[#121] Improve help message of --mode command line option

Problem: The help message of the `--mode` option doesn't say which modes
are supported. The only way for a user to find that out is to
purposefully call `--mode` with a garbage value, and then xrefcheck will
complain about it and print the list of supported modes.

Solution: Improve the help message to display the list of supported
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Diogo Castro 2022-07-22 17:25:24 +01:00
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@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Options.Applicative
(Parser, ReadM, command, eitherReader, execParser, flag, flag', footerDoc, fullDesc, help, helper,
hsubparser, info, infoOption, long, metavar, option, progDesc, short, strOption, switch, value, auto,
OptionFields, Mod)
(Mod, OptionFields, Parser, ReadM, auto, command, eitherReader, execParser, flag, flag',
footerDoc, fullDesc, help, helpDoc, helper, hsubparser, info, infoOption, long, metavar, option,
progDesc, short, strOption, switch, value)
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty (Doc, displayS, fill, fillSep, indent, renderPretty, text)
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty qualified as Pretty
import Paths_xrefcheck (version)
import Xrefcheck.Config (VerifyConfig (..))
@ -39,19 +40,29 @@ import Xrefcheck.Util (normaliseWithNoTrailing)
modeReadM :: ReadM VerifyMode
modeReadM = eitherReader $ \s ->
case find ((== s) . fst) modes of
Just (_, mode) -> Right mode
case find (\mi -> miName mi == s) modes of
Just mi -> Right $ miMode mi
Nothing -> Left . mconcat $ intersperse "\n"
[ "Unknown mode " <> show s <> "."
, "Allowed values: " <> mconcat (intersperse ", " $ map (show . fst) modes)
modes =
[ ("local-only", LocalOnlyMode)
, ("external-only", ExternalOnlyMode)
, ("full", FullMode)
, "Allowed values: " <> mconcat (intersperse ", " $ map (show . miName) modes)
data ModeInfo = ModeInfo
{ miName :: String
, miMode :: VerifyMode
, miHelpText :: String
modes :: [ModeInfo]
modes =
[ ModeInfo "local-only" LocalOnlyMode
"Verify only references to local files."
, ModeInfo "external-only" ExternalOnlyMode
"Verify only external references (e.g. http or ftp URLs)."
, ModeInfo "full" FullMode
"Verify all references."
data Command
= DefaultCommand Options
| DumpConfig Flavor FilePath
@ -137,10 +148,12 @@ optionsParser = do
long "mode" <>
metavar "KEYWORD" <>
value FullMode <>
help "Which parts of verification to invoke. \
\You can enable only verification of repository-local references, \
\only verification of external references or both. \
\Default mode: full."
( Just $ Pretty.vsep $
(modes <&> \mi -> fromString $ miName mi <> ": " <> miHelpText mi)
[ "Default mode: full."]
oVerbose <- switch $
short 'v' <>
long "verbose" <>