) at src:40:1-73:
- text: "anchor-abs-2"
- link: /dir1/dir2/../../dir1/./dir2/d2f2.md
- anchor: existing-anchor-d2f2
@ -119,17 +109,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:48:1-37:
- text: "file-abs-slash"
- link: /./dir2/../d1f1.md/
- anchor: -
⛀ File does not exist:
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:54:1-42:
bad reference (relative) at src:51:1-42:
- text: "path-through-top-dir"
- link: ../../dir1/d1f1.md
- anchor: -
@ -139,7 +119,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:55:1-75:
bad reference (relative) at src:52:1-75:
- text: "path-through-top-dir-with-anchor"
- link: ../../dir1/d1f1.md
- anchor: existing-anchor-d1f1
@ -149,7 +129,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:56:1-26:
bad reference (relative) at src:53:1-26:
- text: "ref-to-d0"
- link: ../../d0f1.md
- anchor: -
@ -159,7 +139,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:60:1-16:
bad reference (absolute) at src:57:1-16:
- text: "A"
- link: /../../a.md
- anchor: -
@ -169,7 +149,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:61:1-18:
bad reference (absolute) at src:58:1-18:
- text: "B"
- link: /b/../../b.md
- anchor: -
@ -178,4 +158,4 @@
Invalid references dumped, 18 in total.
Invalid references dumped, 16 in total.

View File

@ -10,17 +10,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:18:1-26:
- text: "slash-file-rel"
- link: d2f2.md/
- anchor: -
⛀ File does not exist:
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:30:1-43:
bad reference (relative) at src:27:1-43:
- text: "bad-file-rel"
- link: ../a/b/c/unexisting-file.md
- anchor: -
@ -30,7 +20,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:31:1-31:
bad reference (relative) at src:28:1-31:
- text: "bad-casing-file-rel"
- link: D2F2.md/
- anchor: -
@ -40,7 +30,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:34:1-38:
bad reference (relative) at src:31:1-38:
- text: "bad-anchor-rel-1"
- link: d2f2.md
- anchor: bad-anchor
@ -49,7 +39,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:35:1-49:
bad reference (relative) at src:32:1-49:
- text: "bad-anchor-rel-2"
- link: unexisting-file.md
- anchor: bad-anchor
@ -59,7 +49,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:39:1-29:
bad reference (absolute) at src:36:1-29:
- text: "file-abs-1"
- link: /dir1/./d1f1.md
- anchor: -
@ -69,7 +59,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:40:1-21:
bad reference (absolute) at src:37:1-21:
- text: "folder-abs-1"
- link: /dir1
- anchor: -
@ -79,7 +69,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:41:1-30:
bad reference (absolute) at src:38:1-30:
- text: "folder-abs-2"
- link: /dir1/dir2/../
- anchor: -
@ -89,7 +79,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:42:1-58:
bad reference (absolute) at src:39:1-58:
- text: "anchor-abs-1"
- link: /dir1/../dir1/d1f1.md
- anchor: existing-anchor-d1f1
@ -99,7 +89,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:43:1-73:
bad reference (absolute) at src:40:1-73:
- text: "anchor-abs-2"
- link: /dir1/dir2/../../dir1/./dir2/d2f2.md
- anchor: existing-anchor-d2f2
@ -109,17 +99,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (absolute) at src:48:1-37:
- text: "file-abs-slash"
- link: /./dir2/../d1f1.md/
- anchor: -
⛀ File does not exist:
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:54:1-42:
bad reference (relative) at src:51:1-42:
- text: "path-through-top-dir"
- link: ../../dir1/d1f1.md
- anchor: -
@ -129,7 +109,7 @@
➥ In file dir1/dir2/d2f1.md
bad reference (relative) at src:55:1-75:
bad reference (relative) at src:52:1-75:
- text: "path-through-top-dir-with-anchor"
- link: ../../dir1/d1f1.md
- anchor: existing-anchor-d1f1
@ -138,4 +118,4 @@
Invalid references dumped, 14 in total.
Invalid references dumped, 12 in total.

View File

@ -1,42 +1,43 @@
=== Scan errors found ===
➥ In file ./check-scan-errors.md
➥ In file check-scan-errors.md
scan error at src:9:1-30:
⛀ Annotation "ignore file" must be at the top of markdown or right after comments at the top
➥ In file ./check-scan-errors.md
➥ In file check-scan-errors.md
scan error at src:13:1-36:
⛀ Expected a PARAGRAPH after "ignore paragraph" annotation, but found HEADING
➥ In file ./check-scan-errors.md
➥ In file check-scan-errors.md
scan error at src:17:1-31:
⛀ Expected a LINK after "ignore link" annotation
➥ In file ./check-scan-errors.md
➥ In file check-scan-errors.md
scan error at src:21:1-50:
⛀ Unrecognised option "unrecognised-annotation" perhaps you meant <"ignore link"|"ignore paragraph"|"ignore file">
➥ In file ./check-second-file.md
➥ In file check-second-file.md
scan error at src:9:1-30:
⛀ Annotation "ignore file" must be at the top of markdown or right after comments at the top
➥ In file ./no_link_eof.md
➥ In file no_link_eof.md
scan error at src:9:1-31:
⛀ Expected a LINK after "ignore link" annotation
➥ In file ./no_paragraph_eof.md
➥ In file no_paragraph_eof.md
scan error at src:9:1-36:
⛀ Expected a PARAGRAPH after "ignore paragraph" annotation, but found EOF

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ let
src = (import ./ci.nix).project-src;
pkgs = if linux-static then nixpkgs.pkgsCross.musl64 else if windows then nixpkgs.pkgsCross.mingwW64 else nixpkgs;
project = pkgs.haskell-nix.stackProject {
src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit { src = ./.; };
src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit { src = ./.; keepGitDir = true; };
modules = [{
packages.xrefcheck = {
ghcOptions =
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ let
testFlags = [ "--ftp-host" "ftp://localhost:2221" ];
xrefcheck-tests.build-tools = [ pkgs.git ];