Sergey Gulin a99005d731
[#156] Make all config options optional
Problem: In #126 we made the `ignoreRefs` option required (to match the
other options). However, having it optional is better for
backwards-compatibility and to help users migrate to newer xrefcheck

Solution: Make all config options optional.
2022-09-24 05:51:39 +10:00

85 lines
2.9 KiB

-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
module Test.Xrefcheck.FtpLinks
( ftpOptions
, test_FtpLinks
) where
import Universum
import Data.Tagged (Tagged, untag)
import Options.Applicative (help, long, strOption)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, askOption, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool, assertFailure, testCase, (@?=))
import Test.Tasty.Options as Tasty (IsOption (..), OptionDescription (Option), safeRead)
import Xrefcheck.Config (Config' (cVerification), VerifyConfig, VerifyConfig' (vcIgnoreRefs), defConfig)
import Xrefcheck.Core (Flavor (GitHub))
import Xrefcheck.Verify
(VerifyError (..), VerifyResult (VerifyResult), checkExternalResource, verifyErrors)
-- | A list with all the options needed to configure FTP links tests.
ftpOptions :: [OptionDescription]
ftpOptions =
[ Tasty.Option (Proxy @FtpHostOpt)
-- | Option specifying FTP host.
newtype FtpHostOpt = FtpHostOpt Text
deriving stock (Show, Eq)
instance IsOption FtpHostOpt where
defaultValue = FtpHostOpt "ftp://localhost"
optionName = "ftp-host"
optionHelp = "[Test.Xrefcheck.FtpLinks] FTP host without trailing slash"
parseValue v = FtpHostOpt <$> safeRead v
optionCLParser = FtpHostOpt <$> strOption
( long (untag (optionName :: Tagged FtpHostOpt String))
<> help (untag (optionHelp :: Tagged FtpHostOpt String))
config :: VerifyConfig
config = (cVerification $ defConfig GitHub) { vcIgnoreRefs = [] }
test_FtpLinks :: TestTree
test_FtpLinks = askOption $ \(FtpHostOpt host) -> do
testGroup "Ftp links handler"
[ testCase "handles correct link to file" $ do
let link = host <> "/pub/file_exists.txt"
result <- checkExternalResource config link
result @?= VerifyResult []
, testCase "handles empty link (host only)" $ do
let link = host
result <- checkExternalResource config link
result @?= VerifyResult []
, testCase "handles correct link to non empty directory" $ do
let link = host <> "/pub/"
result <- checkExternalResource config link
result @?= VerifyResult []
, testCase "handles correct link to empty directory" $ do
let link = host <> "/empty/"
result <- checkExternalResource config link
result @?= VerifyResult []
, testCase "throws exception when file not found" $ do
let link = host <> "/pub/file_does_not_exists.txt"
result <- checkExternalResource config link
case verifyErrors result of
Nothing ->
assertFailure "No exception was raised, FtpEntryDoesNotExist expected"
Just errors ->
assertBool "Expected FtpEntryDoesNotExist, got other exceptions"
(any (
FtpEntryDoesNotExist _ -> True
ExternalFtpException _ -> True
_ -> False
) $ toList errors)